The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 710: Do you want to be so coincident?

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Xiao Heng did not explain anything, and let Li Yuling pour tea for him.

The meal was fast for two people.

Almost the speed solved the battle.

After eating, the two returned to the car with their bags, took a short break, and drove away.

Xiao Heng drove, and Li Yuling was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, knocking non-stop while holding his notebook.

Open and open, Xiao Heng saw the Land Rover following him from the mirror.

Xiao Heng just glanced at the other party's car lightly, stepped on the accelerator under his foot, and rushed out with a whistling noise.

Li Yuling followed his body, then looked up at Xiao Heng in surprise.

"Someone followed us." Xiao Heng did not look at Li Yuling, but he knew what Li Yuling was surprised, and explained a little: "Unnecessary trouble."

Li Yuling looked back immediately, and the Land Rover also got full throttle and followed.

Li Yuling laughed at the fancy front cover.

Xiao Heng also knew what Li Yuling was laughing, and said helplessly: "Really, going out will cause so much trouble."

"Who made our assistant Xiao Xiao so attractive?" Li Yuling took the initiative to joke: "It's no wonder people are so fascinated."

Xiao Heng laughed, and said to Li Yuling half-jokingly, "Would you be fascinated by you?"

Li Yuling's face became red with a brush, and turned his face quickly, not daring to look at Xiao Heng. Ai Ai could not say a word in the period.

"It seems that they have to follow us, it is better to tease them" Xiao Heng did not continue to tease Li Yuling, said: "Tonight we live in the wild"

"Ah" Li Yuling watched Xiao Heng deviate from the set route and turned towards a fork.

Navigation automatically matches the route.

If you go this way, you obviously have to go a long way.

However, Xiao Heng did this, probably it made sense.

Therefore, Li Yuling is very clever and silent.

Sure enough, Xiao Heng looked more and more satisfied with Li Yuling's eyes.

The car in the back really followed Xiao Heng's jeep.

Xiao Heng also slowed down slowly, as if he did not find the Land Rover behind him, driving slowly.

Walking this way, it's not right.

The asphalt road, which was originally smooth, quickly turned into a bumpy dirt road.

If Land Rover can turn around and return in time, it is actually too late.

However, this Land Rover is like Wang Ba eating scales, and the hard-hearted one wants to follow Xiao Heng's jeep, and it follows in this way.

Fortunately, whether it is Jeep or Land Rover. Are more durable.

This is going to be replaced by Yin Sichen’s sports cars

This kind of road, that is, off-road vehicles such as Jeep and Land Rover, can be held.

The two cars drove so silently in tandem.

The jeep in front is very calm.

Behind the land rover began to calm down.

The man sitting in the co-pilot couldn’t help but say to Jack Jack: “Jack, do we really have to follow? How do I think that man is dangerous now?”

Lin Jack, who was driving, stared at the jeep in front of him and replied: "I finally met the male god. Of course I couldn't give up so easily. Anyway, we came out for photography. Anything can be done. If you can take the male god. Photos, I just scrapped this car and I’m content

The friend sitting in the co-pilot looked outside with a horrified expression: "Hey, hello, you see, this is no way, why is he still going forward? It is not that he intends to deceive us into the old forest of the deep mountain, to us Conspiracy?"

"What are you afraid of? There are two people in the other side, and we are also two people." Lin Jack is still not reconciled: "And there is a woman in the other side. What are we two men afraid of?"

"Jack, you wake up. Although the other party has a woman, but the man puts us in a fist." The co-pilot's friend is a **** expression. Okay, it’s so scary here, it’s almost a death. We came out for photography, not to kill.”

"You know what is the ultimate beauty of a real man. I must take a picture of him," Jack Lin gritted his teeth and replied: "Can I succeed, can I win an award, it's all this time."

In the front jeep, Li Yuling has no way to work at all.

Because the car is really too powerful.

Li Yuling had to grasp the seat belt and had to squeeze the handle tightly, so that the dangling one was not thrown out.

Xiao Heng's driving skills are not mentioned.

On such a scum road, there is no one who can drive so fast.

The Land Rover behind is simply eating soil.

This way, the dust is overwhelming, it is almost overwhelming.

After shaking for more than an hour, it finally reached the end uphill

Yes, Xiao Heng took the Land Rover behind him and went up the mountain

As soon as Jeep stopped, Land Rover also stopped blankly.

This is what happened

Xiao Heng pushed open the door of the cab, jumped down, glanced at the following Land Rover, and said deliberately, "Ah, you are here to watch the stars"

Look at the stars

Jack Lin and his friends were completely dumbfounded and could not help but ask, "You are here to see the stars"

Xiao Heng replied with a smile: "Yeah, my girlfriend likes to watch the stars best, so I chose this place, because the air is fresh and there are no people living here, it is most suitable to watch the stars here. You too "

Just after Li Yuling got off the bus, he heard Xiao Heng say this and almost stumbled down to the bottom of the mountain.


How dare he say

Of course, just kidding

How could he be a boyfriend or a girlfriend?

Li Yuling's eyes flickered, but he walked to Xiao Heng's side very cooperatively and took the initiative to raise his arm: "Yeah, did you come here on vacation to watch the stars?"

Xiao Heng's arms are very, very strong, absolutely comparable to the muscles of any bodybuilder.

But his muscles are not as exaggerated and horrible as those specialized in bodybuilding. In fact, it feels quite good to the touch.

Xiao Heng watched Li Yuling cooperate with himself so much, he immediately grabbed Li Yuling's waist and continued to say to Lin Jack: "I didn't expect anyone but us to be interested in the starry sky here."

Jack Lin and his friend's mouth were bitter for a while.

What can they say

What else can they say

Lin Jack can only say dryly: "Yeah, it's really a coincidence."

Now that everyone is here, what else can I say

Xiao Heng immediately said: "Since everyone is so destined, let's watch together at night"

Jack Lin and his friend nodded with an expression of unrequited love, and they agreed.

But at this time, the sunset is beautiful and the sun is shining, which is really pretty.

Li Yuling immediately took out his mobile phone to take a picture for Gu Xixi to see.

When Xiao Heng saw Li Yuling sending pictures to Gu Xixi, his eyes flashed, and an unknown emotion flickered under his eyes.

Compared with Li Yuling's layman, Lin Jack directly carried the camera and camera together, put a tripod and started shooting.

At this time, Xiao Heng believed Lin Jack was really a photographer.

Lin Jack’s friend is called Xiaodou. Compared to the fancy Lin Jack, Xiaodou seems to be much normal, and is visually a straight man.

When Xiaodou filmed in Lin Jack, he would provide assistance next to it, which seems to be a role like an assistant.

Seeing Lin Jack taking pictures, Li Yuling was curious for a while, and ran over to see Lin Jack’s photos. Where did he know that Lin Jack covered the lens all at once and prevented Li Yuling from seeing it.

Li Yuling was embarrassed for a while: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Lin Jack's eyes flashed: "It's okay."

Of course he dare not show Li Yuling

Because he did not shoot the sunset at all, but Xiao Heng

Known by him, if he jacks a candid photo, it is estimated that the early rising sun will not be seen tomorrow

After the sun went down completely, Xiao Heng turned on the battery switch, and the whole mountain was illuminated.

However, within a few minutes, Xiao Heng built a double tent.

When Li Yuling saw Xiao Heng stuffing the sleeping bag of two people into the tent, he was a little bit stunned.

Tonight, don’t you want to sleep with him in a tent?

Xiao Heng saw Li Yuling's expression, smiled, and said, "The two didn't bring anything at all, so I gave them a tent. I'm sorry, I didn't inform you in advance. If you have any comments, I sleep in the car. Just fine."

"Ah, no, no" Li Yuling blurted out: "I don't mind"

After talking, Li Yuling suddenly reacted to what she had just said, and her cheeks were hot.

Xiao Heng didn't seem to hear anything, and smiled: "You can rest assured, I sleep very honestly."

Li Yuling quickly lowered his head.

She is not worried that he is not honest in sleeping, but that he is too honest

Everyone is a 30-year-old aa, not so hypocritical

Actually, she doesn’t mind coming to a, um, special relationship

Of course, such words can never be said.

Li Yuling could only bow his head noisily.

Xiao Heng smiled and looked up to Lin Jack and Xiaodou: "It is not time to cook dinner when the campfire is set up"

"Cough, cough, just a moment." Lin Jack and Xiaodou looked back in awkward manner: "Just soon."

Xiao Heng knew at a glance that the two had no experience of living in the wild, and immediately strode over, took the lighter from Lin Jack and said, "Let me come."

Xiao Heng's movements were quick, and a mess of chaotic wood was quickly sorted out and put together, leaving enough space for air to flow, igniting the lighter, throwing fuel into it, and a bonfire pile burning instantly. stand up. .Starting

"Hello," Xiaodou couldn't help but gave thumbs up to Xiao Heng.

Xiao Heng just smiled and didn't answer anything.

For him, this kind of thing is really nothing.

Lin Jack looked at Xiao Heng's eyes, becoming more and more hot.

The male **** really is the male god.

No matter what you do, it’s so easy and handsome.

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