The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 705: Those hidden feelings

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

"Isn't I justified a will three years ago?" Shang Ke said: "After notarizing the will, I went back to the Shang family and told them clearly that I officially gave up my inheritance and was completely separated from the Shang family's economy. Since then, I will not spend a penny from Shang Family, and I will not admit this child, so I will not have the right to inherit my property. Mao Shan found me and had to talk to me. I agreed, so We went to another place and plan to spread this matter well."

"I told her clearly that I would never marry. I would not marry her or marry someone else. Xixi, do you know who I saw?" Shang Ke looked up at Guxixi.

Gu Xixi shook his head blankly.

"I went to K City, and I met Mo Zixin." Shang Ke smiled bitterly: "In the world of love, only he can understand my mood best?"

Gu Xixi opened his mouth and said nothing.

"I was ignorant when I was young, and I missed too much. When I wanted to cherish it, I had lost that qualification." Shang Ke smiled and bitterly said: "I don't blame anyone, just blame myself. If at that time I can have the firmness now, maybe, it is not the end now. I suddenly understood what Qiao Qi said to me. Qiao Qi told me that if I want to achieve my wish, I would learn more from Yin Sichen. I don’t understand, I don’t think so. But now I understand what this sentence means.”

"When Sichen was with you, what he paid, in fact, I know very well. Yin Sichen can say that he gave you his life. It was because of his fierce determination that no one else forced him. I don’t step backwards, thus protecting you. But I really felt disapproved at that time. I felt that if Na was not as weak as you, she was so strong and so capable, she would certainly be able to withstand the pressure. I forgot, she No matter how strong and capable, she is just a woman, and she needs care."

"I was wrong, I was too arrogant! I thought she would be as firm as me, but I didn't know that my hesitation hurt her persistence and firmness again and again. When I lost, I realized How wrong I am." Shang Ke's eyes slightly moistened, looked up at the ceiling, and said with a sigh: "Mo Zixin is like me, we have missed too much. He may be more tragic than me. At least I still have more than ten years of memory with Ruo Na, and Mo Zixin has only regretted and unwilling to you for a lifetime..."

Gu Xixi lowered his head and said nothing.

"Mo Zixin asked me to tell you a word. He said that he was wrong in his previous life, so this life is destined to accept punishment. If there is another life, he will not let go." Shang Ke smiled and said: "He Say, he will know you earlier than Yin Sichen in his next life. Let you be prepared for the next life."

Gu Xixi smiled bitterly.

"He will never get married in his life." Shang Ke continued: "It was he who reminded me. Yeah, life doesn't have to be married. It's a painful thing to make a life with a woman who doesn't love at all. For us, wanting a child is actually a simple thing. If you just want an heir, it’s not that complicated. At that time, Mrs. Yin forced you to marry Si Chen, did you really think it was just for the child? ?Of course not! It's because of Yun Family."

"Although you at that time had nothing to do with the Yun family, but don't forget, how can you not remember Yun's appearance because of the relationship between Mrs. Yun and Mrs. Yin? Seeing you again, you will understand something "Shang Ke said:" Mrs. Yin has been in the Jiying camp all her life, and her thoughts have gone back and forth. She has to say that she is really visionary and chose the most suitable hostess for the Yin family."

"Mo Zixin said that he lost, and his grandmother died early, otherwise, the winner did not know who it was." Shang Ke laughed lightly: "Although I don't agree, but I have to Say, you and Si Chen are really a lot of fate and coincidence."

"He has a sentence that I agree with. If I am under pressure to marry Mao Shan, I am afraid it is the source of the tragedy. When you were with Si Chen, he did not like Lin Xiaoya very much, and you were taken by Zhao Zegang. Hurt, so you are together without any emotional resistance. And I am different, I can’t forget Ruona, any woman marrying me will be a tragedy. So I analyzed these words to Mao Shan."

"After hearing my analysis, Mao Shan said that she gave up the idea of ​​marrying me. After all, I gave up the right of inheritance and gave up the Shang family. She didn’t have any interest in entanglement. So she told me that her decision was to take We will dissolve the marriage when we lose the child." Shang Ke said with a bitter smile: "Then after a few days, she told me that it had been taken away, and then we did not alarm the outsiders and quietly dismissed the marriage. Unexpectedly, She actually lied to me!"

Gu Xixi said: "I didn't expect such a thing to happen between you. She chose to lie to you at that time, maybe she was afraid that you would not be reluctant, right? But she left this child, I can understand it. But I am very strange Why did she give her child full care and only appeared once a month? Did the Mao family ignore this child?"

Shang Ke asked, "Oh, what's this kid called?"

"Mao Xiaojin." Gu Xixi replied, "Now that you have seen this child, what are your plans?"

"Since this child is born, it can't be treated as if it never happened. Forget it, since Mao Shan doesn't care about this child, I will take care of it." Shang Ke said: "I will contact the Mao family to take over the child's custody. "

Gu Xixi nodded: "Alright. This child's eyes are always indifferent, and it looks really pitiful. It may be good to follow you."

"Okay. By the way, Ruona, how is she doing?" Shang Ke couldn't help but ask: "Is she okay?"

"Okay can't be any better." Gu Xixi smiled: "The two of us are just busy becoming gyros. The kid in her family basically has to forget where her home is. Eat, drink, and sleep together, even my mother can’t tell you to go back.”

Shang Ke couldn't help but laughed: "I heard someone say that your devil in your family is famously mischievous!"

"Hey, don't mention it, I thought I had another son." Gu Xixi had a headache and said, "Okay, you just came back, I won't pull you to say too much. Take the time and we're good Get together, Si Chen hasn't seen you for a long time."

"Okay. Then I will take the child back first." Shang Ke also stood up and said: "It seems that I really want to cultivate feelings with this child."

Gu Xixi asked people to bring the child over, crouched down and said to Mao Xiaojin: "Xiaojin, do you know who he is?"

Mao Xiaojin shook his head blankly: "He is your father, will you go home with him tonight?"

"Director, why should I go with him?" Mao Xiaojin bit his lip and said, "But mommy said, I don't have a father."

"Stupid boy, if you come alone in this world, there must be a father and mother. Your father, he... has been on a business trip abroad, just came back today, so you have never seen him." Gu Xixi explained patiently : "Your mother is very busy and you don't always have time to come to see you. Now that your father is back, how about going home with your father? Although someone in the school takes care of you, getting along with your family is different after all."

Mao Xiaojin looked at Shang Ke timidly: "Are you really my father?"

Shang Ke looked at him with complicated eyes and nodded gently.

Mao Xiaojin's eyes suddenly turned red: "Why do you never show up? Why do you never show up? Why don't you want me and mommy?"

"I... I'm sorry, I'm late." Shang Ke also crouched down and looked at Mao Xiaojin: "Xiaojin, I'm sorry, my father is late."

"No! You lied to me! You are not a dad!" Mao Xiaojin yelled, "Mommy said, I don't have a dad at all!"

Shang Ke sighed: "If you don't believe it, let's do a check to see if you are my child. If I am not, then..."

Gu Xixi raised his hand and stroked Mao Xiaojin's head and said: "Xiao Jin, the world of adults is very complicated, and I can't explain it to you for the time being. But you have a father."

It was at this time that Yin Yinuo jumped in and took the handsome men's legion from the outside, yelling while running: "Mommy, why did you bring Mao Xiaojin here? Huh? This uncle, you are Mao Xiaojin's father. Do you look like you!"

"Yin Yinuo!" Gu Xixi glared.

Yin Yinuo immediately shrunk his neck: "Ah, I said the wrong thing again? Then we are gone, and my slingshot is not finished today!"

"Come back! Call Uncle Shang." Gu Xixi had to train her daughter to be cost effective.

"Good Uncle Shang!" The five children lined up and called together.

"Hello." Shang Ke smiled.

I haven’t seen them in three years. These little things are so big.

Yin Yinuo looked at Mao Xiaojin and couldn't help but ask, "Mommy, is Mao Xiaojin a child of Uncle Shang?"

Gu Xixi sighed and nodded.

In the world of children, it is even more transparent!

Yin Yinuo said to Mao Xiaojin: "Although we are here on the first day of kindergarten today, we still like to be friends with you. Today, I'm sorry, I didn't expect to be involved in you."

Although Yin Yinuo is mischievous, there is at least some politeness.

"Uncle Shang, I'm sorry. I was in trouble today. The children in the whole kindergarten were affected by me. I will never dare again." Yin Yinuo said to Shang Ke: "I have apologized to other uncles and aunts, I hope Uncle Shang can forgive me."

"Sorry!" Five small dots apologized to Shang Ke.

Shang Ke smiled: "Well, knowing the mistakes can improve Mo Dayan."

"Yeah! Finally, the apology is over, let's go!" Yin Yinuo heard Shang Ke's words, his expression closed, and immediately ran out with the friends in full swing.

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