The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 703: Yin who claimed to be the second son of the Yin family

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

In the distance, a few small dolls came and saw Yin Yinuo, various small arms waving: "Sister Nuo Nuo, what are we playing today!"

Yin Yinuo looked at them with a stinky face: "Mu Ziyue! Jing Shaohuai! Mo Yumo said! What do you four call me?"

The four little cute girls looked at Yin Yinuo: "Sister Nuo, haven't you played enough yet? You are Miss Yin Jia! Of course we call you sister Nuo!"

Yin Yinuo proudly raised his head: "Wrong! From now on, you call me Nuo Brother! My Yin Yinuo will be our first handsome Yin family from today!"

"Why!" The four friends looked at Yin Yinuo puzzledly: "But you are clearly a girl!"

Yin Yinuo took out his slingshot and aimed at four of them: "Dare not call me Brother Nuo, I will hit you!"

At this time, Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao walked here while talking.

Yin Yuzhan, who was wearing the uniform of the elementary school of the Sandia Aristocratic College, was almost handsome and burst!

Compared with my dad's iceberg face, Yin Yuyan always smiled, and it was a sweeping face!

Fortunately, standing next to Gu Miao, who had the same value and crushed everything, otherwise, any male creature of the same age standing next to Yin Yuyan will be overshadowed by the comparison.

The four little ones saw Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao, and suddenly ran out with a strange cry: "Brother Yu Yan help, Brother Gu Miao help!"

Yin Yinuo really beating with a small slingshot!

Seeing that her little girl was bullying again, Yin Yuzhan couldn't help raising her hand and covering her eyes and said, "Gu Miao, take your wife back, our family can't afford it!"

Gu Miao laughed softly: "No way, Xiao Nuo's combat strength is too strong!"

Seeing the escape of the four short legs, the girl could not see it anymore. In the past, she picked up Yin Yinuo's collar and walked back.

Yin Yinuo was still not convinced to warn the four short legs: "Remember, call me Nuo brother, I will be the first handsome Yin family! I am handsome than my brother!"

Gu Miao couldn't help but shook his head and followed the footsteps of Yin Yuzhan.

As soon as he entered the house, Yin Yinuo went to the ground and went to Gu Xixi to complain: "Mommy, my brother bullied me again!"

Gu Xixi is busy preparing breakfast for the children in the kitchen: "Well, is it? You don’t bully others, others burn incense! The children nearby are all beaten up by you. Ask under five "Which one hasn't been beaten by you? The one who can bully you is probably your father!"

Xiao Wang went on maternity leave, so Aunt Zhang was in charge of Yin Yinuo's life.

Aunt Zhang came holding a pile of clothes: "Miss, we should change our clothes. Today is the first day of reporting to kindergarten. You must not wear a uniform!"

"But it's a skirt. The skirt is only worn by little girls! I'm so handsome. Of course I have to wear pants like my brother! Look! My brother is so handsome in pants. I don't want to wear a skirt!" Yin Yinuo kept Coquettish: "Mommy! People are more handsome than their elder brothers! How can they wear skirts! People need to wear pants!"

Gu Miao squatted down and reached out to pinch Yin Yinuo's nose: "Yes, yes, our Xiao Nuo is the most handsome, and the skirt is also the most handsome."

"You lied to me! Look at you and your brother, you are so handsome! It's so handsome to wear pants!" Yin Yinuo said stubbornly: "I don't want to wear skirts, I just want to wear pants!"

Gu Xixi couldn't take it anymore, and said to Aunt Zhang: "Forget it, whatever she does, find her pants."

"Yeah!" Yin Yinuo jumped happily after hearing her victory: "I'm finally going to be the first handsome in the Yin family!"

Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao shook their heads at the same time and sighed helplessly.

Gu Xixi looked at the four little things outside the door and smiled and said: "Come and find a promise so early! Have you eaten yet? Come in!"

Mu Ziyue, Jing Shaohuai and Mo Yumo heard Gu Xixi's words and came in happily. A few bodyguards stood outside the door, embarrassed: "Grandma Yin, I'm so embarrassed. Get in trouble!"

Gu Xixi waved his hand: "It's okay, these kids, they will go to school together sooner or later. It doesn't matter if you come to eat every day!"

That's right, Mu Ziyue is Mu Ruona and Hirayama Jiro's eldest son. Because it is a child, so with the name of Mu Ruona.

Jing Shaohuai is the eldest son of Mo Zixuan and Jing Rong.

Mo Yumo said that Mo Zixin's two twin sons.

Why are they here?

Ha ha ha, then still have to ask?

Of course, I followed Daddy's mommy as a guest in n City!

Otherwise, Yin Yinuo played that personality charm, although only three years old, but especially appealed to children of the same age.

Carrying a bird's nest with a slingshot every day, otherwise it is to drill holes with friends.

The Miss Qianjin of others' homes are all well-behaved in learning etiquette, piano, chess, painting and calligraphy.

Yin Yinuo is not.

That's right, her favorite thing is to go to the house to uncover tiles, climb trees and drill holes, and remove small objects!

Gu Xixi really broke her heart for this girl, and boiled her head!

Whatever method is used, it is not easy to use.

Her little friends are too powerful.

Often help cover.

Gu Xixi didn't check, and the thorns disappeared.

It's still easy to remember.

On one occasion, Gu Xixi changed the password for the door of the house in order to make herself reflect on the mistake at home.

As a result, the child took a small mirror and took pictures of Gu Xixi's movements, and then used the principle of mirror image to actually crack the new password!

Then, when Gu Xixi was ready to ask Yinuo if he had any introspection, he realized that there was no one in the room.

When I went out to ask, the bodyguard said that the lady took her friends to catch the turtle in the pond at home!

Let's talk about why the little friends like to play with Yin Yinuo.

Yin Yinuo will play!

The tricks you can't play with are other friends!

Fortunately, the Yin Family Mansion is large, otherwise, this group of children really do not know how to make trouble to the sky.

But Mrs. Yin guarded him, and Yin Yinuo went into trouble again at home, and Mrs. Yin did not tell Gu Xixi.

In one or two visits, no matter the nobles or civilians nearby, they like to play with Yin Yinuo.

The crying who was bullied by Yin Yinuo should also play with Yin Yinuo.

Therefore, Gu Xixi often saw a group of little fart children, fart and fart followed behind Yin Yinuo's butt, screamed by Nuo Ge...

Gu Xixi said it was a headache.

Suddenly I was very lucky. Fortunately, when I was not born, my son-in-law was given. Otherwise, who would dare to marry in the future!

This is simply the second Yun Zixiao!

Sure enough, when reporting to the kindergarten, Yin Yinuo made a very handsome kindergarten uniform, carrying a blue backpack, cutting Lisuo's handsome short hair, and appeared at the door of the kindergarten with four small followers.

"Wow!" The little girls in the kindergarten opened their mouths at the same time when they saw the five of them: "So handsome! Teachers and teachers, are they also classmates going to school together this year?"

The teacher glanced at Gu Xi and asked for help with a little embarrassment: didn't she say that Missy came to school? Why are there only young masters and no elder ladies?

Gu Xixi pushed Yin Yinuo a step forward, and Yin Yinuo did not be frightened. He greeted the kindergarten principal and teacher aloud: "Good principal, good teacher, beautiful girls, I am Yin Yinuo, from Today, I officially became a part of the kindergarten. Please take care of me!"

"Director?" The head of the kindergarten and the teachers are going to be confused!

Didn't you say it was Missy's?

This, this, this...

Gu Xixi explained with a headache: "Yes, she is Yin Yinuo. She thinks that she is more handsome than her brother, so she insists on wearing pants instead of skirts. Whatever she is doing, I was tossed all morning!"

Gu Xixi looked at the time and said, "Okay, the kid brought you, and you work hard."

"Wait, the chairman..." The dean of the kindergarten was anxious: "The other four?"

"Oh? They are here to play with them! It's okay, they all take babysitters and bodyguards, as long as you look after there is no danger." Gu Xixi explained, pointing at Mu Ziyue and Jing Shaohuai He said to Mo Yumo, "The four of you are playing here obediently, and no trouble is allowed, especially following Xiao Nuo!"

"Got it!" the four children answered in unison.

Gu Xixi left the kindergarten with satisfaction.

As for those five children who are not in trouble?

Oh hehehe, you are so naive!

Gu Xixi walked away, Yin Yinuo immediately carried a small bench and sat next to the most beautiful little girl in the class, and began to lift the girl: "You are the most beautiful girl in this class, I can follow you Are you sitting together?"

The little girl's face turned red.

Who said that children can't tell the difference between beauty and ugliness?

You stand up, I promise not to kill you!

"You... you are also handsome." The little girl looked at Yin Yinuo blushing: "You are the most handsome I have ever seen."

Yin Yinuo raised his eyebrows handsomely: "Really? In fact, I think so."

The little beauty blushes even more!

Mu Ziyue looked at Jing Shaohuai and Mo Yumo sadly and said, "Sister Nuo is so beautiful, what shall we do?"

Mo Yumo said, shaking his head, "I don't know. But Daddy told us that we can start faster than her!"

Mu Ziyue realized with Jing Shaohuai's face, and the four turned around and followed the sister.

The boys in the kindergarten looked at these five little handsomes indignantly. The kindergartens started to get close to the little beauties in the class as soon as they came.

I want to protest, but I dare not!

Five of them!

And the means of these five children's sisters are different.

Yin Yinuo took the little girl's hand and pretended to tell her fortune-telling: "Well, I think you will meet a Prince Charming in the future, tall and handsome..."

Mu Zi picked up the chin of the little beauty beside him and said, "I see me in your eyes..."

Jing Shaohuai waved his pen seriously, saying, "Don't move, I will draw your most beautiful moments and keep them forever..."

Mo Yumo said with a smile, to a group of little beauties: "Guess who we are and who is our brother? Guess the prize!..."

The little boys in the class cried and went to the teacher!

Ooo...too bully...

The female students in the class ignored them and turned around the five of them!

Ooooooooooooooooooooo hot!

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