The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 695: Wonderful ideas of the second and middle-aged youth

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mu Ruona was a little confused: "Ah?"

Where did she worry about Hirayama Jiro?

This is Japan!

This is Kobe!

This is the old nest of the Yamaguchi team!

This is the old den of the Pingshan family!

This is his old den of Hirayama Jiro!

What can he do?

Hirayama Jiro increased his tone: "I will be fine!"

Mu Ruona continued to commit ignorance: "Ah?!"

"I'm going out." Jiro Hirayama looked at Mu Ruona firmly: "You are waiting for me at home."

After saying this, Jiro Hirayama went out with a few reagents.

Mu Ruona sat on the sofa and hadn't recovered for a long time.

Is he... going to the appointment?

In front of yourself, to meet your ex?

Or his cousin's fiancee?

Then there was no explanation, so I left?

Mu Ruona blinked her eyes until she heard the sound of the gate closing, and was sure that Hirayama Jiro was really gone.

Mu Ruona grinned bitterly, which one made this noise?

There was a faint discomfort in my heart.

Well, it's uncomfortable, the old lady is uncomfortable, the old lady is very uncomfortable!

Hirayama Jiro, you bastard!

You go out to meet your ex, can you not be so straightforward, plus an innocent face!

What if you keep your old lady in communication with your ex, even if the other party tells you to go out, you go out?

Who are you old lady?

Mu Ruona went down the stairs angrily and was ready to go out.

Before she reached the door, someone stopped her: "Mrs. Two Young Lady, please stay."

"How?" Mu Ruona raised her eyebrows and looked at each other: "I can't go out yet?"

"The young master ordered that before he came back, please ask Madam Ershao to wait patiently at home." The other party said respectfully: "We are instructed to protect Grandma Ershao."

Mu Ruona was about to speak, and suddenly a picture appeared on the wall behind him.

As soon as Mu Ruona turned around, she saw a picture.

This picture is dynamic, that is, looking at the whole world from the perspective of one person.

Ok? What is this?

Why are there strange things everywhere in Hirayama Jiro's house?

When I last came to Japan for a wedding, I didn't notice that there are so many mysterious areas here.

The screen flickered, as if walking, and Hirayama Jiro's voice came over: "I'm going to see her now. She said she was waiting for me at a nearby hotel."

Mu Ruona's eyes widened at once!

What... what the **** is this?

The rhythm of the live broadcast?

Mu Ruona didn't want to go out, let people move a chair for themselves and sit there and watch slowly.

Hirayama Jiro's voice continued to come: "Hong Ji said that there are particularly important things to tell me, I thought about it, the most important thing is that I haven't given blood to Nana this month, so I can't give future children I made a specimen to commemorate. I must remember this thing today."

Mu Ruona has a black thread!

What follows what!

He hasn't given up drawing blood for himself as a specimen!

Hirayama Jiro's slightly stereotypical voice continued to sound: "Oh, the hotel is here."

Mu Ruona followed the other person's eyes, and it was indeed at the door of the hotel.

The smiling face of the welcoming little handsome boy at the door is large and vivid on the screen.

This is...the camera on Jiro Hirayama?

Is he shooting?

Live all the pictures?

He is going to broadcast the process of meeting with Inoue Hime?

Mu Ruona suddenly calmed down.

She seemed to understand the way of thinking of Hirayama Jiro.

Normal men either carry their wives to meet their first love, and then before the other party gets married, there is a beautiful taboo love... yes, there are always such plots in Japanese adult TV dramas.

Either tell your wife, and then say awkwardly that you will not go, and then go secretly.

Either it is silent, but it does not go either.

Either there was a silence or not.

However, Hirayama Jiro's thinking is this.

See, I told you where I am going and who I am going to see.

Then I will broadcast it to you to prove that I did not lie.

Look at me, what an honest boy!

What is the use of other people's vows?

I will show you live directly!

Only live broadcast is the most real!

I don't lie to you, neither do I coax you, nor do I hide you.

Watch live!

After Mu Ruona understood Hirayama Jiro's thoughts, she became more calm, and called herself a glass of juice by the way, watching Hirayama Jiro's live broadcast while drinking.

The camera shook and entered the elevator.

Soon, he stopped on a certain floor, and Hirayama Jiro quickly came to the door of a room and rang the doorbell.

Three seconds later, the door opened and a very beautiful woman stood at the door and said to the camera: "You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Huh." Hirayama Jiro answered with the word.

Two people entered the room, as seen in the lens range. This room is a very large suite.

Inoue Hongji had just taken a bath and only wore the hotel's nightwear, so he sat on the sofa and complained: "You are always so cold. If it was not because you were always so absent-minded at the time, how could I follow Pingshanchun Together?"

"Hmm." Jiro Hirayama is still an iceberg poker face, sitting opposite her; "What's the matter?"

He directly opened the door to see the problem, so that Inoue's eyes turned red instantly.

"Jiro, do you really miss me? Do you really feel sad? After all, we were unmarried couples at first!" Inoue looked at Jiro Hirayama with an incredible expression on his face: "You really don't mind at all Am I your sister-in-law?"

"Well," Hirayama Jiro replied, thinking for a while, and then replied: "Nana minded a little."

Mu Ruona, who was watching the video, spouted the juice in her mouth.

Immediately, a servant brought in towels and squatted down to clear the floor.

Mu Ruona continued to watch.

After Jiro Hirayama said this, Inoue's face turned a little ugly.

"However, Nana is very nice. She is very generous, she will pretend not to know our relationship." Hirayama Jiro continued: "This time you married your cousin, it's fine."

"Very good?" Inoue raised her voice in a high voice: "Nana? That's so close? That Chinese woman is so important in your heart?"

"Well, it's very important." Jiro Hirayama answered very solemnly and very seriously.

Mu Ruona listened to Hirayama Jiro's words and imagined his expression, but could not help but bend the corners of her mouth.

"How important? Is it more important than me?" Inoue Hongji suddenly shouted, "We have known each other for twenty years, how long have you known her?"

"It's more important than you." Jiro Hirayama answered very seriously: "I met her for 348 days and 4 hours."

Mu Ruona heard Hirayama Jiro's answer so seriously and couldn't help covering her mouth at once.

It turned out that he remembered so clearly!

Inoue’s mouth almost crooked!

"Tell me, what do you like about her?" Inoue Hiroshi leaned forward: "Is it better than me, bigger than my chest, or better than me?"

Hirayama Jiro seriously answered: "Yes, it looks better than you, bigger than you, better than you!"

Puff puff puff...... Now not only Mu Ruona sprayed the juice, but also those who are responsible for protecting Mu Ruona did not hold back, sprayed together.

Inoue Hongji can no longer maintain the expression on both of them.

Mu Ruona can see the strangely twisted face and incredible eyes of Inoue Inoue from the HD picture.

Inoue feels that there is a fire on his head!


Why has this man not been conscious yet?

Ah no, he will do it, but he will do it to other women!

She waited for so many years, but she couldn't wait, so she went to Pingshan Chunshang!

However, she has kept the fruits for so many years, and in the end, she even cheaper a Chinese woman?


Inoue Hongji's eyeballs turned, and she seemed to have an idea, and suddenly approached Hirayama Jiro.

"Why are you suddenly so close?" Hirayama Jiro took the initiative to distance himself: "Don't be too close to me, Nana will be upset."

Inoue Hongji pressed his eyes uncomfortably and said, "I will marry your cousin soon, and you really don't want to follow me..."

Seeing Hiroshi Inoue actively seduce Hirayama Jiro, Mu Ruona's hand put the cup on the table and snorted coldly: "Huh!"

Inoue Hongji said with temptation: "I haven't happened to your cousin yet, Jiro, don't you want to..."

"You are sick and need to take medicine." Jiro Hirayama suddenly became magical, took out a syringe from his pocket, and plunged into the vein of Hongji, and injected the liquid into Hongji without hesitation. Inside the body.

Inoue's face changed suddenly, and the whole person was as if mad, covering his neck and screaming in horror: "What did you inject me? God! You are dating me, why did you bring this kind of thing on your body! Hirayama Jiro, are you crazy? Am I...ah..."

Jiro Hirayama seemed to stretch his waist and said, "Ah, it's such a boring meeting! I'll go back and accompany Nana."

After saying this, Hirayama Jiro turned around and left the room. A door appeared in the camera, followed by a fierce flick, and he switched to the hotel corridor.

"This hotel is really good, the environment seems very good." Hirayama Jiro said leisurely to himself: "However, it is still not as comfortable as my home. It is my test tubes and Nana that are the most interesting."

Mu Ruona smiled inexplicably when he saw Hirayama Jiro's reaction.

Although he juxtaposed himself with his test tube, Mu Ruona was not upset at all.

On the contrary, the inexplicable heart warms.

It turned out that Jiro Hirayama used this method to reassure himself.

He is indeed a different man.

Gu Xixi's phone call came, and Mu Ruona quickly connected: "Xi Xi, is there something wrong?"

Gu Xixi said in amazement: "Huh? What happened to you there, making you feel so happy?"

Mu Ruona told Gu Xixi what happened just now.

Gu Xixi laughed for a long time before saying: "Your man is really different! Even the determination is so ingenious!"

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