The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 685: Wonderful niece

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

"What? He said it was true that he was married!" Mieko was suddenly upset: "But I'm in love with him!"

Mu Ruona gave Hirayama Jiro a look and asked him to solve this wonderful niece.

Hirayama Jiro has no one else, and he directly starts the mocking mode: "Just like you look like this, but also fancy people? If you look at Franklin, can he crawl out of the tomb and marry you?"

Mieko was choked fiercely.

Sure enough, the wicked still need to grind.

Hirayama Jiro frowned and said, "You have given me a stop over the past few days, and you are not allowed to make your aunt angry, otherwise I will get out of here! I will call home and let the elder brother send someone to take you back!"

"Don't, uncle! I don't want to go back!" Mieko was really afraid, and quickly came over and took Hirayama Jiro's arm to admit the error: "I was wrong, I really knew it was wrong! I swear I would not make my aunt really angry!" "

Mu Ruona shook her head and said, "Okay, the room is ready, you go to rest first, and you will be called when you eat later."

After sending Mieko, Mu Ruona asked Jiro Hirayama: "I said, why would the Hirayama family bring up such a daughter? What's going on with the elder brother's family?"

Hirayama Jiro explained the reason and said, "Mieko is my first sister-in-law. My current sister-in-law is the successor."

Mu Ruona stayed: "What do you mean?"

"My brother has been married twice, and the first sister-in-law gave birth to Mieko. Then she died. Then she married another one and kept coaxing Mieko, so she used to be like this." Jiro Hirayama replied: "Second The children born to the sister-in-law are very strict in their upbringing, and all follow the rules like the wooden man."

Mu Ruona seemed to be smelling something unusual and was interested, and asked, "Is this intentional killing?"

The so-called killing is to hold a person tall, and then fall down heavily, so that she will fall all over the place and never turn over.

"I don't know if it's killing me. Mieko grew up not actually growing up with her parents, but has been fostered outside. It was brought back to her home a few days ago." Hirayama said: "So, This child would be so ignorant, and without permission from the family, ran out of himself. If the few children of Dasao dare to do such a thing, it is estimated that they would have broken their legs and thrown themselves on the street to reflect."

Mu Ruona nodded, that's right.

The Pingshan family is a real celebrity.

Such a family will definitely have no rules.

But Megumi Hirayama becomes like this, does his in-law really care?

After all, it is also their granddaughter!

Does it mean that the Pingshan family has other plans?

So let the eldest daughter-in-law teach Mieko like this?

Although she is only 16 years old, is it really good to be so unfamiliar with the world?

Mu Ruona couldn't help but asked again: "Mike has become like this, does the family really care?"

"Why do you care?" Hirayama Jiro asked Mu Ruona: "Isn't it good to be free?"

Mu Ruona couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Why did she forget!

Hirayama Jiro is more lawless than Mieko!

Compared to when Hirayama Jiro was young and went to steal tombs to make specimens, Mieko would encourage others to derail him.

It is estimated that the Hirayama family is really fed up with Hirayama Jiro's middle-secondary patients, and ignores Mieko's middle-secondary patients.

Okay, how big is the two of the two patients touching together?

Mu Ruona said: "No, I have to say hello, my big niece is staring at her husband's husband!"

Sure enough, Gu Xixi heard that after Hirayama Jiro's niece fell in love with Xiao a, he almost got a stomachache when he laughed.

Hanging up the phone, Gu Xixi said to the confused Wang: "Xiaowang, you have a rival."

Xiao Wang's face was dazed: "Don't lie to me, young grandma. I know who Xiaoa is in my family. He has been the assistant to the president for so long. The temptations around him have gone a lot. He never messed up with me. When I got married, I was still a virgin."

Gu Xixiao laughed out of breath and said, "When Xiaoa went to Japan to do business this time, he met Miyako Hirayama's niece Hirayama when he came back. Mieko looked at Xiaoa at a glance and said everything. I want to marry him and then, irrespective of the consent of my family, I came to China without permission."

When Xiao Wang heard it, he laughed loudly: "It's okay, don't be afraid. I believe my little A's morality! Little A will never betray me."

While talking, Yin Sichen came back from outside.

"Why did you come back so early today?" Gu Xixi asked curiously: "Is everything done in the company done?"

Yin Sichen hugged Gu Xi as soon as he entered the door, and said, "There is a dinner in the evening, go clean it up and go with me."

"What dinner?" Gu Xixi asked curiously: "Is it grand or not?"

"Fortunately, go to Shang's house as a guest." Yin Sichen said with a smile: "Ms. Shang gave the invitation and said that she had an amazing baby and wanted to show it. It is said that Ruona also received the invitation."

Gu Xixi raised her eyes instantly: "Well? What do you mean? If Na is already married, Mrs. Shang is still worried?"

"Who knows?" Yin Sichen said with a smile: "You can ask if Ruona can go."

Gu Xixi did not talk nonsense and directly called Mu Ruona's phone: "Rona, I heard that you also received invitations from the Shang family? Would you like to go?"

"Go, why don't you go?" Mu Ruona smiled calmly: "If I don't go, isn't it a guilty conscience? Anyway, I'm married now, and it won't affect Shang Ke, no matter what she does , Will not affect me anymore. Since Mrs. Shang had a terrific baby, of course she had to open her eyes!"

This is Mu Ruona!

Never be afraid of challenges!

Gu Xixi hung up the phone and said to Yin Sichen: "I have to watch Rona tonight. She is pregnant now, but she can't be too excited."

"Okay." Yin Sichen nodded his head: "It is estimated that there will be more exciting things tonight."

Gu Xixi thought for a while, with Mrs. Shang's overbearing temperament, it was estimated that he had arranged another event such as blind date for Shang Ke.

Mrs. Shang is no better than Mrs. Jiang.

Mrs. Jiang respects her son's wishes very much.

And Mrs. Shang only wants her own daughter-in-law!

Gee, she is also looking forward to what kind of daughter-in-law she can pick!

Gu Xixi is too little to see Mrs. Shang!

When Gu Xixi accompanied Yin Sichen to Shang's house, Mu Ruona arrived early.

However, Mu Ruona did not bring Jiro Hirayama over, but came with Mieko Hirayama.

Gu Xixi's little Wang, his eyes fell on Mieko Hirayama.

This gunpowder smell is a bit strong.

As soon as Mu Ruona looked up, she saw Gu Xixi and immediately waved at Gu Xixi to greet Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi nodded at Mu Ruona, first went to say hello to Mrs. Shang, and then greeted everyone else before walking to Mu Ruona.

Mu Ruona said while eating, "This is my eldest niece, Mieko. Mieko, this is awesome, this is Xiao Wang, Xiao A's wife."

Mieko immediately stood up and said hello, "Sister Xixi, Sister Xiaowang."

Mu Ruona couldn't help rolling her eyes: "You call my aunt! You call her elder sister! Are we going to be separated? Is it auntie! Aunt Gu! Aunt Wang!"

Gu Xixi smiled at the same time as Xiao Wang.

Gu Xixi said with a smile: "I am more than a dozen years older than you, and called Auntie, I did say it."

Xiao Wang also said, "Yeah, we are not young anymore."

Mieko pursed her lips and said, "No! My aunt is no choice. After all, she is the uncle's wife. But you didn't marry us into our Pingshan house. If you call your aunt, am I not too young?"

Mieko is finally a long-headed person, and she didn’t say, if I call you aunts, how can I be with my uncle?

Gu Xixi sat in front of Mu Ruona and asked in a low voice: "What kind of treasure did Mrs. Shang get?

"Who knows?" Mu Ruona didn't care: "I just came to eat. I may be pregnant, and my recent appetite is particularly good."

Mieko looked east and west, looking unsettled.

Mu Ruona warned her: "No trouble!"

Mieko immediately promised: "I will never run into trouble! I just want to walk around!"

Mu Ruona happened to have something to say to Gu Xixi, and then nodded: "Don't go far, it will start officially in a while."

With Mu Ruona's consent, Mieko is like a wild horse that hangs away, whizzing away.

Xiao Wang knew that Mu Ruona had something to say to Gu Xixi, and immediately said, "I'll get you some food."

Gu Xixi nodded.

After Xiao Wang left, Mu Ruona said to Gu Xixi: "You also saw my niece? It is only sixteen years old, it is estimated that the chickens and dogs who are going to make trouble here are restless. Let Xiao Wang keep an eye on it, but don't make any mistakes. ."

Gu Xixi said with a smile: "Xiao Wang said, she is confident in Xiao A. In other words, this Mieko really has the style of her uncle!"

"Well, indeed. In terms of S2, the Japanese are always better than others." Mu Ruona said seriously: "I think the style of the adult version and the young version of the jump is revealed in their family."

Gu Xixi's impassive smile sprayed.

However, she even thought that Mu Ruona described it very appropriately!

Hirayama Jiro is an adult version of the jump, and Mieko Hirayama is a teenager version of the jump!

"In addition, say hello to you again." Mu Ruona looked at Gu Xixi calmly and said: "No matter what decision the Shang family makes tonight, don't be upset about me."

Gu Xixi's heart burst out: "Do you already know what?"

Mu Ruona smiled bitterly: "I also just learned that Shang Ke was calculated by his mother!"

Gu Xixi's eyes widened instantly: "What do you mean?"

"Remember how I was with Pingshan?" Mu Ruona continued to smile bitterly: "We were arrested in bed. Mrs. Shang felt that this trick was easy, so, just before you came, I had already caught Shang Ke had **** with a woman!"

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