The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 681: Fanwai: Mu Ruona and Shang Ke

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi nodded: "Also. The Shang family is not short of money! Just play with him."

Mu Ruona's eyes flashed, and she didn't say anything.

Farewell to Gu Xixi, Mu Ruona drove home.

When walking to the road, a silver-grey Ferrari sports car stopped Mu Ruona.

The window lowered, revealing Shang Ke's face: "Do you want a drink?"

Mu Ruona sighed: "Well, you lead the way."

Because of Mu Ruona's pregnancy, she couldn't drink any coffee she used to like.

Shang Ke ordered Mu Ruona a cup of milk tea and still ordered a cup of coffee.

The two people were seated, but they were speechless for a long time.

"I'm back." Shang Ke said dryly.

Mu Ruona sighed: "Why are you this? You don't have to live with yourself."

Shang Ke just laughed bitterly: "I thought I could let go, where I know, I can't do it at all."

Mu Ruona also followed with a bitter smile: "But I am married and pregnant. We can't go back."

"Yeah. I can't go back." Shang Ke's mood fell for a while, a trace of remorse and forbearance flashed on his handsome face.

"Nana, do you remember when we first met?" Shang Ke suddenly changed the subject.

"I don't remember." Mu Ruona bit her lip and chose to lie.

"Really? But, I still remember clearly..." Shang Ke sighed: "It's okay, don't mention it. This time in the cosmetics competition, we have become opponents, and I won't release water easily."

"We will do our best." Mu Ruona smiled proudly: "Although Dani was established late, it does not mean that it will be bullied!"

Shang Ke smiled softly: "Okay, I look forward to our King and King's duel."

At this meeting, the two actually did not say anything, they were silent.

I don’t know if I don’t know what to say, or if I know what to say but can’t say it.

Mu Ruona returned home and asked the servants to take a rest. She lay on the rocking chair alone and shook it gently.

This villa was bought by Mr. Hirayama for Jiro Hirayama and Mu Ruona.

Not far from Gu Xixi's villa, Gu Xixi moved into Yin's mansion after he married.

As the mistress of the Yin family, she can't live outside all the time.

Therefore, when Mu Ruona lived, Gu Xi's villa was idle.

This scenario is suitable for raising a baby.

At this time, Hirayama Jiro has not returned.

Mu Ruona was lying alone in the rocking chair, her eyes closed, and she was sleeping, but she kept thinking about the words Shang Ke said: "Do you remember the first time we wanted to see the scene?"

She said she couldn't remember.

That is a lie.

How could it be forgotten?

I'm afraid I will never forget it in this life.

Because the picture of the first meeting is so... unforgettable.

Mu Ruona's thoughts were instantly immersed in the memories.

It should have been more than ten years ago?

That year, she just took the college entrance examination...

Mu Ruona, who was only a teenager at the time, came home with a school bag in her high school uniform.

"My parents, I'm back." Mu Ruona shouted as soon as she opened the door: "My score is down, and the teacher said, there is absolutely no problem with the last one. Huh? Is there a guest at home?"

Mu Ruona looked at the probe and saw a handsome man with elegant clothes and elegant posture smiling at him.

Mu Ruona quickly straightened her body and asked curiously, "Are you?"

The other party smiled and replied: "Hello, I am a student of Professor Mu. My name is Shang Ke. Please meet me for the first time."

Mu Ruona's eyes opened in an instant: "What? You are Shang Ke! You are the one who turned upside down in my dad's mouth and was nagging a genius?"

Shang Ke smiled implicitly: "The teacher praised!"

"Praise your size! You blame you!" Mu Ruona did not intend to give him a good face!

If it wasn't for his achievements, he wouldn't be beaten by his dad every day!

Three years of my own poor high school!

It's a **** on earth!

Shang Ke looked blank: "Why blame me?"

"Who don't blame you?" Mu Ruona held her chest. "I blame you, my dad would have to report to economic management! I learned it, who will manage it?"

Although Mu Ruona is only a senior, she has already developed very well.

Coupled with her gorgeous facial features, an ordinary high school uniform, worn on her body, even unexpectedly wears the taste of uniform seduction.

Shang Ke looked at her chest, and her eyes deepened instantly.

Shang Ke forced his eyes away and coughed gently: "It doesn't matter, you can go to my company. You can manage whoever you want."

Before Mu Ruona spoke, she heard the voice of her mother: "Huh? What are you two standing at the door? Nana is back? Wash your hands and eat! Your father has been waiting for a long time!"

"Got it!" Mu Ruona stared at Shang Ke fiercely, strode forward deliberately, bumped Shang Ke, and knocked Shang Ke directly to the side.

Seeing Mu Ruona's childish behavior, Shang Ke suddenly laughed.

Sure enough, as soon as Mu Ruona sat down, Professor Mu asked her: "What's the score? Is there any hope for this? The economic management department's score this year is not expected to be low."

Economic management system, economic management system! It is also the Department of Economics and Management!

Why do you have to report to the Department of Economics and Management?

Mu Ruona glanced at Shang Ke, who was sitting opposite him, and slammed him before answering, "The teacher said, it's okay to have a proper line."

Professor Mu then let go of it and glanced at Shang Ke. "Nana will be your little sister in the future. You have to take care of her a lot."

"Yes, teacher." Shang Ke replied with a bright smile.

Mu Ruona sighed.

It’s a sad reminder of a father who is a university professor!

My future college life is miserable, miserable.

Under the supervision of my dad, I want to have a relationship with the seniors and juniors.

It might as well continue to high school!

Seeing Shang Ke smile so brilliantly, Mu Ruona felt angry and slowly raised her foot and stepped on Shang Ke's feet.

The smile on Shang Ke's face was stiff, and he quickly looked up at Mu Ruona.

Mu Ruona's triumphant rush to Ke Yang raised his eyebrows, and provocatively rushed him into the corner of his mouth secretly.

At this time, Professor Mu looked puzzled at Mu Ruona: "Nana, why are you stepping on me?"

Step on... step on...

Not stepping on Shang Ke?

Mu Ruona's expression at the time was like this: "(⊙o⊙)!"

Shang Ke couldn't hold back and laughed out loudly.

Mu Ruona retracted her foot in dismay, buried her face in the bowl and dared not raise her head, and answered dumbly, "I suddenly itchy my feet..."

Puff... Shang Ke couldn't hold back...

Professor Mu’s daughter continued his education with a strong focus: “Nana, don’t feel that you’ve gotten a good grade and you’ll get overwhelmed! You know, how many high-scoring students do you know in a province. You have to know how difficult it is to test in this school… …"

Barabara, I will omit the 10,000 word summary statement for education.

Mu Ruona felt that she was absolutely irresistible.

If I was a student for my dad in four years of college...


Mu Mu finally couldn't stand it anymore, and said, "Okay, okay, don't say it, this is not a class, eat and eat!"

"Yes, Master." Shang Ke replied cleverly.

Finally, after finishing the meal in front of her, Mu Ruona wanted to slip away.

Where to know, she was called back by Professor Mu before she slipped out three steps: "Where are you going to run? Although you have finished the college entrance examination now, you can’t indulge yourself like this! Your brother is here, you’re not good to ask For a moment, how many more opportunities do you want to waste?"

"Ah? Ask him for advice!" Mu Ruona protested: "I haven't officially started school yet, don't you need to study?"

Professor Mu said with a face on his face, "Nonsense! I called Shang Ke to my house just to tell you something."

Mu Ruona inexplicably felt a chill in her back.

Say something? What are you talking about?

Shang Ke smiled and said to Mu Ruona: "This is the case. The teacher discussed with me. From tomorrow, you will go to my company for internship. In this way, you will have a deeper understanding of your study of this major."

"What!" Mu Ruona screamed.

She is really screaming!

It’s worse than killing a pig!


Daddy, mother! No!

I don't want to take an internship in this company of big perverted brother!

My summer vacation!

I have been looking forward to this summer vacation for three years in high school!

Don’t be so cruel!

Mu mother also said: "It's good too. Nana looks so beautiful. I don't feel relieved to go to work elsewhere! Go to Shang Ke's company, there is Shang Ke watching, we are relieved."

Shang Ke smiled and replied: "Teacher, please rest assured, Master, I will take care of Nana and will not let anyone bully her."

Mu Ruona stood sullenly in the same place, and felt that she was in love.

Life is so dark.

So dark.

Do you have to be with this annoying brother in your future?

Can I request to repeat high school?

I suddenly felt that I really hope to apply for Tsinghua Peking University!

Really, let me repeat it for another year!

Shang Ke didn't seem to see Mu Ruona's irresistible expression at all, and said with a smile: "Go, I will take you to the company for a turn. From tomorrow, you are mine... Well, start with the personal assistant Start it."

"What? Go now? No!" Mu Ruona instinctively refused.

Not waiting for her to say the following, Professor Mu glared: "Dare you try it!"

Mu Ruona's face was bitter, her head drooping, and she instantly limped down: "Can't I go?"

Shang Ke smiled and said to Professor Mu: "Teacher, Master, let's go first!"

Professor Mu happily handed over Mu Ruona, who was so irresistible, to Shang Ke.

After leaving Mu Ruona with Shang Ruo, Shang Ke did not go directly to the company, but took Mu Ruona to the mall to sweep around.

Chanel's fragrant pouches, Hermes clothes and shoes, etc., let's change her school uniform first.

When Mu Ruona appeared in front of Shang Ke in a professional outfit with Shang Ke, Shang Ke's magazine fell to the ground all of a sudden.

Shang Ke clearly heard his heartbeat.

It turned out that there is really a love in this world called love at first sight.

At this moment, he suddenly fell in love with this little teacher who had been blowing on him.

He also instantly decided to cultivate his wife.

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