The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 666: What the **** is going out with three people

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yun Morong's words today are much rarer.

Gu Xixi didn't interrupt her.

The first is when Yun Morong rarely urges others.

Secondly, Yun Morong's words, even if others are very useful, as to whether others can listen in, it is her own business.

The third reason is that Gu Xixi inexplicably wants to know more about Yun Morong, so it is also good to understand her temperament.

Yun Morong feels like a goddess, clever and wise, calm and decisive, and calm atmosphere.

Otherwise, Gu Xixi thinks Yun Morong is very suitable for Jiang Yihai?

One is a goddess and the other is a male god.

Yun Morong finished the words, sighed softly, and said, "Actually, I said that, but also a bit one-sided and arbitrary. Everyone will have their own helplessness, and will have their own feelings. Anyone who does not understand the situation Those who stand on the moral high ground and blame are irresponsible. You are in a position where I have never stood, so I do not understand your suffering, I do not understand your tolerance. I just stand in a far direction , Lengyan looked at your emotions, but couldn't read the mood under your expression."

I don't know if Yun Morong's words touched Ye He's heart.

Ye He suddenly rushed over and hugged Yun Morong, crying loudly.

Yun Morong froze for a moment, then smiled and raised his hand to pat Ye He's shoulder gently.

It seems that this girl has also been depressed for a long time.

Today, she inadvertently broke the strength of her disguise.

"It's okay, cry, cry. No one else here." Yun Morong comforted her like a big sister: "If someone asks, you say your finger was cut and your tears hurt."

Look, this is the thoughtful Yun Morong.

She found Ye He a reason to cry.

Gu Xixi smiled and looked at Yun Morong.

Such a meticulous and gentle Yun Morong is really like the fuzzy figure in my dream.

Ye He burst into tears in the flower room.

After crying, Ye He said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I stained your clothes."

Yun Morong comforted her: "It's okay, this is tooling. I can take advantage of the two sets of tooling."

In a word, Ye He succeeded.

Gu Xixi couldn't help laughing: "Mo Rong, the first time I knew you would still be so humorous."

Xiao Wang also smiled and said, "For the first time, I think our tooling is valuable."

Because Yun Morong diverged the topic, Ye He's mood gradually returned to normal.

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps outside, and Jiang Yihai's voice also came in from outside the door: "Okay, as soon as I am away, you hit my flower house idea."

Gu Xixiao looked at Jiang Yihai and Yin Sichen coming in from the outside and said, "Auntie said, the flowers that I saw today, just move away."

Jiang Yihai said to Yin Sichen: "Cousin, you are the richest man anyway. Do you want to be so stingy?"

Yin Sichen raised his eyebrows handsomely: "No way, who asked you to cultivate the most beautiful spleen and stomach of the flowers? You still care about the big things in your life, what flowers do we raise, we will raise them for you Now!"

In a word, Ye He's expression is slightly different from that of Jiang Yihai.

Yun Morong's eyes only flickered, and there was still no special expression on his face.

Jiang Yihai turned his head to look at Ye He, then looked at Yun Morong and said, "Afternoon, you, are you free?"

Ye He and Yun Morong looked at him in surprise.

"Uh... there is a movie in the afternoon, do you want to watch it?" Jiang Yihai finished, and quickly added: "Xi Xi is in labor, and can't go to places with many people, it is prone to danger."

Yun Morong blinked.

Like these rich young men, don’t you watch movies all at home theaters?

Also used to go to the outside theater to squeeze with others?

Could it be that he has something to say alone?

Ye He looked at Jiang Yihai and Yun Morong again, as if deciding what to do.

Obviously, this choice is very difficult for her.

Ye He finally gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, Miss Yun, you go together."

Yun Morong looked at Ye He with a strange expression.

What does it mean?

Didn't she just let herself quit just now?

Why are you calling yourself together?

Wouldn't it be nice for both of them to go?

It's time to cultivate feelings!

If you go by yourself, don’t you fear that your bulb is too shiny?

Jiang Yihai seemed a bit surprised when he saw Ye He say this, he looked at Yun Morong with anticipation.

Yun's body was too weak during his lifetime, and he never dared to shop like ordinary people and enjoy the happiness of ordinary little girls.

Jiang Yihai still remembers it clearly. Yun Yun, who was taken to the hospital in the car, looked at the little **** the street with envy, and said, when will he be like other people, simply go shopping, shopping, and watch movies? ,eat ice-cream.

These are things that are easy for most girls to do, but for Yun Yi, they are restricted areas.

How can we make up for the unfulfilled wishes of the previous life?

Jiang Yihai looked at Yun Morong with anticipation.

Yun Morong was thinking of a suitable wording to refuse, Gu Xixi nodded in agreement and said, "Since Morong has helped me do things, he has never had a real break. In the afternoon, there is nothing to do, you just follow them. Go. I will rest with Si Chen after a while, and it’s enough to have Xiao Wang by my side."

Xiao Wang also smiled and said, "Well, I will take care of my grandma all the way, so you can rest assured."

Since Gu Xixi and Xiao Wang both said so, Yun Morong wanted to refuse again, so it was not appropriate.

Yun Morong nodded and said, "Okay, let me go."

After happily deciding on the itinerary, Yun Morong and Ye He followed Jiang Yihai and left the house.

Yin Sichen looked at the backs of the three people and said to Gu Xixi: "Why do I smell the conspiracy?"

Gu Xixi smiled: "Look at it! I always have a hunch that the ending will surprise us."

Xiao Wang couldn't help but interjected and said, "Young grandma, do you mean Jiang Shao will choose which of them will be the last?"

Gu Xixi smiled mysteriously: "Sell a pass first, you will know later."

Yin Sichen squeezed Gu Xixi's face and said, "Okay, the meal was eaten, and people were also sent. Should we go home? Should we go back to fetal heart monitoring!"

Gu Xixi couldn't help covering her face and came again!

All said, now she is only once the placenta is mature, it is still too early to produce!

Why didn't he believe it!

Jiang Yihai drove the car and left the house with two beautiful women.

Along the way, Jiang Yihai also felt very awkward.

However, Mrs. Jiang asked the three of them to act together, and he wanted to refuse!

What to say, this saves time?

What the **** is saving?

He doesn't want to be with Ye He at all?

Do you want to take this opportunity to let Ye He retreat?

Well, this idea is good.

Jiang Yihai secretly thought while driving.

Jiang Yihai looked back anxiously from the backward mirror.

Yun Morong leaned on the door on the left and looked at the scenery outside the car. If he thought about it, it was what Yunhao was like at the time.

Ye He sat in the right door position.

Her eyes seemed to cry.

And she kept secretly aiming at Yun What does it mean to peek at Yun Morong?

Ye He kept looking at Yun Morong's profile.

Originally, she thought Jiang Yihai was good.

But now it seems that Yun Morong looks better...

Gentle and considerate, calm and wise, and daring...

She is a collection of countless advantages.

At the theater, Jiang Yihai's kung fu stopped the car, Ye He bought two ice cream for the first time like a little girl and handed it to Yun Morong.

Yun Morong said in surprise: "You still eat this in such a cold day?"

"It's very hot in the theater." Ye He looked at Yun Morong with expectation: "Don't you like this taste? Then I'll change something else."

Yun Morong quickly said: "No, this is very good, thank you!"

Ye He sees Yun Morong reaching for the ice cream, but he feels very happy in his heart?

Jiang Yihai saw such a warm scene from afar.

A warm... scene...

What a ghost!

These two women, one is the blind date introduced by the family, the other is the goddess he loved for nearly ten years!

Why are they so happy together?

He was still worried about how to balance the relationship between the two girls!

However, people get along better than he thought!

Especially that Ye He, shouldn’t he be close to himself?

Ah, no.

I will never admit that I am a little bit vinegar.

What is Yun Morong's gratifying expression?

Why should she feel relieved?

What are they talking about?

Jiang Yihai was very interested in the dialogue between girls for the first time!

When Jiang Yihai approached quickly, he only had time to hear Yun Morong smile and say: "Since you can think about it, I am also very happy for you. You are a smart girl and a person with independent thinking, No matter which way you choose, I will cheer you up!"

Ye He's eyes lit up suddenly, and he looked at Yun Morong so brightly: "Do you really encourage me?"

Yun Morong smiled gently: "Well, yes."

Ye He couldn't help but grabbed Yun Morong's hand: "Thank you for the words you said to me today, drink it head-on, let me insult! I finally understand that life can still have other living methods!"

Yun Morong just smiled and didn't say anything else.

Jiang Yihai looked at Ye He holding Yun Morong's hand from afar, ah, what to do if it was so dazzling?

From a few years ago to the present, he dared not grasp the goddess's hand.

I was afraid that the goddess would be abrupt.

Ye He had just met, so she grabbed her hand.

Wait, there seems to be something strange coming in!

and many more!

Why did he eat Yehe's vinegar?

This unscientific?

Ye He is also a girl?

Why should he eat a girl's vinegar?

and many more! He seemed to know something was wrong!

Ye He didn't seem to have seen him for the first time since the afternoon!

Ye He looked at... It was Yun Morong!

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