The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 663: A blind date banquet

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

It was just these few people sitting in a circle that happened to fill a table.

Is it a family feast? It was only when this was together that it was lively.

Despite this family feast today, it seems to have changed a bit.

Mrs. Jiang seemed very satisfied with this Ye He, and felt that Ye He and Jiang Yihai were sitting together, and the more they looked, the more they matched.

Gu Xixi felt that Yun Morong was calm and calm, really the more satisfied he was, the more pleasing he looked.

In terms of face value, Yun Morong is indeed not as beautiful as Ye He.

Ye He's facial features are very deep, and the bloodline of the northwest side.

Yun Morong is a typical southern exquisite elegance.

The two are completely different types, so it's really difficult to judge in comparison.

The head chef quickly delivered the food, and Gu Xixi also felt a little hungry, ready to eat.

Before she reached for her meat, Yun Morong had pushed a cup of warm milk to Gu Xi's hand.

Gu Xixi smiled bitterly, he could only put down the chopsticks, took a sip of milk, and warmed his stomach before continuing to eat.

Yin Sichen nodded appreciatively.

Although Yun Morong was sitting next to Jiang Yihai, all her mind was focused on Gu Xixi's body, staring at Gu Xixi's every move.

Perhaps it was because Yun Morong did not interact with Jiang Yihai, and Madam Jiang couldn't help but glance at Yun Morong more.

At the beginning, Mrs. Jiang really thought that Yun Morong was the kind of girl who wanted to rely on the relationship of her family and cling to the powerful.

Because this is really a family feast!

Gu Xixi asked Yun Morong to go to the table, making it clear that she wanted to lift her.

This girl is good.

Good manners and extraordinary conversation.

And the place where the speech should be made, and the place where the place should not be interjected will never say one more word.

The girl's tutoring must be very good.

And because of Gu Xixi's exaltation, he was proud of himself, but instead he was concerned about him.

This is what my family should be.

Do not know if it was a coincidence, Gu Xixi and Yun Morong did not eat carrots.

When serving the second dish, the two acted in unison and picked out the radish.

Jiang Yihai has been watching the two people all the time, and he couldn't help saying, "The places where you picky eaters are really the same! I don't know, I thought you were relatives and sisters."

Yun Morong's chopsticks almost fell on the table.

With a tight finger, he stabilized his mind, and then whispered, "It's just a coincidence."

Gu Xixi also turned his head to look at Yun Morong and said with a smile: "I have never eaten radish since I was pregnant with this child. I didn't expect you to eat radish either."

Yun Morong smiled and replied, "Yeah, I don't eat it either. But the soup you drink every day is still simmered with radish. The radish is commonly known as small ginseng, which has a subsidy to your body. However, the amount is small, plus You won’t be able to eat other ingredients."

Gu Xixi looked at Yun Morong with a smile: "It really makes you tired."

Mrs. Jiang couldn’t help but ask, “I heard the housekeeper just said that you are very knowledgeable, and now it seems that this is really the case! I don’t know where Miss Yun studied?”

Yun Morong froze!

How to answer this question?

The real Yun Morong has not even attended university!

How to explain this problem by yourself!

Gu Xixi also looked at Yun Morong curiously.

When she saw Yun Morong's face change slightly, she understood the question and it was the secret that the other party seemed unable to answer.

Gu Xixi immediately said: "I heard that you have been self-study? It is really not easy to learn to this level."

Yun Morong didn't expect Gu Xixi to take the initiative to help her out, and immediately followed Gu Xixi's words to go down this step: "Well, I have always been self-taught. The conditions at home are not particularly good, so..."

Mrs. Jiang also smiled, and no longer pursued, but gave Jiang Yihai a meaningful look.

The meaning of the look was clear.

Yun Morong has never even attended Pheasant University, and Ye He came back from studying abroad.

Which one is higher, which is lower?

If Jiang Yihai did not contact Yun Morong in the past few days, he would agree to his mother's opinion.

But if Yun Morong is Yunbo...

Ha ha.

In this world, is there any other woman whose talents and knowledge are better than hers?

Mr. Jiang took the topic and said to Yin Sichen: "I heard that the Shang family is going to make cosmetics recently?"

Gu Xixi raised her ears immediately.

Well, there may be inside information from Uncle.

After all, Yin Sichen and Shang Ke are brothers, and let Yin Sichen deal with Shang Ke.

But fighting with Shang Ke yourself is another matter!

Actually acquired a second-tier brand and returned to China to compete with Danny with other subsidiary series?

huh huh huh huh.

Yin Sichen nodded: "It seems so."

Gu Xixi couldn't help but ask, "Uncle, have you heard anything?"

Mr. Jiang turned his head to look at Gu Xixi and said, "Today you are called to tell you about this matter."

Gu Xixi nodded with Yin Sichen.

"The company Xixi and the company that Shang Ke acquired are bound to match." Mr. Jiang looked at Gu Xixi with a smile: "Xixi, it is normal for companies to compete fairly. It's normal to eat for nothing. It's ugly, we can pass our face."

Gu Xixi nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. I won't fight him. This competition is compressed in the battle between Danny and Jiao Ling. It won't rise to family to family, group to group. of."

"You just understand." Mr. Jiang nodded in satisfaction, said: "By the way to give you a little news."

Gu Xixi was refreshed: "About Jiao Ling Company?"

"Jiaoling Company is really coming this time." Mr. Jiang continued: "I heard that Shang Jia invested 1 billion US dollars for this, which is a devastating blow for the third- and fourth-tier brands! Now! If you have the ability to inject capital, only your Danny will be left."

Gu Xixi nodded: "Well, I have foreseen this matter. The Shang family is not short of money. It is for sure to throw money into it. However, if he can throw money, I can."

This is the business of Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona, she will not be allowed to be easily destroyed!

"So how much do you intend to continue to inject capital?" Mr. Jiang asked.

Gu Xixi hesitated a little and turned to look at Yun Morong.

Yun Morong immediately put down his chopsticks and answered for Gu Xixi: "I have accurately calculated the amount of capital injection. With the current gap between Danny and Jiao Ling, if you want to keep the same level with Jiao Ling, you need to inject five more The amount of about 100 million yuan is mainly used to expand production lines and product research and development. But if you want to exceed Jiao Ling, then you must inject about 1.5 billion yuan. The reason why the difference is so big is because of our local advantages and our early stage. Endorsement advantage."

"Although Jiao Ling is a second-tier, and a big foreign brand, but it has not many local advantages in China. First, overseas products Jiao Lingdou is only a big-name brand like Estee Lauder. Second, the civilian route, Jiao Ling is not as well-known as Danny. In this selection contest, Danny won all the endorsements and has expanded Danny's popularity to the whole country. Therefore, we only need 500 million investment to be equal to Jiao Ling, but we want to win the ticket steadily, but 1.5 billion additional is required."

Yun Morong showed his talents, and the unhurried explanation was clear.

Mr. Jiang couldn't help but look at Yun Morong.

"This competition is taking the civilian route. At this point, our advantage is greater than Jiao Ling. Therefore, I personally think that we may not lose." Yun Morong made a final summary speech: "If the competition We may lose high-end products. But at the cheap price, our advantages can continue to be tapped."

Gu Xixi nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, I think so with Ruona. The Danny company has just started, and it is obviously impossible to take a big-line route at once. So, we start from the civilian route. Now we have opened up the popularity of civilian brands, and the next step is mass production and distribution. The several formulas we reported this time were made by Hirayama Jiro with the R&D team and took months to carefully build A series. I believe that it will definitely become popular."

"I'm relieved when I see what you have in mind." Mr. Jiang nodded his head with a smile and turned his head to look at Yin Sichen: "What do you think about seeing his wife so capable?"

Yin Sichen seldom spoke during the whole journey. When he heard Mr. Jiang asking himself, he said with a smile: "She just had fun."

Yeah, Danny's industry, in the eyes of Yin Sichen, is just playing!

Gu Xixi couldn't help pinching him, and Yin Sichen immediately said: "Any career starts with playing! After playing well, the career will be successful! Isn't it, wife?"

People at the dining table heard Yin Sichen's words, and suddenly they could not help but endure.

Ye He is also a person who rarely speaks throughout.

She looked at Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen enviously.

She also seems to want such feelings!

The two are happy and sweet, making people jealous.

Ye He glanced at Jiang Yihai secretly, but found that Jiang Yihai's line of sight stopped at Yun Morong's body, and could not help but look sad.

Is she a step late?

But I'm not reconciled.

After eating this meal, everyone went to find their own interesting things.

Mr. Jiang dragged his son and Yin Sichen to the study to discuss things.

Mrs. Jiang took Gu Xi to feed the fish.

Now only Ye He and Yun Morong are left, looking at the scenery with a little embarrassment.

Mrs. Jiang stuffed the fish food in Gu Xixi's hand and asked directly: "Xi Xi, you tell your aunt, what do you think of Ye He?"

Gu Xixi spread fish food slowly.

The Jiang family is also a wealthy man, keeping an indoor tropical fish the size of a pond.

Gu Xixi can sprinkle for a long time and can't finish feeding.

"Why did the aunt ask?" Gu Xixi looked at Mrs. Jiang with a smile and said, "Why? Is the aunt worried about her cousin or the girl?"

Mrs. Jiang suddenly laughed.

"You little slippery head." Mrs. Jiang glanced at Gu Xixi: "Then I ask you, do you bring this Yun Morong, do you mean something else?"

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