The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 661: Come into the expected date

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yun Morong has already made up all the knowledge of pregnancy and childbirth, and even read the post-natal care and pediatric training.

As soon as the housekeeper said that the placenta was mature, Yun Morong immediately reacted.

Gu Xixi is about to enter the due date!

The cycle of the second child is generally shorter than that of the first child.

When Gu Xixi found out that she was pregnant, the whole family was like a big enemy. Checking is a must, nutrition is a must, exercise is a must, all kinds are a must!

Therefore, her signs are always being monitored.

As soon as the placenta became mature, it was immediately announced to the whole family.

The whole family was nervous from top to bottom, calling back all those who could be called back outside, ready to go!

The activities here are almost three to two days away.

Mu Ruona has now found out that she is pregnant, and Mu's family is also happy and broken, saying that she should let Mu Ruona come back to give birth.

Now I heard that Gu Xixi has entered the pre-birth period, and even asked Mu Ruona to go home quickly, don't miss the birth of this baby.

Yun Morong immediately called Mu Ruona and asked for specific arrangements.

Mu Ruona said: "Tomorrow you will go back with me. This has been handed over to other people. I have already laid the foundation work for the pre-preparation, they just need to follow my plan. It is still alive. Children are the most important. The doctor said that once the placenta has matured, the second time may be soon, and we are not worse these days."

Hearing that Mu Ruona had made arrangements, Yun Morong immediately replied: "Okay, I will sort out the things at hand and hand them over."

Everyone decided to go back immediately, so of course there was no waste of time, and the speed of handing over the matter at hand.

Yun Morong made all the things he sorted out into a package file, and sent them to Mu Ruona to let Mu Ruona make specific arrangements.

Hirayama Jiro could not wait, and ran from n city, ready to personally **** his wife to return to n city.

The next morning, Yun Morong and Jiang Yihai just pushed the box out and saw that Hirayama Jiro had drove to find him.

Yun Morong was speechless for a while.

How anxious!

From one to two degrees of placenta, it will take a few days!

It's impossible for this child to have a big birthday, and he was born until the first month!

Many people who have never had a baby do not know that there are cycles in pregnancy.

Generally speaking, the due date is the day of the last big aunt, the month is reduced by three or plus nine, and the date is plus seven.

Therefore, Gu Xixi's due date is actually in March of the Gregorian calendar or the end of the lunar calendar.

However, because this was due to the second child, and Erbao seemed too naughty, he planned to come out a few days in advance.

Therefore, the placenta has entered maturity in advance.

Of course, at 36 weeks, the child is considered to be in formal maturity.

These principles are known to anyone who has read a book or has given birth to a child.

However, knowing is one thing.

Tension is another matter.

Now the entire Yin and Yun families are nervous.

Gu Xixi didn't let him wander around long ago, so he could just do activities at home.

Anyway, there is neither a fitness room nor a recreation room at home.

In short, safety first.

This fetus was born out of all eyes and ears.

Therefore, the doctors and nurses are already on standby as soon as they enter the expected period of delivery!

When the four people drove two cars, they returned to Yin's mansion.

The whole family is already in line.

Seeing this posture, Mu Ruona couldn't help but pat her chest: "Do you want to be so exaggerated!"

Yun Morong couldn't help but smile: "In fact, the placenta has matured from once to three times, how can it take a week or two, now it is so strict, it is really exaggerated!"

Mu Ruona nodded her head in agreement: "No wonder these days tell me every day, so envious I can run around. But she does not have to envy anymore, I will soon enter her back!"

Gu Xixi is really helpless now!

She really is not yet alive!

Why is the whole family nervous?

Yin Sichen heard that once the placenta was mature, the meeting would no longer be open, and drove directly back, staring nervously at her belly, waiting for her belly to start.

Gu Xixi couldn't help but say: "You're too anxious! The baby hasn't entered the pelvis yet, it's too early. The doctor said, how can it be a week or two, it's hard to survive this year."

Yin Sichen raised her eyebrows and said: "But the doctor also said that once the placenta begins to mature, the baby will enter the pot at any time and will give birth at any time."

Gu Xixi couldn't cry or laugh.

Well, don't discuss this kind of problem with a dad who is extremely nervous.

He will persuade you to put up a table in minutes!

Mu Ruona and Yun Morong walked ahead, and Jiang Yihai and Hirayama Jiro walked behind.

Gu Xixi looked up and saw four of them.

Gu Xixi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "You guys are back! I'm suffocating! Come back and talk with me."

Yun Morong saw Gu Xixi sitting on the chair with his stomach upright, and said immediately: "Seeing that you are so energetic, you know you are still early."

Gu Xixi immediately turned around and said to Yin Sichen: "Have you heard? I'm too early!"

Yin Sichen didn't excuse, and said with a smile: "You talk first. Pingshan, cousin, the three of us went out to talk about something."

All three men went out, leaving only three women in the room.

Well, one married and two pregnant women.

There is no one else in the room now, Gu Xixi said curiously: "I look at your belly to see if it is the same as me!"

Yun Morong had a black thread.

They all say that they have been pregnant for three years.

This is cute!

Unexpectedly, Mu Ruona, who has always been reliable, actually lifted her clothes, exposed her belly, and showed it to Gu Xixi. While showing her, she said, "Do you see if there is any difference?"

Yun Morong stretched his hand to cover his face.

Mu Ruona is only seven weeks pregnant!

Can you see a ball?

Does it take at least three or four months to show up?

Gu Xixi saw Mu Ruona's belly, and then he smiled and said: "Yeah, I forgot, I just got a stomach after four months!"

Yun Morong couldn't hold back, and a sip of water spouted out.

Mu Ruona also recovered, and looked at Xi Xi's head fiercely: "You play with me!"

"Hahahaha, who made you so cheat!" Gu Xixi hehe smiled and was happy: "I also used this trick to cheat Zi Xuan, she was also fooled, hehehe..."

Mu Ruona and Yun Morong were speechless at the same time!

"Oh, how many days has Zi Xuan been pregnant?" Mu Ruona couldn't help but ask, "Isn't it about the same time as me?"

"In theory, it's really the same." Gu Xixi nodded and said, "If nothing goes wrong, all three of our children will be born in the same year. My girl is in the spring, and you are all born in the winter. You can still play together. It's!"

Mu Ruona sighed: "I'm really afraid that my baby is learning from his dad!"

"Deeply agree." Gu Xixi followed Tucao: "I wasn't so worried when I was born enthalpy. This girl is really heartbreaking."

Listening to Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona starting to read the mother's sutra, Yun Morong just sat on the side, listening with a smile, not interfering.

The two men studied for a long time, and Gu Xixi remembered Yun Morong, and immediately turned to look at her with a smile and said, "You have worked hard these days."

"Nothing." Yun Morong responded with a smile.

"Nothing happened these days, you are not married, you don't have to participate in these things." Gu Xixi said with a smile: "Give you a few days of vacation, have fun."

"No need" Yun Morong smiled and refused: "I have checked the information, I can help you monitor the data at any time to ensure the best production time."

Gu Xixi sighed: "These things are actually done by others. You don't have to."

"I just want to do my part." Yun Morong answered with a smile: "I can only ask for peace of mind whether it can be used or not."

Mu Ruona couldn't help but glance at Yun Morong more.

It is really rare for an outsider to be so kind!

To be honest, everyone doubted her and tried her.

But she was so calm.

Random suspicion and random temptation.

It is this calmness that has won everyone's respect.

Mu Ruona changed the subject and said: "It has been very hard working for you to take care of Jiang Shao for these two days."

Help take care of Jiang Yihai?

Where does this start?

Yun Morong froze for a moment, his eyes turned and reacted instantly, and immediately said: "Jiang Shao is on the standpoint of the two good relations, and the friendship helped. Most of the time, he helped me, so President Mu praised , I dare not accept it."

Mu Ruona laughed: "You are too humble."

Yun Morong just smiled shallowly, not explaining.

Gu Xixi heard the name hall.

It seems that my cousin is a bit interesting for Yun Morong.

He is not so patient with two people for two days!

Don't look at his good temper, he always looks like a fairy.

Actually, my heart is weak.

The person who can make him feel good, then the weight in his heart must be not light.

Think about it, Jiang Yihai and Yin Sichen are in the same year, and this year is more than 30, and it is indeed time to start a family.

In this way, Yun Morong is like a tailor-made existence for Jiang Yihai.

Not only is the grace and grace, but also the temperament of the housewife.

It's even more talented and amazing. Although the background is lower, these two points are enough to make up for all her shortcomings.

Gu Xixi thought so much that he felt that Jiang Yihai and Yun Morong were particularly suitable.

I don't know why, Yun Morong always gives himself a sense of inexplicable familiarity.

She will not exclude her existence.

She didn't even mind her marrying Jiang Yihai at all!

You know, he treats Jiang Yihai as his brother-in-law!

I always feel that only my sister Yun Yi can be worthy of Jiang Yihai's affectionate affection.

And now, don't you think Yun Morong is bad?


Is it because of this time that I am too dependent on Yun Yun, so I love the house and the black?

Even thought she was particularly suitable for Jiang Yihai?

Well, if the two of them are interested in each other, they can match together!

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