The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 648: Wedding day

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi put down the book in his hand, took the list that Xiao Wang handed over, glanced at it, nodded and said, "It's really a lot of celebrity dignitaries."

The forces of the Yin family are mainly abroad.

Therefore, there are many foreign guests.

There are not only important government officials, but also a big predator.

The godfather of a certain party appeared in China because of inconvenience, specially recorded a video and delivered it with a gift.

In fact, their wedding was to be held abroad.

In view of Gu Xixi's increasing body burden, Yin Sichen resolutely pinched.

He must not let Gu Xixi have any problems with his body!

Gu Xixi looked at the list and handed it back to Xiao Wang again: "Yes, just follow this list. Isn't it all ready?"

Xiao Wang nodded and said, "Yes, in addition to the mansion, several adjacent yards have also been bought and refurbished. Now, it is enough to hold accommodation for thousands of people. The president said that this wedding is coming All of them have identities, and they cannot be allowed to stay in hotels. Some people’s identities are not convenient for exposure, so the mansion should be used."

Gu Xixi nodded.

Xiao Wang continued: "Cousin has been busy with this matter these days. The safety of the entire wedding rests on him, and he is also busy with his feet. The safety of those celebrities is even more sloppy."

Gu Xixi nodded again.

Xiao Wang sighed and said, "Originally I thought about doing it simply. This time, I couldn't think about it."

Gu Xixi said with a smile: "What are you going to do with your wedding? I heard that you took Xiao A home, and your family is very satisfied!"

Xiao Wang's face burst into red for a moment: "Young grandma! You tease me again!"

Gu Xixi still laughed very cunningly: "Tell me? What kind of wedding do I want? As long as I can do it, I will definitely do it for you!"

Xiao Wang picked up the list and fled: "I hurried to the president!"

Looking at Xiao Wang's back, Gu Xixi laughed.

The days of not worrying about things are fast.

Just two days before the wedding, Gu Xixi just had to happily eat, drink, sleep, and sleep. Other things would be done by a dedicated person.

So, the wedding finally came in the expectation of everyone.

The day before the wedding, Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan had already arrived, and the three brides spent the last single night together.


The three bridegroom officers over there were also single nights together.

Everyone else is the last bachelor night. Either go to the nightclub, or go to the ex-girlfriend to narrate the old feelings. The three bridegroom officials gathered together and repeatedly studied how to make his wife happy!

Yes, their goal is to make his wife happy!

Wife is not happy, the world will become the end!

How they discuss it is not someone else’s knowledge.

The assistants were rushed to stay aside, how can such a secret topic let others know?

So, on the wedding day, whether it is the bridegroom or the bride, all are full of vigor to prepare for the wedding.

Gu Xixi turned around, looked in the mirror, patted his belly and said, "I seem to be fat again! This wedding dress is a little tight!"

Mu Ruona sighed: "Who told you to eat so much recently? Nowhere else is you fat, and you have a long stomach. I am really worried that you will give birth to a big stomach king. What if you can't afford it? "

"There are two godmothers." Gu Xixi raised an eyebrow and smiled badly.

Mo Zixuan and Mu Ruona rolled their eyes at the same time: "I knew you would play such an idea."

Xiao Wang hurried in from the outside and said, "How are the three brides preparing? The wedding car is here soon!"

"Okay, okay." The three replied in a hurry: "Just soon."

Gu Xixi took the first car, Mu Ruona took the second car, Mo Zixuan took the third car, and slowly drove into the wedding site in turn.

The three bridegrooms stood in a row, and their long-awaited eyes were blue.

Whatever it is, the heart that wants to marry the daughter-in-law home is simply looking forward to it.

"Come here." Xiao a reminded in a low voice: "President, you must be breathless later, you rehearsed several times last night!"

Yin Sichen, Jing Rong and Hirayama Jiro stared at Xiao A at the same time.

It seems that last night's rehearsal came to light...

Yin Sichen coughed softly: "Well, I see!"

Then, pretending to be not nervous, he looked out.

Several assistants immediately grinned and went away.

Gu Xixi was really nervous in the car.

However, the little things in the stomach are exceptionally quiet today.

It seemed to feel Gu Xixi's tense mood, the extra tenderness of the small kick.

The door opened and Gu Xixi saw Dad standing outside in a black suit.

Gu Xixi smiled sweetly at Mr. Yun, and slowly walked over with Mr. Yun's arms accompanied by the sound of music.

When Mu Ruona arrived the second time, she bravely took Professor Mu's arm and followed it with great care.

When Mo Zixuan got out of the car, he was much more stable, and Jiao walked softly.

Mr. Mo was very anxious, and he wished to pack up his girl as a gift.

The look of the three bridegrooms in front of them is almost unbearable.

Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen stared at each other so far away.

The distance between the two is shortened a little bit...

The hearts of the two are getting closer and closer...

Gu Xixi suddenly smiled at Yin Sichen playfully.

This is their second wedding.

The first wedding ceremony seemed to be vivid.

This time the state of mind is completely different.

Yin Sichen seemed to have guessed Gu Xixi's heart, and smiled at Gu Xixi apologetically.

The last wedding gave her bad memories.

This wedding, he must do the most perfect!

When Mr. Yun handed Gu Xixi to Yin Sichen, Yin Sichen said with low praise: "You are really beautiful today."

Gu Xixi just smiled.

The two looked at each other tacitly, and turned and left together.

Mu Ruona strode at the meteor, her eyes swept the venue, and her eyes paused on a familiar figure for a moment.

Shang Ke!

He really came back!

Professor Mu patted Mu Ruona's hand gently, and Mu Ruona turned away.

Today is her wedding day, let him pass all the past things!

Hirayama Jiro smiled and stood there waiting for his bride. He didn't see Shang Ke at all. His sight was so hot that he was about to burn his back into a hole.

"Pingshan, Nana will leave it to you." Professor Mu said with emotion: "How can I feel like having a daughter-in-law if I have more son-in-law?"

Mu Ruona and Hirayama Jiro laughed at the same time: "It's all the same!"

Hirayama Jiro said, "Dad, I won't let you down."

"Okay." Professor Mu nodded and his eyes flashed red.

Mu Ruona happily took Hirayama Jiro's arm and left.

Mr. Mo strode the meteor and brought Mo Zixuan over to Jing Rong directly, saying, "The man gave it to you, it was finally a mess."

Mo Zixuan couldn't help making a wry expression.

She just escaped a marriage!

As for this!

Jing Rong happily pulled Mo Zixuan and followed.

Lao Zhangren awesome!

Among the guests in the crowd, a girl with an elegant appearance, looking at the three couples above, burst into tears.

Jiang Yihai handed her the handkerchief intimately: "Why did you cry?"

"I'm happy for her." The girl couldn't cry herself: "She's too easy! Finally, it didn't fail her..."

"You seem to care about her?" Jiang Yihai's eyes turned around Gu Xixi's body, and then fell back to the girl's body: "Miss Yun, I presume to ask, are you familiar with Gu Xixi?"

"No, I'm not familiar." The girl shook her head in panic: "I didn't say anything."

Jiang Yihai raised his eyebrows and said, "This is interesting. Miss Yun Morong, your invitation letter was handed over to me personally, saying that you will be invited to her wedding. Since you are not familiar, why are you Want to give her such a precious orchid? I remember the conditions in your house, it seems that it is not particularly good?"

Yun Morong smiled with tears in his eyes: "It turns out that Master Jiang has cleared up my detailed investigation. Then what difference do I have to explain or not?"

Jiang Yihai became more and more interested.

If Yun Morong, who was crying into tears, had nothing to do with Gu Xixi, he would not believe it!

Mo Zixin, not far from Jiang Yihai and Yun Morong, stood there calmly.

His female companion is still that female lawyer Yu Jie.

"It's an enviable wedding." Yu Jie couldn't help but say with emotion.

"Then why don't you get married?" Mo Zixin's blue eyes sagged gently, his tone could not be heard.

"I am not suitable for marriage." Yu Jie calmly replied: "I am an unmarried."

Mo Zixin's mouth twitched slightly: "Oh?"

Yu Jie's eyes quickly turned away and saw Yin Siyao sitting there in a lonely face.

The look and envy of the girl next to him.

But today he seems to have no mood at all to coax his female partner.

Yu Jie continued: "It seems that many people are actually unmarried, but they are forced to marry by such helplessness. Fortunately, no one forced me to marry."

Mo Zixin smiled gently: "Maybe."

Qiao Qi turned around and still didn't find the person he wanted to see.

Qiao Qi shook his head with a self-deprecating smile.

"Everything is my wishful thinking." Qiao Qi pretended as if nothing had happened, watching the three pairs of newcomers swearing, but his eyes turned red inexplicably.

Unbeknownst to each other, the deeper one goes, the living can die, and the dead can live. Those who are born but not dead, and those who are dead but not resurrected, are not love. Why is the feeling in the dream not true, how many people in the world are there in the dream?

Perhaps, it really has no fate.

Gu Xixi smiled and watched Yin Sichen carefully put the ring on his finger, watching Yin Sichen couldn't help but kiss his finger.

Gu Xixi felt that those sufferings were worth it.

Look up at the sky, blue sky and white clouds, autumn wind slowly.

Marry you in such a beautiful season.

The wish is over.

This life is stable and life-long.

Yin Sichen, I love you.

(End of the text, the following is the outer part)

I wish you all a happy Qixi Festival! ! ! Thank you for your support 1! ! Fanwai will be more exciting! The first fanwai was Jiang Yihai and Yunyao, the second fanwai was Mu Ruona, Heping Mountain and Shang Ke. Yes, Shang Ke continued to fight! The third one is pending! Stay tuned!

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