The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 646: It's too good

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

If Ma Yan is a wise man, Yin Hao will never choose her.

It was because she was stupid enough to cheat and use, so she became Yin Hao's pawn.

Yin Hao finished using it, leaving an irresponsible son, and then patted the dust and disappeared without a word.

Yin Siyao dragged Ma Yan and dragged him directly to the door before Ma Yan struggled.

Ma Yan slapped towards Yin Siyao's face.

Yin Siyao didn't hide, and he took the slap.

When Wei Ziyu came up from behind, he just witnessed this scene. The whole person was scared in place, his mouth wide open, and he couldn't say a word.

How could there be such a mother?


Yin Siyao slowly turned his head to look at Ma Yan and said calmly, "Is it enough?"

Ma Yan spit out cruelly: "I'm making trouble? I'm your mother! You're not even looking at me! If you weren't born to me, what qualifications would you have for eating spicy and spicy food at Yin's house? Luxury car, also married a wife? Why? With the thighs of Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi, you don’t want to recognize my mother-in-law? Don’t you think!”

Yin Siyao finally knows why Ma Yingying became like that.

The harsh words and tone are exactly the same.

He began to regret that he should not let Ma Yingying contact Ma Yan.

If they have not been in contact and contact, will Yingying not be what they are now?

Ma Yingying has been miserable by her, but she hasn't repented yet.

Is it really necessary for such a mother to continue to maintain the mother-child relationship?

Yin Siyao suddenly felt tired.

When he lifted his eyes, he saw Wei Ziyu, who was standing a short distance away in the same place, and Yin Siyao's anger was even more suffocated in his heart.

The fiancee, who was finally picked out, witnessed such a disgusting scene, what would she think of herself in the future?

fling in teeth?


Or is it a fool and a snake?

Those are things I don't want!

Yin Siyao sighed: "Mom, I will ask you one last time. Are you really going to find Yingying?"

Ma Yan said, "I'm not worse than Yingying, right? Don't look at my old age, I still have the charm of milfs!"

Yin Siyao patiently asked: "Do you know where Yingying went?"

"Where did it go? Isn't it a place where you can eat, eat, and have money, and men?" Ma Yan said with a smug look: "Do you think you can't find out if you don't tell me? I know, Bai Yang raised your son! They might as well care about them! Don’t stop me! Don’t delay me in enjoying life!”

Yin Siyao is really speechless!

Wei Ziyu couldn't help but ask curiously: "Where is the high sea? Is it a public marine area?"

Yin Siyao really didn't know how to explain this high sea to them!

Ma Yan said impatiently: "I don't care, I just want to go! You must not stop me!"

"Mom, can you stop making trouble! I give you 100,000 yuan a month, which is enough for your life." Yin Siyao's patience is really exhausted, and his tone is not good. Get up: "Can you stop living? Do you want to remarry and remarry, you want to be single and single, you want to travel and travel, you want to open a shop and open a shop, I will follow you! Can you stop making trouble! Especially here It's really not a place where you can come! Dasao's temperament is good-tempered, but it doesn't mean that Big Brother will tolerate it! Now they look at my face and do nothing to you, but this face is very thin and easy to overdraw! "

Ma Yan replied impatiently: "Why do you marry a man? I haven't married a person in my life. Isn't it good? Of course, not marrying does not mean that there is no man! I still need a strong man! I don't want to travel, nor do I To open a shop, I just want to enjoy, enjoy! You only gave me 100,000 yuan, what is enough! I go out and bet a lap and lose! I’m not stupid. Isn’t that place on the high seas unattended? I’m going! Suitable!"

Yin Siyao has recovered, and Ma Yan has understood where the high seas are.

"Are you sure? No regrets? You know, after you go, I will never be able to get you back!" Yin Siyao solemnly said: "This is your last chance to consider!"

Ma Yan chested and said: "Don't think about it! You give me five million, I will never ask you for money in my life!"

Yin Siyao slapped his forehead fiercely, and his expression was awkward: "Good! Mom, since this is your choice, I hope you will have no chance of regret in your life!"

"Why do you regret it? There is such a good place, why don't you tell me earlier?" Ma Yan said indifferently: "Give me money and send me over!"

Yin Si's fingers were a little trembling.

He didn't want to persuade anymore.

too tired.

Yin Siyao pulled out the checkbook, brushed and signed a number, and tore it off to throw it to Ma Yan: "Okay, our mother and son's affection ends here. The next road, you can do it yourself!"

After saying this, Yin Siyao turned around and left.

Wei Ziyu froze for a moment, and quickly followed the pace of Yin Siyao.

Ma Yanxi smiled and held the cheque. He kissed it bit by bit, and did not mind her only son, turned around and left.

After Yin Siyao waited for Wei Ziyu to get in the car, he looked at Ma Yan, who was only looking at the check, from the rearview mirror. His eyes were red, and the accelerator under his foot stepped on it.

Who is left in this world?

Why all one by one...

Yin Siyao drove the car indiscriminately without purpose, and Wei Ziyu sat in the position of the co-pilot without saying a word.

She witnessed all of this today. If she did not make a statement, would she be rejected by Yin Siyao, would she be guilty of Gu Xixi, and be banned by the Yin family?

Wei Ziyu thought of this and immediately turned to look at Yin Siyao.

But before she said anything, she swallowed hard.

Yin Siyao's eyes were tearful, and she tried hard to endure the picture of not letting the tears fall. She really couldn't say the sounding words.

Yin Siyao slammed on the brakes and said to Wei Ziyu expressionlessly: "Go back, I'm afraid I won't be able to date you today!"

Wei Ziyu bit her lip and said, "I'll stay with you."

"No need, I want to be alone." Yin Siyao turned his face slightly, not wanting Wei Ziyu to see his unbearable side.

Wei Ziyu can only say: "Well, please call me at any time. In addition..."

Wei Ziyu thought about it and decided to say what she said in her heart: "I won't say what I just said. And, I don't think you did anything wrong! No matter what decision you make, I will always support your."

Yin Siyao just nodded and did not respond.

Wei Ziyu was slightly disappointed and could only push the door to get out of the car.

Yin Siyao left the throttle and left Wei Ziyu at the gate of the subway station.

Yin Siyao did not go very far.

After driving into a small alley, the parking stopped and leaned against the back of the chair, letting the tears flow freely.

He can't cry in front of outsiders.

He is Yin Siyao.

He is the second son of the Yin family.

He represents the face of the Yin family.

He is still a man.

It is said that men have tears and do not flick, but only when they are not sad.

Yin Siyao can only hide here, in a corner where no one knows him, no one sees him, and let the tears wash away the grievances and humiliation he has suffered for so many years.

What Ma Yan said today completely broke his last illusion.

He spared no effort to work so hard, to show Yin Sichen for his own sake, do not care about Ma Yan.

But what did Ma Yan do?

In addition to pulling the hind legs, it is the old white face of gambling money!

Now for the sake of enjoyment, he actively requested to go to the high seas!

This kind of person is not his mother.


Absolutely not!

Yin Siyao felt his fingers shaking.

Is it angry? Still desperate?

It is estimated that both.

A WeChat jumped out gently, and Yin Siyao saw with tears in her eyes, Gu Xixi sent it: "Are you all right?"

Simply four words, so Yin Siyao burst into tears again.

Every time when he was the most helpless and desperate, the light figure would always appear, even if it was a few words, it was handed to him like a life-saving straw.

He was like a drowning man, grabbing the last straw, and he didn't want to let go.

Now that the straw was stretched out again, Yin Siyao hesitated.

He was worried, and he feared that once he caught this life-saving straw, he would never let it go in his life.

Because this is the only warmth he has left in this world.

Like a little girl selling matches.

Just the warmth of a match is enough to make him pay the price of his life.

This is also true of him at this time.

Gu Xixi waited for a long time without waiting for Yin Siyao's message, and sent another message: "No matter what happens, we will always be family."

This piece of information, like a heavy hammer, hit **** Yin Siyao's heart.

He suddenly reached out and grabbed this life-saving straw.

He, decided not to let go all his life!

"I'm fine." Yin Siyao shivered three words.

These three words, he played for a long time, his fingers trembling almost can not spell the pinyin of Chinese characters.

These three words were completed by his life-long decisions and bets. ,

The price of the bet is the obsession of a lifetime.

Looking at these three words, Yin Siyao felt that the strength of his body seemed to be exhausted in an instant.

He landed safely, but he also got into this prison of obsession, and could not escape anymore.

Gu Xixi was relieved when he saw the message sent back from Yin Siyao.

She was really worried that Yin Siyao was in a rage and would do things that would make him regret all his life.

Anyway, Ma Yan is always his mother.

She did not want Yin Siyao to spend the rest of her life with her mother's blood.

Ma Yan took five million dollars as he wished and was sent to the high seas.

This woman who has been stomping for decades finally disappeared from the eyes of Yin's family completely.

After that day passed, Yin Siyao remained silent for several days and did not go to Wei Ziyu.

Gu Xixi reminded him that his wedding was about to begin, and Wei Ziyu was about to send an invitation letter. Yin Siyao took the initiative to contact Wei Ziyu again.

When we saw Yin Siyao again, Wei Ziyu clearly felt that Yin Siyao had changed.

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