The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 637: first day

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

But think about it, Zi Xuan once had a black history of escape marriage, you can understand!

The Mo School is actually quite miserable.

Sons and daughters are all excellent, but no marriage is successful.

The son was so stubborn that he couldn't get what he loved, so he found someone to surrogate.

The daughter looked weak and obedient on the surface, and she had more ideas in her bones. She said that she would escape the marriage without any discussion!

Now the Mo family also recognize it!

I heard that Mo Zixin's surrogate child is now growing very well, and the Mo family has not broken its roots.

Mo Zixuan finally finally met Jing Rong again, willing to continue this marriage contract.

Therefore, the Mo family is now looking forward to Gu Xixi to quickly choose a good wife for Yin Siyao and Jingtian, and must not delay marrying her daughter!

The Mo family left Si Si you don’t want to worry about it, or send your daughter over and supervise it yourself!

Mu Ruona reached out and patted Mo Zixuan's shoulder with a sympathetic look: "Come and come. The company's business, just throw it to your brother. You just took the opportunity to take a good rest, you should prepare. This week Afterwards, it turned out that Jingtian’s wedding must be certain, and that you and Jingrong’s affairs would be completed. Can our three weddings be done together too?”

Mo Zixuan sighed: "This is how I comforted myself! Poor my case! A full investment of 500 million yuan, my own investment! Not the company!"

Mu Ruona said with a smile: "You can invest in Danny! We are about to expand the production line, Xi Xi is already the general manager, do you want to be a sales director or something?"

"But you can't be busy!" Mo Zixuan glared: "I'm going to be busy, don't give me more posts!"

Gu Xixi pulled the two of them: "Okay, okay, don't stand, just come in and talk. You go to this stop, where do the women dare to go out to show their beauty!"

Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan laughed at the same time.

This is also true.

Sure enough, as soon as the three people entered the main building villa, the eight beautiful flowers went out to see the scenery.

Some people hold the book and run under the tree, some people go to the sea of ​​flowers, some people feed the fish, some people simply find a place to play chess.

In short, how can you show your inner show?

It seems that Gu Xixi brought a good head.

The cultural heritage of the Yun family has created Yun Yi and Gu Xi.

Look at Gu Xixi's current treatment, Gee, national wife!

How many people are greedy!

So when you can't figure out the Yin family's favorite taste, it's right to imitate Gu Xi!

Yin Siyao and Jingtian also changed their clothes and walked out of the white mansion. The two discussed the work while walking.

At this time, a girl wearing a pale green dress walked directly to Yin Siyao, calmly said: "Yin Ershao, can I talk to you alone?"

Yin Siyao stunned for a moment, then nodded with a smile: "Of course."

Yin Siyao nodded to Jingtian and invited the girl in the pale green dress to say, "Why not have a drink?"

"Good." The girl readily answered.

The two turned to the lounge and ordered two cups of coffee.

The girl in the light green dress introduced herself: "Maybe you don't remember me anymore. Please tell me again. My name is Chen Yue. I am 25 years old and I am a turtle master."

Yin Siyao nodded.

"I want to marry you." Chen Yue summoned the courage and said to Yin Siyao.

"Why?" Yin Siyao asked back: "Why not choose Jingtian? After all, in terms of freedom, Jingtian is more suitable. You should understand that Yin's genuine young grandmother is only a sister-in-law, you marry me, your The title is only the wife of Yin Jia Er Shao, not the serious Yin Jia Er Shao grandma."

Chen Yue nodded: "I know."

"Then you should also know that I got married just to give the Yin family an explanation." Yin Siyao said without shyness: "Although I am the second son of the Yin family, even the eldest brother must have an heir to give an account, let alone me. It’s just that the eldest brother and sister-in-law are very lucky, they love each other. And we, maybe just formal couples. Can you accept this?"

Chen Yue nodded her teeth: "Yes, I understand what you mean."

"Why?" Yin Siyao narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Yue.

"Because, I need the springboard of the Yin family." Chen Yue said without hesitation: "I want to climb very high, and I need a perfect springboard. In return, I will play a perfect couple with you. Whether you are outside When I do anything, I will pretend not to know and even cover you up."

"So you chose me?" Yin Siyao smiled.

"Yes." Chen Yue nodded: "The Yin family is much more powerful than the Jing family. They are also illegitimate children, and your coffee far exceeds him."

"It's really a real girl." Yin Siyao smiled softly and took a sip of coffee.

"Then your opinion is..." Chen Yue looked at Yin Siyao carefully and looked at him with anticipation.

Yin Siyao just smiled and didn't answer anything.

In front of him, Chen Yue thought that she had seized the characteristics of the wealthy family and thought that she could be qualified as a wealthy daughter-in-law just by not listening.

Is it really that simple?

of course not.

How can it be that simple?

Otherwise, why do some actresses have so many children and still can’t marry them?

Chen Yue was also clever. Seeing that Yin Siyao did not answer, he did not continue to ask, but just said: "If you are willing to consider me, my performance will not disappoint you."

Yin Siyao nodded slightly: "Okay."

"In this case, I will not disturb you." Chen Yue immediately stood up: "Farewell."

Yin Siyao nodded and got up to send her away.

After Chen Yue left, Yin Siyao's smile converged and sighed softly.

He had long expected a blind date in the draft, which would only attract a lot of women who worship money.

They are indeed excellent. Of course, the desire for money is also excellent.

As soon as Chen Yue left, Jingtian came over.

"How is it?" Jing Tian said with a smile: "Are you still satisfied?"

"What about you? Are you interested in other people?" Yin Siyao asked him back.

Jingtian smiled bitterly.

He did not answer, Yin Siyao already knew the answer.

However, both people understand that even if these people don't like it anymore, they will eventually choose one of them as their marriage partner.

In the room, Gu Xixi crooked on the sofa, listening to Mu Ruona's non-stop lobbying Mo Zixuan to join Danny Cosmetics.

Mu Ruona proudly said: "Whether those cosmetics companies are even more capable than a research and development team, can they be a biochemical scientist? Our family Pingshan took out their own skills and told me that we must develop a set specifically for pregnant women and Products used by parturients. Come on, use them after you give birth!"

"Forget it! Do you think Yin Sichen can agree to be a mouse and experiment with your product?" Mo Zixuan struck her.

Mu Ruona's eyes glared: "Why is it a mouse? These products are all tested! After passing the tests of several major companies in the world, they will be officially put into production! Well, you can't believe our family Pingshan!"

Mo Zixuan turned to look at Gu Xixi: "Xi Xi, what do you think?"

"Okay." Gu Xixi looked calm: "I'm still the general manager of Danny Corporation. Do I have to support my product?"

Mu Ruona was immediately happy: "It's still best!"

Mo Zixuan sighed: "Okay, I can't tell you. How do you plan to match Yin Siyao, Jingtian and those women? You don't plan to let them develop freely?"

"The talents and performers have all performed, and the confidence is almost the same. What can you do to let them do?" Mu Ruona said quite chested: "You can't throw them away from Yin Siyao and Jingtian's room. Here, try their skills?"

Gu Xixi: "Poof..."

Mo Zixuan: "Poof..."

The two cried out in unison: "Rona, why did you become so dirty after you were with Pingshan!"

Mu Ruona smiled: "I am a demon king!"

"Not saved!" Gu Xixi and Mo Zixuan shook their heads and sighed at the same time.

Gu Xixi continued: "Of course, they will not be left idle."

Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan looked at Gu Xi at the same time.

Gu Xixi said leisurely: "Although it is not as serious as a banquet, but get together for a meal, watch a movie here, pick flowers, drink wine, or something. It can be seen. The eight girls will show their lives desperately. They just moved the stage from the stage to their home."

"I bet a hundred dollars, some of those girls will come to you." Mo Zixuan blinked and said.

As soon as Mo Zixuan's words fell, a maid came over and said, "Young grandma, a girl named Zhou Qian, wants to see you."

Mo Zixuan laughed: "I'll say it! The ultimate judge is here, how could it not be a bribe? Come and give money!"

Mu Ruonabai gave her a glance: "We haven't started gambling yet, it doesn't count!"

Gu Xixi nodded to the maid and said, "Let her go to the reception room to wait for me."

Gu Xixi looked at Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan and said, "Si Chen came back after a while and said that he made some jewelry for marriage. You will help me pick it later."

"Too moat." Mu Ruona sighed.

"Let's come!" Gu Xixi gave her a glance: "I heard that Pingshan's family had an extremely rich dowry in order to marry their son, and one of them had a piece of red diamond.

Mo Zixuan sighed: "Unfortunately the Jing family is not willing to give too much dowry!"

"Go, come here less." Gu Xixi dragged Mu Ruona and Mo Zixuan directly: "Follow me to see the players! Since you are here, don't be idle! You two gallop the mall then For years, people are better than me! When I am too lazy to socialize, I will let you do it for you!"

Mu Ruona wailed with Mo Zixuan and followed Gu Xixi to the reception room.

As soon as Gu Xixi arrived in the reception room, he saw a quiet girl sitting there, well-behaved and motionless.

"Interesting." Mo Zixuan smiled softly: "Look at what she can say to impress us next."

"I'm also curious." Mu Ruona said with a smile: "Especially still such a silent person."

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