The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 631: Li Si who is obsessed with Mo Zixin

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yin Siyao suddenly laughed.

This is Gu Xixi!

She will always stand in a wise perspective and handle all feelings rationally.

She clearly understood, but chose to pretend not to understand.

Fortunately, nothing more.

This is the safest.

Then let yourself stand in this safest position, watching her happy is enough.

"Yes, we will always be a family." Yin Siyao quickly turned his eyes away after saying this, he didn't want Gu Xixi to see his moist eyes.

Gu Xixi quickly digressed and talked to Yin Siyao about the company.

Yin Siyao got up and said goodbye after staying for a while.

After giving away Yin Siyao, Gu Xixi immediately turned to Xiao Wang and said, "Let's go, we will go shopping."

Xiao Wang immediately packed up and drove the car in person to Gu Xi and went outside.

Xiao Wang opened very slowly: "Young grandma, what are you going to buy?"

Gu Xixi held the phone and looked at the map: "Huh? It's strange, I obviously saw a good dessert shop near here on the map navigation. Why didn't I have it?"

Xiao Wang suddenly smiled and said: "Why don't we stop the car and go down one by one to find them. Young grandma, they will all be stunned by us."

Gu Xixi turned around, but not.

The bodyguard that followed was almost confused by his own car.

"Okay, let's stop the car and find it on foot." Gu Xixi's stomach is basically not pregnant, so he walked easily.

And the doctor also told her to stay active, and the second child will be much happier when she is born.

Therefore, Xiao Wang didn't stop Gu Xixi and went out shopping together.

Parked the car, Gu Xixi was wearing sunglasses, followed by assistants and bodyguards, so leisurely strolling on the street with priority.

She found that many shops are watching the live TV show.

It seems that this show is really a crowd of participants!

Now everyone on the streets is discussing who can finally be fancyed by the grandmother Yin's grandmother and become the first civilian woman to marry into a giant.

The initiator who was discussed by everyone, at this time, is the first to make people jealous.

Gu Xixi held his phone, turned around for a few times, and finally stopped in front of a small store, and cried in surprise: "Yes, this is it! There are a lot of dessert shops in n city, but so done It's really rare to come to life! Let's go and see!"

Xiao Wang quickly followed, and opened the shop door for Gu Xixi.

As soon as Gu Xixi entered, the store was cool.

This private bakery is very small, two floors above and below, just like a few dozen square meters.

Compared to those big cake rooms, it's really nothing.

But all the works displayed on the display are so exquisite and beautiful.

Gu Xixi leaned in and looked at it seriously, nodding while looking at it.

It seems that the owner of this private bakery is a very master of art.

Only those who are proficient in art can create such works full of spirit.

Just as Gu Xixi was about to call his boss, a violent figure suddenly rushed in from outside the door. When Gu Xixi passed by, he even rubbed Gu Xixi.

Xiao Wang just wanted to speak, Gu Xixi smiled and waved his hand.

A little scratch, nothing.

Where did you know that Gu Xixi didn't care about the other party, but the other party settled the bill with Gu Xixi: "Hey, what's the matter with you? Did you hit me just now, you know?"

Gu Xixi straightened his body, his face surprised: "I have been standing here, just when you came in when you came in, how come I hit you?"

The girl suddenly shouted, "Hey, what's your attitude? Obviously you hit someone! My bag is very expensive! Can you afford it if you hit it?"

Gu Xixi always thinks where this line seems to have been heard...

Xiao Wang came in for a while: "This lady, if you want to use such strong words, then let's take a look at the monitoring! Every store will have monitoring, so it is fair to everyone."

The girl raised her eyebrows and said a stern expression: "What if I hit you? What can I tell you, I'm pregnant now! You hurt me, you have to compensate me! My husband is very good Awesome! If he knows that I have suffered a loss here, he will not let you go!"

Gu Xixi shook his head silently, not wanting to continue to slap with this unreasonable girl.

Seeing that Gu Xixi wanted to leave, the girl suddenly refused to let her go, and stopped Gu Xixi at once: "Why? You want to leave when you hit someone?"

Seeing that this girl stopped Gu Xi, Xiao Wang and the bodyguard immediately joined together and blocked the girl at once.

The girl was upset when she saw that Gu Xixi had someone to support her.

Suddenly, when the girl's eyes looked out of the window, she suddenly lit up, waved excitedly towards the door, and yelled, "Husband! Husband, I'm here!"

As soon as the voice fell, the girl rushed out and dragged a person out of the door.

"Huh, my husband is here, and see what else you can say! My husband is very powerful! You offended him, and you will be dead!" The girl looked up proudly: "Her husband, that woman, she just Hit me! You..."

Gu Xixi's eyes almost fell when he saw each other.

Gu Xixi couldn't help but say: "Zi Xin, this... really coincident!"

The person who came in from the door was none other than Mo Zixin.

Mo Zixin did not expect to meet Gu Xixi here, he was also shocked.

"Come on?" Mo Zixin was also shocked: "Why are you here?"

Gu Xixi pointed at the girl with a domineering expression and a smile on his face: "Your girlfriend?"

Mo Zixin's blue eyes suddenly sink: "Don't talk nonsense!"

The girl didn't expect Gu Xixi and Mo Zixin to know each other. When Mo Zixin denied her identity, she suddenly shouted, "Hey, what's the matter with you? You dare say I'm not your girlfriend! You Do you like her? How can you treat me like this!"

Mo Zixin looked helpless, looking at this girl: "Is it enough?"

Gu Xixi's eyes flashed: "You have something to say, then I'll say goodbye!"

After saying that Gu Xixi turned and was about to leave, Mo Zixin suddenly reached out and grabbed Gu Xixi's wrist and blurted out: "Xi Xi......"

Not waiting for Gu Xi to react, the girl seemed to blow up the cat in the nest and broke apart Mo Zixin's wrist: "How can you pull another woman! You are mine!"

Mo Zixin ignored the girl, and looked at Gu Xixi quietly: "Don't get me wrong. She is the daughter of a friend of mine. Today is my friend's birthday. I will celebrate his birthday and say it is his daughter. I didn’t go back to take the cake, so I stopped by and went back to her."

Gu Xixi smiled clearly.

When the girl heard Mo Zixin's words, she burst into the air again: "Hey, what do you mean! You despise me! I don't care, I just look at you, I just want you to be my husband! Hey, you This woman, don't look at my husband! He is mine!"

Gu Xixi looked at this young girl who was only seventeen or eighteen years old, and looked at herself like an adversary, and suddenly smiled gently: "Relax, I will not rob you."

Hearing Gu Xixi say this, this girl was relieved.

"Li Si, you go back first." Mo Zixin said to the girl: "My driver and assistant are outside."

"I don't!" Li Si looked at Mo Zixin vigilantly: "Are you going to get along with this woman alone? I don't want to let go!"

Mo Zixin frowned fiercely, his eyes swept Li Si.

Don't look at Mo Zixin is always warm and jade-like, and the son is unparalleled. When he really starts his temper, it is enough for others.

Mo Zixin was really a little angry at this moment, Li Si sprinkled for a long time, and after finding no use, he stared at Gu Xixi fiercely, turned and left angrily.

After Li Si left, Mo Zixin apologized: "Sorry, her father was a trainer who I was training at Amazon. The little girl was spoiled."

Gu Xixi had a clear expression: "That's it! She seems to like you very much."

Mo Zixin smiled bitterly.

Are there fewer women who like him?

From the age of eight to the age of eighty, can you already go to Hainan Island?

"I'm not interested in children." Mo Zixin smiled softly, reaching out and subconsciously trying to touch Gu Xi's head as before. When his fingers stretched out, he suddenly remembered that he had given up. When his eyes were dark, he would withdraw Own hand.

Gu Xixi suddenly picked up a dessert that had just been put on the table and put it on the hand that Mo Zixin could not take back.

"Now, I invite you to eat it." Gu Xixi smiled slyly, instantly relieving the embarrassment of the two.

Mo Zixin smiled lightly and shook his head: "You..."

Gu Xixi also laughed, and said to Xiao Wang and others: "You all go down first."

Xiao Wang and the bodyguards immediately exited the door.

Gu Xixi and Mo Zixin sat at a small round table and said, "Zi Xin, I... I always feel that I am not right with you. I am going to marry your sister!"

Mo Zixin smiled gently: "Okay, she should get married too!"

The expression on Gu Xixi's face was slightly scornful.

Mo Zixin took the initiative to ease the atmosphere: "I heard that your baby is not very stable, do you need me to introduce a doctor to you?"

Gu Xixi shook his head: "It's okay, this baby is a bit troublesome. Now it's okay. I can eat and sleep, but I'm not fat."

"Ah, that's good." Mo Zixin replied gently.

Inexplicably, the two seem to have nothing to talk about.

One is to be careful not to injure the other party, and the other is that the feelings of love are beyond words.

Gu Xixi thought for a while and said, "I'll bring some desserts in the past, this dessert shop seems to be good."

"Good." Mo Zixin's blue eyes flashed: "You have to take care of yourself."

"Yes." Gu Xixi replied with a smile: "I hope you can also find your own happiness."

"Your life is good, I will be happy." Mo Zixin replied: "Okay, I should go. Come on, you are good."

Mo Zixin still couldn't resist it after all, he looked up and touched Gu Xi's head.

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