The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 624: In full swing

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Ma Yingying's expression stiffened: "Brother, do we really need such stiffness between us?"

Yin Siyao raised his eyes and looked at Ma Yingying: "You still say it directly. Are you still not stubborn and want to take the opportunity of choosing my wife to approach Gu Xixi or Yin Sichen?"

Ma Yingying suddenly sat in front of Yin Siyao and said shamelessly: "Brother, now Gu Xixi is pregnant. Then can't she be with Yin Sichen? The man at this time is the most empty, as long as I took advantage of this opportunity to hook up with Yin Sichen. Brother, are you still worried that the future Yin's consortium is not in your hands? As long as you are willing to help me, I will..."

Yin Siyao's complexion suddenly changed, and his tone instantly became cold: "Ma Yingying, I didn't expect you to become like this in the past few years! Are you still my little sister who knows nothing about the world? Who taught you these? What a mess?"

Ma Yingying was irritated by Yin Siyao's words, and immediately roared: "Who do you think you are! You want to teach me? You really treat me as a sister, why am I still nothing?"

Yin Si smiled anxiously, he took out his wallet, took out a stack of cash and put it on the bar, turned around and left. ,

Ma Yingying saw that Yin Siyao had left her alone, and immediately caught up.

"Yin Siyao, stop for me!" Ma Yingying roared behind.

Yin Si ignored the pharmacology of Ma Yingying and went on.

Ma Yingying suddenly screamed: "Yin Siyao, do you ignore me? Well, I will let the car die now! Don't you care about my sister at all? If I die, it doesn't matter to you Is that right?"

After saying this, Ma Yingying rushed towards the middle of the road.

Yin Siyao turned around and saw Ma Yingying rushing towards the center of the road.

Yin Siyao was so frightened that Soul flew out, unable to take care of the others, and rushed over with an arrow, grabbing Ma Yingying's wrist and pulling back.

A car wiped the body of Ma Yingying and drove away. The driver suddenly scolded in the car and walked away.

Yin Siyao's cold sweat.

Ma Yingying saw that Yin Siyao came back to rescue her, and immediately smiled with pride: "Brother, you still care about me, don't you?"

With a sigh, Yin Siyao dragged Ma Yingying into his car and said, "Speak, what the **** do you want? I can't make you go the wrong way."

Ma Yingying said, "Brother, do you have no confidence in Gu Xixi or have no confidence in Yin Sichen? Or do you have no confidence in me? A man who can be walked away is not really a wife who loves him. This time is When Gu Xixi was most vulnerable, if I could take Yin Sichen away, it means that Yin Sichen didn’t love Gu Xi at all! In that case, I’m helping Gu Xixi, you know?"

Yin Siyao leaned back on the seat and said tiredly, "Yingying, you don't understand. The feelings of the eldest brother and the sister-in-law are not as simple as you think. In the past three years, the sister-in-law has lost memory, how many women want to recommend you to sleep on your own. Do you know? But no one can step closer to the elder brother! In the elder brother’s heart, there is only Gu Xixi alone!"

Ma Yingying said disapprovingly: "That's because I didn't shoot! How can other women compare with me? As long as I shoot, I believe what you say. Brother, you help me for the last time, this last time Isn’t that okay? If I lose, I’ll listen to you, and I don’t expect Yin Sichen anymore. I will find a place to work. Okay?"

Ma Yingying reached out and grabbed Yin Siyao's arm and said, "Brother, I assure you, as long as I lose this time, I will listen to you."

Yin Siyao sighed: "Yingying, I was supposed to stop you from looking for your death... But why didn't you listen to me? Well, since you have already made a decision, do it well. Be prepared. Yingying, if something goes wrong, I may not be able to protect you."

Ma Yingying said confidently: "How could it happen? Brother, you have to believe me! I am still young!"

Yin Siyao shook his head speechlessly and said, "In a few days, my eldest brother and sister-in-law will return to China. The first thing to do when you return home is that the eldest sister will definitely go to the San Diego Aristocrat College for inspection. I will help you tune the assistants away, and the rest will be yours."

Ma Yingying lit up: "Brother, if I win, I will not forget you."

Yin Siyao closed his eyes gently: "I just beg you not to hurt me. Okay, you get off the car. In the future, no matter what happens, don't appear in front of me."

Ma Yingying bit her lip and pushed open the door.

"Wait." Yin Siyao suddenly stopped Ma Yingying, withdrew a card from her wallet and handed it to Ma Yingying: "I will not have your sister in the future. You can do it for yourself."

Ma Yingying hesitated for a moment, but reached out and took the card.

Yin Siyao stopped staying, the ignition started, and he left the spot instantly.

Yin Siyao looked at Ma Yingying's figure gradually disappearing from the rearview mirror and couldn't help but smile bitterly and said to herself, "Yingying, I'm really kind to you. In the future, don't blame me for you."

Gu Xixi's Weibo has exceeded one million reposts a day.

Many people began to inquire about the way of registration.

This time you can apply regardless of nationality, region or race, as long as you have confidence in your beauty.

Therefore, the beauties in South Africa and North America have begun to prepare for registration.

Fortunately, the assistants are so good that the registration system is made in a day.

If you want to participate in the competition, just enter the official website, fill out the personal registration form, you can get a number.

After registration, cross-regional competition will be held in the UK and China.

Of course, the judges of the selection are naturally the people of the Jing and Yin families.

During the sea election, there will be several assistants for preliminary selection.

Qualified to enter the semi-finals.

After the semi-finals, it is the final.

The final will be in n city, Gu Xixi has a veto power.

In other words, if you guys are happily leaping in front, as long as you can't satisfy Gu Xixi, then you are all in vain!

Grandma Yin's grandma, if you don't have the right, what are you mixing?

The Jing family had no interest in this bastard, so it was decided to give it to Gu Xixi together.

Anyway, it is just an illegitimate child who has no family property and no inheritance rights, and there is no obstacle at all.

The Jing family originally wanted to set up obstacles for Jing Rong, but Yin Sichen personally came forward and said that he was standing with Jing Rong. Family match, whether it is cost-effective or not.

Yin Sichen made it clear that he was completely uninterested in the Jing family's infighting.

He was so anxious about Jingrong's marriage only because his wife wanted three sisters to marry together.

That's all.

Since Yin Sichen had expressed his position, the Jing family had to consider it carefully.

In the past two days in the UK, Jing Rong has been living out of the house and has been discussing with Mr. Jing Lao in the study.

As a guest, Gu Xixi just needs to eat here and have fun.

Other trivia, there are others who help!

For example, Mu Ruona, for example, Hirayama Jiro.

Otherwise, why bring them to the UK?

Of course, it is necessary to catch Zhuang Ding!

So, Gu Xixi lay in the garden to bask in the sun. Mu Ruona and Jiro Hirayama sat next to her, clenching her teeth and holding the notebook to deal with those who signed up.

"Ah, I really can't stand it!" Mu Ruona saw those registration forms that would increase a lot every time she refreshed, and immediately began to go crazy: "Are there any pits in those women's brains? In the same way of choosing a wife, how many people believe this unreliable thing?"

Gu Xixi replied while eating grapes leisurely: "Not all the stars of the draft are the same reason? The stars can draft, why can't the wife? You think, blind date is actually a small-scale draft."

"It sounds very reasonable...but not eggs! Gu Xixi, why are you eating grapes so leisurely?" Mu Ruona scratched the head and said: "These things are clearly yours!"

"Hehehehe, I am pregnant now." Gu Xixi replied very politely: "When you are pregnant, you can also slave me!"

"You are ruthless!" Mu Ruona said fiercely: "Just wait for this sentence for me, and I won't be finished if I don't have ten or eight!"

Jiro Hirayama's eyes lit up next to him: "Really?"

Mu Ruona stared at Yamajiro with a sudden heart jam: "Fake!"

The registration time is three days.

By the end of the day, the server almost burst.

At the last moment, there were millions of people signing up!

Gu Xixi looked at the dense registration form and opened his mouth wide: "God, when must this be chosen! No, let's add another sub-field! Otherwise, I can't finish the election until I have a baby!"

At this time, assistant Xiao Wang came with fresh milk, replaced the black tea in Gu Xixi's hand, and said with a smile: "The president has already thought about this matter. During the sea election, he directly cooperated with the local TV station. If we do, our efficiency is greatly improved, and the TV station has ratings. Everyone is happy to cooperate and can make money happily."

Mu Ruona couldn't help but raised her thumbs and said: "Mr. Yin really is the king of business! This kind of thing can be used to make money! If I didn't guess wrong, he had planned this way! No wonder he didn't object to you. Use the draft method to find Yin Siyao's wife. For him, it's a good deal!"

Ha ha ha, it really seems to be the case.

Now there is another illegitimate child of Jing family.

Ha ha ha, more lively than planned, and made more money!

Mr. Yin will certainly not object!

Gu Xixi suddenly thought of a question: "Hey, by the way, who is the illegitimate brother of Jing Rong? I still don't know who he is!"

Assistant Xiao Wang hey laughed and said: "This person, young grandma, you should know."

Ok? Are you still an acquaintance?

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