The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 620: The best of both worlds

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

This is the first time Jiro Hirayama has attracted so much attention.

However, Hirayama Jiro's mental capacity is still very strong.

His eyes were deep and he said, "I am ready, willing to give up everything I was proud of, willing to be an ordinary man, willing to be a Chinese. I am willing to guard her for my whole life, willing to try for her I didn’t like doing things. I was willing to do my best for her.”

Mu Ruona's eyes were red and she turned her head suddenly.

Gu Xixi smiled: "So, now give you a chance to kneel in front of Mu Da and Mu Mu and admit your mistake, and then come up with your greatest sincerity to propose, can you do it?"

Hirayama Jiro's eyes lit up: "Is it really possible?"

Gu Xixi nodded with a smile.

"It's important to have an elder to propose marriage, but as a person who wants to marry, you must show your sincerity enough. Your Chinese is no problem at all, go, apologize to Mu Da and Mu Mu, Acknowledge your recklessness and tell them your determination!" Gu Xixi said: "We are here for your good news."

Jiro Hirayama nodded heavily, turned and walked out.

When Jiro Hirayama left, Mu Ruona's eyesight was obvious.

Gu Xixi reached out and patted Mu Ruona's hand: "Don't worry, if he is serious about you, he will naturally get over there. Don't forget, his IQ is very high."

Mu Ruona settled down a little now.

Gu Xixi smiled and took Mu Ruona's hand, and said to Mr. Pingshan and his wife: "I have given you a daughter-in-law! We will be a family from now on!"

Mr. Hirayama and his wife thanked: "Yes, thank you Mrs. Yin Shao!"

Mu Ruona's rare face was red, her head lowered and she didn't know what to say.

Although Mrs. Hirayama is a woman who is loved most, but in terms of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, she should be a good person to get along with.

Mrs. Hirayama took the initiative to take Mu Ruona's hand and walked away for two steps to talk.

Mu Ruona's Japanese is so-so, and simple conversations will work.

So the two chatted stumbled.

Assistant Wang saw Gu Xixi's face slightly tired, and immediately helped Gu Xixi sit down.

Mr. Hirayama already knew that Gu Xixi was pregnant with a second child. ——No one in the world knows this matter!

Mr. Hirayama was also very happy, saying: "Jiro can marry in China this time, Mrs. Yin Shao really contributed. The Hirayama family will remember your kindness."

Gu Xixi said with a smile: "It's all a family, so you don't have to say so many polite words. Now everyone else has gone away, and I'm also asking you. I set up a company with Ruona, although not Big, but you also understand that we have contacts and resources that others do not have. In other words, with the Yin family supporting, this company can continue to operate even if it is no longer operating. So, you don’t have to worry if Ruona will Dragging down Hirayama Jiro."

Mr. Hirayama immediately waved his hand and said: "Mrs. Yin Shao said too! We will never think so! Even if the daughter-in-law has nothing, it doesn't matter, the Hirayama family is responsible for keeping. In Japan, women can not work ."

Gu Xixi continued to say with a smile: "It is good for you to have this intention, but we are not attached to men. So, can you allow your daughter-in-law to show her head and engage in business?"

Mr. Hirayama said with a smile: "Of course. There are also female members in the Yamaguchi group. We have maintained a fair view of this point."

Gu Xixi nodded and said, "That's good. Then I don't think there is much problem between us. After the processing by Hirayama Jiro is over, we can discuss the details of the wedding together."

On the other side, Jiro Hirayama really kneeled down to Professor Mu and Mother Mu as soon as he entered the door.

This move almost scared Professor Mu.

Professor Mu thought that his daughter is not good!

You say you drink at the bar, why are you pulling the guy into the room?

Just enter the room, why are you still sleeping?

Mu mother's view is different from Professor Mu.

Mu Mu looked at Jirou Hirayama kneeling down in a formal suit, pure and clear, refreshing, more and more like it.

Mother Mu pulled Professor Mu aside and lowered her voice and said, "Lao Mu, actually I think this kid is also good. I heard that as a scientist, this IQ can't be low, this looks good, and I am willing Be your son-in-law. Otherwise, let us not be bothered."

Professor Mu sighed and said, "Where would I dare to be hard for him? What I am worried about now is that others are hard for us!"

Hey, the house is unfortunate!

At this time, Jiro Hirayama kneeled and said, "My father and mother, I'm wrong!"

Professor Mu and Mother Mu almost scared the soul away!

He...he...what was he called just now?

Didn't he forget about it?

"I know that I made my own claims this time and made you angry! However, I want to marry Rona from the heart. I know I am Japanese, you may not be at ease. I am willing to give up my Japan for Rona Nationality, I am willing to join Chinese nationality." Jiro Hirayama said, according to Japanese etiquette, he prostrated himself on the ground and said: "I am willing to swear with Hirayama's surname, I will be good to Rona all my life, I will respect her all my life, Take care of her! Please give me my daughter!"

Hirayama Jiro's Chinese is indeed not bad.

Say what you should say. Don’t say anything.

Don't look at the power of his Form 2 so far, but if something happens, his mind is clear.

At this time, where did he dare to enter Secondary Two?

"I also know that your favorite son-in-law is Shang Ke. I admit that I have many places that are not as good as Shang Ke. I am not your student. I don't have a Chinese background. I don't have the friendship to grow up with Rona. But, feelings It has nothing to do with these external factors. I have never been in love since I was a child, and I never knew the taste of love. After I met Rona, I was like a divine initiation, and I immediately understood what is called heart movement, and I also understand What is called responsibility. I don’t understand what other people mean by responsibility. For me, my responsibility is to make Ruona happy every day without worry."

"I am a biochemical scientist, I will study many, many taboos. But now I think it is a more interesting thing to help Rona research better skin care products. I don’t think it’s bad to be a man-in-law as a man. I don’t think it’s bad to work for my wife. I’m a rebellious person in Japan, so I don’t have the problems of Japanese machoism.”

"Invite my father and mother for my talent, appearance, IQ and ability, and for my sincerity, please marry my daughter." Hirayama Jiro's deep prostrate body, his own The sincerity is full.

Mu Mu almost laughed at Hiroshi Jiro's words.

Those who have seen marriage proposals have never seen such proposal.

This child is too honest.

Professor Mu's face also eased a lot.

Hirayama Jiro's move is enough to give him enough steps.

Professor Mu also knew that he couldn't be too squeezed, and suddenly gave his wife a wink, and the two helped Jiro Hirayama together.

Professor Mu and Yan Yue said: "Since you are so sincere, I will do things to break up with you again, it is against the peace. Get up, don't kneel. Since everyone has said everything, as long as you young people There is nothing unacceptable about the happiness we have as elders. Just because your parents are here, why not sit down and discuss your marriage with us on this day."

Hearing Professor Mu nodded and agreed, Hirayama Jiro almost flew up happily.

However, he finally remembered Gu Xixi's instructions, and he became ecstatic without seeing it on the spot.

Hirayama Jiro immediately said: "Yes, I will immediately invite my parents to come and discuss marriage with you."

Seeing that Hirayama Jiro ran out with joy, Professor Mu sighed and said, "Old lady, our daughter is finally going to marry..."

Tears burst into her mother's eyes: "It's time to marry! It's almost thirty! Can't stay!"

Professor Mu and Mu mother smiled at each other.

Hirayama Jiro was pleased to invite Mr. Hirayama and his wife to discuss things together at the Mu's house. Everyone finally sat down to discuss the marriage of the two.

Although everyone's language is not very good, it doesn't matter, there is Gu Xixi this super translator, nothing is a problem

Gu Xixi coordinated the situation on both sides and explained on both sides.

Professor Mu saw Gu Xixi's powerful language ability, so he became more envious and admired for the Yun family.

Professor Mu said that his daughter can become a good friend with Yun's daughter, and I am proud!

So under friendly consultations, the two reached a consensus happily and decided to prepare the wedding for the two children as soon as possible.

The wedding date was set on the same day as Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen.

The four held a wedding together!

Having solved the situation here, Gu Xixi couldn't help but excitement and excitement and quickly called Yin Sichen to tell Yin Sichen what happened today.

Feeling happy with Gu Xixi, Yin Sichen smiled over the phone and called a gentle: "Wife, you are the most capable! We can hold a wedding together, of course it is a good thing. However, my wife, Mo Zixuan and Jing Rong! After I am busy with the matter at hand, should we go to the UK? Wouldn’t it be better if we could persuade the Mo and Jing families to also have a wedding with us?"

Gu Xixi said excitedly: "Yeah, yeah, I plan this way too! Si Chen, you are so good! You also thought of it!"

Yin Sichen smiled on the phone.

Where did he think of it, but guess Gu Xixi will do it!

So he also took the initiative, the most important thing to make his wife happy!

As for whether to hold a wedding with others...

Huh, are the other grooms handsome?

Don't worry at all?

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