The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 617: Big oolong, what to do

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Chapter 617

Gu Xixi was dumbfounded: "Who told you to raise your relatives?"

"Of course it is Jiro." Mr. Hirayama said, frowning. "Isn't it right? Jiro said, they have already said it, we just need to come to raise the relatives. He also said that he consulted Mr. Yun, it is indeed the male proposing The more solemn it is, the more respectful it is for the woman. So I came here with my wife just to show our sincerity."

Gu Xixi was silent for a moment.

People are right!

But the order is wrong!

"You are here to raise relatives?" Gu Xixi said with a sigh: "It's such a big mistake, and I have also been negligent. Jiro probably saw the marriage proposal between me and Si Chen. That's right. Although it can't be wrong to do this, but when time is running out, it's a mistake."

At the moment, Gu Xixi explained the course of things to Mr. Pingshan and his wife clearly.

Fortunately, Gu Xixi met the Japanese standard and spoke quickly, explaining that it only took a dozen minutes.

After listening to Gu Xixi's explanation, Mr. Hirayama's expression on his face was instantly brilliant.

How to do?

There was a big oolong.

But they are already here!

And the people of the entire Yamaguchi group also know!

If this marriage fails, then the reputation of the Hirayama family in Japan...

Gu Xixi said, "You must be restless first, let me explain to the female parent. In fact, they are even more shocked than you. If you are not going to raise a family with a gift, they all think you are looking for revenge. Yes."

After finishing speaking, Gu Xixi couldn't help but say: "My suggestion is that you leave here first and stay in another place for a while, even if you are raising relatives, you will have to share the days. I will explain to the woman first, so that The female parent is psychologically prepared."

Gu Xixi's identity and status determine the weight of her speech.

If someone else makes suggestions like this, Mr. Hirayama may not give him a bird.

But Gu Xixi said these words, and Mr. Pingshan had to carefully consider what Gu Xixi meant.

Yin Sichen and Gu Xixi's big marriage is sooner or later, can not easily offend Yin Sichen.

Offending Gu Xixi is equivalent to offending Yin Sichen.

So after the balance was clear, Mr. Hirayama nodded and said, "Well, then we will wait for the good news of Mrs. Yin Shao."

Gu Xixi nodded and said briefly to Professor Mu that they were going to leave, and then Professor Mu's family was still confused and sent away Mr. Pingshan's family.

However, the gift Mr. Hirayama did not take away, nor did the unreliable son take away, so he left with his hula ladies.

As soon as these people left, Professor Mu asked Gu Xi: "Good boy, you tell me the truth, what the **** happened?"

Gu Xixi glanced at Mu Ruona, who was still holding an ostrich, and his face was blank, but he did not return to God from the previous one.

He waved his hand directly and said: "You two go talk while going, let me talk about it!"

Hearing Gu Xixi saying this, Mu Ruona grabbed Hirayama Jiro very arrogantly and went to settle the accounts.

Gu Xixi turned his head and said to Professor Mu: "This is the case. I went to Japan with Si Chen some time ago... Then I met Hirayama Jiro while in Japan. The identity of Hirayama Jiro is Mr. Hirayama of the Yamaguchi team of Japan. Second son, but he is not a member of the Yamaguchi group. It is a special member of the Yamaguchi group. His profession is a scientist."

Gu Xixi did not dare to say that Hirayama Jiro is a biochemical expert!

"Later, Jiro Hirayama and I shared a common view on chess, so I followed me back to China. Mr. Hirayama handed me Hirayama Jiro and asked me to help take care of it. If Na had drunk too much, I asked Hirayama Jiro to help take care of it. As a result, Naona had tricked Hirayama Jiro into bed... Afterwards, we learned that Hirayama Jiro was obsessed with scientific research all his life and never had a relationship or private life. Clean. I didn't expect to be lost in the emperor capital..."

How exciting and wonderful the face of Professor Mu sitting on the opposite side!

After a long time, it was his daughter who slept the other son?

"Later in the South Pacific, something happened again..." Gu Xixi didn't mention Hans, but said that the ship was in trouble. Hirayama Jiro, almost ignoring his own safety, almost died on the island before saving Mu Ruona.

Gu Xixi avoids the heavy and takes the light, and describes Hirayama Jiro as an obsessive, dedicated, and scientifically upright man who does not mention the second part of this guy at all.

No way, I can only do this now, otherwise, this matter is really difficult to deal with.

"Hiroyama Jiro saw the engagement scene between me and Yin Sichen, and I learned a lot about it. I think this way is to show the woman's greatest respect, and then I invited my parents to raise their own relatives. But please rest assured, I have passed through with Mr. Pingshan, and he doesn’t mind Pingshan Jiro becoming a Chinese son-in-law. They will settle where they like to live in the future. It’s okay for you to be your home-in-law." Gu Xixi quickly brushed Pingshan Jiro I’m afraid that Professor Mu would directly refuse with a stare.

"Although people today don’t pay much attention to morality, but anyway, Hirayama Jiro is a member of the Hirayama family, and he is also an internationally renowned scientist. If you really don’t mind if he is Japanese, they really are Still very suitable. I also know that you like Shang Ke and want to make Shang Ke your son-in-law. However, it is really difficult to make clear the emotional things. When Fashion Ke and Ms. Gong San were engaged, I and Ruo Na I was on the spot, I could feel Ruona’s sorrow and despair. If not, how could Ruona be deeply hit, and she turned to drink, and accidentally gave Hirayama Jiro..."

"I blame me badly. If I could stop Rona at that time, maybe Hirayama Jiro would not lose his body... I'm sorry, let my best sister take away the morality of his son!" Gu Xixi said with a heartache The expression on the face, Professor Mu and Mu mother looked dumbfounded, completely do not know what to say.

After explaining with Professor Mu, Gu Xixi turned and went to Mr. Youyou Pingshan.

Mr. Hirayama and his wife took a floor directly at a nearby hotel, and Gu Xixi was ushered into the most luxurious room.

As soon as he entered the door, Gu Xixi sighed and said helplessly: "Mr. Hirayama, I am really ashamed of trusting you! Unexpectedly, then Hirayama Jiro of S.2 will also be able to learn without a teacher, taking advantage of my When the good sister was drunk, she extended her evil claws..."

Mr. Hirayama was embarrassed.

Is this guilt or is it to ask the teacher to blame?

"Although Rona and Jiro are indeed lovers now, they haven't reached the stage of raising relatives. Today was originally the day when Rona took her boyfriend home for the first time, and it was considered to formally confess her feelings and future with the family. It was planned. But I didn’t expect that this guy, Hirayama Jiro, even claimed to invite both of you! Although the relatives should also meet, this is really not anxious.” Gu Xixi continued: “Especially now, especially It is today."

Mrs. Hirayama is a typical lady, and she is not the principal.

When I heard Gu Xixi say this, I was anxious: "But when we came from Japan, we told others that we had come to raise the daughter-in-law. Now we have made such a big mistake, but What should I do?"

Mr. Hirayama also frowned and said, "Ms. Yin Shao, do you have any good suggestions? We really can't go back so in vain, our Hirayama family can't bear this humiliation. Although this humiliation happened because of Jiro. Our Hirayama family It is also very sincere, we are willing to put our son in Chinese life."

Gu Xixi spread his hands and said: "Yeah, this is the problem. Now that I have made all the situation clear, the next step is for both parties to come up with a compromise solution."

While Gu Xixi was busy explaining on both sides, Mu Ruona finally took Hirayama Jiro out to settle the accounts.

Mu Ruona just wanted to reprimand why Hirayama Jiro made his own claims and called Mr. Hirayama and his wife from Japan.

Unexpectedly, Hirayama Jiro's pupils suddenly tightened and hugged Mu Ruona and turned around.

The next second, a huge impact sounded from Mu Ruona!

"Squeak--" A huge tire friction sound accompanied this sound, almost broke through Mu Rona's eardrum.

Hirayama Jiro suddenly shouted, "Go away! These people are coming at me!"

After saying this sentence, Jiro Hirayama suddenly pushed away Mu Ruona, turned and ran madly across the road.

The next second, Mu Ruona saw someone suddenly jump out of the car, raised her hand and shot in the direction of Hirayama Jiro.

Bang Bang Bang-three consecutive shots, all hitting the road stone, the splashing stone flakes everywhere.

Mu Ruona only stayed for a second, and immediately reacted, turned and ran away in the opposite direction!

The gunshots immediately attracted several people who were talking, and Gu Xixi's face changed: "What's going on? How can there be gunshots outside? Go and see!"

The bodyguards immediately separated a few people and rushed out. When they went downstairs, they saw Mu Ruona running madly towards this side.

Mu Ruona ran and shouted: "Someone is chasing and killing Hirayama Jiro, please go help him! The other party has a gun!"

The bodyguard immediately reported the news here, and then quickly chased it.

Professor Mu's face was white, and Mu's mother almost fainted.

Gu Xixi immediately comforted them and said, "Don't be afraid, don't worry! My bodyguards have already chased them! They are all specially trained, and the other party should be directed at others, if Rona will be fine."

Gu Xixi stood up immediately, turned and walked towards the window.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw Mu Ruona trembling and took out the key and drove over.

Gu Xixi said, no!

Hirayama Jiro is in danger!

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