The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 590: Mohist test

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi sighed: "Maybe this shot of the five slags is also good."

"What's the use of his marksmanship? Have you never heard of it? The male **** is noble and elegant even as a **** officer, and the girlie is shoving **** even when playing golf!" Mo Zixuan said she did not shy away Disdain Jing Rong.

Gu Xixi couldn't listen anymore.

She has seen Jing Rong, not as miserable as she said?

Although it is too delicate, it is indeed more exquisite than women, but it can still be seen!

Mo Zixuan continued to complain: "You said, what happened to my family? Why did you have to force me to marry Jing Rong? Come on, you also saw that I am totally unworthy of him."

Gu Xixi nodded: "Yeah, the Mo family hasn't needed a political marriage to maintain a family."

Mo Zixuan couldn’t wait to hold Gu Xixi and shouted his confidant, tears said: "Yeah yeah. The problem is here, Xi Xi, you said, what is the reason for my family to be with Jing Rong? of?"

Gu Xixi pondered for a moment and said, "Are you planning to wait for us to ask this question when we visit? This is okay. I'm also good at bullying why the Mos are so keen to keep you together."

Mo Zixuan immediately folded his hands together to make a pleading: "Speak the truth, come on, if you can convince grandpa to give up this ridiculous idea, when you marry Yin Sichen, I will give you a big super red envelope as a thank you !"

Gu Xixi smiled: "OK, then I'll ask you for you."

Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen sent greetings in advance, and came to the door of the Mo family with a pinch, and officially visited the old Mo.

The Mo family has long been ready to greet the two people, so when the two people have not reached the gate of the Mo family, the Mo family has already sent someone to wait at the door.

As soon as Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen arrived, they were greeted and sent directly to the courtyard of Grandpa Mo.

The climate of y province is warm and comfortable, so many green plants and flowers are also planted in the Mo's yard.

However, because of the Mo family's military participation for generations, the house building style is mainly simple and practical, with no extra decoration, more like a magnificent military camp.

The blue brick floor laid on the ground is clean and clean, leaving no trace of dust.

The servants in the family are also prohibited from order. Three people form a line, and a pair of soldiers do the work.

Yin Sichen whispered to Gu Xixi: "As soon as I entered this place, I felt an inexplicable sense of tension."

Gu Xixi chuckled, "It's really rare. It's really not much to make you President Yin big nervous."

Yin Sichen didn't mind Gu Xi's ridicule at all, reached out and squeezed Gu Xixi's palm: "Well, I'm nervous about you alone."

Gu Xixi's heart is sweet.

The two of them walked towards the courtyard where Mr. Mo lived. As soon as they entered the door, they saw several soldiers standing at the door.

The soldiers saw Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen, and immediately stood up and saluted: "Please wait a moment."

Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen immediately stopped and nodded.

After a while, a soldier ran in to report and immediately came out to let the two in.

Grandpa Mo’s voice came from the house: “Come in, no outsiders at home.”

Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen walked in hand in hand and saw that Mr. Mo was sitting in a military uniform with green uniform at the red sandalwood tea table on the side, pouring tea.

"Grandpa." Gu Xixi said cunningly, and Yin Sichen followed suit and said, "Grandpa, here we are."

"Sit down and drink tea." Mr. Mo greeted the two people sitting across from him: "This tea is still sent by my mother, and my Mo family's tea throughout the year is drunk from the Yun family. . It seems that there will be no such blessings in the future."

There was a shame on Gu Xixi's face: "Grandpa wants to drink, I will give Grandpa a lifetime."

"Haha, you little girl." Grandpa Mo smiled and said Gu Xiaoxi's nose. "He will make grandpa happy."

Gu Xixi smiled embarrassedly.

Yin Sichen looked at Grandpa Mo with a little nervousness: "Grandpa, what test do you want to give us?"

"I can't wait so soon? Don't have a few days of fun first? Maybe this is your last time to get along." Master Mo's eyes dropped, although his face was old, he still could not hide his sharp 1 man.

"Grandpa!" Gu Xixi couldn't help saying.

"Haha, okay, I won't tease you anymore." Mr. Mo took a sip of the teacup and said, "I will let you come this time, it will be a test to test you, and I want to be close to your juniors. Get more contact. After all, I gave the army all my life. I am old, but I miss a lot of scenery."

Mr. Mo felt emotion for a while, and then said, "Did Zi Xuan go to you?"

Gu Xixi was stunned for a while: "You all know?"

Grandpa Mo smiled suddenly.

Gu Xixi flashed an ominous premonition.

Can't you really guess it by yourself?

What can I do?

If for your own sake, you must sacrifice Zi Xuan's happiness.

But if you can't help them together, you must separate yourself from Si Chen.

This is how to do?

Yin Sichen seemed to guess something, and his eyes widened instantly: "Grandpa, do you want us to bring Jing Rong and Miss Mo together?"

Mr. Mo nodded his head very barely and admitted.

Yin Sichen was not as surprised as Gu Xixi, in fact, he did guess a little.

Therefore, as early as in London, England, he had already begun to layout, but this thing has been hiding from others, even Gu Xixi did not know.

How did Gu Xixi think that Yin Shechen had found Jing Rong before she had recovered her memory and was still in London, England, and promised Jing Rong some conditions to provide him with some help.

Just because Gu Xixi didn't know, Gu Xixi became more and more entangled.

The tangles in Gu Xixi's face looked at Mr. Mo's face, and Mr. Mo suddenly smiled happily.

Tangle well!

Anyway, this time I will either have a granddaughter-in-law or a grand-daughter-in-law. Anyway, he is so old that he can't fail both ends!

"Grandpa, I haven't been able to understand this question. Why do you have to let Zi Xuan and Jing Rong together?" Gu Xixi couldn't help asking.

I want to know this question myself, and Mo Zixuan also wants to know.

Master Mo smiled softly: "When you talk about it, what kind of people are Jing Rong and Zi Xuan?"

Gu Xixi frowned and said, "I haven't seen Jing Rong a few times, I haven't had any dealings with him, I don't know him. But Zi Xuan I still understand it. She looks soft and weak on the surface, In fact, she is a very assertive and proud person. She is not Lin Daiyu or Xue Baochai who will succumb to the arrangement at home, she is just herself. She will not obey the arrangements of others."

Mr. Mo nodded and turned to look at Yin Sichen: "What do you think?"

"I'm the opposite of Xixi. I don't have much contact with Miss Mo, but I have contacted Jing." Yin Sichen replied calmly: "Jing and Yin are nobles in Europe, I I have had several contacts with the previous generation of the Jing family. The reason why the Jing family can gain a foothold in the United Kingdom is because the Jing family has something that no one else has. That is, the Jing family owns a unique uranium mine in the world The associated uranium reserves of this mine are extremely rich, but because of the particularity of this uranium, the Jing family has protected the mine very well. It is for this reason that the United Kingdom attaches great importance to the Jing family and has given the Jing family a lot of privileges. Let the Jing family successfully gain a foothold in the UK."

Mr. Mo nodded very much.

"Jing family has many children and grand family. With such a big foundation, it is a big problem to decide the heir. Jing Rong is one of the heir candidates, but it is not the only one. Jing Rong's position in Jing family is actually a bit embarrassing. Because Jing Rong was not from Mr. Jing’s original wife, but was born in a room. But because of this, Jing Rong had some strong support from his grandmother’s family that his elder brother did not have. Jing Rong’s grandmother’s family was The heavyweights who control the resources of the Northwest District. It is precisely because of Jing Rong’s rich ancestors’ background, but also brought great disadvantages to Jing Rong. That is, those brothers did not want Jing Rong to grow up smoothly. "

Grandpa Mo is already very satisfied.

Yin Sichen can see all these, enough to prove that his intelligence and connections are strong at the same time.

"Jing Rong has experienced a lot of temptations and assassinations since he was a child. In order to ensure that he can survive smoothly, Jing Rong has to make himself a dude, and he is always a fan of flowers and papers. Of course, the Jing family has the money to make him lose. Therefore, Jing Rong cultivated himself as the most noble child of Britain. It is said that a meal cost more than millions of pounds, causing a stir in the upper class." Yin Sichen smiled slightly and continued: "But These are all appearances. Under the surface of Jing Rong's drunk gold fans, he has been cultivating his own forces in secret. Coincidentally, I once had some cooperation with Jing Rong. I can see that Jing Rong is definitely not on the surface. It’s that simple."

Gu Xixi heard Yin Sichen say this, and his jaw dropped!

how is this possible?

Is Jing Rong not a playboy?

Or is it a hidden belly?

Zi Xuanna, do you know if you really are such a fiance?

"Since you have seen it so clearly, you should understand why I made them together, right?" Mr. Mo looked at Yin Sichen rightfully: "You are a smart boy, you probably already guessed what I mean Now."

Yin Sichen said without any haste: "If I am not wrong, grandpa, you are going to tie the Jing family to the country's big ship. And grandpa has also seen that Jing Rong is Jinlin, is it a pool thing? , In case of changing circumstances. You think only such a man can protect your granddaughter."

Gu Xixi's mouth widened at once.

Why are these two worlds completely subverted as you know?

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