The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 585: Ma Yingying's Little Nine Nine

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi came quickly, but she did not come by herself, and assistant Xiao Wang followed her step by step.

In other words, Xiao Wang is very mindful of this Ma Yingying now!

The girl who might have robbed her of her job has become a thorn in Assistant Xiao Wang's eyes.

So I heard that Gu Xixi wanted to see Ma Yingying. Today, Xiao Wang, who had other things, just handed over his affairs to others and came over to accompany Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi just felt that Xiao Wang's reaction was a bit overdone, but she said nothing.

It is not a bad thing to keep your subordinates at all times.

Gu Xixi saw Ma Yingying standing there embarrassedly from the distance, out of step with the surrounding environment.

Assistant Wang saw Ma Yingying and immediately couldn't help but proudly straighten his chest.

That Ma Yingying is totally a scumbag! It's nothing like yourself!

Grandma is so wise, of course I know who is more suitable for her!

Gu Xixi didn't think Ma Yingying had any problems. After all, she was a little girl in her early twenties, and she was still hidden for so long. Even if she didn't go to university, she went around to discuss her life. Gu Xixi was a little instinctive. She, however, completely forgot that she was pitiful since she was a child.

"How do you stand? Sit down, my flowers are so precious, so I have to take care of them every day. Just talk about what you have. We will work without delay while talking." Gu Xi smiled at Ma Yingying Said: "Are you still used to working at the Yin family?"

Ma Yingying's stuttering answer: "habit."

Gu Xixi just smiled and took the scissors that Xiao Wang handed over, and slowly cut off the extra branches and leaves.

Xiao Wang and Gu Xixi worked very well together, cutting one by one, just right, and not too cramped.

Ma Yingying opened her mouth and worked hard for a long time, and finally found the courage to say: "Young grandma, I just want to follow you. I know I can stay at the Yin family and work, it's all young grandma. You help me. I am stupid. A little bit, but very diligent, I will learn to do everything."

Assistant Wang almost couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Gu Xixi suddenly smiled and put down the scissors in his hand.

Assistant Xiao Wang immediately took the towel and carefully cleaned Gu Xixi's fingers. After cleaning, he quickly applied Gu Xixi with a layer of hand cream. Before Gu Xixi sat down, he quickly opened the chair. And at the same time served tea.

The speed and efficiency of Ma Yingying are a bit stunned.

Gu Xixi gently coughed.

This is just Xiao Wang begged her.

Xiao Wang said she wanted to prove to Ma Yingying that not everyone can be an assistant.

Therefore, in order to give Xiao Wang peace of mind, Gu Xixi also agreed to let Xiao Wang show his professional qualities and let Ma Yingying be optimistic about what an assistant needs to do.

Sure enough, this disembarkation is really useful.

Ma Yingying was shocked.

Gu Xixi smiled and said, "Why are you so obsessed with being my assistant? In fact, I already have a lot of assistants. Xiao Wang is one of my best, and I do not plan to change my personal assistant at the moment. ."

Xiao Wang, who was standing next to her, almost burst into tears. Young grandma, you are too wise!

Gu Xixi continued: "Besides, Xiao Wang was the one who followed me three years ago. When I was pregnant, I asked Xiao Wang to take care. Xiao Wang was to protect me and was bitten by a bad dog. I found There is no reason to change the assistant. The work of the Yin Family Mansion is very easy and leisure. As long as you do your job well, your salary is not low. Why should you stay close and come to work with me? What’s more, I didn’t ask the drugstore to tell After you, the job of assistant is not something that ordinary people can do."

Ma Yingying said timidly: "I don't mind not being an assistant or being a servant."

Assistant Xiao Wang really couldn't help rolling his eyes this time.

She wouldn’t think it’s easy to be a servant at Yin’s house?

Please, okay!

The servants and workers of the Yin family are specially trained! Many people's education is undergraduate and above!

The lowest must be specialist!

She, a high school graduate, how to understand the complicated German manuals on home appliances?

Gu Xixi was really curious: "Why do you have to work with me?"

Yin's domestic servants are all paid uniformly, and where they work, salaries are paid uniformly by the big housekeeper.

Ma Yingying glanced embarrassedly, lowering her head without explanation.

At this time, the outside call was received, and Aunt Zhang called and asked Gu Xi: "Young grandma, the second young master is here."

Yin Siyao? Probably came to pick up Ma Yingying?

Gu Xixi didn't think so much, and said, "Let him come directly."

Yin Siyao came soon.

Gu Xixi was far away and saw Yin Siyao's tiger approaching. He didn't expect to see him for a few days. Yin Siyao's posture was more than enough.

Could it have been stimulated by Yin Sichen and began to focus on fitness?

"Sister-in-law!" Yin Siyao shouted excitedly when he came over.

Gu Xixi smiled again: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong?"

Yin Siyao saw Ma Yingying here, and then he was relieved and said, "It's nothing. Just listening to the housekeeper, Yingying said that someone asked for her, and she left Yin's house. I thought it was... but, here in Dasao Just rest assured."

Gu Xixi understood.

Yin Siyao, is this worried about Ma Yingying being called by Ma Yan to be wronged?

In all fairness, Yin Siyao really didn't say anything about this half-sister.

Although Yin Siyao basically doesn't deal with Ma Yingying very much, but when something really happens, she still looks like a brother.

But think about it too, that is, brothers and sisters of normal families, when they are in their twenties, there is no reason to be together every day.

What's more, Yin Siyao lives outside now, and doesn't live in Yin's mansion.

I was able to get news so quickly that he was instructed to stare at Ma Yingying at the Yin Family Mansion and report to him as soon as there was any movement.

Gu Xixi looked at the time and said, "It's exactly noon, let's stay and eat. Anyway, there is no one at home, Yu Yan and Gu Miao are eating at school, and Si Chen is not here, so you can join me. "

Yin Siyao looked at Gu Xixi in surprise: "Really... is it okay?"

This is the first time Yin Siyao has eaten at Gu Xixi's house. This is something Yin Siyao never dared to think about before.

Gu Xixi turned to Xiao Wang and said, "Today, eat in the lounge outside the flower room. It is also good to watch the scenery while eating."

"Yes, grandma." Xiao Wang immediately turned to arrange lunch.

When Ma Yingying looked at Yin Siyao, she clearly had a trace of resentment.

She finally found an excuse to leave the Yin Family Mansion and came to find Gu Xi.

Unexpectedly, Yin Siyao would arrange someone to stare at her at home!

This made Ma Yingying very unhappy.

In the past few days of the Yin family, Ma Yingying really felt what it means to be a wealthy man, what to call extravagance, and what to call money worthless.

The owner of the Yin family, whether it is for food, drink or wear, is nothing ordinary.

Even her brother-in-law, the son of the Yin family, enjoys top quality.

Originally Ma Yingying was a simple girl, but after spending some time in such a luxurious mansion, her heart gradually changed.

She started to feel a little unhappy.

She thinks that since she is Yin Siyao's sister, why doesn't Yin Siyao find her a better position, but let her do the rough work like other servants?

And Yin Siyao is a child, but now Teng Hao Branch is in his hands!

As long as he wants, he can give Ma Yingying a prominent position outside in minutes.

As long as he wants, he can buy Ma Yingying a luxury item from start to finish with just one watch.

But Yin Siyao didn't do it.

Therefore, Ma Yingying felt that Yin Siyao had changed, and he was no longer the brother who used to hurt her.

Therefore, Ma Yingying's careful thought never told Yin Siyao, including going out this time, she did not greet Yin Siyao in advance, but she went out secretly by telling a lie.

Especially when I saw Yin Siyao again today, Ma Yingying saw with a sharp eye that Yin Siyao's watch seemed to have been replaced with a new one.

At the Yin family, Ma Yingying did not learn anything else, but luxury brands have almost recognized them.

The price of this watch on Yin Siyao's wrist is definitely not less than 500,000.

He has money to buy watches, why not buy clothes for her?

She wears tooling every day, she has to wear it!

Gu Xixi invited them to dinner. Ma Yingying's first thought was not to thank Gu Xixi, but to feel sorry. Why didn't Yin Sichen come back to dinner?

Assistant Xiao Wang soon took the chef and arranged the lunch in the lounge outside the flower room.

This small lounge is designed as an octagonal pavilion, surrounded by high-permeable glass, which can be opened to ventilate the windows or beaded curtains to escape the heat. Pushing the door out, there is a small open-air garden outside. From here, you can see the gurgling springs, swimming fish, and flowers.

The location of this villa is good, the air is fresh and the plants are lush and quiet.

So eating at this location is really a treat.

Gu Xixi asked Yin Siyao to sit opposite Ma Yingying and dine with himself.

Yin Siyao originally wanted to say that Ma Yingying was not necessary, but before Ying Siyao spoke, Ma Yingying had already sat down.

Assistant Wang saw Ma Yingying's movements, and was even more disdainful.

Aunt Zhang and the housekeeper didn't dare to dine with the owner so blatantly. Her little gardener didn't even know how to quit.

Whose servant would be so inconsistent?

Just like the people in the workplace eating at the company, the boss can be polite with you and let you dine with him, but it is estimated that few dare to eat with the big boss.

Yin Siyao has been at the Tenghao branch during this time, and has gradually polished his eyes.

He had already noticed that Ma Yingying was not right.

But Ma Yingying is his sister after all, and he can't say anything.

Fortunately, Gu Xixi is not the kind of person who cares, otherwise, I am afraid that Ma Yingying's job can't be saved.

But after seeing the food in front of him, Ma Yingying couldn't help swallowing a sip of water, but what she had in mind was: If I were the grandmother of Yin Family, would these exquisite foods and comfortable environment belong to me?

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