The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 583: Talk again

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Hirayama Jiro blurted out: "Unless you promise to marry me now!"

Mu Ruona froze.

what did he say?


He is only twenty-five years old this year, and he is almost thirty!

What a joke?

Moreover, he was the second youngest member of the Pingshan family, and he was just a humble little citizen.

What's more, he will not follow him to Japan, because his roots and connections are in China.

I am not the kind of little woman who depends on the existence of men. My company and my future are all in China.

Mu Ruona's stiff expression made Hirayama Jiro's heart sink.

He all said that he was getting married. Why did the other person have this expression?

Does it mean that she doesn't want to marry herself at all?

She still thinking about the man inside?

Sure enough, the man named Shang Ke was poisoned with poison!

Mu Ruona didn't look pretty, but she didn't explain anything. She just said softly: "Okay, don't get angry, and it's not a child anymore. Yu Yan and Gu Miao are not as naive as you."

Yeah, Yin Yuen dropped the explosive directly!

Seeing that Jiro Hirayama was still angry, Mu Ruona sighed, thinking about the people who were almost thirty, and even got angry with Hirayama Jiro.

Mu Ruona took a deep breath and took the initiative to hold Hirayama Jiro's hand and said, "Okay, I have called Xixi from home. Can I ask Xixi to persuade Shang Ke?"

Hearing Mu Ruona's words, Hirayama Jiro's complexion really looked a lot better.

Hirayama Jiro said courageously: "I gave you my first time! You are responsible for it!"

"Yes yes!" Mu Ruona nodded like rubbing garlic.

"Although I am Japanese, I am not an infatuated person." Jiro Hirayama continued.

"Yes yes!" Mu Ruona continued to nod, as long as you are not angry.

"That's not too busy, come back to Japan with me to see my parents." Jiro Hirayama was just happy.

"Is it... huh?" Mu Ruona's nod is suddenly abrupt: "See what your parents do?"

"Of course it's about our business." Hirayama Jiro's threatened eyes looked at Mu Ruona, so much that you dare to play with my feelings and I will poison you if you don't marry me.

Mu Ruona shuddered.

Did this provoke the price of the little handsome guy?

"Ah...Ah..." Mu Ruona couldn't tell her bitterly, she could only fight haha.

On the other side, Gu Xixi knocked on the door and entered Shang Ke's ward.

Shang Ke saw that Gu Xixi was standing outside the door instead of Mu Ruona. His eyes suddenly flashed a bit of disappointment, but he was very polite to say hello: "Sorry, I won't be able to pick you up when you come back this time."

Gu Xixi dragged a chair and sat down in front of Shang Ke, leaving everyone waiting outside the door.

"That's nothing. I heard that you have been drunk recently? And you are drinking a lot of strong alcohol?" Gu Xixi looked at Shang Ke's pale face, and his heart was speechless for a while.

"I was upset, so I drank a few more glasses." Shang Ke replied with an inexplicable expression: "Not so serious."

Gu Xixi did not continue this topic, but mentioned the matter of three years ago: "I still remember the last long talk with you, still on the ship three years ago. At that time, I was pregnant, and I questioned you on the ship one after another."

Shang Ke smiled bitterly: "Yeah, I was speechless by your question."

Gu Xixi looked at Shang Ke seriously and said, "Today I still want to question you, do you still want to listen?"

Shang Ke nodded.

"I think I know the reason for your alcoholism, but it is because I know the reason, so I would like to ask you. Is it worth it?" Gu Xixi said without shyness: "You know you are drunk, if Na couldn't come back! At that time, the Shang family was so desperate to oppose you, and you chose to give up Ruo Na at home."

"I didn't give up, I just gave in temporarily." Shang Ke stressed.

"Then how long do you intend to retreat? How many years of youth do you think Ruo Na can wait for? Ruo Na is almost thirty this year. When will you delay to give her a clear answer?" Gu Xixi continued to ask back : "Do you know, when in the imperial capital, that was the last chance that Ruo Na gave you? But at the birthday party of Miss Gong San that day, you let her down. She was never a drunk person, drinking that day When I was drunk, it was because I drank too much that I gave Hirayama Jiro the righteous method. That was how she buried her heart. Once buried, she would never look back."

Shang Ke was silent.

"Rona was crying like a child by my side that day. For so many years, she waited too hard and too tired. When she saw you standing with Miss Gong San, she was ashamed." Gu Xixi With a sigh: "Shang Ke, when can you fix this problem? Why do you always think that people all over the world should be around you?"

Shang Ke blushed as Gu Xixi said.

"I don’t hide from you. Many things happened at sea this time. Jiro Hirayama tried to die and rescued Rona. You also saw the situation of the two people. The last window paper is missing. But did you know? What is the essential difference between Hirayama Jiro and you? Hirayama Jiro mentioned it to his family very early, he was going to be with Rona, and Mr. Hirayama told me that he I don't mind having a Chinese daughter-in-law at all." Gu Xixi continued.

Shang Ke's face went on white: "Rona agreed? No, no! If Rona is Chinese, she will not go to Japan."

"What if Jiro Hirayama is willing to give up his identity as a Japanese and join China?" Gu Xixi continued to ask: "Don't doubt that Jiro Hirayama really did such a thing! As a person of the Hirayama family, the identity of the Lianshankou group Don’t bother to ask for one, and will he care about his Japanese identity? Of course not! For him, it’s the same everywhere. Where there is Ruona, there is a home."

"Of course, I did not deliberately compare Hirayama Jiro with you. After all, the two of you are not comparable. But Shang Ke, for women, the real happiness is not how rich and handsome each other is, but that the other party has a complete tolerance. Her heart, willing to tolerate all her shortcomings, willing to wholeheartedly guard her for life. Otherwise what is the meaning of the extra money? Qiao Qi handsome enough to have money? But his wife is happy? I heard they have been divorced , Is it? If a man cannot give a woman a sense of security, then this marriage cannot be sustained."

"You are ruining your body so much that you won't let Ronah move. She really can't bear to see you go down like this, but this is only from a friend's standpoint, not a standpoint that you like each other. It’s like I’m standing here now, and I don’t want you to go down, because we are still friends. You are a friend of Si Chen who grew up together, and I am a doomed husband and wife, then you are mine Friend. This kind of care, like that of lovers, I think you should know the difference."

Shang Ke quickly turned away, embarrassed.

Gu Xixi's remarks poked Shang Ke's pain.

"You want to make Ruona feel bad by ruining herself, and make Ruona change her mind. Shang Ke, this method is too bad, really!" Gu Xixi said to Shang Ke seriously: "If Ruona is not that kind of Emotionally kidnapped woman. She is independent, strong and brave. She has her own career and pursuit. She does not like to be a vassal of anyone. You already know these characteristics of her, why should you trample her again and again and again What about these qualities?"

"If Ruona was worried that Jiro Hirayama would be jealous and angry, she called me specifically. I think you should understand the significance of her doing this." Gu Xixi sighed: "Shang Ke, cooperate with the treatment. For Yin Family’s hospital, it’s a breeze. As long as you cooperate, you will heal quickly. Your condition is very good, very good. Even if you miss Ruo Na, there will be a girl suitable for you. Just the next time you are in love, just Don’t be so capricious. Even the best girl can’t wait."

"There won't be another time." Shang Ke said in a low mood: "You know? When I saw her from the first glance, I fell in love with her. But at that time she was young, just went to college, I I don't want to pick this fruit so early."

"I was wrong. I shouldn't be indecisive." Shang Ke smiled bitterly: "You are right, I am wrong. I am not as determined as Si Chen, nor as wise as he is, I missed her. I have nothing to say. If I can do it again, I think I will never make such a mistake again."

Gu Xixi sighed and said, "If you really care about her, let her feel at ease as a friend. Ruona actually still hopes that you can live healthy and happy. Even for Ruona, as soon as possible Get well."

Shang Ke lowered his head and couldn't hide the sadness under his eyes.

"Okay, I won't disturb you to rest. Think about it." Gu Xixi nodded to Shang Ke and got up and left the ward.

Shang Ke closed his eyes gently and repeated Gu Xi's words in his mind several times.

Shang Ke admitted that Gu Xixi was right.

However, he just didn't want to let go.

Mrs. Shang outside the door looked at Gu Xixi anxiously: "Miss Gu, Shang Ke, did he agree to treatment?"

Gu Xixi looked at Mrs. Shang with an anxious expression. She wanted to talk to her well, but when she thought of Mu Ruona, she dispelled the idea again.

Gu Xixi just nodded and replied: "He will think about it. After all, he is sick, and he loves the person who loves him."

Mrs. Shang couldn't help wiping her tears: "Shang Ke didn't have this blessing and married a good wife like you."

Gu Xixi really wanted to tell Mrs. Shang that she really had no luck, because Mu Ruona was many times better than herself.

But in this case, Gu Xixi will never say it.

My relationship with Mrs. Shang is just over.

"You can rest assured that the medical level of the Yin family is international. As long as Shang Ke cooperates with the treatment, he will be cured soon." Gu Xixi comforted Mrs. Shang.

However, the physical condition can be cured.

It takes a long time for the obsession in my heart to dissipate.

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