The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 580: Gu Miao's decision

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Although Gu Miao is only four years old. But he clearly knew how Gu Xixi and others felt about him.

And he is used to living with people he knows well.

In Gu Miao's heart, Gu Xixi was his biological mother.

Gu Xixi not only gave him his surname, gave him the identity of Master Yin, gave him the right of inheritance, and gave him the same care as Yin Yuzhan.

The most important thing is that he likes Gu Xixi this mother.

He was not willing to make his mother sad and disappointed.

He had no chance to say these words.

As a result, Yin Yuzhan made such a fuss, he finally said it outright.

Yin Yuyan's crying eyes were swollen, and he looked at Gu Miao dumbly: "Are you serious?"

Gu Miao nodded forcefully: "Aren't we saying yes? We will always be a family. I will marry my sister in the future."

Yin Yuzhan was immediately happy.

Gu Xixi was embarrassed.

Marry sister... what about this topic, shall we talk in private?

Besides, I haven't given birth to a girl!

Well, I feel so distressed about Gu Miao, why not give birth to a girl and just sell it yourself? Hahahaha...

Yin Sichen's eyes are eager, don't want it!

Wife, look here look here, let's make a sister!

Now everyone is happy.

Hans said to Linna: "If you want to use this identity for your life, this world is not so cost-effective. Since you were robbed by my people, it is my ticket. Although no one gave You redeem yourself, but you can make money from work. My base needs a lot of intelligence personnel. If you want to survive, use your expertise to get me enough benefits. Otherwise, the transaction is not established."

Hans is a profiteer.

Just make sure Earl Phil doesn't want Linna, and immediately profiteers are possessed, and the account is really true.

But Linna didn't mind at all.

As an agent, this matter is particularly open.

One's greatest fear is not to be used, but to lose the value of use.

As long as a person has useful value, he can prove that he can still live.

See, this is the essential difference between Linna and Gu Xixi.

One pursues the law of survival at the bottom of the pyramid, and the other pursues the spiritual development at the top of the pyramid.

Therefore, Gu Miao followed Gu Xixi really much better than following Linna.

So, Hans quickly decided to inject Linna with a medicament to control the human body. After a few days of rest, he would formally enter the intelligence work.

Linna turned her head to look at Gu Miao: "We may not see each other for a lifetime. Can I stay with me for a few days?"

Gu Miao turned to look at Gu Xixi, Gu Xixi nodded gently.

They are all mothers. Gu Xixi really couldn't keep her heart down, so she didn't let Gu Miao meet Linna.

Gu Miao then said to Linna: "Okay."

Everyone left, leaving Gu Miao and Linna alone.

Because Linna is now a member of Hans, her living environment has improved a lot.

After injecting the potion, Linna's range of activities was also much larger, and she could travel with Gu Miao to most parts of the base.

Suddenly facing his biological mother, Gu Miao said that he was not suitable.

Although Gu Xixi is a person with few words, she often expresses her feelings with various body movements.

And Linna... she was really not used to being close to someone within three feet.

She will subconsciously tighten her nerves, and then hurt the other person with conditioned reflex.

Therefore, Gu Miao and Linna have always been separated by a one-meter safe distance, and what kind of emotional communication can be called nonsense.

While eating, Linna said to Gu Miao, "I'm sorry, I won't cook."

Gu Miao lowered his eyes and said, "It doesn't matter, whether it's a father or a father, he has his own cook."

Linna was sad for a while: "You go to the Phil family, Gu Xixi agree?"

"Agree." Gu Miao still answered with his eyes closed.

It's not that Gu Miao doesn't want to be close to her, but there is really no way to get close.

Linna was a little surprised: "Don't Gu Xixi care about you very much?"

Gu Miao raised her eyes and looked at Linna. "My mother will visit me regularly in the UK, and the distance from China to the UK is only a few hours. The Yin family has their own private plane."

"Does the Phil family agree?" Linna suddenly became more envious and jealous.

"Agree." Gu Miao continued to answer: "Father agreed. Mom can go to Britain anytime, anywhere."

Okay, this is the gap.

Linna had guessed something with the eyes of an agent.

No wonder Earl Phil refused to accept his identity as the mother of the child, it turned out to be...

"I see." Linna smiled bitterly. "That's fine."

The two stayed together for a few days in such calm water.

Most of the time, Linna taught Gu Miao some survival tips at the bottom of her life.

It is vital for an agent to survive in any desperate situation and bring out intelligence.

Linna didn't really know anything else, but she didn't really say anything about survival.

Otherwise, she would not have been trampled to the present, and she would still be able to survive if both the enemy and the enemy hunted down.

This is indeed a skill.

Therefore, regardless of whether Gu Miao understood or not, Linna used the camera to record all of her lessons, and Gu Miao was stuffed with a brain.

"That's all I can teach you. Others, I believe that Earl Phil and Yin's family will teach you. I can't teach you the trick of the emperor. You can think about it yourself." Linna last day, to Gu Miao Said: "Hans is very cunning, don't trust him all. Of course, if he can teach you something, you should learn from him."

Gu Xixi looked up at Linna: "Where are you going?"

Linna smiled bitterly: "As an intelligence officer, I've always run all over the world. I will have surgery and cosmetic surgery in a few days. From now on, I will appear in this world as a brand-new identity. Gu Miao, you Although I was born by accident, I don’t regret giving birth to you."

"Thank you... mother." Gu Miao finally admitted Linna's identity.

In Linna's beautiful eyes, there was a burst of water vapor.

However, she quickly adjusted her emotions and reached out to pat Gu Miao: "Grow up well and don't let me down."

Gu Miao nodded.

Linna disappeared the next day.

Gu Miao did not ask where Linna went, but she always went to where she should go.

Gu Xixi carefully looked into Gu Miao's room, but Gu Miao looked up and saw Gu Xixi: "Mom?"

Gu Xixi sighed and entered the room, sitting directly on Gu Miao's bed: "Mum sleeps with you tonight."

Gu Miao happily held Gu Xixi's arm and nodded vigorously.

It’s been a long time since I slept with my mother... so happy!

Gu Xixi and Gu Miao slept on the same bed, and Gu Xixi slowly combed Gu Miao's beautiful short hair.

"Isn't it uncomfortable?" Gu Xixi saw that Gu Miao's emotions seemed a bit depressed these days, and he couldn't help asking: "If you have any ideas, tell your mother, as long as she can do it, she will help you Do it."

"Mom, you will always be my mother in this life, right?" Gu Miao asked in a low voice.

"Of course!" Gu Xixi said very surely, not only his son, but also his son-in-law.

Emma, ​​why did you want a daughter so suddenly?

Then marry your daughter to Gu Miao, and it would be nice to have a son-in-law!

Emma, ​​what should I do if I get more excited?

"Then I'm not afraid." Gu Miao raised her head and looked at Gu Xijing brightly: "Mom is really not angry. Do I get along with...mother?"

Gu Miao clearly distinguished between father and mother and father and mother.

Gu Xixi shook her head: "Why do you want to be angry? Without Linna, there would be no you. I am really grateful to her. If she chose to kill you at that time, then I would not have such a good son as you. So, I completely Not angry. Just, Gu Miao, you got along with her, did you really put it down?"

Gu Miao nodded: "My mother told me that even if she wanted me, she would not be with me every day. She said that it is difficult to get back into the rivers and lakes. Since she chose this path, she has no turning back in her life. It’s gone. So, she taught me a lot of knowledge about desperate survival, and hope that it will be useful to me in the future. This time, maybe the last time and the only time in this life. The day we were apart, it was very calm. Mom, Am I useless? Can’t even keep my own mother?”

Gu Xixi froze for a long while before gently touching Gu Miao's head and said, "No, why is my Gu Miao useless? Your mother is right. Everyone chooses the path, and they must go down on their knees. It’s like... just like me, I chose Si Chen, I chose you, I’ll give up my responsibilities on my shoulders, and take on your responsibilities. This is the way I chose, so I also have to kneel Go on. Gu Miao, you and Yu enthalpy are still small, and your path has just begun. Remember your mother’s words, when you grow up, you must remember that no matter what path you take, you must choose a good one. Go. Because once you choose, it is likely that you can’t go back.”

Gu Miao nodded vigorously: "Mom, I remember."

Gu Xixi gently held Gu Miao and talked to him about other topics, distracting the child's attention.

Finally, Gu Miao fell asleep.

Gu Xixi covered him with a quilt and left the room.

Outside the door, Yin Sichen in a light casual dress leaned against the wall, lazy and comfortable.

When he looked at Gu Xixi, his eyes were sentimental: "The child is asleep, let's go for a walk."

Gu Xixi nodded and walked side by side with Yin Sichen.

Although most of the base is underground, there are quite a few ground buildings.

Ascending to the ground, standing in the dome distribution area made of large glass, watching the lights on the base, countless people coming and going, everyone is busy with the things at hand, the two of them burst into emotion.

Unexpectedly, when he came to Hans' base, he would meet Gu Miao's biological mother.

I have to say, this is really fate.

Fortunately, though, I completely figured out who Gu Miao's biological mother was, and finally lost her mind.

"We will return to our country in a few days, Xixi, are you ready to go to the Mojia?" Yin Sichen looked down at Guxixi.

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