The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 563: Who saved who?

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mu Ruona thought of this and shouted at Hirayama Jiro: "Do you have any medicine to expel the snake, hurry up and give me a little! I am surrounded by snakes! I can't help you in the past!"

Jiro Hirayama looked at Mu Ruona's stiff facial expression and couldn't help reaching out to wipe a handful of rainwater, and cried out angrily: "As long as I go up, no reptiles dare to get close! What medicine?"

Mu Ruona firmly refused to be fooled: "No, you throw the medicine first!"

Hirayama Jiro felt that he would be planted on this stupid woman in his life. />

When have you been threatened so much in your life?

However, you are not angry?

Just be stupid, just set off your IQ.

After thinking for a while, Hirayama took out a small bottle from his pocket and threw it fiercely towards Mu Ruona's position.

Seeing that there was really medicine on Jiro Hirayama's body, Mu Ruona suddenly smiled and caught it, opened the bottle without thinking, and sprayed towards the snakes.

At this time, a breeze blew, and those powders suddenly flew to Mu Ruona's body.

Mu Ruona was instantly stunned by the change in front of her.

What... what... what is this?

The next second, Mu Ruona felt that her eyes were black, her body was soft, and she fell to the ground.

There was only one voice in Mu Ruona’s brain in the second coma: when it was over, this time I really wanted to make snake dung...

Hirayama Jiro waited for a long time, and did not wait for Mu Ruona to come over and pull herself, only to endure the pain and slowly climbed up.

When Hirayama Jiro went up, he was suddenly laughed into a fool by the sight in front of him.

Mu Ruona did not fascinate the snakes, but she fascinated herself.

What kind of stupidness does this have to produce such an effect!

Those snakes and tigers stared at Mu Ruona unconscious on the ground. They wanted to come over and swallow Mu Ruona, but the powder on her body was a dreadful smell of snakes.

They can only look at Mu Ruona unwillingly, but dare not step forward.

Hirayama Jiro felt the eyes of the snakes, turned his head slightly, and smiled.

The torrential rain is like a note, white teeth.

At this time, Hirayama Jiro had an extremely terrifying murderous spirit.

The snakes smelled Hirayama Jiro's body, and the instinct of fear overwhelmed the eating **. With a stab, he quickly fled into the woods and refused to come out.

After driving away those nasty little reptiles, Jiro Hirayama reached out and stroked Mu Ruona's sleeping face, and narrowed her eyes with a smile: "Ruona, I found you."

After saying this, Hirayama Jiro suddenly coughed and covered his lips, showing a trace of blood.

While chasing Mu Ruona, he was rushed to a rock by undercurrent. If he didn't guess wrong, he should have suffered an internal injury.

He is a biochemical expert and he is familiar with the structure of the human body and can no longer be familiar with it.

In fact, as long as he rests quietly, maybe nothing will happen.

But he was worried that Mu Ruona would be in danger on this island, so he came over desperately.

Despite watching the stupid woman fascinate herself on the ground now, Hirayama Jiro is still very happy.

Because, he finally did what he promised.

He really protected her.

"It's such a stupid and hopeless woman." Jiro Hirayama lifted Mu Ruona's messy hair away, revealing a round face, bowing her head on Mu Ruona's lips and biting her blood. Mu Ruona.

His blood is the best poison and the best antidote.

His woman deserves the best.

Even the poison that kills people is the best.

Mu Ruona feels like she has been asleep for a long time, and seems to be awakened just after she fell asleep.

Opening his eyes unhappy, he saw that Hirayama Jiro's face seemed paler.

"Awake." Jiro Hirayama smiled at Mu Ruona's teeth.

Mu Ruona covered her head and sat up, looked at the surrounding environment, and found that she was still surrounded by snakes: "Well, I haven't turned into snake dung."

Hirayama nodded: "I said, if they dare to swallow you, I will let them spit you out as they are."

Uh... so disgusting...

Mu Ruona calmed down and suddenly shouted, "Oh, no, Gu Miao is still in the cave!"

Mu Ruona stood up quickly and stretched out, holding Hirayama Jiro to leave.

Hirayama Jiro suddenly bent down in pain.

Mu Ruona was startled: "What's wrong with you?"

"Maybe a rib is broken?" Hirayama Jiro's face twitched. "It's okay, I can't die for a while."

At this time, Mu Ruona returned to IQ and reacted at once: "Are you...following our footsteps?"

Hirayama Jiro nodded calmly.

Mu Ruona's eyes were shocked.

He came specifically for himself?

He was really injured just to save himself?

How to do? I feel so guilty in my heart!

Would you like to promise something?

Yuck, it's already allowed!

"Do not be too grateful to me, just go back with me." Jiro Hirayama looked at Mu Ruona calmly: "I only have 120 catties, not heavy."

Mu Ruona froze for a whole minute.

Carry him back...?

Looking at his painful expression, it seemed indeed very powerful.

Well, he was injured after all to save himself.

Forget it, for his sake of saving himself, just take him back.

Mu Ruona squatted slowly: "Come on."

Hirayama Jiro's eyes flashed a bit of cunning, and he politely laid on Mu Ruona's back, really let Mu Ruona carry him back.

When Mu Ruona was carrying Hirayama Jiro, she realized that this guy was really heavy!

Isn't it just 120 pounds?

Why is it so heavy?

Mu Ruona gritted her teeth, trembling her legs, and trembling walking toward the cave.

Several times, the slippery road almost made two people roll into a ball.

Mu Ruona finally took Hirayama Jiro back in three steps.

Gu Miao had long hair waiting in the cave. Just about to go out to see if he came back, he saw Mu Ruona came back with Hirayama Jiro!

"Goddam, did you pick up the godfather?" Gu Miao couldn't help but say in amazement: "Mum said it was correct. The fate is reached, even with your eyes open, you can step on it."

Mu Ruona threw Hirayama Jiro on the ground and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Gu Xixi, how do you teach children?

Hirayama Jiro was not tossed by Mu Ruona, and she was so thrown away, he suddenly hurt his teeth and grinned.

Mu Ruona did not answer Gu Miao's words, but asked him: "Just now I let you run, why don't you run?"

Gu Miao's dazed face: "When did you tell me to run..."

Mu Ruona:

Well, the distance is too far, and it is justifiable to not hear it!

"Gu Miao, is there any first aid kit?" Jiro Hirayama whispered: "Open one for me."

"Ah, yes!" Gu Miao quickly opened the first-aid kit and handed it to Hirayama Jiro: "Grandpa, are you injured?"

Hirayama Jiro nodded with a smile: "Well, he broke his ribs."

After saying this sentence, Hirayama Jiro directly unbuttoned his clothes and prepared to give himself a bone.

Although the people here are one of his identified wives and one of his dry sons, is it just so obvious that he is really a big husband?

The most weird thing is that Jiro Hirayama taught Gu Miao while making a bone: "Gu Miao, you see this is the fourth rib of the human body. This is a very important position, because an inch inward is the heart. Once this rib is broken If it is, it may be inserted into the heart, causing the heart to rupture and die. Therefore, you must remember that when the danger occurs in the future, try not to break this rib."

Gu Miao thought deeply: "Dad, since you all know, why did you hurt this rib?"

"Because, you are in danger." Hirayama Jiro replied with a smile.

Mu Ruona, who was facing away from the two, her eyes flashed slightly.

Hate, what should I do if people are more and more moved?

People clearly don't want to follow him like that!

However, what he did was really for himself.

A man clearly knew that the consequence of hurting his fourth rib was death, and he rushed over after finally being injured.

Is it difficult to be moved?

Hirayama Jiro was really a lunatic, and he gave himself a bone, still a smile.

If it weren't for the cold sweat and the pale face on his forehead that betrayed him, Mu Ruona thought he had no pain at all.

Right at the bone, Hirayama Jiro swallowed the medicine and began to treat the wounds on his body.

But he couldn't reach the back.

Just when he tried to reach his back, Mu Ruona snatched the ointment in his hand.

"Turn it over, I'll give it to you." Although Mu Ruona's tone was dull, her red eyes still betrayed her mood.

Hirayama Jiro sat there, and Mu Ruona slowly applied medicine to the wound on his body.

Gu Miao sat on the side with a smile, thinking happily, in fact, this accident may not be all bad luck?

Isn't the godmother moved by the godmother?

"Who the **** did we save who! Also said that I am stupid, in fact you are more stupid.", Mu Ruona couldn't help but say: "Obviously there is no fighting power at all, but also bravely jumped down! If you are here, How should I tell the Pingshan family?"

At this time Mu Ruona didn't know yet. After she disappeared with Gu Miao, Gu Xixi was also swept away by the current.

This is really difficult sister and sister.

Everyone is sorry.

Hirayama Jiro grinned with painful teeth, but was still smiling: "Are you worried about me?"

Mu Ruona's face was red, her fingers were hard, Hirayama Jiro's teeth were hurt, but she still didn't give up: "You finally admitted that you actually care about me and care about me?"

Gu Miao turned to cover her eyes: "I can't see, I can't see..."

Mu Ruona laughed loudly, this child, really...

With Hirayama Jiro, Mu Ruona and Gu Miao finally don't have to worry about any terrible creature coming at night.

However, Gu Xixi had to worry.

Because of the time of the day, I really didn't have many rafts.

It seems that I have to live in a cave tonight!

So sad, what to do if the vampire bats stare at themselves again?

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