The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 550: Prepare for a tropical storm

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi was inexplicable for a while: "Why do you say such a thing? We will all be well and no one will die here!"

Earl Phil looked sarcastically at Gu Xixi: "You want to assassinate the past to rescue the hostages, do you think Hans will really make you successful?"

Gu Xixi gritted his teeth and retorted: "We will not implicate you."

"In this case, how much credibility do you think you are?" Earl Phil continued to look at Gu Xixi ironically: "Now we are all on a boat, and your actions will harm me sooner or later."

Gu Xixi was ashamed for a while, unable to refute this fact.

However, Grandpa Mo must rescue him!

As long as he drags Captain Hans himself, when Mo Zixin arrives, he can successfully enter and rescue people.

Hans couldn't die. Once he fled, he would indeed burn hatred onto other people's heads.

"I'm sorry." Gu Xixi gritted his teeth and said, "You... otherwise, you declare that it has nothing to do with us..."

Gu Xixi couldn't talk anymore.

Gu Miao is his own heir and heir to Earl Phil. He knows how pale and ironic he is.

It can be said that because of the existence of Gu Miao, the Yin family and the Yun family have already been linked with the Phil family and cannot be separated.

"I...I..." Gu Xixi supported us, not knowing what to say.

Earl Phil sighed and reached out to gently pat Gu Xi's shoulder: "Forget it, I'm not going to blame you. It's not bad for you to die. Gu Miao and Yu Yan dig a trap outside, you In the past, be careful. Gu Miao inherited the talents of the Yunjia potion and asked Pingshan Jiro for some poisons and is making bows and arrows. Don't rub it."

After finishing this sentence, Count Phil seemed to stop talking, but eventually turned into a long sigh and turned away.

Gu Xixi looked at the tall back of Earl Phil, and he choked silently.

Think about it, you are really selfish.

Just to save Grandpa Mo, he ignored Count Phil.

I am a bastard!

You have to find a suitable way to pick out the Phil family.

However, as long as Hans is not dead, he will go to the Phil family to settle accounts sooner or later.

But Hans couldn't die!

Otherwise everyone will be here!

It's really embarrassing!

Gu Xixi couldn't think of a better way for the time being, he could only go out and see what the children were doing.

From early in the morning, when the sky was slightly shining, I got together and muttered and did not know what to do.

Listen to Earl Phil, these two kids are playing a bit big!

Hirayama Jiro is really too. Did he really play the poison with Yin Yuyan?

This bastard, dare to try something!

Gu Xixi hurried towards the outside, and from a distance saw Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miaozhen pursing their buttocks.

Before the person passed, he heard Yin Yuyan's voice floating: "Brother! Can this be done? Will the other party be fooled?"

Gu Miao said confidently: "I have analyzed the line, and the other party is very likely to take this line."

Yin Yuzhan tilted his head and said, "What if I don't walk this line?"

"Then let's put other threads into traps, too." Gu Miao replied in a low voice. "Anyway, the medicine given by Qian Dad is enough."

Gu Xixi bursts into flames for a while, this is starting to call the father? The progress is very fast!

Gu Xixi hurriedly walked over: "Hang Boy, what are you doing?"

"Mom? Stop, stop! Don't move there!" The two children saw Gu Xi come and stood up at the same time, yelling: "There is a trap ahead, don't come!"

Gu Xixi stopped at once, raised her eyebrows and looked at the two sons: "Say, what are you doing?"

Yin Yuyan smiled: "Mom and mom, my brother and I are doing traps! We are men and of course we must protect moms and godmothers!"

Gu Miao nodded in agreement.

"Who allows you to do this? Adults can do such dangerous things," Gu Xixi said intentionally.

Yin Yuzhan was really unhappy to mutter his mouth: "Mommy..."

He started coquettish again.

Gu Miao followed her coquettishly: "Mommy..."

Gu Xixi shook his head helplessly and said, "You traps, I'm afraid that if a typhoon passes, nothing will happen. What if you hurt yourself?"

Yin Yuyan shook his head proudly: "Mommy, we are not so stupid! When we are in Paris, France, we can all win... Umm..."

Gu Miao suddenly covered Yin Yuzhan's mouth, so dangerous, almost leaked!

Gu Xixi really raised his eyebrows.

Gu Miao quickly made up: "Mommy, when we were in Paris, France, we still need to protect moms and godmothers. This time both dad and father are there, so we also want to protect moms well!"

Gu Xixi's expression eased slightly, squatted down, and embraced his two sons.

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao really threw away the things in their hands, and jumped up and down from the position of the trap, and suddenly fell into Gu Xi's arms.

"Mummy, you have to believe us." Yin Yuzhan is still selling Amway: "Our traps are very professional and will not be blown away by the typhoon. We have been trained for elite since we were young, and such small things can't fail us. of."

Gu Miao also echoed: "Yeah, mommy, you believe us! We can protect mommy this time! Daddy also said that as a man, he has to shoulder the responsibility of guarding mommy from a young age. . Daddy has supported us, Mommy, you agree."

#There are two sons with superior IQ who seem to be very weak. Wait online. ##

Seeing the two sons coquettish, Gu Xixi's heart softened.

"Yes, you play with you, but you must pay attention to safety, you know?" Gu Xixi sighed: "We have all moved to the island this time, and we don't know what will happen. In short, everyone must pay attention to safety, Only if you live can you have a chance to say something else."

Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao nodded gently in Gu Xi's arms.

Gu Xixi instantly felt that he was a collection of disasters.

It seems that wherever you go, disaster will break out.

When I went to Japan by myself, as a result, there was an earthquake and a tsunami broke out in Osaka.

Now that he has arrived at Shivawa Island, he encounters a kidnapper.

Now even the kidnappers went to the island to avoid the tropical storm.

Fortunately, the ships were moved to a safe area, otherwise the loss would be huge.

Fortunately, everyone landed on the island without names, instead of the residential areas of Fiji, otherwise the sin would be greater.

Comforting the children, Gu Xixi returned to the tent.

The bodyguards inside are sending the same supplies.

Seeing that the camp beds are placed in order, all the necessities of life are also stacked according to the classification.

Gu Xixi turned around and couldn't find a place where he could help. After thinking about it, he went to the kitchen.

Ten chefs over there are busy preparing food for lunch.

So many people have to prepare a lot in advance.

Although a lot of compressed dry food is stored, who wants to eat this?

As long as you can eat some warm food, you don’t want to nibble the tasteless compressed dry food.

"Just grandma." The chef saw Gu Xi come and greeted the horse.

Gu Xixi rolled up her sleeves and nodded. "You are busy with you, I will do something else alone."

Gu Xixi felt ashamed of the words said by Earl Phil.

This time, it was indeed his own use.

So, in return, stew him a cup of soup with his own hands.

Although you can't make up for your mistakes, you have to show your sincerity.

Gu Xixi thought about his specialty dishes, picked a bunch of ingredients, and started cooking the soup.

A few people in charge of the kitchen around, you look at me, I look at you, no one dared to step forward and ask a sentence at this time.

Gu Xixi carried the soup that had just been cooked and turned to look for Earl Phil.

Gu Xixi had just passed and saw that Earl Phil took off his heavy coat at this time, the sleeve of the shirt was also pulled to the position of the elbow, and the two buttons under the neck were unbuttoned, revealing a large smooth and smooth skin.

Earl Phil was teaching Gu Miao fencing at this time, explaining the essentials of each movement in English while teaching him hand-in-hand.

Gu Miao was very serious and didn't get distracted by the current tense situation.

"Very well, you have to remember to exercise a peaceful heart in any adversity. Only when your mind is peaceful will you come up with the most sober brain at the critical moment to come up with the best response." The branch in Earl Phil's hand suddenly hit Gu Miao's chest: "You are too slow! You must also think of defense when attacking. A person who does not know how to defend is just a killing machine."

Gu Xixi stood on the spot without disturbing them.

Before, Gu Xixi really thought Gu Miao would be better following him.

But at this time, Gu Xixi found out that although Earl Phil was not reliable most of the time, he was rarely serious and dedicated in teaching Gu Miao.

Earl Phil's swordsmanship is superb.

Every fencing movement is so beautiful and fierce.

Every time he stabs is very tricky, making people unpredictable.

Gu Miao followed him, maybe really can learn a lot.

Gu Miaolei's little face turned red, but Gu Miao gritted his teeth and didn't cry.

Gu Xixi has a bit of pain.

Earl Phil practiced with Gu Miao for another ten minutes, and then stopped. "Okay, come here first today, you have a rest."

Gu Miao nodded, but looked at Gu Xi in the distance through Earl Phil. The red pupil burst into a strange brilliance.

Earl Phil noticed Gu Miao's strangeness, and turned his head along Gu Miao's eyes to look over.

A few tens of meters away, Gu Xixi was standing there in a beige jacket, and the warm box in her hand made her look full of strange warmth and brilliance.

Gu Xixi looked at them with a smile, giving Earl Phil an illusion in a trance, as if they were really a family of three.

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