The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 534: Give him enough love

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Mu Ruona felt that she should go to psychology.

I am now fully qualified as an expert in psychological repair.

You can go to the business if you go for a test.

But looking at Gu Xixi to regain his willpower, it seems good to be an unlicensed expert.

"Of course! Even if we are far away and can't be together every day, but we can still spend a certain amount of time every year to reunite. It can be done. Besides, even if Gu Miao is still under your supervision, you can't accompany him every day! You I have to work! I have to go on a business trip!" Mu Ruona continued her unlicensed business: "You want to think so. You are temporarily depositing Gu Miao in the UK, and then when you are busy, come and see yourself Child, well, you see, Yu Yan seems to have a good relationship with the Duke Phil in the past few days. Maybe the old Duke is happy, let Gu Miao return to China for a while? Wait for Gu Miao to pass After he grew older, even after he reached adulthood, he came to see you by himself. Where else would he use you to run around?"

Mu Ruona's words completely cured Gu Xi.

Yes indeed!

How did you forget this key?

Gu Miao didn't grow up all the time!

As long as he grows up, he can come and find himself at any time!

At the thought of this, Gu Xixi's confidence that had already fallen to the cordon was refilled!

"I want to run the Sandia Aristocratic Academy well and let Gu Miao return to Sandia to study in the future! So I can see him every day!" Gu Xixi wiped the tears on his face: "It will take another ten years at most, Gu Miao. You can go to the San Diego University to study!"

Seeing Gu Xixi finally came out from the low, Mu Ruona was relieved.

#What kind of experience is it to have a sentimental girlfriend who is easy to get horny? ##

"Then, let's take a good look at Gu Miao's global travel!" After Gu Xixi recovered his fighting power, he would immediately join the battle: "Let's study quickly, where will we take the children?" It’s more appropriate to play!"

Gu Xi, who had recovered his fighting power, didn't even need a rest. He directly called up the world's most suitable travel map and began to study where to play.

Yin Sichen learned Gu Xixi's reaction, and this was the real relief. He said to himself: "It's finally over this level."

The following day, Gu Miao moved from the intensive care unit to the ordinary room.

Despite being a normal room, Gu Xixi couldn't go in and accompany Gu Miao. He could only stand outside the window and watch Gu Miao lying quietly on the bed as if he was a prince caught in a witch's spell.

Well, he is indeed a prince.

The future heir of Grand Duke Phil, and is the only heir.

These days, when Jiro Hirayama looked for Mu Ruona, he said a lot about the Phil family.

Gu Xixi only knew why the Phil family was so eager to want Gu Miao. It turned out that in the generation of Earl Phil, the genes of blood are indeed not suitable for spreading the next generation.

According to Phil's calculations, regardless of the three of them, the probability of any one remaining healthy offspring is only 10%.

Hirayama Jiro made this conclusion after taking the blood of the Phil family.

It can be said that Gu Miao can be a healthy child, it is a miracle!

If it wasn’t for Earl Phil who accidentally mixed the genes of Asian health, I’m afraid there would be no such miracle.

Although everyone is more curious about the identity of Gu Miao's biological mother, but it is undeniable that the woman who can leave Gu Miao, its genes are also perfect.

I just don’t know which hapless tourist was occupied by Earl Phil.

The only thing the Phil family could possibly transmit to the next generation was Earl Phil.

However, this man who is not married is now interested in Gu Xixi.

However, no matter what the purpose of Earl Phil’s interest was, Gu Xixi would never have anything to do with Earl Phil. Therefore, the only hope of the Phil family can only be placed in Gu Miao’s Body up.

Gu Xixi made his request to Grand Duke Phil, but unexpectedly, Grand Duke Phil agreed to Gu Xi's request very happily.

It is estimated that Yin Yuzhan exerted a lot of power.

During the period when Gu Miao was not awake, Yin Yuzhan automatically replaced Gu Miao around Grand Duke Phil and yelled with a grandpa. The Grand Duke Phil almost almost thought it was his grandson.

Gu Xixi calculated that it was one and a half months before his birthday.

Although there is not much time, it is enough to let Gu Miao and Yin Yuen accompany him well.

Regardless of the future ending, at this moment, she just doesn't want to regret herself, or want to regret her life.

No matter what Gu Xixi did, Yin Sichen showed the greatest support.

Yin Sichen even transferred a copy of his private property list around the world and handed it to Gu Xixi.

If Gu Xixi likes these places, then feel free to go boldly!

No matter where you go, you can have fun!

Gu Xixi discussed the selected highlights with the people present.

Ever since I heard that Gu Xixi wanted to take Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao to travel around the world, the people who signed up were Yin Sichen, Mu Ruona, Hirayama Jiro, and ... Earl Phil.

Five adults with two children seemed good.

"Look, what do you like most of these scenic spots?" Gu Xixi put a few photos on the table. She has limited time and it is impossible to go to every place, so she can only choose Going around in a few beautiful places.

A picture of Shivawa Island was placed in front of Gu Xixi. Yin Yuyan looked at Gu Xixi with expectation and said, "Mom, can we go here?"

Gu Xixi immediately took the picture of Shivawa Island, carefully looked at the information above, and looked up and asked Yin Yuzhan: "Why do you want to go here?"

"Because Gu Miao had seriously viewed the photos of this island." Yin Yuyan guessed without responsibility: "I think he should want to go here? Should we go to Shivawa first this time?"

Gu Xixi looked at others: "What about your opinion?"

Earl Phil smiled happily: "I don't care, it's the same everywhere."

Yin Sichen nodded and said, "Yes, the scenery of Shivawa Island is really good, and the architecture over there is very interesting."

Mu Ruona also said, "Okay, it's a rare opportunity to go out and get around, as long as everyone is together, wherever they go."

Hearing Mu Ruona saying this, Jiro Hirayama replied happily, "No objection."

Gu Xixi listened to all of them saying, and immediately made a final decision: "Okay, then go to Shivawa! This is the South Pacific, and when we go now, it is the time when autumn is refreshing. Since we decided to go to Shivawa, then we Time to get ready."

Gu Miao was still lying on the bed, but according to Hirayama Jiro, it was quick to wake up.

Everything about him has stabilized.

Since then, Gu Miao can grow up as healthy as an ordinary child.

With this news, Gu Xixi was finally able to purchase with Mu Ruona with confidence.

The Phil family is indeed rich.

Even ordinary purchases must go to London by helicopter.

Walking on the streets of London, Mu Ruona's long-held purchasing desire has finally been maximized.

Mu Ruona dragged Gu Xixi to sweep all kinds of specialty stores, as long as he looked at it, he left the address and let the other party deliver it.

In the end, Mu Ruona is responsible for purchasing, and Gu Xixi only needs to be responsible for swiping the card and paying the bill.

When Gu Xixi couldn't walk, neither of them knew how much they had bought.

Fortunately, Yin Sichen gave Gu Xixi an unlimited card, but you can swipe it without worrying about the card exploding.

The two took a break at a casual restaurant, and someone at a table next to them talked in Chinese: "I know, I will ensure the safety of the chief."

"This time...must...can't..." The other party's voice was very low, Gu Xixi could only hear these words intermittently.

There are so many people who can be called the chief.

But how could they discuss such things in London, and still in such a public place.

Chinese is not an uncommon language, and many people are proficient or understandable.

I really don't understand why these two people are discussing this kind of thing here.

However, these things have nothing to do with yourself.

I am just a mother who wants to have a good holiday with the children. I don't care about other things.

Not to mention that I can't control it!

Mu Ruona also held her phone to study Shivawa Island.

"Hey, come on, do you think the deep-sea fish in the South Pacific will be better?" Mu Ruona's focus was on eating.

Gu Xixi nodded: "Maybe it is, we can taste it well."

Mu Ruona said happily: "This time I have to bring a complete set of cooking tools to meet the addiction of cooking. But many spices are to be taken from the country. However, fortunately, Yin Sichen and Phil The count can do all these things."

"Be careful to be a fat man." Gu Xixi couldn't help but hit her: "Your cup is big enough!"

Mu Ruona glared at Gu immediately.

At this time, the table next to him suddenly looked at Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona with a vigilant look, and then quickly lowered his head and took a good thing to check out.

Gu Xixi looked at their leaving back and became fascinated. Mu Ruona couldn't help but ask, "What are you looking at? What's so fascinating?"

"I don't know why, I always have a bad hunch." Gu Xixi replied subconsciously: "I always feel that something will happen when we travel this time."

"Don't think about it, what can happen?" Mu Ruona said dismissively: "Don't forget, this time we are traveling, it's not just us seven, I bet, whether it is Yin Sichen or The Phil family will protect themselves with a regiment of bodyguards."

Gu Xixi also knew the truth.

But this hunch is so unreasonable.

I always feel that something will happen.

However, I can never give up this trip because of this hunch.

This is the most anticipated trip for children, and the children must not be disappointed!

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