The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 528: Finished, the explanation is unclear

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi threw Mu Ruona to Hirayama Jiro, and then regretted it.

Hirayama Jiro is a lunatic, how could he take care of Mu Ruona.

What if Jiro Hirayama ignores her and walks away?

Mu Ruona looks fascinating and easy to be targeted by others!

No, you must go back and find it!

Five minutes after Gu Xixi went out, he turned around and went back to find someone.

But no matter how you look, Gu Xixi can't find anyone.

It's really a ghost, it's only a few minutes, what about people?

The whole villa is very big, it is not easy to find someone.

Gu Xixi inquired about several people, and it took more than an hour to find out that more than an hour ago, Jiro Hirayama had taken Mu Ruona to the lounge.

Gu Xixi was relieved to hear them go to the lounge.

Unexpectedly, Hirayama Jiro, a scientific maniac who does not eat fireworks on earth, even knew to take people to the lounge.

Hey, it’s estimated that when I go to the lounge, I keep asking for wine.

What a worry!

How can this be done?

Gu Xixi heard Mu Ruona's rest room and knocked on the door.

There was no response, but the door opened automatically.

Ok? No door?

Gu Xixi reached out and pushed open the door: "Rona? Pingshan? Are you inside?"

It was quiet inside, nobody answered her.

Gu Xixi remembered Mu Ruona in her heart, and could not care whether someone else was in the room, so she pushed the door straight in.

"Rona? If..." Gu Xixi said, stuck in his throat all at once, so he couldn't speak.

I saw a mess in front of me.

Clothes everywhere.

The door inside the room was not closed. Looking from Gu Xixi's perspective, it happened that Mu Ruona and Hirayama Jiro were lying on the bed quietly, and the air was filled with a special smell.

Gu Xixi was stupid.

She has already given birth to a son, and of course knows what this taste means!

Ah, Mu Ruona, you even ate Hirayama Jiro!

Gu Xixi couldn't say a word, there was no way to get his eyes wrong!

Mu Ruona stretched out her arm and locked Hirayama Jiro firmly under her body. Hirayama Jiro's face was blank, he didn't seem to have reacted yet, what just happened...

This poor child...

In Gu Xixi's mind, a voice sounded mechanically: finished, how can this be explained to Mr. Pingshan?

Mu Ruona was sleepy, her arms moved, and she seemed to be holding an oversized pillow?


Didn’t she come to Miss Gong San’s birthday party? Why are there pillows?

Mu Ruona swiftly returned to the cage and opened her eyes.

It didn't matter if I opened my eyes, and when I looked up, I almost made her scream!

I saw a thin and slender man pressed down by her, the key is a bite mark...

Gu Xixi turned and hurriedly closed the door, yelling in the living room: "Rona, what's going on?"

Hearing Gu Xixi's voice, Mu Ruona finally swallowed the scream that was about to blurt out!

Sitting up all of a sudden, he looked at Jiro Hirayama in disbelief: "Why are you here?"

The flush on Jiro Hirayama’s face did not fade, and there was a trace of bewilderment in his eyes: "You have drunk too much, I will bring you here to rest. If you vomit all over, I will take off your clothes and take a bath. However, I have not given After you wash, you strip me off, and then pull me onto the bed... we seem to have done strange things..."

strange things……

Gu Xixi in the living room and Mu Ruona in the room shook their eyebrows at the same time...

Mu Ruona looked down at the bite marks on Hirayama Jiro's body and knew what she had done without asking.

Mu Ruona didn't care about the annoyance and quickly picked up the clothes from the ground, but found that they could not be worn.

Not only his own, but also Hirayama Jiro's clothes...

"Come on..." Mu Ruona's voice shook: "We can't wear any clothes."

Gu Xixi replied silently: "I know."

Being a good girlfriend is to wipe the tails of your sisters!

Gu Xixi dialed Mo Zixin's phone directly and said a few words. Mo Zixin soon brought someone over.

Mo Zixin glanced at the door and closed it, but couldn't help but raised his eyebrows at Gu Xi.

Gu Xixi explained in a low voice: "Just now that Ruona saw Shang Ke getting engaged to Miss Gong San, she drank a few more drinks when she was in a bad mood. I asked Hirayama Jiro to take care of it, but Mu Ruona gave Hirayama Jiro Now."

Mo Zixin's blue eyes opened instantly, and his face was unbelievable.

Is this okay?

This is almost impossible for ordinary people!

However, this thing happened to Hirayama Jiro, it is too normal!

Because his brain circuit is fundamentally different from ordinary people!

He will only find this matter very interesting!

Will not consider the consequences at all!

Mo Zixin immediately ordered his assistant to quickly purchase a few sets of clothes.

This is at the birthday party of Miss Gong San! When such a thing happened, both the host and the guests had dull faces!

He just helped to deal with Wangzhen's scandal, but I didn't expect this to happen!

Mu Ruona in the room looked at Jiro Hirayama with an ashamed expression: "I'm really sorry, sorry; I really didn't mean it."

Hirayama Jiro looked at Mu Ruona calmly: "It doesn't matter, this kind of thing, you don't have any opinion about how many times you do to me."

Mu Ruona:

Hirayama Jiro seems to be thinking about the process just now: "This kind of thing, it turns out to be really wonderful. However, I just didn't perform well enough. I will work hard next time."

Mu Ruona:

Why didn't he feel the anger of being pushed at all? Why do you say such things in a serious way?

I am four years older than him!

And for the first time...


Make yourself big~!

"Actually, you can impose conditions on me." Mu Ruona reluctantly said: "After all, you are forced by me..."

At this moment, there was a crazy knock on the door outside: "Open the door, open the door!"

Gu Xixi and Mo Zixin looked at each other. What happened to this?

The voice of Mrs. Gong sounded outside: "Is anyone in there? If you don't open the door within three seconds, you will have to force it to open!"

Mo Zixin heard it and hurried over to open the door.

Mrs. Gong was still angry, but when she saw Mo Zixin, she was stunned: "Mo President? Isn't this room Hirayama Jiro resting?"

Gu Xixi was also stunned: "Mrs. Gong, this is indeed the room where Jiro Hirayama rests, how are you..."

At this time, the person behind Mrs. Gong suddenly filled with indignation and said: "It was Mr. Wang who was hurt by Hirayama Jiro who was ugly! Mr. Wang only drank the wine delivered by Hirayama Jiro to cause the accident! This matter must be given by the Hirayama family. Statement!"

Gu Xixi was confused for a while, what did this follow?

Ah, no!

Two people are still lying together in the room!

Mo Zixin's mind turned quickly, and he immediately replied, "Sorry, Hirayama Jiro is also a victim!"

How can people in the Wang family believe? Immediately, noisy and rushing to rush in to find Hirayama Jiro calculation.

Gu Xixi just wanted to stop, but Mo Zixin stretched out his hand to hold Gu Xixi, and whispered in her ear, said: "We have all seen Jiro Hirayama giving medicine to Wang Zhen. He is indeed suspect. Now it is just by this opportunity to let others see that he is with Mu Ruona, it proves that he was also counted, rather than deliberately framed Wang Zhen! In this way, the Wang family can’t find even if he wants to find Hirayama Jiro. The reason is here! This is China, not Japan. Even if the Yamaguchi group is even more powerful, it must obey the snake in China. The Wang family is still very powerful in the imperial capital."

Gu Xixi asked nervously: "But he and Ruona..."

"That's fine, it completely cut off the evil relationship between her and Shang Ke." Mo Zixin handed Gu Xixi to make way, and let the group of people angry to hit the door.

Gu Xixi hesitated, but had to admit that although this method was simple and rude, it was very effective to let Shang Ke completely die and no longer entangle Mu Ruona.

But, this matter, I am afraid that it can no longer be explained...

Mu Ruona and Hirayama Jiro in the room were lying together, talking under a quilt, and heard a sudden burst of people outside.

Before the two people reacted, the door of the room was kicked!

In the next second, both groups were stunned!

I saw Jiro Hirayama and Mu Ruona holding the quilt close together. The smell in the air clearly proved what happened to the two...

The Wang family who originally wanted to come to Xingshi for guilt also froze.

Gu Xixi saw this scene, hurried over, looked at Madam Gong with an angry expression, and began to rake: "Mrs. Gong, I also want to ask you to give me an explanation! We are with sincerity and good wishes Here, why is there something else in our wine? Who is the Gong family about to frame? Mr. Pingshan handed over his son to me to take care of it. As a result, he was just drinking a glass of wine here, and was even left. I got caught and hurt my best friend! If I can’t give a satisfactory answer to me today, please ask Mrs. Gong to give the Pingshan family a comment! My Yun family says nothing, but Qin Hui still has three confidants! My Yun family Even if it is done at all costs, it is necessary for Mrs. Gong to give us an explanation!"

Mu Ruona and Gu Xixi have been friends for many years. When Gu Xixi said this, she immediately wanted to understand a few questions as soon as her mind turned.

It seems that someone is looking for trouble! /~Half♣ floating *sheng: .*no pop-up window?@++

Mu Ruona immediately covered her face and said: "I don't want to live! I just drank a glass of wine, how did I wake up here! There is also Hirayama Jiro, he just drank a glass, how could..."

Hirayama Jiro just had a low EQ, but his IQ was still very high.

Although he didn't understand why Gu Xixi was so hard to wash, but he didn't take it out, so he looked at other people innocently.

His expression at this time is very in place!

It suffices to say nothing!

Mo Zixin was next to him to make up his sword: "Hey, the Shang family is too much. Even if you don't like President Mu, you don't need to destroy a girl's innocence on such an important day."

In Mo Zixin's words, a heavy bomb was dropped instantly in the crowd!

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