The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 525: Shang Ke's Engagement Banquet

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Or is it him?

Gu Xixi exchanged glances with Mu Ruona.

The two of them left and right sandwiched Hirayama Jiro.

Gu Xixi coughed softly: "Then what, Hirayama Jiro, you see you are coming to China with me now, are we friends?"

If you ignore the fact that your kid gave me medicine while he was in Japan, we can still be confidants.

Mu Ruona's chest for g cup: "You are eating and living in Xixi's house now, Xixi has activities to take you, you can't take advantage of it?"

How smart is Hirayama Jiro, and he reacted at once.

He struggled a bit. During this time, he was really entangled with Gu Xixi and not let go, not only her but also her father!

Although her father kept selling Amway to him, he coaxed him to join the Yunjia Institute.

But overall, during his time in China, he did have a very happy time, much more than he was in Japan.

Cannibalism is soft, it seems that you really have to give something...

After weighing it for a while, Hirayama Jiro nodded: "OK... just help you this time."

Mu Ruona heard Hirayama Jiro's answer and immediately snapped her fingers, and immediately said to Hirayama Jiro: "Go, come to my room!"

Hirayama Jiro looked at her in horror: "What are you going to do?"

Although Hirayama Jiro has very terrible biochemical skills, his physical strength...

I really can't expect a researcher to have the physical strength of a boxer!

"You think too much, I just want to give you a look from beginning to end." Mu Ruona unassumingly wears and tears Hirayama Jiro: "You are not yet qualified to let me eat you!"

Gu Xixi looked cold and sweaty.

Ruona, what you said is such a straightforward real husband?

Hirayama Jiro is two years younger than me, but he is four years younger than you...

Gu Xixi watched as if Jiro Hirayama was dragged by Mu Ruona directly from her room and directly into Mu Ruona's room.

Gu Xixi thought that the night he had just arrived in the Imperial Capital, Jiro Hirayama also asked Mu Ruona for her blood sample to check why she subverted the idiom.

Haha, this is the newspaper!

Now he can experience a predecessor, what is called the realm of big chest and brain!

Before, Gu Xixi had a good impression of Shang Ke.

Nothing else, a man who can pursue his love so persistently is commendable.

But after chatting with Mu Ruona for a while, I heard Mrs. Shang's phone call, and Gu Xixi's impression of Shang Ke dropped by several points.

Not to mention, Shang Ke couldn’t resist the arrangement at home, so he lost points!

The birthday of the Minister of Finance’s daughter’s birthday is also the day when Shang Ke announced his engagement. If he did not say anything at all, then this man is really not worth waiting for Mu Ruona!

Mu Ruona was born a queen, she should not be wronged for any man to become a maid.

So the high queen, there should be a gentle knight to guard her life.

To put it badly, Shang Ke is actually not as good as Hirayama Jiro in his personal affairs.

Don't look at Shang Ke's control of the Shang family, but he still can't get rid of the constraints of his parents.

Maybe it's because of his filial piety, or maybe because of something else.

Filial piety is actually more terrible, isn't it?

On the contrary, Hirayama Jiro has done his best.

The entire Pingshan family estimated that no one would worry about his marriage.

Heaven and earth conscience, I would like to ask which noble family's daughter will be able to withstand the test tubes and all kinds of scary creatures that her husband is full of?

Sure enough, the invitation letter arrived as scheduled.

The invitation letter was sent by Mo Zixin, and Gu Xixi promised him to be his female partner without any objection.

In fact, Gu Xixi didn't want to go.

Doesn't the other party have a relationship with his batangzi?

But now it is different.

The other party made it clear that Mu Ruona was ugly. As a good girlfriend and a good sister, how can you just stand by and watch?

Hum, if Shang Ke's performance today can't satisfy himself, then he will never appear beside Ruo Na!

On such a serious occasion, if Shang Ke still can't give Ruona a firm belief, it means that the two people really have no fate!

Mo Zixin did not expect Gu Xixi to agree so happy, but when he saw Mu Ruona pulling Hirayama Jiro out, he understood.

In his position, there is no unknown news.

He also knows that the Shang family intends to use the chance of the director’s daughter’s birthday to officially announce the marriage of the two.

For Mu Ruona, this marriage contract is a loud slap!

With Mu Ruona's character, being obediently beaten is not her style!

However, this Hirayama Jiro, how does it look a bit... was bowed by the overlord...

Hirayama Jiro, who had been swept up and down by Mu Ruona, came out blushing.

Ok? Ruona, what did you do to this little virgin? !

Mu Ruona wore a low-cut evening dress, and at that stop, the queen's momentum burst into flames!

Gu Xixi and Mo Zixin extended their thumbs at the same time.

Not to mention, Jiro Hirayama, who had passed by, looks a little handsome.

Gu Xixi couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Jiro Hirayama and Mu Ruona. After thinking about it, he sent it to Mr. Pingshan with his brain.

People trust their sons to take care of themselves, so they always have to give feedback!

Where did you know that after receiving the picture sent by Gu Xixi, Mr. Pingshan immediately stated: "Ah, Jiro has already found a Chinese wife?"

Ok? What is this about?

Gu Xixi quickly explained clearly that it would be bad for people to misunderstand...

In fact, Gu Xixi explained it too early, because after this evening, a great event really happened, and Gu Xixi could not explain it. It was really a hundred words!

It's almost time, Gu Xixi and Mo Zixin, Mu Ruona and Hirayama Jiro appeared in a grand manner at their birthday party.

Yin Sichen can't come to something, Gu Xixi can't represent the Yin family now, so the Yin family's gifts are given separately.

Although Gu Xixi is Mo Zixin's female companion, he came from the Yun family.

The importance of the Yun family is still highly valued by the director. In addition, Gu Xixi came with Mo Zixin, which made the upper classes pay more attention.

Gu Xixi's decent etiquette attracted many people's attention.

She followed Mo Zixin again, and many people in the imperial capital were speculating about the relationship between the two.

The place of the banquet was in an elegant villa. When Gu Xi arrived, the audience was already full of beautiful clothes and handsome guys.

Gu Xixi also saw a lot of big stars, singers and hosts.

It's a real face!

Mo Zixin explained in a low voice: "This Miss Gong San is a rare beauty."

"Miss Gong San?" Gu Xixi stunned, and immediately reacted: "Today's birthday star? Shang Ke's fiancee?"

Mo Zixin nodded with a smile, the smile in his blue eyes was very gentle.

"Director Gong could have gone higher because of work style problems, and he could only stop at this position. However, even so, he was still a powerful official in the Fengjiang." Mo Zixin explained in a low voice : "Shang's family will choose to marry Director Gong. It's not surprising. Ms. Gong San is a rare beauty, and Mrs. Shang likes her, and it's a matter of reason."

Gu Xixi suddenly realized that Mo Zixin was introducing himself to these complicated character relationship maps.

"Strong together, there is nothing wrong with it." Gu Xixi nodded and answered.

Just involving his good sister, he can't stand idly by.

"Although the Shang family is rooted in the n city, the old foundation is still in the imperial capital. In the past few years, the Shang family had some things and was almost removed from the upper circle of the imperial capital. So this time, by the engagement, he returned to the imperial capital and the Shang family also It was a capital cost. It is said that Mrs. Shang had to go on a hunger strike in order to force Shang Ke to follow the rule, and forced Shang Ke to come here." Mo Zixin continued to explain: "Tonight you let Mu Ruona bring Hirayama Jiro to come , Perhaps the most correct choice."

"Oh? What to say" Gu Xixi asked curiously.

"I will meet many old acquaintances tonight." Mo Zixin continued to explain in a low voice: "This includes when you were chased and killed in Japan, you secretly bought the Yamaguchi team to count your people."

Gu Xixi's face stiffened.

If it wasn't Hirayama Jiro who stopped halfway through the unreliable and unreliable way, I'm afraid he wouldn't be so easy to escape?

"Do you know who did it?" Gu Xixi's eyes flashed a chill.

"Well, I know. However, let Hirayama Jiro tell you better after all, because, tonight, the other party will also find Hirayama Jiro's trouble." Mo Zixin smiled lowly: "That bad debt always has to be liquidated. A bit, isn't it?"

Gu Xixi narrowed her eyes. Do you want to reckon?

It is to be liquidated!

See who it is and want to die yourself!

Mu Ruona also came over holding Hirayama Jiro's arm, saw Gu Xixi and Mo Zixin talking in a low voice, and also joined together, disdainfully said: "It seems that Mrs. Shang is determined to give I hit my face."

Hirayama Jiro's face is still a bit red.

Words, Ruona, what the **** did you do to him!

Mu Ruona continued: "Ms. Gong San's status is really not comparable to me. This time, it was considered to be a complete matter."

Gu Xixi looked at Mu Ruona although her face was calm, but her eyes still showed a deep loss.

Can you not be lost?

In fact, three years ago, Mu Ruona did not feel Shang Ke. ㊣Baidu search: ㊣\\\\、半@浮¥生\\//㊣

Just because of the desperate opposition of the Shang family, Mu Ruona is proud and will not easily bow her head for power.

Now that three years have passed, Shang Ke has been chasing, even the heart of stone can be warm.

Unfortunately, every time Mu Ruona's heart was warmed by one point, the Shang family would come out and splash cold water once, cooling her heart by three points.

Over time, Mu Ruona's heart is full of holes, and dare not accept anyone's feelings.

Shang Ke is actually a good man. The **** used to be a bastard, but he is still very emotionally specific.

But Shang Ke had a fatal wound-Mrs. Shang.

This is simply his weakness and dead point.

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