The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 503: Go back to my home

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Why is there a feeling of taking the elder son"?

Obviously, Hirayama Jiro is only a year or two younger than Gu Xixi.

But this Hirayama Jiro looks at the eyes, and has a strange sense of sight for Mao's mother and son?

No way, in these few days, Gu Xixi used his superb chess skills to thoroughly put Hirayama Jiro's pride and superiority under his feet and crushed a few back and forth.

Hirayama Jiro is a tattoo, and he is a master who does not accept anyone. Humans who think that their IQ crushes the lips of the fish, so they always look high.

When he heard that Gu Xixi's genes were the only ones in his life, he also proudly believed that he used the other's blood genes and his genes to create a life, which was a blessing for the other party's eight years of life.

But at this moment...

"Gu Xi Xi! Xi Xi sister! Xi Xi goddess! Xi Xi mother! I thought of a good way to crack the chess game, do you want to try it! ..." Hirayama Jiro's rhythm value has been completely lost!

Gu Xixi dropped a chess piece at will, and didn't even look at him at all. Gu Zixi continued to discuss with Yin Sichen about going to the capital.

"Exactly, the company has also successfully opened this day. Ruona means that although there is still a lot of room for market share in the n city, there can be one more market if you can open a market. The one in the imperial capital just after a while At the cultural exchange meeting, Professor Mu will also participate on behalf of the school. If she is not worried, Professor Mu will also go to the Imperial City to see. We are discussing to go to the Imperial City. On the one hand, we will look at the academics of others, and on the other hand, we will promote our own. Cosmetics brand. By the way, did you also accumulate some family business in the emperor?"

Yin Sichen nodded with a smile: "Well, go where you want to go. I haven't been idle for the past three years! The resources in the Emperor Capital are used as much as you want. Your husband and I are short of everything, just No shortage of money!"

Gu Xixi smiled with satisfaction: "That's great. Zi Xuan is also going to the Imperial Capital. With money and connections, what's the worry? Then it's so decided!"

The plane landed n the city airport.

When Gu Xixi stood on this land again, he always felt a sigh of emotion!

Three years.

I didn't expect that I could stand here again as Gu Xixi and welcome all my past.

"Mom!" Two soft voices suddenly attracted Gu Xi's attention.

Looking away, I saw Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao in a beautiful little dress, holding flowers and rushed towards me.

Gu Xixi's heart instantly became so messed up!

In the past, the feelings of these two children were more like the children.

Now, it is a strong sense of responsibility.

That's her baby! That is the son she saved at the cost of her life!

That was her spiritual support for ten months, and it was her motivation for the rest of her life!

Gu Xixi squatted down and opened her arms towards the children.

Gu Miao deliberately took a slow step, let Yin Yuzhan first rush into Gu Xixi's arms before slowly coming over.

Gu Xixi saw Gu Miao, and there was a hint of distress in his eyes.

This child, obviously only four years old, is already so sensible and knows how to be humble, but it is even more distressing!

Gu Xixi opened his arms to Gu Miao: "My son, seeing his mother come back, don't you want to give her a hug?"

Gu Miao's red eyes were even more hydrated, and his eyes suddenly turned red, and he could no longer control his body. He plunged into Gu Xixi's arms and hugged Gu Xixi's neck with a sobbing opening: " mom……"

"Gu Miao, you are my surname, don't embarrass your mother!" Gu Xixi's voice is soft, can't help but kiss his son's small face, er, the son's face is so sweet.

"Well!" Gu Miao nodded very solemnly: "Mom, you are finally back!"

This is the real mother!

The real mother is back, and he is no longer a child no one wants!

Yin Yuzhan grungy on Gu Xixi's body: "Mom, let me have your surname too!"

Huh, he wouldn't say he was a little jealous of his brother!

Yin Sichen, who was standing on the side, embarrassed:

Son, does our Yin family's surname make you so disgusted?

"Don't!" Gu Xixi deliberately pointed at Yin Yuzhan's nose: "You are so naughty, like your father. Gu Miao is like me, Duo Wenjing."

Yin Yuyan glanced at his father mournfully. Wasn't he naughty following his father?

The butler went forward one stop and said with a smile: "Master and grandma, grandma and grandma, the family is ready, let's go home!"

Grandma finally recovered! Great! The family is finally reunited!

Yin Sichen was also very happy, just about to agree, but Gu Xixi said with a faint smile: "No, I won't go along with the fun. After all, I'm divorced from Si Chen."

Gu Xixi stood up straight and looked at Yin Sichen: "Although I have remembered everything, I have signed a divorce agreement with you after all. If you still want to be with me, try to keep my family Nod your approval! Of course, even if we divorce, I have the right to see my children, right?"


Less *** gas field is enough!

It is completely different from three years ago!

Yin Sichen thought about it and understood Gu Xixi's meaning.

This marriage cannot be as hasty as three years ago.

He wants to give Gu Xixi a perfect proposal and wedding!

He wants to give her everything in the world!

"Okay, then you go to the villa to rest, everything there is still the same as before." Yin Sichen said reluctantly.

"I also want to live with my mother!" Yin Yuzhan quickly interjected: "Grandma and great-grandmother are very busy recently, and the home is very boring, we want to live with my mother!"

Yin Sichen glared, these two naughty eggs passed, is not it to disturb his sweet space?

Not waiting for Yin Sichen to refuse, Gu Miao said: "According to research, children are often with their mothers, which will improve their IQ and EQ."

Hearing Gu Miao saying this, Gu Xixi made a decision on the spot: "Okay, you all live with me! Mom has money, and Mom feeds you!"

"Ouye!" Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao immediately gave a high-five.

At this time, Hirayama Jiro, who has always been used as a background board, finally spoke quietly: "What about me?"

"Sorry, the rooms at home have been left unorganized." Yin Sichen replied unkindly.

What an international joke!

Even if it's not a rival, would it be unbearable for a man to live next door?

As long as he appears, he will surely accompany him to play chess!

Is there time to fall in love?

Therefore, this situation must be eliminated!

Gu Xixi didn't go to see it, and didn't know whether the house was packed or not, so he didn't express his position.

In fact, she doesn't want to let strangers live in her house. She also wants to quietly exchange feelings with her two good sons. Someone from time to time finds someone to play chess with herself, which is very worrying!

Therefore, Gu Xixi is very wise without opening.

Jiro Hirayama glanced at Gu Xixi regretfully, and he reluctantly called to go to the house prepared by Mr. Hirayama.

Gu Xixi, with two children, bid farewell to the unwilling Yin Sichen and returned to the villa by car.

When she walked to the door of the villa, Aunt Zhang and her old housekeeper stood at the door of the villa with their maids and servants waiting to be greeted. Gu Xi's nose was sore, and her tears almost fell.

After three years, she finally returned.

Everything is still the same, nothing seems to have changed.

Except for two more sons.

The body is very stable, Aunt Zhang took the lead to say hello: "Young grandma, you are back!"

Simply seven words, just like before.

Gu Xixi endured tears and nodded at Aunt Zhang: "Aunt Zhang, I'm back!"

Slowly got out of the car, Gu Xixi turned his head to look over, everything here is still the same as three years ago, all the furnishings have not changed.

Entering the house, the location of the entrance and the shoes she placed were exactly the same as when she left.

On the shelf in the living room, the set of dolls were wiped clean and put together with other ornaments worth hundreds of thousands and millions.

Really, the same as before.

A car brake sounded outside, and Mu Ruona's voice drifted in from outside the door: "Gu Xixi, you bastard! I won't tell me when I return home, I don't know how worried I am!"

Mu Ruona's voice flew into the air as the door slammed open!

Gu Xixi looked at Mu Ruona helplessly and said nothing, but she opened her arms.

Looking at Gu Xixi's familiar smile, Mu Ruona's eyes were red, she stepped forward and hugged Gu Xixi, complaining: "If you have a good relationship, how can so many things happen!"

Yeah, I was just going to have a relationship. As a result, I not only participated in a tea competition, but also experienced an earthquake, a tsunami, a chase, and I picked up a person...

"It's fine if you are fine, just..." Mu Ruona hugged Gu Xi hard: "It scares you to death!"

"Don't I come back well?" Gu Xixi patted Mu Ruona's back gently: "Thank you for not letting me down in the past two years!"

"Humph!" Mu Mu's arrogant reply.

You have a conscience!

"Ruona, when is it going to go to the Emperor Capital City?" Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona finished their old relationship and directly changed the subject: "This time I also plan to go to the Emperor Capital City. The Yun Family is about to rise up, the cultural exchange meeting I cannot miss such an important occasion."

"I knew you would go!" Mu Ruona stared at him fiercely: "I have greeted my dad, let's go together!"

Gu Xixi smiled and nodded.

"However, you tell me the truth, you have recovered your memory this time, do you have any plans?"? Mu Ruona refused to let this topic go: "You go to the imperial capital this time and let Yunjia enter the cultural world again, this It was nothing wrong. But the sooner the Yun family returned, the sooner your marriage contract with Mo Zixin was afraid of fulfilling it, right?"

Recovering your memory, how should you choose between Mo Zixin and Yin Sichen?

Gu Xixi didn't want to hide Mu Ruona, and told Yin Ruchen what she explained to Mu Ruona.

Mu Ruona froze for a moment before slowly saying: "Then do you know who is hosting this cultural exchange? It is the Mo!"

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