The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 498: An accident happened

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yin Sichen has always had a good relationship with the Yamaguchi team.

Everyone knows this.

At the 80th birthday of Mrs. Yin, the three-person group sent very important figures to personally go to the house to give gifts and congratulations.

However, he was killed by the members of the three-person group on the Japanese border.

And he still got involved in the Inagawa meeting and killed him!

Once this kind of thing is spread, the relationship between the Yin family and the three-person group will basically say goodbye!

You have to know that Yin Sichen has always been a must-pay person.

The group of three gave Yin Sichen such a big sap, it is strange that he did not pick the group of Yamaguchi!

But the problem is coming.

How did those few people get into the Inagawa meeting?

Yin Sichen has no mental handicap to think that these people will go undercover in Inagawa!

Because they are not stupid! The tattoo of the three-member group was tattooed on his body, but he was undercover in Inagawa. Whose IQ is being despised?

However, they are here because they are partial, which has to make Yin Sichen vigilant.

So Yin Sichen didn't directly kill Clarence, but wanted to force out those bargaining deals.

This statement by Earl Phil clearly indicated that he had known something in advance.

Yin Sichen's eyes narrowed slightly, so he looked at Earl Phil.

Earl Phil is really a person who doesn't like to go about business.

But at this time he answered the question very cooperatively.

"The three-person team is very interested in Gu Xixi's body." Earl Phil twitched his teeth slightly, and his back must have all been swollen. When the rack came over, he clearly tasted the rust in his throat.

I'm afraid it's not a bad injury.

"What do you mean?" Yin Sichen's heart suddenly flashed a bad hunch.

"Gu Xixi has the blood of the dual action of the ban and antidote of Inagawa Association. The three-member group wants Gu Xixi's blood gene. It is estimated that some biochemical tests are to be done." Earl Phil rarely cooperated so.

Yin Sichen finally understood why Count Phil had to join in the excitement!

He said it!

He was able to stay with a calm expression in such a big thing when the earthquake came last night. I'm afraid it's for this too?

Yin Sichen looked at Earl Phil's eyes, already showing Sensen's killing intention!

His little mole is not the little white mouse in the laboratory!

Whoever dares to hit her idea, who will kill him!

Earl Phil waved his hand: "I'm not interested in this experiment. I'm just curious whether Clarence will succeed."

Yin Sichen quickly lowered her eyes.

Sure enough, there is no eternal enemy or eternal friend in this world.

Some people in the group of three would cooperate with Clarence of the Inagawa Association. It seems that they should have a good self-examination.

If it is not my many years of experience, I am afraid that I will be in a group of three!

Since the group of three people is also ambushing people who want to start with Gu Xixi, then this time, you can not notify the group of three!

However, the Japanese customs card is very strict after the disaster, and domestic rescue aircraft are afraid that they will not be able to pass in a while!

Moreover, many things have been damaged by the earthquake. Even if the plane comes over, positioning is also a problem!

Could it be trapped here now?

The mountain road down the mountain has also been destroyed, and the material reserve left here, although it can last for a while.

Although the stupid woman Clarence has already gone, there are those who are fooling around in the Yamaguchi group and waiting for the opportunity to take away the blood genes?

Can't stay here for long! Must evacuate immediately!

Yin Sichen's brain responded very quickly, and immediately said to Gu Xixi: "Xi Xi, hurry to pack things, we must transfer immediately!"


Gu Xixi was startled, but she immediately recovered and nodded vigorously.

No matter what decision Yin Sichen makes, he only needs to agree!

"After a tsunami, there should not be a second time. We went downhill and moved inland!" Yin Sichen explained: "Count Phil, are you still with us?"

"I was injured." Earl Phil replied pale.

Seeing that Earl Phil was protecting the injured Gu Xixi, Yin Sichen did not leave him, he packed up quickly, and threw away all the heavy burdens, carrying only the necessary weapons, food and water, Drugs and other essential products, while the sky is still early, the speed slowly shifts down the mountain!

A group of more than 20 people together, trained in order, slowly climbed down the tree.

Because there is no way, everyone is not going fast.

Especially Gu Xixi, stumbled.

If it wasn't for Yin Sichen to support her, I'm afraid it would all fall down.

Sure enough, shortly after they left the top of the mountain. A team of people appeared mysteriously on the top of the mountain.

When they found that there was nothing on the top of the mountain, their face changed suddenly, and they immediately began to track the trail.

The people on Yin Sichen's side are all people with rich jungle experience. When they left, they removed the traces and covered the taste with drugs.

The few people saw that the other party had no traces, so they regretted to turn a few circles and left.

In a secret place in Kobe City, a man dialed the Imperial Capital’s phone: "Mr. Wang, I’m so sorry. The other party was so cunning that they let them slip away. However, I believe they can’t run out of Japan, so we Of the transaction is still valid."

The face of Wang Zhen, who is far away from the imperial capital, said: "Such a small thing, the Yamaguchi team can't do well. What else do you do in Japan?"

The other party chuckled: "Mr. Wang, winning or losing can not be used as the final judgment criterion. Please rest assured that Mr. Wang will naturally not disappoint Mr. Wang since he has such good information. In order to cooperate with Mr. Wang, I But there is a huge risk! Once I was known, I secretly traded with Mr. Wang, I was afraid that the president would be furious."

Wang Zhen thought of the sulking being suppressed by Yin Sichen these days, he couldn't help but gritt his teeth.

"In order to erase the traces, we even sent people to mix into the Inagawa meeting, and wanted to throw this black pot at the Inagawa meeting. As a result, it seemed not very satisfactory!" The other party said easily, as if not for this action at all. Rude and sad.

Wang Zhen's face was even more ugly: "Okay, I don't care about the specific operation, I just want Yin Sichen and that woman to stay in Japan forever! You can rest assured that I promised you a lot of money Will give you everything!"

"So, very good." The other party chuckled: "Then don't disturb Mr. Wang's joy of family, goodbye!"

Hanging up the phone, a tall but thin man who couldn't help but looked away, stretched out his clothes and covered most of his face.

A flash of enthusiasm flashed in his eyes: "Ah, I also started to wonder, how would it be a superb experiment!"

Gu Xixi stumbled in the middle of the team and slowly moved down.

There are many mountains in Nara, but the altitude is not too high.

But despite all this, Gu Xixi still feels that this mountain is too high!

She felt that her ankle was almost broken, but there was still no small distance from the bottom of the mountain!

Gu Xixi said nothing, but gritted his teeth alone.

Yin Sichen saw Gu Xixi's discomfort, but the terrain here was steep, and it was really not suitable for carrying or holding.

Yin Sichen felt distressed for a while, and could only keep asking Gu Xixi if he wanted to take a break.

Gu Xixi knew it was definitely not a time for rest, no matter what Yin Sichen asked, she shook her head firmly and refused!

The bodyguards who originally followed Yin Sichen and Earl Phil all looked down on women.

Especially for weak women like Gu Xixi.

But I didn't expect that after so many things happened, Gu Xixi no matter how painful or painful, he gritted his teeth and endured without complaining of pain or half-sentence.

This made the bodyguards who looked down on women a little bit, and their impression of Gu Xi was a big change.

At this time, Gu Xi, who had been suffering from physical discomfort, suddenly screamed and knelt on the ground!

Yin Sichen was caught flat-footed and was pulled by Gu Xixi.

"Xi Xi!" Yin Sichen's response was very fast. He helped Gu Xixi, looked down, and saw Gu Xixi face like gold paper, the whole person was so angry!

How could this be!

what happened?

Earl Phil also hurriedly approached, reaching for a sniffy look, and his face became strange.

A bodyguard with rich medical experience in the field ran over, stretched his hand to touch the pulse of Gu Xi, and immediately said with a solemn expression: "Her body is very weak, and weak is incredible!"

How could it be weak!

Obviously he has recovered!

At this time, Count Phil's face suddenly changed slightly: "Could it be that... the medicine, or was it moved?"

Yin Sichen didn't hesitate a moment, pushed Gu Xixi to Earl Phil, turned around and opened a suitcase, and slapped Clarence, who was still in a coma, to wake up!

"Cool medicine, have you ever moved your hands and feet?" Yin Sichen asked sharply, he didn't find it himself, there was a trace of tremor and fear in his voice!

He was so scared that he would leave him again!

Clarence, who was awakened by a slap, looked up dimly and saw that the twenty or so people present were in a state of embarrassment, and then saw the cuddly caregiver held by Earl Phil in his arms. Xixi, suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahahaha... Gu Xixi, Gu Xixi, are you dead? Did you finally die in front of me?"

Yin Sichen really wanted to kill!

If it wasn't for someone who caught him, he really wanted to kill Clarence here!

"You cooperate with the group of three?" Yin Sichen grabbed Clarence's chin and forced Clarence to look at herself: "You can not answer this question, Clarence, you should I know how many ways I can make people talk!"

Clarence was forced to look at Yin Sichen, who was very distressed.

She has loved men for so many years, but now she is crazy for other women.

Clarence felt a thrill in his heart, and the thrill of revenge came naturally!

"Since you know everything, what else do you ask?" Clarence stared at Yin Sichen bitterly: "Not only I want her to die, there are others, but also want her to die!"

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