The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 493: The tsunami is coming!

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Count Phil's words succeeded in making Gu Xi's face blush.

Although he and Yin Sichen are a spouse, it is really embarrassing to watch so many people coming for such a hot kiss!

Yin Sichen took a bite of his lips without any care and looked at Earl Phil in protest.

Earl Phil didn't look at Yin Sichen, but turned to look at Gu Xi.

This woman is really different!

Her temperament seemed to sublimate again.

While preserving the temperament of the past, there is also a trace of British vigor and fighting spirit.

Is this the real Gu Xi?

Gu Xixi looked at Earl Phil outside the door with his eyes narrowed. After a few circles in his mind, he seemed to remember something and said, "Phil... Earl?"

Earl Phil was so honored: "It's an honor to let Miss Gu remember me!"

He called Miss Gu Gu...not Miss Yun Er!

Gu Xixi's face was startled, and then he laughed!

Yes, I am back!

Then the name of Gu Xi and Yun Xi will only appear on official occasions.

"I am Gu Xixi." Gu Xixi introduced himself so solemnly.

Yin Sichen watched his wife come back to chat with other men, and was still a man with a good do you want to feel panicked?

The wife, who was finally found, can't let her focus on other men!

"Cough! Let's clean it up first and prepare for a bigger disaster." Yin Sichen immediately stood upright, looked at the mess in the tent, and said to Gu Xixi: "We have dozens of people, Some materials can't be scattered, otherwise we will be upset in the next days. Local communication is estimated to have been interrupted during this earthquake. Although I can enable satellite phones, I still have to save."

He still has to catch big fish!

Those who hurt him, he will never let go!


He will personally send her to see God!

Gu Xixi nodded and followed Yin Sichen out of the tent.

At this time on the hill, a mess.

The mountain breeze blew over, and the surrounding trees and the sea surging, let this originally peaceful night, instantly add a desolate.

People outside have already packed up and fixed the things caused by the earthquake just now.

Fortunately, the bonfires were fixed in a pit, even if it was an earthquake, there was no shaking everywhere.

Assistant Xiaoa ran over, he looked at him, hesitated a moment and said, "Young grandma, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, you have worked hard all these years." Gu Xixi nodded with a smile.

A big stone in Xiao's heart finally fell back!

Immediately, his eyes were red, and he focused on the head and said: "No hard work, just come back!"

Gu Xixi didn't talk more nonsense, and he did something with his ability to prepare for the real disaster!

Next, there were several aftershocks intermittently.

This earthquake was too abnormal!

The time between aftershocks is too short!

Fortunately, everyone was prepared, so there were no casualties.

There is an hour difference between Japan and Beijing.

Although it was four o'clock in the morning, the sky was starting to light up.

Yin Sichen and Earl Phil alone looked at the sea level with a telescope.

"Here he comes, finally he is coming." Yin Sichen said in a low voice.

Xixi couldn't help but wonder, reaching for the telescope from Xiao A's hand and looking towards the sea level.

I saw that beyond the far coastline, a line connecting sea and sky slowly approached!

This is... this is...


Gu Xixi was dumbfounded!

She has never seen a tsunami before. She has only seen it in some disaster films before, but never thought about it. The actual tsunami is actually far more terrible than the one shown in the movie!

Because the movies are all fake computer special effects, but the reality is to face the cold death!

Beyond the long coastline, the sea water was piled up higher and higher, one after another, like a city wall, with a devastating momentum, opened a brutal mouth towards the coastline, biting fiercely In the past.

The moment the sea wave approached the shore, the overwhelming huge wave slapped the shore fiercely, slamming the already devastated coastline into the distance of hundreds of meters!

The bite did not stop after the bite. The subsequent waves stepped on the first wave and continued to bite frantically towards the shore.

The crazy sea water slowly engulfed nearly a quarter of the city before slowly calming down.

Earl Phil, who stood on the side, said very calmly: "Osaka's inland locations can suffer such a big impact, I am afraid that the Wakayama prefecture and Mie Prefecture have been completely submerged."

None of the people present spoke.

Everyone's heart is very heavy.

The moment when the tsunami came, the ruinous scene was deeply imprinted on everyone's heart.

Gu Xixi was trembling all over.

So many buildings were razed to the ground at that moment.

I don't know how many lives, in this tsunami, the dust disappeared.

The next second, someone reported to Yin Sichen: "President, Wakayama Prefecture and Mie Prefecture have been completely submerged! Half of Nara Prefecture has also been lost."

Everyone stood there quietly, without any movement.

At this moment, the Japanese government has taken action and started rescue work after the disaster.

Gu Xixi's eyes flickered and said softly, "Although my Yun Family and Japan are incompatible, this time of the natural disaster, too many innocent people were injured."

Yin Sichen reached out and held Gu Xi's fingers.

"Sin is not as good as the people, Si Chen, help them." Gu Xixi leaned gently on Yin Shichen's shoulder, pale, and closed his eyes gently.

She had just won the war in her head, and she had to face such a natural disaster just after waking up. She was really a bit tired.

"Okay, I will let the Japanese branch invest in disaster relief." Yin Sichen lowered his head and kissed Xi Xi's forehead gently.

His little mole is always so kind!

Gu Xixi nodded.

Yin Sichen whispered: "You go to rest in the tent. Your body has just recovered, you can't be too tired, everything here is me!"

Gu Xixi hesitated and nodded.

She was really tired, and her whole body seemed tired like falling apart.

Now that everyone is on the mountain, they really can't do much. It's better to take a good rest and save energy.

The moment Gu Xixi turned and left, he paused and said to Yin Sichen: "Don't forget to make a phone call to your home and report the safety."

Yin Sichen's eyes seemed to be gentle enough to melt everything, reaching for the top of Gu Xixi's head: "Well, I know, let's rest."

Nodding noddingly, he turned to the tent, and soon fell asleep as soon as he was next to the pillow.

She is really too tired...

Fighting with her brain is the most tiring time in her life.

This sleep was extremely reliable. I don't know if it was because Yin Sichen was guarding outside. She didn't even dream about it and slept through.

But Yin Sichen and Earl Phil, sitting outside, sat on the ground and threw the block of alcohol into the campfire.

Even if it is May, it is still unable to resist Nasensen's coldness from the sea.

"What are you going to do?" Earl Phil asked curiously.

Yin Sichen narrowed his eyes and glanced at Earl Phil, and then responded slowly: "After so much change today, the whole of Japan will act. In Japan, the existence of the gang is allowed, and so is the gang It is necessary to invest in the reconstruction after the disaster. Therefore, as the head of the Osaka City branch, Clarence will definitely come here."

"Do you want to reveal your whereabouts to Clarence, and then attract her over, and then wipe it all out?" Earl Phil looked at Yin Sichen in surprise: "Do you know if you do this, you will completely offend Inagawa meeting?"

Yin Sichen nodded: "So what?"

Wounded his wife, can he retreat? Then he is not Yin Sichen!

No one can bully his woman!

"The banned drugs were from the city of Osaka." Yin Sichen continued to squint. "But Inagawa will never give me an explanation. If it wasn't for me, I would continue to pretend to be deaf. Dumb? I don’t care what Inagawa will do in other places, I just need a reply. Since I will be too old to be the master, then I will be the master for him."

"You are too arrogant." Earl Phil couldn't help shaking his head and said: "Your foundation in Japan is unstable."

"So what?" Yin Sichen tilted his head and looked at Earl Phil: "I just need to avenge it!"

"What's more, I will clear the cancer here for Inagawa. Isn't he supposed to thank me?" Yin Sichen continued: "It must be grown-up, but also troubled by the current chaotic situation, right? The strong man broke his wrist, but he can guarantee the smooth operation of the headquarters. If he is a smart person, he should know how to choose."

Earl Phil looked at Yin Sichen with interest, and a faint expression flashed on his beautiful face: "Yeah, I think this game is getting more and more fun! I don't know if you will bring it What a surprise?"

"I hope it’s not frightening for Lord Earl." Yin Sichen threw the last piece of solid alcohol in his hand: "I'm afraid it won't be long before this place will be flattened by Clarence. Of course, here It's already flat!"

"Such a fun game, shall I be the one?" Earl Phil said enthusiastically: "If you are more of a helper, you can also revenge more smoothly, don't you? I help you for free!"

Yin Sichen looked at Earl Phil with a smile.

This Earl Phil is really... a little impatient to live!

When someone else encounters such a thing, he hopes to leave it clean, but he takes the initiative to move forward.

It was really interesting.

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