The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 488: I want to restore my memory

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

As soon as Yin Sichen answered the phone, he heard Earl Phil's teeth clenching his teeth: "Mr. Yin is really fast! I just found the flower field, and Mr. Yin has left!"

Yin Sichen's mood is so happy that he can no longer be happy!

When Xixi said that someone called her and asked her to go downstairs and wait in advance, he guessed that someone must follow.

As a result, Yin Sichen made a plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain and deceived Earl Phil to Furano.

By the time Count Phil had responded, he had already returned to Osaka City with a whim.

So, Earl Phil was turned around by Yin Sichen, without touching the shadow.

For those men who pretend to be his wife, Yin Sichen has given him a face without throwing him into the Atlantic.

"Look at the scenery of Hokkaido. Earl Phil likes Hokkaido so much, but he can stay a few days longer." Yin Sichen lazily replied: "The tea competition is over. Why, Lord Earl will follow us. together?"

Earl Phil still gritted his teeth: "Where are you now?"

Yin Sichen slightly touched the corner of his mouth, looked up at the landmark building, and replied softly: "Inagawa will."

Earl Phil at the end of the phone suddenly muttered and said after a while: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't you know it for a long time? Why ask again?" Yin Sichen raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her eyes were also raised. People of all kinds passing by the road could not help but take a breath.

Everyone is curious about this man who speaks authentic English in London. Why is it sacred?

Earl Phil on the other side pressed his eyes, and the red pupil contracted instantly: "Are you sure you want to try? If it fails? If she fails, she will not remember anything."

"Regardless of whether she remembers or not, Gu Miao will only be my son." Yin Sichen turned to look at the new and exciting work, and his eyes were blank: "Don't count on Phil Is it hilarious?"

"It's already here. How can I miss such a good excitement? What's more, some people don't want Mr. Yin to get the medicine smoothly?" Earl Phil's red eyes flashed: "Tell me the address, I This count is sometimes useful."

Yin Sichen laughed lightly: "Well, since Lord Count is not stubborn, I can only let Earl see it with his own eyes. Then, the task of getting the medicine will come to Lord Count!"

Hanging up the phone, Xiao a puzzled and asked: "President, you know that Earl Phil has a close relationship with Miss Clarence. Why did you ask him to get medicine?"

"It was precisely because he went to get the medicine that Clarence didn't dare to deceive people." Yin Sichen's mouth twitched coldly: "Do you think Clarence will let me get the medicine smoothly? Although she is just rice The honorary consultant of the Sichuan Association, but also the chairman’s daughter-in-law, is directly holding the raw materials of the Pharmaceutical Research Institute. Originally, I also planned to come to get the medicine in person, but now that I have Earl Phil, he is more suitable than me. After all, the gang where Earl Phil is also inextricably linked to the Inagawa Association."

Little a dared not to say anything, but backed away.

Xixi bought a lot of anime peripherals and looked at it happily: "I am most happy to have bought these this time when I come to Japan! Many are not available in China!"

Yin Sichen asked all his men to come over and reached out the top of his head: "Just like it."

Xixi found that Yin Sichen's expression was wrong and couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"In a few moments, Earl Phil will come." Yin Sichen's eyes flashed: "He will get more confidence when he goes to get the medicine."

Although Xixi didn't understand why Earl Phil was relieved to take the medicine, she only needed to believe Yin Sichen.

Inexplicably, he has a strange trust in him.

Clarence originally intended this way.

When Yin Sichen came to get the medicine, he should threaten Yin Sichen by the way.

But what Clarence didn't expect was that Yin Sichen wasn't coming to get the medicine, but Count Phil.

When Earl Phil sat elegantly in front of Clarence, Clarence was still unbelievable.

"Count Phil, don't we say yes? I'm entangled in Yin, you go take the clouds!" The anger in Clarence's eyes was clearly visible.

"Yes, so I came to get the medicine just to haunt her!" Count Phil replied with an indifferent expression.

Clarence gritted his teeth and looked at Count Phil: "Master Count, are you talking?"

Earl Phil blew the dust that didn't exist on his finger, and said lazily, "No, no, it happened that I talked and counted, and I came here. Are you going to use this medicine to threaten Yin Sichen? or Would you just change the medicine to him? Then let Yin Sichen watch Gu Xixi die in his hand?"

Clarence's face suddenly became very ugly.

"It seems I guessed right." Earl Phil looked down, and a trace of ridicule flashed across his handsome face: "No wonder Yin Sichen will let me take the medicine. You are thinking carefully, who else would you want to hide? Before I came to Japan, Gu Xixi was dead or alive, and I didn’t even care. She was just a funny woman for me, a Chinese woman suitable for bringing my heir back home. But a few days ago, no Coincidentally, I really have an interest in her. Clarence, we are all British citizens, you should know that my Phil family is not a bully."

Clarence's face became more and more ugly.

"I will not agree to the outcome of changing her medicine and causing her accidental death. Perhaps, she will be the next generation hostess of the Phil family. Do you understand? Miss Clarence, take the medicine over Well, you better not play tricks in front of me, you know, people may not treat you outside, but in the UK, the Clarence family is not worth mentioning in front of my Phil family."

Clarence was almost mad.

She suffered such grievances in Japan, she was almost mad.

Finally, there was such a perfect opportunity to clean up the Chinese woman, but it was destroyed by Earl Phil!

But this Earl Phil is still the Japan she called!

Clarendon felt like he had lifted a stone and hit his foot.

Why didn't she understand that Gu Xixi was just an ordinary woman, how could he let so many men rush for her?

Even Earl Phil, the unmarried person, would even be in front of her?

Shouldn't this Earl Phil be interested in this woman just for the sake of descendants?

why? Why did he suddenly become interested in this woman!

"In order to ensure the effect, I have instructed the family to suspend the cooperation with the Clarence family." Earl Phil stretched his hand gracefully and twisted a tea cup on the table, said softly: "You know, respected Miss Clarence , The Prime Minister Lord is very concerned about the occurrence of corruption. If one is not careful, I hold the evidence that Mr. Clarence once bribed the official, and suddenly leaked it to the Prime Minister... Oh, I heard Miss Clarence Not the first heir. I don’t know how much property Miss Clarence will inherit after the destruction of the Clarence family?"

Clarence's face can no longer be described as ugly, it is very ugly!

"Master Lord is threatening me?" The expression on Clarence's face had already begun to distort.

"No, I'm reminding you." Earl Phil lowered the cup in his hand. "I still have some of Mr. Clarence's business in Myanmar. Do I need to continue?"

"Enough! I know what to do!" Clarence was about to bite his steel teeth into pieces!

This Earl Phil is really not a good thing!

I know everything about Myanmar!

Could it be said that the purpose of his appearance in Myanmar four years ago was for the Clarence family?

What a hell!

If Clarence's business in Myanmar is also exposed, it is the real disaster!

Clarence turned and left for a short while, and soon came with a bottle, and immediately pushed it to Earl Phil: "This is the medicine that I just got at the Inagawa meeting. I swear by God, this is true. !"

Earl Phil happily put away the bottle in his hand and turned and walked away: "I will continue to fulfill our agreement, that beautiful Chinese woman will be mine!"

"Then congratulate Lord Earl on your wish in advance!" Clarence replied with a twisted face.

After Count Phil left, Clarence could no longer control the anger in his heart and smashed everything in the room.

"Damn, **** it!" Clarence was really violent and could not suppress the violent heart: "Why do everyone have to fight against me? Why!"

Kobayashi walked in from outside the door and looked at the debris, frowning: "Miss Clarence, you are an honorary consultant of the Inagawa Association, so I can't control your emotions. I'm afraid it's inappropriate?"

"I want you to manage!" Clarence growled wildly: "I am the chairman's righteous daughter and honorary advisor. My business is not yours to manage!"

Xiao Lin's face sank: "Since that, then Xiao Lin will not disturb Miss Clarence, leave!"

After saying this, Xiao Lin turned around and left.

"Go, go! Don't you guys!" Clarence growled wildly: "I'm the only one here! Don't you stay!"

Xiao Lin shook his head while calling the chairman to report the situation.

After hearing the news, the chairman immediately said: "Since she said that, it will be handed over to Osaka for the time being. Please go to Kyoto first, and there has been a little trouble there recently."

"Chairman, are we all gone?" Xiao Lin asked doubtfully.

"Let's go. There are Yin Sichen and Earl Phil in Osaka, and others dare not act rashly. Let Clarence temporarily take over the overall situation in Osaka." The president immediately ordered: "The things over Kyoto can not Delay, dispose as soon as possible."

"Understand the president, we will transfer over immediately." Xiao Lin hung up the phone, frowning, and always felt a kind of uneasiness in his heart.

He always felt that what would happen to Osaka.

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