The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 479: Yin Xuemo was captured

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

"Xiao Heng is mine! No one can **** him! Even his attention is not allowed!" Yin Xuemo's voice suddenly became sharp, and his legs were kicked fiercely.

There was a bit of pain, but she chose to endure in order to hear more secrets.

What happened three years ago, everyone is so secretive.

Perhaps some truth can be gained from this woman.

What is this pain?

"I was going to let Jiang Huiyin's idiot's hand let you die with your child! Who knows you are so lucky that you escaped this robbery!" Yin Xuemo's resentment was even more intense : "Even if you die with your child? I can exhale! Who knows that you just lost your memory and didn't die! It's unforgivable!"

Xi Xi's heart shook.

Child... She is going to kill her child...

My heart felt an instant pain.

"If you don’t go back to this country, maybe I will let you go. But Gu Xixi, why do you want to come back? Why! Look at what you brought after you came back? Yin Siyao’s dumb **** turned out to be so Respect you? Interesting, interesting, this unexpected discovery!" Yin Xuemo suddenly chuckled: "But guess what Yin Siyao dare to tell you his mind? That coward, that idiot! How dare to swallow! Take away the shares of Teng Hao Branch! I won't let him easily!"

"Teng Hao Branch has existed for decades. Although it is only a branch, it accounts for 5% of the Yin's consortium. How can I allow others to put their ideas on the branch? So Gu Xixi, you can rest assured that after you die, I will send Yin Siyao to **** to accompany you! See how good I am and find you a companion! Isn’t he special to you? Hahahaha, then Let him die!" Yin Xuemo's voice seemed to be squeezed, sharp and harsh.

"I originally wanted you to die faster, but why did you provoke Xiao Heng? He is mine! It's mine!" Yin Xuemo kicked crazy again several times, screaming while kicking: "Xiao Heng Never care about others, he cares about you! He wants to protect you! No! No! Absolutely not! He can only stand beside me and belong to me completely! Gu Xixi, you die Go to die! If you die, he will not pay attention to you, he will not protect you, he will be completely my own!"

Xixi was about to scold this madman ten thousand times!

Which dog eye saw Xiao Heng caring about herself?

After I returned home, I never said a few words to Xiao Heng!

Even if this woman is so vinegar, is it not allowed to say anything?

Although he kicked himself, he heard a lot of news.

It seems that I really can't hesitate anymore.

I really need to retrieve the memories of the past!

Even if it is not for their own relationship with Yin Sichen, it is necessary to restore the memory in order to clarify these headless cases!

Especially meow, if you come back with such a female lunatic, you will really be crazy!

Originally I was still entangled in whether Yin Sichen's feelings for himself were true.

Special meow, whether he is real or not, he must restore his memory!

Otherwise, what if there is such a lunatic?

Every day living in an environment threatened with kidnapping by a group of lunatics, my nerves will collapse sooner or later!

Yin Xuemo was breathing heavily. She sat on the ground with one **** and looked at it so close, gritted her teeth and said: "Gu Xixi, why are you alive? Why do you want to fight against me? I Yin Xuemo Never been wronged! You die, die!"

Yin Xuemo suddenly rushed towards Xixi like crazy, reached out and grabbed Xixi's neck, and she was about to get rid of it.

At this time, the ghostly figure appeared again, and a palm was cut on Yin Xuemo's back neck.

Yin Xuemo's body softened and fell to the floor all at once.

"Miss Yun Er, are you okay?" the charming Japanese woman whispered: "What else do you want to know? Do I need to torture you for torture?"

Xixi stretched his hand and touched his neck, his face was red, and his careful thought was guessed by the other party.

"There's nothing more to ask, she just said almost the same." Xixi has slowly adjusted to the light in the dark, looking down at the unconscious Yin Xuemo on the ground, can't help but ask: "How do you plan to deal with it?" she was?"

The charming Japanese woman smiled softly and replied: "You can rest assured that Mo will not let you down!"


The other party said again: "President Mo is waiting for you outside. Although you leave, leave the aftermath here to me."

Xi Xi hesitated a little, and when Xie arrived, he slowly climbed up from the ground.

I moved the whole body, hissed, and my leg hurts.

But at this price, in exchange for your determination and some secrets, it is worth it.

I was too indecisive before!

It seems that I have to correct this shortcoming!

Xixi slowly walked out of the abandoned monastery. As soon as he reached the door of the monastery, he saw Mo Zixin leaning on a car and looked at himself with a distressed expression on his face.

"Want to ask a secret, why should I be injured? My interrogation team can ask any secret." Mo Zixin saw the awkwardness in his body, and he was very distressed.

Mo Zixin seemed to see Yun Zixiao, who was angry and flying wildly in the dream.

Both are the same stubborn, the same do not like to owe human relations, but also like to solve problems on their own.

Xixi moved her wrists and grinned: "Since she came to me, I will always listen to what she said. Thank you tonight!"

Mo Zixin put a coat on Xi Xi's shoulder: "No need to thank me. Xi Xi, when can I do anything for you, but you don't need to thank me?"

Mo Zixin's blue eyes, with a touch of Greek wings and a touch of struggle.

His eyes flashed, and he didn't answer this question, but he looked up at the moonlight and said, "I've been away for so long, the national team..."

"These people have been cleaned up." Mo Zixin's eyes flashed a bit of disappointment, but he immediately cheered up: "Several things that eat inside and out, since they like to play kidnapping and disappear, then they will disappear from Japan forever. Alright!"

Xixi didn't ask, and knew that those people probably had nothing to end.

Mo Zixin saw that Xixi was a bit cold, and immediately opened the door of the car, and said to Xixi: "Go, I will take you back. Find a place to massage it well, and there will be no traces left on your body! It’s time for the Yunjia to turn over, it’s here!”

He bit his lip and nodded.

Mo Zixin wanted to say something, but in the end he sighed and drove away with a ride.

After the poor Yin Xuemo was carried away by the girl, the days became not so beautiful.

Compared with Jiang Huiyin, she seemed lucky and unfortunate.

In the hands of Yin Sichen, Jiang Huiyin was already struggling to survive and not to die.

Her belly grew bigger day by day, and some of the banned drugs that Yin Sichen had used were also used on her.

She had to taste enough of the fear of life and death at that time, and waited for Yin Sichen to play enough before she would be rewarded with a happy death.

And Yin Xuemo in Mo Zixin's hands, although there is no need to stand up to taste the shadow of death, but will not easily spare her!

Yin Sichen's belly is black, in fact, Mo Zixin is a good stubble?

Isn't Yin Xuemo's favorite jealous? Isn’t she most in control?

Ha ha da, then let her play thoroughly happy!

In later days, Mo Zixin really used this banned drug on Yin Xuemo's body, and took the memory template from the Yun family.

However, this operation was not performed by the Yunjia Research Institute, but Mo Zixin had a few doctors from Japan to perform this operation for Yin Xuemo.

The implanted memory template turned into Yin Xuemo's beloved man, her own biological father!

From then on, she will become a rival with her biological mother and fight for her biological father!

Gee, it's really dark home!

The family of Uncle Yin's family seems to be busy!

These are all afterwords, and they only officially broke out after returning home.

So when he knew all this, he almost shocked his chin.

For the time being, press and don't mention it.

After Mo Zixin went back with Xixi, he really took Xixi first to do a massage repair.

After the bruises on Xi's body were almost gone, he took Xi to eat late dinner.

Xixi wriggled and recovered his normal arm, and said with a bitter smile: "Thanks to Yin Xuemo's lack of strength to support him from an early age, otherwise the game two days later is really going to be delayed."

Mo Zixin looked helplessly.

Knowing that she would do this, she would feel distressed, but she refused to refuse her!

"Don't go anywhere for the past two days. Obediently rest in the hotel. Waiting for the game to play again." Mo Zixin said sadly: "I dare not admit to the family and the Yun family now! I can hurt you when I see you, and I don’t dare to go home again!"

Xixi covered her mouth and smiled for a long time: "It doesn't matter, I will plead with my uncle and aunt."

Mo Zixin's slender fingers, his head lightly, his breath is unlimited** Drowning: "You..."

Xixi knows that he is justified, so he can only bear the smile with a smile.

When Yin Sichen knew it, she was very happy.

Xiao a didn't quite understand: "President, President Mo saved the grandmother, why are you not happy but rather happy?"

Yin Sichen was even happier with a smile: "Xi Xi has always been wary of me, she will think more about what I say. But this time, she herself chose to listen to Yin Xuemo's story in an injured way, then she was absolutely I will be convinced. What if Mo Zixin helped her? As long as Xi Xi made up her mind to restore her memory, Mo Zixin lost!"

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