The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 470: Tea Art Competition

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

As soon as she entered the room, someone came in and wiped off the drops of water on her body. She asked respectfully if she needed a break.

Xixi was about to shake her head. When she looked up, she saw Yin Shichen walking out of the bathroom in white pajamas.

The light path of Yin Sichen's eyes fell directly on Xi Xi's body, shining brightly.

On the face he had just bathed in, water drops rolled, leaving the Japanese women in those costumes dumbfounded.

I don’t know why, and suddenly I don’t want Yin Sichen to be seen by other women at this moment!

When Xixi just reached her mouth, she immediately turned a corner. "Well, let's take a rest first, let's go down first."

Yin Sichen didn't miss the discomfort and careful thinking in her eyes, and she bent her mouth without a trace.

Yin Sichen walked towards the side while wiping her hair, and said unintentionally: "I just got wet, so I used your bathroom first."

The blush on Xixi's face kept going, and Nene returned a word: "Well."

Yin Sichen laughed at the bottom of his heart, pretending to be nothing happened, and stretched out his hand to the bedroom: "After a busy day, I'm so tired. Let me sleep for a while. ."

Xixi followed Yin Sichen with bare feet into the room.

At the moment when the door was closed, it seemed as though I was refreshed: "You... are you going to rest here?"

Yin Sichen made a very surprised expression: "I'm like this now, how do I go back? I was just to save you..."

Xi Xi's face was red.

Where can someone save someone to kiss for half an hour?

"Ah, it's so sleepy." Yin Sichen yawned and turned to sit on the **, lying down without looking at it.

Xixi was about to speak, Yin Sichen had pulled the quilt and closed his eyes.

Xixi opened his mouth and was embarrassed to drive him away.

Because of the hot springs, all the fatigue in the body came out, and it was a bit greedy to see Yin Sichen sleeping so sweet.

This room is just a bedroom, she just wants to go somewhere else and nowhere!

After thinking about it, I saw this ** so big, sleeping two people...should it be ok?

Well, just a little rest anyway!

Then squint for a while!

Xixi decisively lay down next to Yin Sichen, wondering if she was really tired. Xixi leaned on the pillow and actually fell asleep soon.

After she fell asleep, Yin Sichen, who pretended to sleep, opened her eyes and looked at the sleeping face next to her. The slyness in Yin Sichen's eyes flashed by.

He carefully circled his arms in his arms and adjusted her posture to make her sleep more comfortable before closing her eyes again.

When I woke up, I lifted my eyes and saw Yin Sichen's flat and strong chest.

Somehow, I remembered the picture of two people clinging to each other in the hot spring of the bath just now.

Looking up carefully, Yin Sichen was still awake.

Although the two didn't do anything, they just hugged and slept for a while, but Xixi even tasted a good taste of the years.

Since Yin Sichen is not awake, don't wake him up.

Xixi carefully moved her body out of Yin Shichen’s arms, but Xixi just felt her waist and tightened her arms before she could pull her arm out. In the arms full of strange breath.

"Sleep a little longer." Yin Sichen said vaguely: "Someone will come over at night. Maybe you need help to do the translation."

Xixi heard Yin Sichen say this, looking straight: "Your Japanese is very good. Where do you use me for translation?"

"There are several people coming tonight, each with a different accent." Yin Sichen still explained with her eyes closed: "One of them speaks Sinhala, and I am not very good at this small language."

It was a relief on his face: "Fortunately, although my small language is not very good, but I have some understanding."

Yin Sichen gently touched his forehead with his lips and slowly opened his eyes: "How many small languages ​​do you know?"

Xixi tilted her head for a while and thought, "I don't know much, there are dozens of them. I don't know how I did it, as if I had this language in my brain."

He looked at Yin Sichen in confusion, but Yin Sichen's heart was instantly clear.

Wasn't Yunya the genius who was good at dozens of languages?

The memory templates implanted at the juncture of life and death seem to include these small languages?

Yin Shichen's eyes flashed a haze, his arms tightened unconsciously.

He waited for three years, endured for three years, and finally got on line with the Inagawa meeting. This time he came to Japan, he must solve this trouble!

"Relax, it will be resolved." Yin Sichen said this vaguely.

Xixi fell into his own thoughts, and did not hear Yin Sichen's words.

She has not doubted why she knows so many languages.

The explanation of the family is that he has loved learning languages ​​since he was a child, and has learned all the languages ​​he can learn.

At that time, I didn't doubt anything, but now with the memory I lost three years ago, I placed myself in front of myself, so I couldn't help but doubt it.

Xixi intuitively felt that his coming to Japan this time must be related to his memory loss three years ago!

No matter how you ask at home, the answer at home is so vague.

Since the family refuses to say, let yourself reveal the truth of the year.

In the evening, several strangers came.

Yin Sichen entertained them in the lobby. The people who came were sitting cross-legged on the tatami mat. A small coffee table was placed in front of everyone. The maid next to the bed and breakfast was in charge of tea service.

Xixi sat not far behind Yin Sichen and placed a small coffee table in front of her, but Xixi seldom drank it because she wanted to translate for the people present.

The Sinhala language is not very good, but it can also express its meaning clearly.

When Xixi translates to some uncertain places, he will apologize and ask the other person to say it again or to change the word.

The guest who spoke the Sinhala language did not show an impatient expression, but was rather curious about it.

"Beautiful lady, I'm curious, where did you learn Sinhala?" The guest couldn't help but wonder.

"Self-study." Xi Xi answered with a smile.

"How many languages ​​can a beautiful lady?" The guest was more curious.

"Proficient in more than a dozen types, good at more than twenty kinds, a little more than a dozen kinds of involved, there are probably more than thirty kinds, including local dialects." Xi Xi still smiled.

The guest suddenly showed a surprised expression: "Your language talent, it's really only life! I don't know the beautiful lady, would you mind working for me? I can pay double the reward!"

Xi Xi hasn't answered yet, Yin Sichen sitting in front of her looks all black with the bottom of the pot: "Mind!"

Hearing Yin Sichen spit out the Sinhala language, the eyes almost glared out!

Yin Sichen! This **** is a lie again!

He clearly understands Sinhala!

The Sinhala-speaking guest also widened his eyes and looked at Yin Sichen with an incredible expression on his face.

Yin Sichen's face is still stinky, too lazy to explain why he understands Sinhala.

The guest looked at Yin Sichen and looked at it again, as if he understood something, and said with a smile, "Mr. Yin should not misunderstand. I just wanted to ask this beautiful lady to help me translate. Mr. Yin should know , Soon after, there was a tea competition. Coincidentally, I led the contestants from the country to participate. No way, Sinhala is a small language, many people don’t understand this language at all, but my contestants only speak Sangha Luo language. That’s why I wanted to invite this beautiful lady to accompany my team to the competition and do the translation."

Tea art competition?

This is the second time I heard this, and my eyes shook uncontrollably: "Are you also going to participate in this competition? Is this an official or private event?"

The guest suddenly laughed: "The organizer of this event is no one else, it is President Yin around you!"

The eyeballs were staring instantly!

Yin Sichen!

Yin Sichen, who was sitting on the side, smiled bitterly for a while, and it was estimated that he would offend the little mole this time!

Yin Sichen quickly explained: "Come on, listen to my explanation."

He speaks Chinese, and the people present understand a lot. Everyone's expression is exceptionally wonderful!

A man who can make a man like a god's palace show an anxious look, even if so many guests are present, who must explain clearly--

Probably the future hostess of the Yin family?

Everyone's eyes fell on Xi Xi's face at the same time.

At this moment, the mobile phone rang.

He looked at the number and nodded at everyone and said, "Sorry for being out of company."

Xixi turned and left the reception room.

As soon as he walked away, the guests looked at Yin Sichen with a smile.

Yin Sichen was also not annoyed, deliberately made a sad expression and said: "My wife's temper is relatively big, forgive me."

Hearing Yin Sichen's explanation, the guests immediately showed their original expressions, and when they looked at Yin Sichen again, there was something more in their eyes.

Yin Sichen actually does not need to see these people, just because these people are people from all over the world who came to Japan to participate in the tea competition.

The Yun Family is also a family known for tea.

Yin Sichen deliberately made such occasions to let everyone know that he and the second Miss Yun family are husband and wife.

Isn't the Yunjia not saying anything?

He forced the Yun family to make a statement!

It's not a day or two since he returned home, he didn't believe the Yun family did not know!

Yun's silence, he must break!

Now that there are representatives of these countries, I am not afraid that people who drink tea all over the world do not know his relationship with Miss Yun Jia Er!

Xixi answered the phone outside, the old lady from the Yun family called.

"Grandma?" Xixi was a little surprised and surprised.

"Now that you have arrived in Japan, don't fall into the reputation of the Yun family. This time, the Yun family will use this to turn over!" Mrs. Yun's voice came from the microphone, revealing an extremely determined determination.

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