The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 467: Rush to Japan

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

When I thought that it would take less than a few days, I could talk to Xixi in the name of business affairs and spend a good time in a two-person world. Yin Sichen's mood instantly improved a lot.

A finger tapped on the table, and someone immediately delivered the freshly brewed tea.

Yin Sichen held his forehead in his right hand, gently rubbing the position of his temple, thinking about his thoughts.

The smile on the corner of my mouth widened a little because of the beautiful things.

After the tea sender put the tea cup down, he was going to retreat.

But when her eyes fell on Yin Sichen's beautiful and charming face, her breath stopped instantly, and she forgot to leave even when she left, so she stared at the ostentatious face in a daze.

Yin Sichen's slender fingers slowly picked up the teacup and delivered it to his lips, gently squeezing it, drawing an extremely beautiful arc, which made his charm instantly add a few plus signs.

Realizing that the people around him did not leave, Yin Sichen's narrow eyes slightly picked up, and his eyes squinted in the past, just to see Ma Yingying look at herself with a stunning expression.

Yin Sichen's eyes were cold: "Are you still in trouble?"

If it were not for her to plead with her, how could she be qualified to stay and do things?

Yin family is not short of servants, when is it her turn to deliver tea?

Ma Yingying heard Yin Sichen's words, and only then came to God. His head was bowed down rashly, and he dared not touch Yin Sichen's sight.

That is a man who exists like a divine mansion!

"I... I'm here to thank you." Ma Yingying's helpless hands were intertwined, her fingers twisted non-stop: "Brother said, I can stay here to work, I am really happy."

Yin Sichen was not in a mood to listen to her thanks and said impatiently: "Okay, there will be nothing to show up here. This is not where you should appear. Although you are Yin Siyao's sister, not my sister. The rules here are well studied, and if you make mistakes, you will be punished with others. Come, take her out and give her a good lesson."

Someone came in immediately outside the door and took Ma Yingying away.

Ma Yingying glanced at Yin Sichen reluctantly, biting her lip and left slightly unwillingly.

Xixi purchases things almost, most of them are personal clothes and the like.

There are many types of cosmetics in Japan, and now Xixi is not too big a brand, some daily care products can be purchased at any time in Japan.

So, besides preparing a lot of cash for her, Xixi just has a big suitcase and a small backpack.

Because she followed Yin Sichen to Japan, all the procedures were handled by the Yin consortium, and she didn't need to worry about anything.

On the day of departure from Japan, I arrived at the airport early.

Although Yin Sichen can rush to Japan by private plane, I don’t know why Yin Sichen just took a few assistants and flew over with him in a civil aviation.

From afar, Yin Shichen saw four assistants with little abcd and walked dashing under a group of bodyguards.

Um, is this a walk

Yin Sichen only wore a moon-colored shirt today, with a pair of decent black trousers underneath. His hair was a little messy and unruly. There was no feeling of going on a business trip.

Fortunately, the four assistants behind were still properly dressed in Armani suits and uniforms.

Although Yin Sichen was dressed casually, he immediately attracted the attention of many people as soon as he appeared at the airport.

If it was not for a bodyguard to open the way, he was estimated to be blocked by people watching at the airport within two meters.

Completely comparable to the prince's general temperament, spike all the looks of the peak star.

Such a man, even if he is dressed sloppyly and casually, can't hide his sense of existence.

Xixi couldn't help but sigh in the bottom of his heart, this is God's **.

Yin Sichen saw it from the far away, his narrow eyes slightly picked up, and he could no longer see others under his eyes. He locked his position all the way and strode towards her.

Yin Sichen's eyes fell on the big box beside Xi Xi, nodded at Xiao A, and Xiao A immediately went over and respectfully brought Xi's luggage.

"Let's go." Yin Sichen didn't say too much to Xixi, simply dropped two words and went on.

Xixi saw that her luggage was taken by Xiao A, and then kept pace with Yin Sichen.

This time when I go to Japan, I have to go to Hokkaido first, and then go to other cities in Japan.

Tokyo, Osaka, Nara and other places have to go around.

The Yoon consortium also has branches in Japan, and the weight of the branches is not too low in Japan.

Therefore, Yin Sichen's trip to Japan did not bring many people.

The Japanese branch is already ready to meet the president.

Xixi’s seat was close to that of Yin Sichen. Xixi had just sat down. Yin Sichen had reached out and fastened Xi Xi’s seat belt.

It didn't happen that Yin Sichen would take the initiative to do these things for himself. It seems that from the day of the birthday feast, the relationship between the two people is getting closer.

Xixi's face was red, and she whispered, "I'll do it myself."

"Sit well." Yin Sichen didn't let Xixi move, and still fastened Xixi's seatbelt with his own hands.

When I went to Japan this time, I was just going to fall in love and take care of business affairs.

How could he give Xi Xi the opportunity to reject himself?

The four assistants hid very far from being very interesting, and would not act as light bulbs at all.

Xixi blushed and thanked, Yin Sichen stared at him, "How do you want to thank me?"

Stay for a while: "Ah?"

Looking at Xixi, this expression appeared again. Yin Sichen couldn't help but smile and couldn't help reaching out to squeeze Xixi's cheek: "After getting off the plane, we'll stay at the bed and breakfast. The hot spring there is good and can be eased fatigue."

"Ah..." Xixi is still at a loss, is this topic related to the previous one?

"This trip to Japan requires your help to do some translation." Yin Sichen finally talked about topics related to work.

Xixi couldn't help but whisper.

Yin Sichen’s Japanese is more authentic and authentic than himself. Where can I use my own translation?

Even the four translators are all proficient in several languages.

Japanese is almost as smooth as Japanese man voice seiyuu.

Where can I use my own translation?

However, since I promised Yin Sichen to do the translation, then naturally I can't refuse, and nodded immediately.

"Don't you like to eat sashimi? When you were pregnant, you didn't dare to eat more. Now you can eat enough." Yin Sichen couldn't help bending the corner of her mouth and the eyes under her eyes when she saw the expression on her face. The light became softer and softer.

Xi Xi subconsciously asked: "How do you know that I like to eat sashimi?"

Yin Sichen looked at Xiaoxi with a smile, but his face was red, only to find that she asked a stupid question.

Yin Sichen did not joke her for too long, and continued: "We have enough time for you to eat enough."

Xixi's face was red: "Where am I so greedy..."

As soon as the voice fell, the stewardess pushed the dining car over to deliver the meal.

When he saw the Japanese meal delivered to himself, his eyes widened!

These are all her favorite foods!

This airline is really intimate! Even the simple meals on the plane can be so rich! And it just happens to be my favorite!

Great, I will take the plane from his house in the future!

Yin Sichen slowly opened her plane meal, but didn't take a few bites. When she saw the food, she picked it out of her box and gave it to her.

Xixi's face was red: "I walked too quickly in the morning and forgot to eat breakfast."

Yin Sichen looked at her with a smile, no intention to pierce her, so nodded so gently: "Well."

Xixi walked anxiously this morning, did not eat breakfast, now guarding so many delicious, where can I bear it?

The sushi in hand is exquisite, delicious and beautiful, and the saliva is coming down.

Seeing Yin Sichen picking up what she likes to eat, she can't help but old blush!

"Put your stomach first, and when you arrive in Honshu, Japan, you can eat as much as you want." Yin Sichen explained carefully.

Xixi blushed and ate everything that Yin Sichen picked out.

Seeing Xixi cooperate so much, the eyes in Yin Sichen's eyes became more and more fascinating.

Fly to Japan from n city is actually very fast.

It's much closer than flying back from Britain.

But within a few hours, the plane had landed smoothly at Kansai International Airport in Japan.

When the plane landed steadily, Xi Xi instantly regained his spirit.

It's time to start working!

Yin Sichen stretched out his hand again to help him untie his seat belt, and undoubtedly took Xi Xi's hand to get off the plane.

Xixi wanted to struggle, but Yin Sichen had already expected her next move. She clenched her fingers before she struggled, leaving her nowhere to escape.

At this time, Xixi finally reacted afterwards, this time in Japan, I was afraid that it was not for work.

Yin Sichen has always been so calm from the beginning, like a vacation, where is there a job that needs to be busy?

However, she has already arrived, and she has no reason to go back.

What's more, her heart doesn't exclude Yin Sichen's touch.

When I got off the plane, I immediately saw a group of Japanese people respectfully standing on both sides. A middle-aged man with gold-rimmed glasses saw Yin Sichen and immediately came in small steps and bowed to salute: " Good President! Good wife!"

Xi Xi's face couldn't help but burst into redness, subconsciously explained in Japanese: "No..."

Yin Sichen had stopped, and asked lazily, "Are you ready?"

"Yes!" the middle-aged man answered immediately: "Everything is ready. How long will you stay in Kansai?"

Yin Shichen's eyes passed, and the middle-aged man immediately explained: "Ms. Clarence, the honorary consultant of the Inagawa Association, has also arrived in Honshu, Japan this morning, and now Ms. Clarence is in Osaka."

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