The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 463: Unintelligible

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

No one thought that Mrs. Yin would say such a shocking word.

To incense the ancestors is not something ordinary people can do.

It must be the privilege of the immediate family members recorded in the genealogy.

What does Mrs. Yin call Miss Yunjia Er to go to Shangxiang?

Is this a disguised announcement of Yin Jiashao's status?

Or is it that this is the grandmother of the Yin family?

Xixi was a little scared today.

So she was a little embarrassed now, and she couldn't turn her head.

So the subconscious froze there, but did not refuse.

Mrs. Yin did not wait for her to refuse, so she left the restaurant in a drag.

So inexplicably, he was dragged into an extremely magnificent building, watching the servants inside standing side by side, and spraying a little water on himself when he came over.

When Xixi came to a pile of cards, someone handed the lighted incense to Xixi's hand.

"Old lady, I..." Xixi just wanted to refuse.

Mrs. Yin nodded and said, "Even if it's for enthalpy, you still need these three incense sticks."

There was a moment of emotion.

For enthalpy...

Xi Xi lowered her eyes and refused to refuse.

Yes, even for the sake of children, it is not excessive to ask the fathers of the Yin family to bless their children.

Xixi knelt gently on the futon, respectfully scented, and kowtowed.

After watching Xixi do this, Mrs. Yin nodded with satisfaction and said, "I'm a little tired. I'll go back to rest first. Send your grandma to leave."

After saying this, Mrs. Yin turned around and left.

After Xixi straightened her body, she only had time to see Mrs. Yin's back still tall and upright.

Xixi pressed the restlessness of her heart, looked back at the high card, and turned away.

As soon as he reached the door, he saw Yin Sichen standing upright and standing outside the door.

Yin Sichen's thick black hair was neatly combed behind his head, revealing a full white forehead, making his original and beautiful facial features more and more clear.

Under the narrow eyes, the eyes flashed with excitement.

The soft and soft lips were tightly squeezed, he was nervous?

Yin Sichen saw Xi Xi coming out, her eyes softened instantly, stepped forward, looked down at Xi Xiao's blank face, and couldn't help but reached out and squeezed Xi Xi's face: "Go."

Xixi didn't know where Yin Sichen was going to take her.

In fact, from just now to now, she is in a state of coercion.

Yin Sichen left the yard with Xi Xi, and walked along with Xi Xi aimlessly.

When someone meets on the road, they will avoid it far away, and will not disturb Yin Sichen and Xi Xi get along.

The two of them didn't speak, so just go down one by one, and inexplicably have a feeling of walking for a lifetime.

As soon as he thought of this thought, his ears bled inexplicably.

Today's Yin Sichen is noble like a prince.

A stunned god, slowed Yin Sichen half a step, raised his eyes to see his straight and perfect back, his figure was slim and fit, and the perfect one could not bear 9.9 points.

Yin Sichen noticed the stunned god, stopped immediately, turned sideways, and looked back.

Afternoon sunlight passed through the mottled tree shadows and fell softly on his handsome face. The soft light made his eyes brighter.

His eyes are so beautiful, even as a woman, she should be ashamed.

Perhaps because his aura is too strong, people around him ignore his almost fascinating appearance.

At this moment, he had converged all the auras, and stood there so calmly, but he could make Xixi see his looks and eyes better.

Yin Sichen didn't ignore the stunning eyes.

Yin Sichen just stood there and didn't speak, just looked at him affectionately.

The two stared at each other, and the wind blew the flowers, and the rose petals in the sky were gently scraped off with the wind, and the two were scattered one by one.

An unknown emotion gradually grew from the bottom of my heart.

Xixi suddenly found that he didn't seem to reject the man's approach.

Any good thing, both men and women will instinctively like to be close and close.

Although Xixi is not an appearance association, but who doesn't like beautiful things?

Yin Sichen's eyes moved slightly, his long eyelashes were clearly rooted, and under the soft sunlight, he cast a circle of danqing's shadow, which made him look more like a demon.

After all, Xixi couldn't help but sighed: "You look so delicate, I'm afraid that any woman walking with you will feel inferior?"

Yin Sichen's corner of her mouth slightly raised, her smile rippling: "Really? Do you like it?"

Unnaturally, she turned away from her eyes and her ears were completely red.

Yin Sichen felt helpless for a while.

In order to get ahead of Mo Zixin, let Xi Xi's heart print his traces in advance.

For today's image, he found a dozen designers, and finally picked this image design.

Because he knew, Xixi seemed to like his eyes in particular.

So this design makes his eyes exceptionally bright.

Yin Sichen closed when he was ready, reached out and took the initiative to hold Xixi's fingers, and pulled Xixi to continue to move forward.

The temperature from the big hand passed from the finger to the bottom of my heart.

Xi Xi's eyes fell on Yin Sichen's white, delicate, slender and gentle fingers, feeling the warmth and tenderness he passed from his fingertips, and the string at the bottom of his heart gently flicked.

Feeling unacceptable, going deeper.

The living can die, and the dead can live.

Those who are born but not dead, and those who are dead but not resurrected, are not love.

The word popped out of my mind.

In front of the eyes are colorful, the petals of the feet are quiet.

The two of them held hands and walked forward together, leaving Xi Xi with the illusion of being old-fashioned.

Unfortunately, such a quiet and sweet time is always too short.

After all, the journey that the two have taken together is to come to an end.

Xixi saw several guests walking towards this side, and with a guilty conscience, he quickly pulled his finger from Yin Sichen's hand.

Yin Sichen didn't pay attention, so she escaped.

Feeling the empty palm, my heart was empty for a moment.

Yin Sichen's eyes were dull, this little mole... really would be... annoying.

Xiao Heng flashed up, and whispered a word in Yin Sichen's ear: "Jiang Shao is gone."

Yin Sichen nodded.

"Jiang Shao said he will definitely show up at the dinner." Xiao Heng continued to add a sentence.

Yin Sichen's eyes flashed and whispered, "If he is unwell, don't worry."

Xiao Heng glanced at him quickly, turned around and left.

Xixi stood so close to Yin Sichen, and Xiao Heng did not avoid her, so Xixi heard it all.

Xi Xi thought of Jiang Yihai in order to force himself to stay awake, even blurring the flesh and blood of his palm, and couldn't help a moment of palpitations.

Subconsciously, I want to see Jiang Yihai.

Yin Sichen seemed to understand her thoughts in seconds, and immediately said to Xi: "This is the time for everyone to rest, it is better to look at our cousin in the past."

Xixi didn't wait for an answer. Yin Sichen held her palm again. This time she never gave her a chance to break free. So she took Xixi's hand and walked towards Jiang Yihai's resting yard.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw several people saluting at Yin Sichen at himself.

"How's your cousin?" Yin Sichen asked in a low voice.

"Jiang Shao is all right, except that the hand injury is a bit heavy, but the medicine has been disinfected. I believe it will take less than a few days to remove the bandage." Someone answered immediately.

Yin Sichen nodded, holding his hands, and walked in without stopping.

When she opened the door, she saw Mrs. Jiang sitting gloomy and looking at Jiang Yihai. Both of them didn't look very good. They seemed to have just quarreled.

They heard the sound outside the door and closed their mouths.

When Xixi and Yin Sichen came in, Mrs. Jiang's eyes fell sharply on Xixi and Yin Sichen's intertwined hands, and her eyes eased a lot.

"Auntie." Yin Sichen whispered softly: "Is there anything wrong with my cousin?"

Mrs. Jiang stood up: "It's no big deal, you guys talk about it. Miss Yun Er, can I say a few words to you?"

A dazed face: "Ah? Okay!"

Xixi didn't understand what Mrs. Jiang had to do with her, but since the other party said so, she categorically refused to refuse.

Xixi followed Mrs. Jiang and left the room, leaving the space to Yin Sichen and Jiang Yihai.

Mrs. Jiang walked fast, Xi Xi walked behind to catch up with her speed.

When Mrs. Jiang walked to the stairs, she stopped at once and didn't look back. She said directly, "Ms. Yun Er, is this compound with Si Chen?"

Xixi knew that Mrs. Jiang had seen the picture of holding hands with Yin Sichen. It was probably too much.

Xixi a little regret.

They all blame their lack of concentration and refusal to bear the beauty of men.

Who is Yin Sichen is so beautiful?

Who told me there was no discipline?

Anyone will misunderstand it?

However, he does not exclude him...

I don't like such close contact with other men, but I don't exclude such a slightly intimate move with him.

Xixi turned red, biting her lip and replied, "Not yet..."

Mrs. Jiang looked back quickly, not missing the shyness and uneasiness in her eyes.

She also came from a young age, how can she not understand that this is the performance of the girl's heart?

So, her son, can he give up?

"Thanks to Miss Yun Er for today's affairs." Mrs. Jiang said slowly.

Suddenly, she understood that Mrs. Jiang was referring to the matter of saving Jiang Yihai and keeping the reputation of the Jiang family.

With a serious look at Mrs. Yun, she said: "Ms. Yan's words are too serious. Jiang Shao is the sister's fancy. As a sister, I do something for my sister, not to ask for thanks from others. I and Yun I am a twin, although she has been dead for five years now, but it is very strange, I still have the illusion of interpersonal communication. I know that if Yun is found such a thing, it will do the same. So, I’m protecting my brother-in-law, where can I afford to thank my wife?"

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