The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 459: Birthday

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Earl Phil felt that this woman seemed to have a different style every time she met.

Like a heavy book, you never know what kind of scenery she will turn to the next page.

This woman not only controlled Western dresses, but Chinese dresses seemed more suitable for her.

Is this the flash point of Chinese women in legend?

Earl Phil didn't even realize that his eyes seemed to be getting more and more time.

As the VIPs celebrate their birthdays in turn, Earl Phil will naturally also wish to celebrate his birthday in the past.

He does not represent himself, but the Phil family.

The Yin family's status in Europe cannot be underestimated.

No one dared to underestimate the Yin family, no one dared to neglect the old lady's birthday.

Mrs. Yin looked at Earl Phil and said, "How old is the Duke?"

Earl Phil replied with a smile: "Thanks to the old lady, everything is fine."

Earl Phil responded in Chinese with a perfect character.

Which of the children of these families are not proficient in several languages?

Mrs. Yin nodded again and again and said, "Okay, when the time is free, I say I must go to the old prince for a good cup of tea!"

Earl Phil immediately smiled and replied: "It is an honor. At that time, I will welcome the old lady and... the two young masters in the family castle."

After finishing this sentence, Earl Phil's red eyes quickly swept Gu Miao.

Gu Miao's tiny body stiffened slightly.

He is still too young to hide his emotions.

A look of distress felt.

Fortunately, Earl Phil didn't say anything, he said a few words, and after giving away his present, he stepped back aside.

Too many people came to celebrate birthday today. After watching for a while, I felt a little thirsty and turned to the waiter for a glass of juice to drink slowly.

"I didn't expect Miss Xixi to be so beautiful today, which really opened my eyes." Earl Phil's voice softly rang behind Xixi.

Xixi turned gently and smiled politely: "Thanks for Earl Phil's praise."

"Miss Xixi is polite." Earl Phil stood and looked down at Xixi, and said softly, "I heard that Miss Xixi is going back to China to develop her own business?"

There was a wry smile.

Well, it seems that people all over the world know what they are going to do.

Even the family knows it.

Xixi did not deny: "Yes."

Earl Phil deliberately made a thoughtful expression and said: "In the field of cosmetics, I happen to have an old brand. I don't know if Miss Xixi should cooperate? For the sake of acquaintances, give you a discount."

He smiled: "Don’t be kidding, Earl Phil. You can’t afford to cooperate with a brand as big as you. Our small company has a registered capital of just over 10 million. The value of your brand is more than a few. Is it billions of dollars?"

"But it doesn't make much sense to make a lot of money. The market in China is good. I'm willing to spend a sum of money to play with." Earl Phil continued: "I can help your company to quickly complete the circulation of original capital. , Can also open the market in Europe by the way."

He looked at Count Phil silently: "Are you trying your best, is it for Gu Miao?"

Earl Phil's red eyes flashed: "It can be said, or it can be said otherwise."

"What do you mean?" Xixi frowned at him.

"I originally planned this way. But I found that after I contacted Miss Xi twice, I didn't feel bored. This kind of thing never happened before. I think Miss Xi might be special. That man. I'm willing to marry Miss Xixi, so my son will not return to my family logically?" said Earl Phil in a casual tone.


She almost squirted out the juice in her mouth.

Xixi turned around quickly and swallowed all the juice in her mouth.

As a result, he almost coughed because of too much movement.

Earl Phil's red eyes fell on the slender and delicate figure, flashing in amazement.

Well, Chinese cheongsam is really beautiful.

Xixi worked hard to calm down, and then whispered: "Count Phil, this joke is not funny at all. I'm sorry, I'm out of company!"

After Xi Xi said this, he turned and left.

Looking at his back, Earl Phil smiled softly.

Xixi returned to Mu Ruona's side, and saw that the gift was still going on, and immediately said distressedly: "Aren't we going to watch a day of gifts here?"

"No, it will be finished in a moment. But not everyone has this face in public." Mu Ruona lowered her voice and said: "Just now I saw Earl Phil's look in Gu Miao's eyes, it seemed not quite right. "

More than something wrong? It's very wrong!

Xixi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's hard to say a word."

After Mo Zixin and Mo Zixuan gave their gifts, they saw Xi Xi and Mu Ruona from afar, and walked towards them.

"Hey, you two can run." Mu Ruona saw Mo Zixin and Mo Zixuan coming and said with a smile: "What? Is it conscience that it is unethical to abandon us, and then finally It’s still close to us when I think about it, so came over and asked us to repair our relationship?"

Listening to Mu Ruona's jokes, Mo Zixuan must have done a good job no matter how good he is.

This is a loss of friends!

Mo Zixuan stretched out his hand a little harder Mu Ruona: "On your mouth, I see how you get married!"

Mo Zixin responded with a smile in a personable manner: "Yeah, I'm here to repair feelings."

After finishing this sentence, Mo Zixin's blue eyes fell softly on Xi Xi: "You are exquisite today."

He smiled and replied: "Thank you, this is Ruona's vision."

Mu Ruona stretched out her hand and grabbed Xixi's waist, and said proudly: "My eyes are good? Xixi is actually the most suitable for Chinese dress. She stood there without talking, just coming out of the picture. Ladies."

Mo Zixuan stretched out his hand to straighten the slightly crooked hairpin, and said with a smile: "Xi Xi wears emperor green is really beautiful, just I also have a pair of emperor green jewelry, just for you."

As soon as she was about to say no, a maid came slowly and said after saluting: "Miss Yun Er, the imperial master Wang Yu, please."

After hearing it, Wang Yu also came and immediately said to others: "I'll go over first, you talk first."

The three nodded and immediately followed the maid and turned away.

Mu Ruona looked at her back and smiled to Mo Zixin, "How sure is Mo?"

Mo Zixin smiled softly: "Never give up."

Mu Ruona smiled and said, "You have been chasing behind Xixi for three years, or will you refuse to admit defeat?"

"The Mo family will not easily admit defeat until the last minute." Mo Zixin seemed to understand Mu Ruona's reminder: "Yes, three years, it just made her accustomed to my existence. Real The battle has just begun."

Mu Ruona glanced at Mo Zixin, smiled, and then turned away.

It doesn't matter this shift of sight, I saw Shang Ke walking towards me at a glance!

I go! !

So many people, how did he find himself?

Mu Ruona immediately pulled Mo Zixuan and said, "Mr. Mo, please help me to stop Shang Ke! Zi Xuan, go, follow me to the bathroom to hide!"

After talking, he could not help but drag Mo Zixuan and fled in embarrassment.

Shang Ke finally found Mu Ruona. Before waiting for him to gather up with surprise, he saw Mo Zixin blinking up and holding up a glass of wine: "Shang, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Because the other party is Mo Zixin, Shang Ke did not dare to neglect.

Mo family, who dares to neglect!

In this country, except the Yin family is the Mo family.

One controls the economy and the other controls politics.

Who dares to mess?

"Mo Zong's demeanor is still the same." Shang Ke could not help but glance at Mu Ruona's direction of escape, reaching for the wine glass handed over by Mo Zixin and gently clinking with Mo Zu.

"Always hastily hurry, but haste is not enough." Mo Zixin's blue eyes reveal a meaningful meaning.

Shang Ke smiled bitterly: "Mr. Mo must be the one who can understand my mood the most. This one in my family is different. He can't follow it slowly. He can only chase it down. I also blame me. It just created the situation right now."

Mo Zixin just smiled.

"You have disturbed Mo President, I will not give up her easily." Shang Ke nodded at Mo Zixin, "lost."

Mo Zixin did not block Shang Ke, he was right, how similar he is to his situation at this time.

Shang Ke is chasing Mu Ruona all over the world. Isn't he chasing the whole world... seeking?

After leaving with the maid, Xixi saw Wang Yu in formal suit outside the main venue.

Wang Yu stood there a bit embarrassed.

After all, Wang Zhen just did such a thing.

Although everyone didn't pick out clearly, they knew each other well.

Wang Zhen was so scorched that he was busy in the imperial capital. He was choked with breath by being suppressed by Yin Sichen and Mo Zixin.

Mrs. Yin’s 80th birthday, Wang Yu could only come over on his behalf.

Today, there are too many heavyweights, and Wang Yu is really not qualified to move forward.

As soon as Xi stood at the door, he saw Wang Yu, who was anxious.

Xi Xi immediately thanked the maid and walked towards Wang Yu.

The moment Wang Yu saw it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and a burst of splendor broke out.

She really...much like Yunhao.

"Wang Shao, you have something to do with me?" Xi Xi said voluntarily: "The things you asked me to help are also obvious, as long as a few more days can be..."

Wang Yu shook his head.

Xixi's words came to a head and changed the subject: "What's wrong? Did something else happen?"

Wang Yu laughed at himself, frowning and saying, "No more trouble. After my doctoral thesis is submitted, I will not continue to do research."

He looked at him in surprise: "Why?"

Wang Yu's eyes are bruised, obviously he hasn't taken a rest recently.

"I have promised my father to return to the company to inherit his career, and I will not do any research in the future..." Speaking of which, Wang Yu's mood was significantly lowered.

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