The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 443: Brush the favorability

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Xixi frowned, hesitated a bit, or put away her phone and did not reply to the message.

For Xixi, there is nothing more cherishable than getting along with children.

The woman she just met, whether she knew it before or not.

For Xixi, they are not particularly important people.

On the contrary, it is difficult for these two children to get out.

It is rare that there are not so many bodyguards and maids around.

For her, it is natural that getting along with the children is the most important.

The children were intimate and saw the sleepiness, so they dragged them to the rest room and slept.

This sleepy sleep was extremely comfortable and long. When I woke up, it was already noon and I missed the meal directly.

When Xi Xi opened her eyes, she saw two small steamed buns sleeping beside her, Zheng Xiang.

He looked at their exquisite and beautiful little faces, and the more they liked the more they looked, the more they loved the more they looked. They couldn't help but bow their heads and a child kissed.

Gu Miao woke up first and rubbed her eyes: "Mommy..."

Listening to Gu Miao's sleepy voice, the sweetness made people soft.

"It's a little bit, don't sleep since you wake up, wash your face and eat something." Xi Xi whispered.

"Huh." Gu Miao's eyelashes, like a small fan, flickered a few times and slowly opened her eyes.

The red eyes, as bright as rubies, are simply amazing.

Xi Xi suddenly thought of Earl Phil, he also has such beautiful eyes.

There are not many people in this world who are born with red eyes and are healthy, not sick.

Perhaps Gu Miao is really the child of Earl Phil.

"Mommy, why are you looking at me like this?" Gu Miao asked, seeing that she had been looking at her forever.

He reached out and squeezed Gu Miaofei's chubby cheeks, and couldn't help saying: "Mommy is thinking, my son is so handsome, he grows up and pays off? I don't know how many girls I want to tick They cry."

Gu Miao immediately made a powerless expression.

At this time, Yin Yuyan also woke up and said confusedly: "Mom, don't need to grow up. My brother is already a male **** of kindergarten girls!"

"Also tell me, aren't you too?" Gu Miao turned back to Yin Yuzhan: "Which one does not like you, from the age of two to the age of eighty?"

Yin Yuzhan crawled to Xixi's side and hugged Xixi's arm and said with a smile: "Mommy, I will look for a beautiful girl like Mommy when I look for a girlfriend in the future! Mommy, hurry up and have a little sister, let Little sister is my girlfriend!"

Gu Miao was next to make up the knife: "Yu Yan, if Mommy has a daughter, then she can only be your sister, there is no way to be your girlfriend!"

"What!" Yin Yuzhan sat there thunderingly on the sunny day, shocked and unable to add: "Then I don't want my sister anymore! It's cheaper to have a sister Gu Gu!"

Gu Miao turned his head slightly and replied with a long heart: "Well, this is a good idea. If your mother gives birth to a younger sister, you can't be a girlfriend for Yu Yan, then make me a girlfriend!"

Xixi was directly sprayed with laughter by the children's children's words.

However, what I don't know is that the words of the two children turned out to be true.

In the years to come, that entangled feeling...

After the two children were completely awake, Xixi smiled and asked the maid's servants to bring water and towels, wash their hands and wash their hands.

The feeling of being taken care of by my mother is awesome!

Jiang Yihai knocked on the door and came in: "Wake up? The chef has prepared lunch and is ready to open."

Xiyi looked at Jiang Yihai apologetically: "Sorry, we got up late."

Jiang Yihai waved his hand: "You don't have to be so polite with me. Let's eat!"

After a while, the chefs pushed the dining car to the living room and put the food in the same order.

Looking at the food in front of me, I was a little surprised.

How does Jiang Yihai know that these are his favorite foods?

I never seem to tell him?

Yin Yuzhan shouted next to him: "Wow, these are mommy's favorite foods."

Gu Miao also screamed: "Yes, oh, uncle is so powerful, he can guess the taste of mummy."

Jiang Yihai's eyes were slightly embarrassing. He glanced carefully at Xixi and saw that Xixi had no special expression. Then he said: "Uh... Xixi used to prefer these dishes when he was a guest at the Jiang family, so I will remember."

There was a trace of surprise in Xi Xi's eyes.

It seems that my relationship with the Jiang family three years ago is really good!

He can remember the dishes he likes to eat, showing that he should eat with him often?

No wonder he feels inexplicably familiar with him.

Xixi thought silently, but said quietly on his face: "Since it is all my favorite food, then I am welcome."

"Of course." Jiang Yihai didn't think much when he saw it, and finally he was relieved, and he was faintly disappointed.

Everyone ate very quickly for lunch.

After lunch, the two steamed buns will return to the Yin Family Mansion with Jiang Yihai.

"Mummy, you must come when your great-grandmother has a long life!" Yin Yuyan assuredly told: "If Mummy doesn't have a dress on the day, I'll send it to Mummy."

Gu Miao nodded and said, "If Mommy has a designer he likes, we'll be fine."

He reached out and touched the tops of the two little buns, and smiled warmly: "Relax, my mother will definitely go!"

Xixi knows that these two children are working hard to help themselves expand the network of high society.

Mu Ruona just set up a company, although she said not to participate only to help, Mu Ruona still dragged herself to sign the name on the shareholders, and gave away 10% of her shares.

Since this company also has its own share, it is natural to work hard to communicate, and strive to open up the circle of upper society as soon as possible to integrate into it.

Mrs. Yin's 80th birthday, this is the best way to expand the circle of communication.

Originally, I just hugged to see the thoughts of the two children, and now there is another goal, that is, to adapt myself to China's upper society as soon as possible, and to integrate into that circle as soon as possible.

Farewell to Jiang Yihai, Jiang Yihai left a car dedicated to leave.

At this time, another message was sent: "Are you busy? Can I invite you to dinner?"

His brow lightened, okay, tonight I asked the woman from the woman's mouth to inquire about the past.

Xixi quickly replied a word: "Okay."

Xixi collected the phone and said to the driver: "Could you please send me to a casual Chinese restaurant on Funing Road."

The driver responded immediately and respectfully: "Yes, Miss."

Jiang Huiyin was originally hopeless. She had sent several messages to Xixi. Just when she was about to give up, Gu Xixi agreed!

Jiang Huiyin was overjoyed, and quickly determined the time and place of the meeting with the other party, and after careful decoration, he quickly went out!

Xixi directly set a room and sat in the room waiting for Jiang Huiyin.

In less than half an hour, Jiang Huiyin was really late.

Xi Xi's eyes fell on Jiang Huiyin's body. Although she was a luxury brand, it was still difficult to hide her atmosphere.

The brow furrowed slightly.

Did you know such a woman with such a strong atmosphere three years ago?

Your taste is not so... strange?

But the other person looks familiar with himself, and knows what he was called before, is there any unsolved secret in her body?

Jiang Huiyin looked at Gu Guxi, who was in low-cost clothing and had a temperament in front of him. The jealousy in his heart was like a water grass, and the dense dense circle wrapped her heart.

Why, why should she lose to this woman?

Now that she has almost 90% of the same appearance, why should she admit defeat?

No, never admit defeat!

"I'm sorry, I'm late." Jiang Huiyin tried hard to recall her temperament when she was Miss Jiang's, but even if she tried harder, she couldn't hide the dust around her eyes.

That has become her instinct.

He smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't matter, I have just arrived."

Late for lunch, the dinner was naturally not hungry, and I randomly ordered a few dishes.

Fortunately, Jiang Huiyin did not come to eat, so Jiang Huiyin just ordered two dishes at random, and immediately opened the door and said: "Xi Xi, have you really forgotten the previous thing?"

Xi nodded: "Yeah."

Jiang Huiyin's eyes rolled back: "Then... didn't your former friends forget all of them?"

He said quietly, "Yeah."

"It's a shame, we used to have a good relationship with each other. It's just that our positions and positions are different, and we can't make deep friendships." Jiang Huiyin's eyes flickered lightly, and he looked at the expression with no trace. "Today It's a fate to meet you again! I'll invite you for this meal tonight, don't be polite to me!"

Xixi was silently thinking about what the opposite woman said. It was a bit true or false.

Jiang Huiyin continued: "It's a bit too anxious to see me. We just met today. You can't think of me. It's justifiable. I just think that since we finally met, it's always fate. Field, don’t share each other. Come on, what do you say?"

Xixi nodded gently: "Well, this is the reason."

Jiang Huiyin's eyeball turned again and brought the topic to the Yin family: "Why are you in Chengnan Manor today? That's the industry of the Yin family and the Jiang family! I heard that the flowers there are all for Yin Laofu. People's 80th birthday is prepared. Come on, are you going to participate in Madam Yin's 80th birthday too?"

Xixi looked at Jiang Huiyin with a little surprise: "Why? Are you curious about this?"

Jiang Huiyin bit her lip lightly and said, "Ah... that's it. I... I actually have something to ask for the Yin family, but I have never had a chance to see the Yin family. I heard that Mrs. Yin's 80th birthday Many guests will be invited, I just thought, if I can get in, maybe my trouble will be solved! Come on, if you have an invitation letter, can you take me one?"

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