The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 434: Consoling Yin Siyao

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Xixi caught up with Yin Siyao's footsteps.

Yin Siyao turned back suddenly, but unexpectedly, Yin Siyao was stunned for a moment, his handsome face uncovered his surprise and surprise.

Xixi didn't know why she suddenly came out, she just thought Yin Siyao was really pitiful.

When I talked to several people just now, he was the only person who seemed to be an outsider. He didn't even have the courage to question.

"Big..." Yin Siyao just wanted to call her sister-in-law, but suddenly remembered that she hadn't recovered her memory at this time, and then changed her mouth and said, "How did you come out?"

Xixi hesitated and said, "I'm afraid you can't think about it."

Yin Siyao's eyes suddenly flashed a shock!

He grew up and was either despised or touted by others.

Even his mother was just thinking about how to dismiss Mrs. Yin's family, or compete for her father's best love.

Even Ma Yingying just wanted to rely on him.

But no one has ever asked him, have you lived well, are you happy or unhappy, would you think about it?

He lived for more than 20 years, and the first person to say this was his sister-in-law!

Seeing the shock of Yin Siyao's eyes, she immediately embarrassedly looked away and whispered: "Yin family's affairs, it stands to reason that I am not qualified to listen. And what you said is very fast and urgent. It's very obscure. I even guessed that you feel different from you. You seem to be very bad at expressing your feelings, so I'm afraid you can't think about it. I know I'm busy, I..."

"No." Yin Siyao suddenly looked at him sincerely and said, "Thank you."

Xi nodded: "It's fine if you are fine."

"Can you please walk with me?" Yin Siyao suddenly lowered his head, and his pleading eyes fell on his eyes. "I just want to talk to someone."

Xixi nodded with a little thought.

The two walked side by side, turned away from the village, and stood by a pond outside the village.

The fields in spring are always lush, with wild flowers all over the place, a look of prosperity.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Yin Siyao's feelings of depression also evacuated a lot.

"I am the son of the Yin family, the target set by my father. From a young age, I know that I can't see the light. Every day I listen to my mother's various nagging, how to fly Huang Tengda how to squeeze the original lady to sit on that Position. At first I was resisting, but as long as I resisted, my mother would beat me. Slowly, I learned to lie and learn to act. In front of my mother, I will always be her favorite son, I am greedy, I **, I love vanity." Yin Siyao looked at the distance and said softly.

"I obviously hate what I am now, but I want to do something that fits my identity. I know my sister is a child of my mother and other men, and I know that someone has been staring at us secretly, from time to time. Pull me to learn badly. I hated it at that time! Why are my brother and I both obviously the sons of my father, he is the godly residence above, but I am a tramp that everyone tramples on?"

"I disagree, I really disagree! I want to fight! I want to counterattack! So I pretend to be obedient to them, and become what they want to see, and become a second generation of dandy rich. In our county Here, I do nothing, and I will do anything that is disgusting. After so many years, the other party seems to really believe that I am a dude. I am waiting for an opportunity to wait for my counterattack."

"God did not disappoint me. When I was twenty-five years old, the Yin family suddenly wanted to take me back to the Yin family. So I ended the gray status of twenty-five years and officially got my status and position. I thought I can counterattack my elder brother and become the winner of life. But...then all is just a joke. My elder brother, his excellence has far exceeded my imagination. Everything is under his control In the meantime, let alone a counterattack, even turning over is so difficult!"

"My elder brother deliberately or unintentionally revealed some messages to me. When I figured out these messages, I was really desperate! Can you understand the feeling? Once I was aspiring, I was photographed back instantly. Hell! My eldest brother, the high divine mansion, has been leading me too much from the start line. He has become a height that I have never reached in my life, and it has become the height I can only look up in my life. The presence."

"I know how ridiculous and pitiful I am in his eyes. My self-righteous pride is nothing more than a joke in his eyes. I was at a loss for a while, and I even thought about running away from this terrible world. But in When I wanted to give up, my elder brother suddenly found me and asked me a question: surrender or disappear. What he said was not to leave the Yin family, but to disappear from this world completely."

"At that moment I knew that my eldest brother was not kidding. He did have this ability and this strength. He was tired of this game. He wanted to draw a terminator for this game. I have no guts to choose to submit. Yes Yes, I am a coward, and I have no courage to choose to disappear. So, at his command, I started to do things according to his orders."

"I thought I would resist his orders. But I was wrong. I was willing to do things for him. Because, there was a her beside him..." Yin Siyao's voice suddenly dropped, even a trace of it Panicked, he gave a quick glance. After he could see that there was no expression or reaction on Xi Xi's face, this relieved him a little.

But it also made the regret in his heart even more exaggerated.

I don’t know... well.

"Three years, not long or short, but enough for me to see clearly my heart and future. If nothing happened today, maybe I will continue to deceive myself. Even if I am an illegitimate child, even if my mother is not on the table At least I have a father who once loved me. But today I learned that I didn’t even have this.” Yin Siyao’s voice gradually became even lower.

Xi Xi sighed.

The things of the Yin family are really complicated!

It's not easy to comfort people like this.

How should you comfort him?

Well, it’s okay. Are you upset even if you don’t see your brother? He is just like you, but he has never had any fatherly love?

No, this statement is inappropriate. Isn't this a hatred for yourself?

Well, it doesn’t matter, fortunately you haven’t been skewed, and it’s fine now. Whether your father approves or not, you are successful!

Ah, where did it succeed? This family is sad! !

What should I do? How to comfort?

Hey, it was really curiosity that killed the cat, so I shouldn't chase out to comfort others because of my temporary softness and intolerance!

I am not at all like this!

Just as Xi Xi thought hard and tried her best to comfort her, Yin Siyao said again: "Xi Xi...... Thank you for listening to me so much. After saying it, I feel much better."


I haven't said anything yet?

Is this all right?

Don't need my comfort at all?

Just when I was entangled in answering the call, the phone rang out of time.

With an apologetic look, Yin Siyao turned around and answered the phone: "Rona, what's the matter?"

On the phone came Mu Ruona's happy and crazy voice: "Hey, what did you say in the room just now, Chen Mei'e found all the secrets of this skin care product that I said I would give it for free! We made a lot of money! "


Chen Mei'e didn't even need any money, but Bai gave it to Mu Ruona?

Ah, too. Having been hit so hard, it is simply an unbelievable rhythm.

For her, the secret of these care products is no longer a treasure.

The most precious feelings may be fake, what else is she worth caring about?

Thinking this way, Xixi also felt a little sympathy for Chen Mei'e.

"Now that someone has given you the secret recipe... you just keep it! However, people have given you the secret recipe freely, and we can't be too stingy. The compensation should be given a little. Chen Mei'e was stimulated just now. Come out with this choice." Xi Xi lowered her voice and said, "The Yin family's thing is a pool of muddy water, and who is uncomfortable with it. Well, I will pass in a while."

Hanging up the phone, I just wanted to say goodbye to Yin Siyao, but I didn’t expect Yin Siyao to say: "You are right, the Yin family is a murky water, and it’s uncomfortable for anyone to get in!" Okay, thank you for hearing me send so many Lassaus. If you have anything, please do it first!"

Xixi actually wants to ask, are you really okay?

But when I thought about it, I didn't know each other. How much was my own trouble?

So, he nodded and asked two sentences to turn around and went to find Mu Ruona.

After all, this is the purpose of coming with Ruo Na!

I didn't expect it to end in such an unexpected way.

Gee, it turned out that the way you opened it was wrong!

As soon as she reached Mu Ruona's side, she saw Mu Ruona's frowning thanks to Chen Mei'e.

Chen Mei'e saw it, and there was a trace of fluctuations in her eyes, and she said to Xi: "Yin's man is thin but dedicated. You are lucky than me, you have all his ** love."

Stay awake.

Where are you lucky?

Chen Mei'e continued: "Okay, your goal has been achieved. I'm tired, so I won't give you away! Chen Jiacun is a small place, and everyone will not have to come in the future!"

After saying this, Chen Mei'e's face flashed with a trace of fatigue, and also with a trace of confusion.

Xixi stretched out to pull Mu Ruona, said: "Thank you! We will not come to disturb your silence again."

Chen Mei'e waved his hand and turned away.

Mu Ruona turned her head and looked at it: "What the **** happened?"

"It's hard to say a word. Let's go back." Xixi shook his head and said, "Come on, you drive, I'll take a break."

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