The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 429: The Yin family is here

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yeah, I used to be deceiving myself.

In fact, I already had such doubts, but for the sake of children, I would rather imagine that I had loved each other.

I only knew today that the Yin family's forces have been terrified.

Although he is not in the country, if he wants to find himself, should it be very easy?

Unfortunately, he did not.

Regardless of whether you are cloud or Gu Xi, you should be awake.

When I was thinking about it, I didn't find when Yin Hao left.

When he came back to God, he only found that Xiao Heng was standing alone, looking at himself.

"It's you." Xi Xi remembered him, and suddenly appeared in front of himself a few days ago, somehow throwing himself a bunch of money, cards and mobile phones.

I didn't understand it a few days ago, what else do I not understand now?

All he did was Yin Sichen's advice?

He is from Yin Sichen, why did he appear here?

Is it... in order to monitor yourself?

The thought of this possibility suddenly made me uncomfortable.

Xiao Heng nodded and didn't say anything, just looked at it quietly.

The bottom of my heart is full of storms and waves. Isn't Xiao Heng's heart a mixed taste?

It’s been three years, three years, and it’s so strange that you look at me.

Just when the two of them were thinking about their own affairs, Yin Sichen from n city finally saw Mo Zixin.

Yin Sichen wears a light gold slim suit, which makes him almost as beautiful as the sun **** Apollo.

But he also has the domineering world.

When Mo Zixin stood in front of Yin Sichen, his blue eyes couldn't help flashing.

Years have not left any traces on these two gods.

Whether it is Yin Sichen or Mo Zixin, they are as handsome as ever.

"Inspector Mo, we met again." Yin Sichen invited Mo Zixin to sit down, his long, long legs pressed, and his elbows on his knees. Although he moved freely, he could not suppress his noble spirit.

"Mr. Yin's actions are always so fast." Mo Zixin shook hands with Yin Sichen politely, and then sat opposite Yin Sichen.

"Our gamble has officially started." Yin Sichen's narrow eyes lightly picked up: "I also give you three years according to our agreement. Obviously, Xi Xi has not agreed to your proposal, then the rest I'm welcome on the battlefield!"

"One another." Mo Zixin looked at Yin Sichen without fear: "Come back home, this time we will rely on our own ability to see who can catch her first."

"Mr. Mo seems to be confident?" Yin Sichen slightly picks up the corner of his mouth, but with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

"Being able to compete fairly with President Yin is of course self-confident." Mo Zixin's words seemed to mean something.

Yin Sichen didn’t seem to mind, and said with a smile: "Yeah, fair competition... Three years, I waited for her for three years. In the past three years, I kept my promise and did not appear in front of her, just to Let her have enough time to recover. Now, I can’t even wait for one point. President Mo, on the day of winning, I would like to gamble and lose!”

"May the gambling lose! No regrets!" Mo Zixin answered seriously.

Two men who are equally excellent to the extreme have each other's minds of each other's war in mind.

At this time, Xiao A quickly walked over with a very ugly face. He couldn't say hello to Mo Zixin and said a few words at the speed of Yin Sichen's ear.

Yin Sichen, who had just smiled, changed his face suddenly!

Little a said: Mr. Yin has news, he is now with his grandma!

My father, who has disappeared for almost ten years, suddenly had news!

And still with Gu Xixi together!

Rao is Yin Sichen who has been calm and calm, and can't help but change color!

Yin Sichen didn't hesitate. He stood up immediately and said to Mo Zixin: "Sorry President Mo, I still have some housework to deal with, so I won't stay too much."

"Please, please." Mo Zixin's blue eyes flashed, and said gently: "Need help?"

"No need for the time being." Yin Sichen nodded and said to Xiao a: "Notify my mother and grandmother, um, notify Yin Siyao!"

"Yes, President." Xiao A immediately took the command of the leader, quickly followed Yin Sichen and executed Yin Sichen's order.

Mo Zixin looked at the back of Yin Sichen hurriedly leaving, and inexplicably felt that this matter had something to do with Xixi.

As soon as Yin Sichen went out of the door, he whispered: "Are you sure?"

"Okay." Xiao a replied immediately: "I didn't expect Mr. Yin to live in F City. Over the years, no trace was found."

"It seems that my father has done something terrible. We speed up." Yin Sichen's eyes sank slightly, and a bad hunch spontaneously emerged.

He always felt that the sudden appearance of his father would bring many variables to the Yin family.

But at this time, the Yin Family Mansion got the news and exploded Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Jiang Xue.

Mrs. Yin heard that her son, who had been missing for nearly ten years, suddenly had news, and her suddenly excited stations were unstable.

When Madam Yin Xue heard the news that Yin Hao was still alive, her eyes were instantly cold.

She controlled the wheelchair to walk out slowly.

good, very good.

Nine years ago, she became disabled, but he hid outside to enjoy leisure.

It's great.

Yin Hao, we should settle this account!

Yin Siyao was stunned when he heard the news!

He never imagined that his so-called father still lives in this world!

He suddenly hesitated. After his biological father came back, who was the Yin family to decide? Yin Sichen has been in control of the Yin family for almost ten years. The stock in his hand can have the power to kill anyone. Will he let the fat out of his mouth?

If this father has no effect at all, what will he do back?

Whether he was a wife at home or an outside room, he chose to ignore and give up.

What is the use of such a man?

I have to say that Yin Siyao's three views seem to be much better than his mother Ma Yan.

Although Yin Siyao is not a good person, the relationship between men and women is still relatively clear.

This does not include the women in the previous hometown who deliberately acted for the Yin family to play with.

Since he returned to Yin's house, except for one Ran Xiwei, it seems that he really hasn't hooked up with other women.

Of course, he does not dare to be too presumptuous now.

Yin Sichen, who is the Yin family's family, cleans himself, why dare he spend his intestines?

Of course, he doesn't spend a lot of money, there is another reason.

Probably, is she afraid of her disappointment...

No matter how shocking the hearts of these people are, it is necessary to gather up to see Yin Hao immediately!

Therefore, no one wasted time, speed, and quickness. Before the helicopter at home came, all the people gathered on the roof of the house.

As soon as the plane came, everyone got on the plane without any nonsense and flew directly to city f.

After all, flying faster than driving.

When the Yin family rushed to F City nonstop, Yin Hao was packing things up frantically, preparing to escape from Chen Jiacun.

However, his speed is no faster than that of four wheels and long wings.

Yin Hao suddenly regretted that he did not buy a car in Chenjiacun. If he bought a car, maybe he would not...

Mu Ruona didn't know Yin Hao's identity at this time, but she kept staring at Yin Hao and the woman!

Seeing Yin Hao wanting to escape, Mu Ruona suddenly felt strange.

Although the person I brought was a bit noisy, it didn't really disturb the people!

This uncle of beauty is a cup bow snake snake, grass and trees are soldiers!

Mu Ruona stood in front of Yin Hao and Chen Mei'e and smiled lazily, saying: "Uncle and aunt, don't you need it? I'm here to buy things, I'm not here to grab things! If you can't buy them, why not?"

Yin Hao's face sank: "Give up, otherwise I will..."

At this time, Mu Ruona hadn't had time to speak, and Chen Mei'e on the side couldn't help it: "What's wrong with you, Chunlin? Why do you want to leave? Even if you're moving, I have to deal with things at home first. Ah! I still have a supermarket!"

Yin Hao's face sank: "It's too late! After we leave this place, it's not too late to buy these things! Rest assured, no matter how many supermarkets you open, or how many supermarkets you open, I can afford it!"

Oh, great tone.

Mu Ruona raised her eyebrows and felt that this beautiful uncle was different.

At this moment, Xixi's phone suddenly came over: "Rona, does Uncle want to run?"

"Hey, how did you know?" Mu Ruona thought it was a god, she knew all this!

"Rona, long story short, stop them, don't let them leave!" Xi Xi said anxiously: "We'll be there soon!"


Mu Ruona also wanted to ask a few words, the phone was already hung there.

However, since Xi Xi has been instructed in this way, um, let’s keep the uncle first.

"Uncle, aunt, you really don't need to hide from me like this! If you don't believe that I can come up with enough money, I can raise cash now. As long as you are willing to give me that secret recipe, it doesn't matter how much money you have." Mu Ruona reached out and grabbed her hair and said uncomfortably: "Of course it is within a reasonable price."

Chen Mei'e didn't care about Mu Ruona, but asked Yin Hao: "You... do you remember something?"

Yin Hao was silent.

Mu Ruona rolled her eyes, he didn't have amnesia at all, okay?

However, people seem to like to play amnesia now?

Except for the guy whose memory has been washed away...

Yin Hao knew that he could not delay any longer, and he would leave after pulling Chen Mei'e.

Chen Mei'e was so energetic that he broke away from Yin Hao's pull and said seriously: "You must give me an explanation today, otherwise I won't leave!"

Yin Hao looked back at Chen Mei'e, his eyes flickered violently, and said hoarsely, "Are you sure not to follow me?"

Chen Mei'e hesitated, then nodded firmly.

Yin Hao lowered his eyes and condensed all his emotions instantly: "Well, since this is your choice, Chen Mei'e, the friendship between us is today's complete end. From now on, I'm just a stranger to you. ."

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