The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 424: Mu Ruona wants to start a company

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

After eating supper with Jiang Yihai, he returned to the hotel.

However, this day is destined to be unstable.

When I come back, I have to go there and meet many people and many things.

Well, you will also encounter Mu Ruona who wants to set up her own cosmetics brand.

That's right, before Xixi reached the hotel door, Mu Ruona called Xixi!

"Xi Xi baby, where are you? I just got off the plane!" Mu Ruona was excited on the phone, she could go up the mountain to fight tigers, go to the sea to catch the dragon, fighting spiritedly said: "I'm going back to the country to start a company!"

"Puff...cough..." A sip of water spouted out!

Mu Ruona heard a reaction and immediately snorted, "I'm here this time! I've completed the most advanced knowledge of cosmetics from abroad. I've also discussed cooperation with a foreign company. Now You are ready to start a company!"

"Okay, my future president, I'm in the Hilton now. Do you want to live with me?" Xi Xi said helplessly.

"Okay, wait, I'll be there right away!" Mu Ruona hung up the phone happily, and she was rushed towards the Hilton Hotel.

Xi Xi was waiting for Mu Ruona downstairs in the hotel. Without waiting, Mu Ruona really came by taxi.

Seeing Mu Ruona carrying three super-large boxes, she shook her head in silence.

Where she went, it was a mountain of moving luggage!

It is estimated that these bags are only a part of her countless bags.

Xixi hurried over to help take the hand and pushed Mu Ruona's luggage together into the hotel room.

Mu Ruona sat on the sofa all at once, breathless breathlessly: "I flew back from Germany, I was almost exhausted on the road!"

Xi Xi threw a bottle of water in the past: "Aren't you hiding from people? When you return home, are you afraid that the other party will find you?"

Mu Ruona rolled her eyes and replied: "I figured it out, no matter where I hide, he can know my whereabouts. Forget it, stop hiding, hide after three years! I should make a career. Alright! My time is so precious that I can’t waste it on avoiding men. By the way, come on, do you have any plans to come back this time?"

Not waiting for an answer, Mu Ruona then said: "Forget it, don't plan on anything else first, you will accompany me to support the company first! Go with me tomorrow to find a suitable office building, rent Several offices, if you want to set up a company, how can you do without an office?"

"Well, we still need to hire a few employees... Come on, after finishing the office tomorrow, follow me to the job market to publish recruitment information. Well, you will just look for me for the time being. Anyway, you have enough work experience... "Mu Ruona planned while drinking water."

He looked at Mu Ruona helplessly, and did not speak, let Mu Ruona finish all in one breath.

"What's the matter of registering a company? Sure enough, there are so many things..." Mu Ruona talked about the rise. Sure enough, Barabara said a big deal.

Xixi took the initiative to tidy up the case for Mu Ruona, throwing a brand new set of pajamas to Mu Ruona, and slowly answered, "I came back this time to find my lost memory and take care of two by the way. Child. Your great cause, I can only help, not fight alongside you."

Mu Ruona suddenly stagnate. All words suddenly swallowed back into her stomach, her eyes fell on Xi Xi: "Do you really think about it?"

Nodding, leaning on Mu Ruona's side: "Rona, we were good friends a long time ago, right? So you will take the initiative to approach me, right?"

Mu Ruona didn't say anything, obviously didn't mean to deny.

"I believe you, Ruona, tell me what happened. Other people may be biased in describing some things because of their position, but I know you won't." Xi Xi slowly fell asleep. Mu Ruona's shoulder: "Many people know me, but I don't remember the other person's feeling really bad. Ruona..."

Mu Ruona flinched: "Come on, don't you blame me for keeping you away?"

Xi Xi sighed: "Do not hide, will I believe it?"

Yes, if Mu Ruona hugged her and cried and called Gu Xixi's name as soon as she saw it, she wouldn't blame the other party as a lunatic.

Hearing this, Mu Ruona let her down.

"I really care?" Xi Xi couldn't help but ask: "Why do I have this name?"

Mu Ruona sighed and told the past she knew bit by bit.

This **, two people did not sleep.

Anyway, jet lag is not sleepy.

Mu Ruonayi briefly talked about what happened three years ago. Of course, those were all seen and heard from Mu Ruona's perspective.

The inside story of many things, Mu Ruona is not clear.

All this still needs to dig yourself.

After chatting for one night, the two of them finally squinted for a while, took a little rest, and packed up and pulled a lot of things, and returned to n city.

The moment I stood on the land of n city, a seed buried in the bottom of my heart germinated inexplicably.

Xixi is now convinced that three years ago, he really left behind something in this city.

Although, Xixi does not plan to do business with Mu Ruona, but Mu Ruona intends to really start a company, as a good friend before and after amnesia, of course Xi Xi will not sit back and watch, follow Mu Ruona with Zhang Luo In preparation for the company.

All of Xixi's whereabouts are under the eyes of Yin Sichen.

Xiao a stood aside, waiting for Yin Sichen's order respectfully.

Yin Sichen's long fingers slowly tapped on the table, and said softly, "Since she wants to do this, then rely on her."

"Do we need covert help?" Xiao a still dutifully asked.

Yin Sichen smiled softly: "Of course, it is necessary to secretly help, but the person who is helping is not me. It is time for Shang Ke to show his performance! He can't do this!"

Xiao a immediately grasped the understanding: "The subordinates understand."

"There is still half a month before the old lady's birthday. In these few days, the city will be more lively, so that people will protect her secretly." Yin Sichen reached out and knocked on the table, his eyes flashed, said: "Just let Xiao Heng go."

Xiao a hesitated a little, but still obeyed the order: "Yes, President."

Is it really okay to let Xiao Heng protect the young grandma in secret?

The president knows everything, why should he...

Is it because Xiao Heng will never give birth to someone who hurts Grandma's thoughts?

Maybe it is. The president always understands everything but says nothing.

So is Xiao Heng.

He is 100% loyal to the president, as well as the young grandma.

Xiao a suddenly didn't know what to say, simply didn't say anything.

Shang Ke received the airy report from Xiao A. Sure enough, the secrets of Feng Chen's servants went to help Mu Ruona.

For two days in a row, whether it is to find a suitable company address or recruitment in the talent market, it is simply not smooth.

First, I rented a perfect office at a very low price. When the recruitment notice was launched, there were many people applying for it, and the quality of the application was very high.

Many of them even apply for backbones with many years of cosmetic experience.

The eyes in charge of the interview almost glared out.

Their company has just been established and the salary given is not very high.

But it still attracted a large number of experienced employees at all levels of the company.

Not to mention, there is even a middle-level management of the world's top 50 companies, who jumped directly to work for products.

You know, their registered capital is only a few million!

Shaking trembling, his previous annual salary was millions?

A moment of wonder in my heart, could it be that the recent market situation is so bleak that such elite talents need to be condescended for a job that has pulled down several grades?

In addition to this, the company's procedures at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau are simply going smoothly.

Green light all the way!

After doing everything at hand, Xixi and Mu Ruona both have a feeling of dreaming.

Is this too smooth?

Okay, smoothness is a good thing, can't we hope that it won't go well?

Waiting and waiting, after waiting for three days, I finally waited for the call I wanted most.

"Mom, we are all fine, and we are all well." Yin Yuyan whispered to the phone on the phone: "Mom, when can you come to see us."

His eyes were red: "Mom is already in China now. But Mom still can't see you! Mom can't enter the door of Yin's house. Mom can only see you from a distance when Madam Yin's birthday feast. ."

Listening to the answer, Yin Yuzhan was silent on the phone for a while, and said, "Mom, you must come! Certainly!"

Xixi's voice was slightly choked: "Okay, I will definitely go. You and Gu Miao must take good care of yourself, you know?"

Yin Yuyan also cried with a bit: "We know! Mom, you must restore your memory, take your dad back, and don't let those bad women take my dad away!"

Xi Xiqiang replied in tears, "Silly boy, don't go into trouble, grow up well."

Yin Yuzhan's call time was very short, and she seemed afraid that others would hear it. She hung up the phone after a few words.

Before hanging up, Xixi told Yin Yuzhan her phone number in China.

After hanging up the phone, Xixi realized that she didn't know when she had burst into tears.

Mu Ruona came over with a glass of water and saw the crying and crying, and immediately sat beside Xixi, handed the glass to Xixi, and accompanied her without a word.

Xixi wiped off the tears on her face and said, "I'm fine. By the way, don't you mean to hear that there is a family house in city f, holding a secret recipe of ancestral care products? When are you going to go?"

"Go check it out tomorrow. I'm afraid I will be robbed if I start late." Mu Ruona replied casually: "Are you sure it's okay?"

Xixi shook his head: "What can I do? Just miss the child. I will accompany you to f city tomorrow."

Mu Ruona hugged and kissed him fiercely: "It's still your best!"

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