The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 422: Imperial Capital

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

He looked at the strange middle-aged man in front of him, his face blank.

At this time, the secretary next to the man took two quick steps and whispered in his ear: "Mr. Wang, we are too late!"

President Wang just looked at it with complicated eyes and said, "I don't know if I can invite you to a meal?"

Xixi gave him a vigilant look: "No need, thank you for your kindness. Goodbye!"

It happened that the elevator came over and got on the elevator quickly, not intending to have any contact with the strange man who was approaching actively.

Xixi is also a person who has been working abroad for several years, and the more vigilant the man who takes this initiative, the more vigilant.

Not to mention an old man, she might not even be in the eyes of a big beautiful man.

Every day is eye-catching by top-notch men, and he has been feeding his eyes for a long time!

After waiting for the elevator to leave, Mr. Wang said to his secretary: "Let me look at this woman. She looks like that person. It looks so much..."

"Yes, Mr. Wang." The secretary said immediately: "Mr. Wang, you should pass!"

President Wang nodded immediately, without any hesitation, turned around and left.

Xi Xi got off the elevator, came to the cafe, ordered a cup of coffee, leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes to relax.

Sure enough, here I can take a rest instead.

I dialed the phone at home and told my location and decision.

Unexpectedly, after a long silence between Mr. Yun and Mrs. Yun, only one sentence was left to her: "Be careful."

When I hung up the phone, I always felt that there was something in my parents' words.

But what did they hide from themselves?

Forget it, since you have returned to your country, let yourself discover the truth three years ago!

Fingers gently stirred the coffee cup in his hand, his thoughts flying far and far.

Just when Xi Xi's thoughts did not know where to fly, a tall figure appeared in front of Xi Xi, without Xi Xi's consent, sitting across from Xi Xi at once.

He looked up suddenly, and a man with a cold face and rude facial features also looked down at her.

"You are..." There was a trance in his eyes, and this man seemed to have seen...

"You are back." Xiao Heng said straight away: "I'm here to send you something."

After talking, Xiao Heng took out an envelope and pushed it over.

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the envelope, looking at the other person with doubt: "What is this?"

Xiao Heng's eyes fell on Xi Xi's face, and now she is no longer the plumpness of her previous pregnancy, her thin cheeks, and her pointed chin, looking slightly distressing.

She is still her, but she is not her.

"A part of cash, cards, domestic mobile phones, villa keys, car keys, and some very useful things." Xiao Heng did not shy away: "You just returned to China, you should not be so ample on hand, these things are for you of."

Hesitated, why did they all like to give these things to themselves so much?

"Do we... know?" The confused eyes gave Xiao Heng's heart a pain.

"Know." Xiao Heng suddenly turned away from his eyes, clearly showing distress in his eyes, but his mouth said Yun Danfeng was light: "You are thin."

He reached out and touched his face, okay, isn't he thin?

"Well, even if we know, I can't take these things..." Xi Xi just about to push the envelope back, where did Xiao Heng suddenly stand up without saying a word, turn around and leave!

Not giving Xi the opportunity to refuse at all.

For a long time, Xiao Heng's figure disappeared outside the door and nothing happened.

This man... is really arrogant!

Struggling with the envelope in his hand, there was a tangle.

I had just returned to my country, and it was fine. Two people sent me something.

And no one is cheap.

If this is replaced by other women, it is estimated that the happiness will not be found long ago, right?

However, fortunately, I haven't seen the world, and I won't lose my mind for this little thing.

However, it is still very curious, why does this man give himself these things.

These things are all valuables. Since Xi has not returned it, and has no reason to leave it aside, it can only be collected and returned to the other party when it finds an opportunity.

Xixi finished his coffee and was ready to leave.

Before she could get up, there was another person.

"Is it Miss Yun Xi?" The other party asked straight away. "I am Mr. Wang's secretary. May I talk to you?"

Mr. Wang's secretary...

Xixi thought of the middle-aged man just now.

Xixi frowned subconsciously, trying to reject the other party.

The other party suddenly said another sentence: "Miss Yunxi, please don't get me wrong. Mr. Wang has no other meaning. Mr. Wang just wants to see you. At this time, Mr. Wang is in a meeting. Could you wait ten more minutes here? Because, this matter is related to your sister or yourself."

A bit startled, related to my sister?

Yun? He knows Yunhao?

This is the best way to get around, so it’s so beautiful. It’s a magpie sun and ankle. This is the best way to slap the party.

Sure enough, after ten minutes, President Wang came over with sweat.

Hesitated, did he come running here?

What is he doing for seeing himself so eagerly?

President Wang saw Xi Xi still waiting in place, and he was relieved.

Standing in front of him, President Wang said, "I'm very sorry, but I've kept you waiting."

Xi Xi politely said: "It's okay, do you have anything to do with me?"

President Wang asked for two more cups of coffee. Please sit down and say: "Introduce yourself. My name is Wang Zhen, the Emperor."

Xixi nodded and answered, "I am Yunxi."

"Yun Family?" President Wang lighted up.

Xi nodded: "Yes."

"That's no wonder." President Wang seemed relieved.

He looked at President Wang in surprise: "What do you mean? Sorry, I don't understand what you mean."

"This is my business card. I don't know if you have the opportunity to invite you to visit the Imperial Capital?" Wang Zong's expression looked so eager and full of expectations.

Xixi always thinks that all this is strange, and he is not a very famous person, and this Mr. Wang's eyes are too eager.

"Ah, please don't get me wrong, I don't have any unconscionable thoughts about you." Mr. Wang rubbed his hands a little embarrassedly, and looked at him with anxiety. "But my son has always admired the Yun family. It’s been a long time, but I haven’t had a chance to meet Yun’s family. This chance coincidence met Miss Yun.

He smiled lightly: "You have won the prize."

At this moment, the mobile phone in Secretary Wang’s hand rang, and the secretary immediately handed the mobile phone to President Wang: “It’s Master’s phone.”

Mr. Wang's eyes lighted up for a moment, regardless of whether he was in front of him, and he quickly connected the phone.

There was a very unpleasant voice on the phone: "Dad, I told you, I have no interest in these commercial entertainment? I still have experiments to do! My doctoral thesis is not perfect, I want..."

President Wang interrupted him at once: "I have found Miss Yun's family."

The voice on the phone stopped abruptly.

Soon, a rapid voice came from the phone: "She... where is she?"

"Just in front of me." President Wang replied calmly.

The next second, there was a loud noise on the phone, probably the human body fell on the table, causing the collision of the things on the table, followed by the sound of slamming the door.

The voice was clear, and I could hear clearly even sitting on the opposite side.

Awkward for a while, he and the other party are just strangers, and the other party's reaction is indeed a bit exaggerated.

Hanging up the phone, Xixi slightly bowed his head and said: "If President Wang has no other orders, he will leave first!"

Xixi picked up her own things and turned to leave.

But today seems to have hit evil spirits, and every time she wants to go, someone will always stop her.

This time is no exception.

As she walked to the door, she was almost knocked over by a figure.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, yes..." The man who hit him kept apologizing, but the last sentence was choked fiercely in his throat.

"It's okay." Xixi nodded and smiled at the other person, and turned to leave.

The man stretched out his arm and stopped it all at once.

He looked at each other in surprise.

It was a man of medium stature, about 178 tall, with a pair of rimless glasses. The facial features were not handsome, but he had a thick book-like atmosphere.

Such men are also very popular among many women.

Xixi said that his eyes have been fed by Yin Sichen and Mo Zixin, and the other men are really nothing in her eyes.

"Well..." The man looked at it obsessively, and screamed, "I finally saw you again..."

Xixi instantly understood the causes and consequences.

It turned out to be a fan of my sister!

"Sorry, I'm not Yun Yi. That's my sister." Xi Xi gently pulled away a certain distance, politely nodded and said: "My name is Yun Xi."

When the man heard this sentence, his eyes fluttered for a moment, his face declining.

"It's not..." The man lowered his eyes and couldn't hide his regret.

He thought about it and said to him, "Then your sister..."

"My sister died five years ago." Xi Xi said politely: "My sister is not buried in the country. This is a secret of our family. I'm sorry I can't tell you."

At this time, President Wang also came with his secretary, and Zhangkou said, "Wang Yu, don't stop Tang Yun."

Wang Yu then looked up at President Wang and said, ""

Xixi didn’t have time to stay here to see his father and son. He immediately nodded and said, “Sorry, I still have things. Let’s leave!”

After saying this, Xixi turned and left.

Looking at his back, Wang Yu looked at it for a long, long time.

"Just very similar, isn't it?" Wang Yu said to his father: "Is this compensation for me?"

"Wang Yu!" Mr. Wang's expression was uneasy.

"My dad is so proud, where is my son? I still go back and do my research. I have no interest in your company or your property. You can give it to anyone you like." Wang Yu finished. In other words, turn around and leave.

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