The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 418: Yin Sichen's plan

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

He really knew something.

This Yin Sichen is really terrible!

No wonder he can stand firm in several European countries at the same time.

No wonder he didn't care about the Chinese market at all, no wonder he didn't care how much the marriage of his Mo family would bring the Yin family to the Yin's consortium.

Because he doesn't care!

His foundation is not in China at all!

"Thank you Mr. Yin for reminding me that although the weather will change, it is always clear throughout the year." Jing Rong slowly calmed down and replied slowly, "Mr. Yin's news is really well informed. How does Yin always know me What about the Jing family?"

Yin Sichen spread his hands together: "I thought Jing Shao knew that my Yin family was in the UK."

Jing Rong glanced hard at Yin Sichen: "It seems that Yin is a bit deeper than I thought! No wonder, no wonder!"

After finishing this sentence, Jing Rong said again: "Since everyone is talking about this, I will not hide President Yin. Indeed, the Jing family is afraid that the sky will change, and since Mr. Yin knows that the Jing family will change. God, but already have an idea?"

"Surely there are ideas, so I want to see if Jing Shao is willing to cooperate." Yin Sichen smiled at ease: "I am very happy to see a win-win situation."

"Conditions." Jingrong peach eyes narrowed slightly and looked directly at Yin Sichen's eyes.

"I want Jingjia's textile process." Yin Sichen is not nonsense, and he asked his own request: "By the way, get Mo Zixuan."

Jing Rong's eyes were shocked, and he turned away.

This condition of Yin Sichen was really ruthless, and stepped on Jing Rong's bottom line exactly, but it was just right not to let Jing Rong attack.

Jingjia's textile technology is important and important, but not important or important.

This textile craft has always been a unique skill of Jingjia, but Jingjia does not have its own brand clothing, so Jingjia has always made crafts for a big-name clothing.

Now Yin Sichen directly opened the door and asked for the Jingjia's textile process, which is undoubtedly to break the back road of the big name.

"So what can I get?" Jing Rong continued to ask.

"Everything in the Jing family, and my Yin family's support." Yin Sichen smiled lightly, his eyes sharp: "Jing Shao knows that my Yin family's power in Europe, I should have known that this is a good deal."

Jing Rong thought for a while, nodded his head and said, "The deal! I believe that Mr. Yin will not let me down."

Yin Sichen slowly extended his right hand: "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Jing Rong and Yin Sichen lightly shook hands, then let go and leaned back on the chair: "What should I do now?"

"Let's watch the changes. When the other party takes action, you shoot again." Yin Sichen pointed a little, and the little a behind him immediately approached, handing a document in his hand to Jing Rong.

Jing Rong reached over in doubt.

Yin Sichen continued: "I have never been a soft-hearted person, but this is your family affair, I will not intervene directly. This information is some of the unknown secrets of other people, as a sincere cooperation for this, to Jing Shao's gift."

Jing Rong basically turned over this information, the more wonderful the expression on his face.

Jing Rong finally understood why Yin Sichen has always been so fearless in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, that is because he really has enough cards!

Jing Rong is difficult to estimate how precious this information is.

But Jing Rong knows that the person or organization that can get such detailed information is definitely not something that ordinary people can control and control!

How many cards did Yin Sichen still have?

"Thanks, I won't let you down." Jing Rong said after reading this document, "I will return to China in a few days, and I will honor our promises. Since Mr. Yin has other things, Then I will say goodbye first!"

Yin Sichen stood up and delivered politely.

After giving away Jing Rong, Yin Sichen turned to ask Xiao a: "How is the situation there?"

A smile appeared on Xiao A's face: "The young grandma is examining the previous account. It seems that the young grandma is really tempted this time and wants to return to the country to find the truth of the year."

"Well, yes. I'll try my best to let her know the existence of this account." Yin Sichen's smile slowly rose, and the narrow and long eyes gently picked up: "Yu Yan and Gu Miao's side must be Be careful, don't play with fire!"

"People, please rest assured that our healthcare team is ready to go." Xiao a replied immediately and respectfully: "Just, President, do we really have to work hard?"

"Obviously, this last strategy is the best to use, isn't it?" Yin Sichen swept the time on her wrist sharply and said, "The children's performance will be the last straw that crushes her! Just She returned home smoothly, so the next thing can go on smoothly!"

"Yes, President." Xiao a replied immediately.

When she saw Mo Zixuan, she had to leave the UK for everything, so she didn't stop her, so she left the exhibition hall.

As Xixi searched for Yin Sichen everywhere, the phone rang suddenly.

According to common sense, private telephones cannot be answered during work.

But when I looked at the phone of Assistant Xiao Wang, I immediately answered the phone without hesitation: "Hey, Xiao Wang, why did you suddenly call, did the children get into trouble?"

The next second, Xiao Wang's crying voice came from the phone: "Miss Xi, it's not good! Something went wrong! Gu Miao suddenly had a high fever of 41 degrees and was comatose! I just called someone. At that time, Yu Yan was too anxious and rushed out of the house to stop the car on the street. He was accidentally hit by the car. Come back quickly!?"

When I heard the voice on the phone, my brain was blank for a moment, and the whole person sat on the knees and found nothing on the ground!

Gu Miao had a fever and coma, and Yu Yan had a car accident?

How could this be?

Xixi only felt that her heart was torn in half by someone in an instant, and she even stopped breathing when it hurt.

No, no!

That's my child, they can't have an accident!

If God wants to punish, let those punishments fall on my head!

Let go of my child!

Let them go!

Xixi didn't even have time to say hello to the people around him, and he rushed out of the ground even crawling.

She is going to see the baby!

She wants to make sure that the children are safe!

As soon as she came to the door, she saw Yin Sichen with an anxious expression.

Xixi now completely disregarded the fact that he and Yin Sichen hadn't completely shown off yet, and they started crying directly: "Take me to the hospital soon, Gu Miao and Yu Yan have an accident!"

Yin Sichen also pretended to be very cooperative, and the two of them hadn't completely talked about this matter, and said directly to Xixi: "I already know, come with me!"

Subconsciously, incomprehensible, and muddled, Yin Sichen was held in a Bentley by holding hands, and rushed to the door of the hospital.

As soon as he reached the door, someone greeted him and reported while walking: "The child with a fever has now advanced into the intensive care unit. The high fever is too strange. It is estimated that there are other physical diseases. The child in the car accident has already After entering the operating room, 600cc of blood has been transfused into the body, and it is still in a dangerous period."

The English is very good, and the professional terminology of the other party really listens.

Hearing that the two children were still in danger, they stumbled and fell into Yin Sichen's arms.

His pale face was terrible, and his lips were trembling.

"Xi Xi, don't worry... they won't be okay!" Yin Sichen saw Xi Xi's performance and suddenly regretted it. Did he force it too fast and too hard?

Xixi, by the hand of Yin Sichen, slowly stood up, and there was no crying and six gods without the imagination, but he said with a trembling voice: "My Yun Family is a family of good medicine, let me Go and see the children! Maybe, I can save."

The doctor looked at it in surprise, and looked at Yin Sichen again.

Yin Sichen nodded quickly.

Because Yin Yuzhan is still in the rescue room, she can't get in, so she went to see Gu Miao first.

As soon as he entered the ward, he saw Gu Miao's flushed face because of high fever.

Reaching Gu Miao's forehead, it's so hot!

Without saying anything, Xixi pulled out a sealed bag from her carry-on bag.

He cleaned his hands quickly, pulled Gu Miao's whole body cleanly, took out a box in the sealed bag, dipped his hands in the liquid medicine and began to rub Gu Miao's whole body.

In an instant, the whole room smelled of medicinal wine.

Xixi didn't dare to pause, fearing that the high fever would affect the child's intelligence.

How can her son affect his intelligence because of high fever?

Absolutely not!

Xixi's movement was very fast, according to the position of the acupuncture points, he kept pressing, and penetrated the medicinal wine in his hand a little into Gu Miao's body.

After half an hour, take Gu Miao's temperature again.

Thirty-nine degrees five.

Finally cooled down!

Everyone present witnessed for the first time the magical effects of the drugs produced by the Yun family!

His tired arm was about to be broken, and he couldn't even care about his own image. He lay down on ** and lay down with Gu Miao.

At this time, Gu Miao slowly opened her eyes.

The sight flickered and focused slowly.

When Gu Miao saw the exhausted whole body lying beside him, the aggrieved eyes looked at him and yelled softly, "Mom..."

With this sound of mother, the fatigue of Xi's whole body was swept away instantly!

"Good son, you are fine." Gu Xi smiled at Gu Miao with difficulty. "You have a good rest, I will go to see Yu Yan!"

Gu Miao stunned: "What's wrong with my brother?"

"Don't worry, you will be fine! Even if your mother is here, even if you are ill, your mother will be able to **** you back from the death line!" Xi Xi said this, ignoring the fatigue of her body, and staggering toward Yin Yuzhan's direction of surgery stumbled past.

Yin Sichen followed the whole process step by step, fearing that she would faint because of excessive stimulation.

Looking at his pale face and sweating, Yin Sichen was not without guilt.

But... if you don't pull Xixi back home, I'm afraid he will lose to Mo Zixin!

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