The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 416: Mo Zixuan's fiance, Jing

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Hearing this sound, Xi suddenly turned around, but saw a slim figure squeezed from the crowd.

Xi Xi fixed his eyes and suddenly laughed: "Zixuan, you are here too!"

The person who came was none other than Miss Mojia, Mo Zixuan.

The two of them didn't seem to expect to meet each other at this exhibition, and they gave a happy hug!

"I didn't expect to meet you here." Xixi hadn't seen Mo Zixuan for a while, and was suddenly happy: "You came by yourself?"

"Yeah, I'm here on behalf of the Mo family." Mo Zixuan reached out and brushed his long hair, still so delicate and charming: "Come on, when will you promise my brother? Do you know? Your daughter-in-law is just looking forward to the flowers! My brother has chased you for so many years, but you have a happy talk!"

Xixi's complexion changed slightly, reaching Mo Zixuan for two steps and biting her lip, saying, "Zixuan, I have a question for you."

Mo Zixuan looked at him in confusion, and nodded: "You ask."

"Did I really have a baby three years ago?" Xixi's eyes flashed, and he was determined with determination. "If I have an engagement with Zi Xin, how could I have had a baby with another man?" ?"

"You... you all know?" Mo Zixuan's face suddenly changed: "How is it possible? How do you suggest..."

His face suddenly changed!

Mo Zixuan also seemed to want to understand something, and covered his mouth at once.

Xixi couldn't help but grabbed Mo Zixuan's arm and looked at her in disbelief: "It turned out to be true? Since I have children with other men, why should Mo Zixin pursue me? This... …It's not logical! Your brother's conditions are so good, the prince of the province, why do you still want to pursue me as a broken flower?"

Mo Zixuan stretched out his hand and covered Xixi's mouth: "Xixi, don't say that! How did you know what happened three years ago?"

At this time, Yin Sichen walked towards this side with a group of people.

Mo Zixuan followed Xixi and looked up at the same time.

When Mo Zixuan saw Yin Sichen's first glance, he unconsciously pulled Xi Xi behind him, trying to block Yin Sichen's sight with his body.

Yin Sichen walked in front of the two people and saw Mo Zixuan's subconscious movements, suddenly showing a smile like a non-smiling smile, and said lightly: "Miss Mo hasn't seen you for a long time."

Mo Zixuan glanced back quickly, then released his hand and resumed the style of Miss Mojia, nodded at Yin Sichen and said, "Mr. Yin, what a precious person forgets things, we obviously went on I just saw it in the month, and we created the new port of S City together, or we cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony together."

Yin Sichen smiled softly: "Yeah, we saw this last month, but now when we meet Miss Mo, we feel like we are three years apart. Three years ago, when you were on board, you guarded Come on, I have never thanked you. I don’t know if I would like to thank you today. Is it too late?"

Mo Zixuan's complexion changed suddenly! !

Yin Sichen's remarks have no deep meaning.

Mo Zixuan, as the Miss Mo family, has been following Mo Zixin's impregnation of shopping malls and will not understand the meaning of this sentence.

But she can only act silly at this time.

"Where do you need someone to thank you for protecting your friends?" Mo Zixuan replied immediately: "Mr. Yin really is kidding."

"Well, as a friend, I did say that in the past. My wife can become a girlfriend with Miss Mo's family. This is also the luck of the Yin family." Yin Sichen's narrow eyes gently picked up, but it was cold under all customs. A piece of ice.

"Mr. Yin has forgotten the agreement signed three years ago? Mr. Yin and Xi Xi..." Mo Zixuan said here, but he changed his tone: "Mr. Yin is not the kind of person who does small actions in the back, fair competition. ,May I?"

Yin Sichen laughed: "Are you fighting for your brother's time? That's just useless work."

"Whose deer died is still unknown. President Yin said that he was too arrogant." Mo Zixuan's smile was still light, and he had always been the girlish girl who looked weak and actually strong: "My Mo family is not as wealthy as the Yin family, but In China, the Mo family is not easily shaken. The origin of the Yun Mo family is not the one that President Yin can wipe out in one sentence. President Yin, do you say yes?"

Yin Sichen suddenly turned his head and said to the assistant Xiao a behind him: "No wonder Jing Shao will lose. Such a fierce fiancee is really difficult to start."

Xiao a immediately said respectfully: "I heard that Jing Shao was in London at this time."

Mo Zixuan heard this sentence, his face changed again!

"In this case, you should invite Jing Shao to come and turn. As an English aristocrat, how can you not come here and look around?" Yin Sichen said immediately.

Mo Zixuan looked nervous, and could not stay here for a second longer.

Mo Zixuan raised his head and said quickly: "Since Mr. Yin still has something, then I will say goodbye first. I..."

Mo Zixuan's words were not finished yet, and a voice floated gently from behind the two of them: "Where dare to let President Yin come to invite? Jingmou heard that Mr. Yin was coming, and he took the initiative to come together and hoped that Mr. Yin Don’t mind it.”

Xi Xi saw Mo Zixuan's body suddenly stiffen, and the whole person's face became bad!

It was strange, a fragrant wind came from behind, turned around, and saw a man wearing a big red slim suit, a white rose in his pocket, and a pair of peach blossom eyes, so the fragrance wind came over. .

After Mo Zixuan saw this man, he turned around subconsciously, hoping to find a ground seam to get in!

Really narrow path!

As soon as Yin Sichen saw the person, he smiled suddenly: "Jing Shao, don't come unharmed?"

"TOEFL. However, I didn't lose!" The man's smiling flower twitched, and his fragrance almost made him think he was a personal demon.

The man is beautiful, with a thin, tall figure and a slim suit on his body, but it seems to be tied to a hemp pole.

It seemed he was even thinner.

The skin is fair and delicate, obviously after careful maintenance.

The facial features are exquisite, and a pair of peach blossom eyes sparkle.

When he looked at the man, the man was looking at it.

"I still have something to do. I'll go first." Mo Zixuan no longer dared to stay in place, and turned and left.

Jing Shao flashed and stopped Mo Zixuan suddenly, with a group of sorrow in Taohua's eyes: "I will leave as soon as I come. Are you deliberately hiding from me?"

Mo Zixuan bore a sip of old blood: know to ask?

"Sister Zi Xuan, you have been hiding from me for more than 20 years. When will you marry me?" Jing Shao kept discharging at Mo Zi Xuan.

Mo Zixuan's face was directly black.

What are you getting married?

She has escaped marriage, okay!

She inquired clearly that the man who had made a baby kiss with her was not in the UK, so she dared to come!

Where do you know that I was caught here!

At this moment, instead of looking like an outsider, standing there dumbfounded.

Yin Sichen stepped forward naturally, reached out his fingers and whispered, "Well, let's not disturb the communication between unmarried couples."

Unmarried couple...

Mo Zixuan watched Xixi pulled away by Yin Sichen, she couldn't even say a word.

She is insecure now!

Jing Shao said very lowly and quickly when Yin Sichen passed by: "Mr. Yin, thank you. I'll take this love."

"Good luck." Yin Sichen also responded quickly, holding out his fingers and quickly leaving.

After the others were gone, Jing Shao looked down at Mo Zixuan: "Sister Zixuan, when will you hide?"

"Don't I say that? I won't marry you! Our engagement is not counted." Mo Zixuan replied angrily.

How could the man she likes be such a sissy!

At least, like his brother, gentle and mature, and Jiyu Xuanang, right?

Look at the man in front of you, with a perfume smell, wherever you go, it looks like a peacock.

Whoever likes to take away, she will never marry such a man anyway!

"Sister Zi Xuan, if you say this, it will hurt my heart." Jing Shao smiled softly and glanced at the crowd, and many people looked far away from here.

After all, it was too dazzling when several people stood together!

So many handsome men and beauties come together, it's hard to think whether they are attractive or not.

Mo Zixuan did not want to stand here as a joke, turned around and walked away: "Speak in another place."

After finishing this sentence, Mo Zixuan turned around and left.

Looking at the figure of Mo Zixuan, Xiu Changping, Jing Shao standing on the spot, his eyes were extinguished, and no one knew what he was thinking at this time.

However, he didn't stay too long, and quickly followed Mo Zixuan's footsteps and left the venue together.

Mo Zixuan did not go too far, and took Jing Shao directly to the car.

No space is safer and more secret than your own car.

Jing Shao seems to think so.

As soon as he got into the car, Mo Zixuan opened the door and said: "Well, how can you let me go? I already told you very clearly last time. The so-called marriage contract was just a joke. The two of us were at least Have never had an engagement letter, but the parents sat together and made a joke casually. What kind of unmarried couple are we?

"Engagement token..." Jing Shaoxiu's long white fingers pressed against his chin, and if he wanted more guns, he would have many guns. After thinking about it, he took off a necklace around his neck, and couldn't help but tell Mo Zixuan : "Now, this is our engagement letter. This is my nameplate. As long as you hold this nameplate, the company under my name will move whatever you want."

"You are enough!" Mo Zixuan returned the nameplate in his hand to Jing Shao: "You are not too young, can you not be so naive? You are not the type I like, we are not suitable!"

"What type do you like? Can't I change?" Jing Shao saw Mo Zixuan rejecting himself, and immediately looked at Mo Zixuan with a very hurt expression.

"Anyway, it's not like you." Mo Zixuan gritted his teeth and said, "I don't know how you knew I came to London. In short, don't follow me in the future!"

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