The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 399: I'm here to deliver dumplings

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

"President, the young grandma is here." Xiao a reminded in a low voice.

"Well." The smile at the corner of the mouth floated faintly: "Invite her to go to the restaurant."

"Yes." Xiao A's eyes couldn't hide the smile and excitement.

Xixi stood at the door, knocked on the door three times, and someone opened it immediately.

He smiled and said: "I am your neighbor next door. This is the dumplings I just made. Please try them together."

The other party's unusual respect for Xi Xi: "Mrs. Come in."

A moment of wonder: Madam? Oh, I already admitted that I was the mother of two steamed buns yesterday, and others would be normal because they were their own children.

So, he smiled and replied: "No need, I put it down and went back..."

"Mrs. Come in, the restaurant's chef is ready, just wait for the lady to sit down." The other party still said respectfully.

The chef in the restaurant...

Why is there a sense of sight that the other party is waiting for to come over for dinner?

The other party didn't pick up the plate in his hand either, and he could only walk in by himself.

Under the guidance of the other party, went down the stairs.

Yes, that's right. On the surface, this little house is no different from the little house I bought. But there is nothing in it.

The ground building is no different from the little house of Xixi, but it is underground... Two large underground floors, each of which is more than two hundred square meters!

Xixi said while walking: people living here are too luxurious, right?

In this decoration, in this grade, you can properly buy a nice small apartment in the city of Paris.

The person who opened the door led him to the steps and immediately changed to meet others.

Xixi can see the other party's identity at a glance, is a standard British housekeeper.

"Madam, please." The butler reached out and took the plate in Xi's hand respectfully, and invited Xi's respectfully to continue walking down.

Xixi glanced at the other party and walked slowly.

After walking the long steps, even though it is underground, the lighting is very good, and there is no sense of depression in the underground.

"Miss Xixi." Xiao a greeted Xi in the last position, and said with a smile: "The president has been waiting for a long time."

"It's you?" Xixi recognized Xiao A immediately: "This house belongs to Yin Sichen?"

"Yes." Xiao a replied with a smile.

What he didn’t tell Xixi is that all the houses here are actually the president’s, and the small house she bought was only available with his permission...

Xixi slowly walked over to the location of the restaurant.

On the face, I saw the tall and graceful figure of Junyi, slowly coming towards myself.

Yin Sichen followed four assistants, and at the moment near the restaurant, the group stopped and stood on one side.

Yin Sichen took the initiative to walk in front of Xixi, reached out and pulled open the chair for Xixi: "Please sit down."

For a long time, he froze for a while before saying, "Why are you here? Then yesterday..."

"I just arrived today." Yin Sichen's eyes were watery and his voice was low: "Why? Yesterday's affairs have not been dealt with yet?"

Xi Xi opened his mouth, his eyes quickly recovered.

That said, was it really just an illusion last night?

Has he never appeared?

But why is that illusion so real...

"Please sit down." Yin Sichen continued with a smile, Xixi only recovered, and sat on a chair.

Yin Sichen turned and came across, Xiao a pulled the chair back to Yin Sichen.

"I... I didn't expect my neighbor to be you. I should go back when I dumped the dumplings. The children are still waiting for me to eat at home." Xi Xi just stood up and said goodbye, and the phone rang suddenly.

"Sorry, take a call first"" Xixi looked at the number and said apologetically.

Yin Sichen nodded with a smile, his hands folded on the table, calmly calm.

Xixi connected the phone, and soon Yin Yuyan's voice came from the phone: "Mom, the uncle next door sent someone to ask her to eat. Mom doesn't have to come back, and eats at the uncle's house. The godmother has decided to start. Mom need not worry about us. Under the care of the godmother, we will definitely eat the rest of the food!"

Xixi: "No..."

The phone was robbed by Mu Ruona at once: "Come on, you eat slowly over there. The food over there is much tastier than at home. Don't worry about us, we will eat it all!" Okay, that’s it, don’t come back!!! Hang up!"

Click, the phone just hangs!

Xixi held the phone and sat there, staying awake for a long time.

This is the rhythm that Mu Ruona and her two sons gave up collectively?

"Can you start?" Yin Sichen looked at him with a smile.

"Ah? Ah..." Xi Xi answered blankly: "I seem to be... abandoned by my sons..."

Xiao a stood aside, with a smile on his face that he couldn't help.

"Well." Yin Sichen actually answered seriously: "It's fine, I want you."

Eh... Is this answer a bit... ambiguous?

The butler immediately greeted the chefs and pushed all the food up.

At the moment the food was pushed up, a slight zhaza sounded from the top of the head.

He looked up and there was a dazzling sunset at the top of his head. It was simply beautiful.

The entire dining table was bathed in the light of the setting sun, which was simply too sentimental.

The chef opened the lid of the food respectfully, and the housekeeper took on the dishes with white gloves.

Looking at this posture, it is simply noble, don't want it.

Although Xixi knew that the Yin family had money, power, status, and rights, they never expected to be arrogant to this extent.

In such a small place, eating a meal is strictly in accordance with the noble etiquette.

Xixi said in heart, fortunately he had learned these etiquettes, otherwise it would be really timid today.

After the housekeeper finished serving, Yin Sichen raised his glass and hurriedly raised his glass: "Thank you for the dumplings."

"You're welcome, and thank you for your hospitality." Xixi smiled and toasted calmly: "I just sent a plate of dumplings, but I ate Mr. Yin a sumptuous dinner, strictly speaking, I made a bargain."

"It's a great honor for me to have dinner with you." Yin Sichen's smile in the corners of his eyes: "Try this bottle of Romanic Emperor. This is a bottle of wine that I have treasured for a long time. I have never found a suitable one. People taste. Today, finally appeared."

The expression on Xixi's face was slightly stiff, and he cried with Yin Sichen: "Thank you."

I glanced at the color and texture of this glass of wine, and it was really good!

Even before the entrance, I could smell the fragrance.

Only the liquor that has been preserved for hundreds of years will have this rich fragrance.

It seems that the shelf life of this bottle of wine is definitely over a hundred years.

And Romance Conti, which can be preserved for more than 100 years, is really priceless. If you have money, you may not be able to buy it.

Xixi took a soft sip, the entrance was fragrant, and her lips and teeth were fragrant.

It was really good red wine.

After watching Xixi take a sip, Yin Sichen slowly drank this glass of wine. His eyes had never left Xixi. The affection in his eyes was hot and direct.

Xiao A and the stewards quietly evacuated collectively, leaving the space here for the president and grandma.

It's been three years, three years respectively, and they can finally have a quiet meal on the same table again.

Seeing Xi Xi's eyes light up, the smile in Yin Sichen's eyes grew more and more.

To complement this dish of dumplings, the dishes tonight are all Chinese.

Everything is full of color and fragrance.

After drinking Xixi, his face flushed blushingly.

Perhaps because of drinking alcohol, the courage grew, and the eyes looked at Yin Sichen brightly: "Then I'm welcome?"

"Please." Yin Sichen smiled.

He picked up the chopsticks and slowly tasted the food in front of him.

Well, it's really delicious.

Well, it's as delicious as before.

Well? before? Why do you have such thoughts?

It's strange that these foods seem to have been eaten before, and the taste hasn't changed at all.

But I really don’t remember that I have eaten such delicious Chinese food?

In Chinese restaurants in France, in fact, the taste is not so authentic, most of them have been changed to fit the French people's eating habits.

Such authentic Chinese food cannot be eaten in France.

So, when did you eat it?

Yin Sichen didn't eat anything else in a single bite, and he ate the dish of dumplings that he brought with him.

Although it was just eating dumplings, it was like a big meal.

It's not good to be dissatisfied.

People have this capital, even if they eat a plate of dumplings, they can eat the noble fan.

Because it was a private meal this time, there was no distraction from outsiders, and the topics of the two people gradually increased.

I didn't expect Yin Sichen's scope of coverage to be so broad. No matter what topic is mentioned, the other party can handle it.

Seeing Yin Sichen's eyes softened, it was no longer a gesture of treating business cooperation, but a gesture of a friend who had never seen it before.

Yin Sichen's heart was also secretly surprised.

In three years, it has changed not only her memory, but also many, many things he did not know.

The things in front of me are as serious, kind, hardworking and tenacious as ever.

But it also has more confidence and calmness than ever before.

The little mole once was so unconfident, so afraid of hurting.

Now, the little mole seems to have no such concerns, and the whole person exudes warm and generous self-confidence.

"By the way, you said you are going to the UK in a few days. Can I make a small request?" When Xi Sichen mentioned the UK, he couldn't help but hesitate and said, "If you As I see it, I am a mother, and I... don’t want to stay away from my children for too long."

"Well, then?" Yin Sichen looked at her quietly.

"Can I take the children to the UK together? You can rest assured that I guarantee that they will not disturb our normal work schedule, and I will arrange them properly. I just want to be able to watch the moment I go home after work Come to their figures." Xi Xi looked forward to Yin Sichen with full expectation: "I know that my request is a bit excessive. This time, I can halve my income in exchange for taking them with me."

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