The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 393: Midnight shots

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Regarding such black market transactions, such transactions are often traded and traded, several Yin family lords said that this is a common occurrence.

Originally, the Yin family also had a trading base here.

Later, after the transfer, it became a stronghold for others to trade.

Because it is quiet enough, the roads are well connected, making it easy to retreat and check the terrain.

There are few people living here, or almost no one here.

Therefore, once people live here, the danger will naturally become great.

Since I bought this house, I haven't really lived here for a few days.

I had good luck in the past, and I didn't encounter these terrible things when I lived, so I didn't know that this place was a black market trading point.

Or can the house here be so cheap?

This is definitely the rhythm that was pitted by the black heart intermediary?

Otherwise, where is Paris?

Even in the suburbs, it is also a valuable place!

Spend so little money here to buy a small two-storey house, there is no petty, who believes?

However, Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao were also thankful that their mother had good luck and hadn't lived much after buying this house.

Otherwise, their turn is bad.

Mu Ruona said that it was very hard for Shang Ke to hide for a day, so after watching the stars for a while, Mu Ruona was going to rest.

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao also said that they were still young and needed to go to bed early to get up early, and then went to bed in the room.

He didn't even notice anything, so he took the children back to the room.

When Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao entered the room, Gu Miao immediately took out his notebook, turned his fingers over and entered his own instructions, directly controlled the satellite to lock this block, and quickly found the place of the transaction.

Yin Yuyan quickly carried a lot of portable and powerful ones beside him.

By the way, a lot of miniature bows** have been prepared, and each bow** is coated with poison that sees the blood and seals the throat.

Gu Miao zoomed the lens and directly calculated how many people were brought by both parties in the transaction today.

"It seems to be very lively tonight," Gu Miao said while typing on the keyboard. "It was a terrorist who traded today. He took the goods, and it was estimated that he was going to die out! There are many people in the other party, this guy It may not be able to retreat, his escape route passes through our door, Yu Yan, how are you doing on your side?"

"Relaxed! If I were here, he wouldn't be able to enter!" Yin Yuzhan said confidently: "Besides, isn't there you!"

Two small buns high-five, cheer each other up!

The two people are playing a game without any tension.

If you know all this, you will grievously grab the child's father and ask: This is how you teach the child?

Dad Yin said that he was innocent: yeah, how to teach if not taught like this? You didn’t see the special teachers in your family!

"There are ten minutes left." Gu Miao started the countdown directly according to the other party's position.

Yin Yuzhan has finished all the preparation work and installed all the equipment in his hands!

Ha ha ha ha...I'm not afraid of you coming, I'm afraid you won't come!

A young master said he was not afraid at all!

Don't look at Yin Yuyan now chubby, but his physical quality is simply amazing!

From the moment of his birth, he told the world in capitalized opening and hanging that his toughness was hidden under his harmless human and animal face!

Who can believe that this three-year-old doll is already a master of judo?

Xixi didn't know anything about it, and slept in his room... well, sleeping soundly.

At this time, a blast suddenly occurred in a block not far from their home!

Immediately followed by a chaotic chaos!

Xixi sat up from ** all at once!

Paris, France has never been a particularly good city.

As we all know, the crime rate in Paris has always been high.

All kinds of dirty transactions are also everywhere in Paris.

But what about that?

She absolutely does not allow those dangers to hurt her children!

Xiyi rushed out of the room with one arrow, she slammed Mu Ruona's room and shouted, "Rona, there is danger nearby. Hurry up and hide, I will go and see the children!"

Xixi barefoot rushed down the stairs, opened the door of the child's room, and saw that the two children were still sleeping, so Xixi was relieved.

Yin Yuzhan appropriately ‘woke up’ and rubbed his ‘sleeping eyes’ and asked, “Mom, what’s wrong?”

Xixi rushed to the window immediately, closed the doors and windows, closed the curtains, and said nervously to Yin Yuyan: "Hush, whisper, we don't let others know that there are people in our family! Come on, come with Gu Miao, come to mom !Don’t be afraid, there is a mother, your mother will protect you!"

For the first time, Xixi admitted to being a mother in front of two children.

Xixi didn't notice the change of his name.

At this moment, she had only one thought in mind: even if she died here, she must not let the children have any failure!

Xixi took Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao out of the bed, and walked barefoot away from the room, preparing to find a secluded place to hide.

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao stunned, and their eyes were red at the same time.

Mom...Mom said to protect them...

Mother finally admitted that she is our mother...

Although my mother is very weak, it feels really good to be protected by my mother.

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao obediently followed Gu Xixi and hid in a utility room. At this time, Mu Ruona also came down from the room barefoot, holding a hand and stood in the living room, always ready.

Once someone invades, prepare to launch self-defense.

Compared to the fearful fear, Mu Ruona was thinking, their actions would never escape Yin Sichen's sight.

Where are they now?

Yin Sichen will never let two children in danger, and there must be Yin's most sturdy bodyguards nearby.

Mu Ruona is really right!

Not to mention that Yin Sichen lives next door, even if he doesn't come, those bodyguards are still there.

The sound outside was getting closer and closer, and it seemed to be coming here.

The two children, who were tightly hugged hard, said with a slight tremor, but still said very strongly: "Listen, if someone rushes in for a while, I will drag them with your godmother, and you run away! !Do you know? There is a small cellar in the garden. The place is so small that you can only hide from the two of you! You must hide it, and you must not be found by the other party."

Gu Miao asked softly, "What about mom and godmother?"

Xi Xi kissed on top of Gu Miao's head: "We are all right, we are adults, we will be all right!"

Although Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao are only three years old and four years old, they are not simple children...

Does mother want to sacrifice herself to protect them?

Why is my heart sore...

At this time, the mine that Yin Yuzhan buried outside suddenly exploded!

The whole house shook.

Xixi hugged the two children harder, fearing they would be afraid.

Mu Ruona is also nervous.

Regardless of the presence of Yin's bodyguards, she should protect their mother and son!

Booming-the explosions outside are one after another!

There was a murmur of injuries outside, and there were many people cursing.

French scolding is also very cruel, and Mu Ruona listened with a twist in her cheeks.

Their conversation was very chaotic and mixed, and Xixi heard a few words.

"You even have an ambush here? Okay, well, we're done with this hatred!"

"Huh, I'm afraid you won't succeed! Want to eat black? Also see if you have this skill!"

"Fat trough, boss, how many of these mines are buried? Our people lost a third!"

"I really didn't expect the mercenaries to be lurking in the opponent's team! These tactics are all played on the battlefield! We are fooled!"

"Then what shall we do? Those people are going to catch up!"

"There is a house over there. Let's hide in the house. If we don't stand up to them today, we really can't mix it!"


The footsteps of the group of people became clearer and clearer, apparently all approaching towards the house.

Xi Xi's heart collapsed.

Although there are not many houses here, why didn't the group go to other houses, just to come to their own houses?

I just brought my son to the suburbs for leisure. Who is this to provoke?

Why can't you live with yourself?

Mu Ruona picked it up directly, got on, and rushed directly to the door position.

As long as they dare to come in, she dare to drive!

"The godmother is so handsome!" Yin Yuyan looked at Mu Ruona's posture and couldn't help saying.

I was so scared that I covered Yin Yuyan's mouth: "Hush, don't make a noise! ​​I will drag them with your godmother in a while, you two..."

"Mom..." Yin Yuzhan broke free of her hand and said very seriously: "Mom, don't underestimate us! With me and Gu Miao, no one can hurt you!"

Gu Miao also nodded.

There was a moment of emotion in her heart, but she only regarded Yin Yuyan's sentence as a child's childish desire, and whispered suddenly: "Okay, you must grow up well, grow up and protect your mother! Mommy waits for you to grow up!"

He kissed the foreheads of the two children with a sad face.

Yin Yuzhan:

Gu Miao:

Mom doesn't seem to believe what we said at all...

#What if my mother is despised? Wait online. ##

At this time, Mu Ruona standing in the living room suddenly lowered her voice and said: "Come on. You take the children to hide in the yard, they are coming in!"

Mu Ruona's finger is already on the trigger, and you can fire it anytime!

With a pale complexion, she pushed the two children away: "Children, go away! I will **** you with your godmother! Hurry!"

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao did not move, so they stood there and looked at it by the moonlight.

The moonlight tonight is clear, but not clear.

But this does not prevent the determination and determination of the two children to see clearly.

Being mother is strong.

For the sake of children, what if you sacrifice yourself?

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