The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 389: Banquet protagonist

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

The sly expression shook suddenly.

His eyes twitched quickly, and then he calmed down.

"Everyone is waiting for us. Let's go quickly." The panicked one looked away and dared not look at Yin Sichen's eyes.

She was really afraid of getting stuck.

Because those eyes are too serious.

Serious enough to make her think that it is true...

Yin Sichen knew he couldn't be too anxious. He said nothing else and continued to move forward.

Xixi followed him, walking slowly with his rhythm.

Seemingly calm and no waves on the surface, the bottom of my heart has already been rough.

Finally, they walked into the meeting place. As soon as the two appeared, they were immediately very warmly welcomed.

Xixi knows that these welcomes are given to Yin Sichen. As his female companion, he just dipped in the light.

Yin Sichen never scorned others.

His smile only bloomed for one person.

So, even though he was beside him, he just nodded at those people and didn't show any extra expression.

Although there were no other expressions on his face, none of the people at the banquet were irritated.

Everyone is deeply and proud to be able to participate in the banquet of Yin Sichen. After that, in front of others, there will be bragging capital!

There were several loyal fans of Yin Sichen among the crowd. When their eyes fell on Xi Xi's face, they couldn't help but whispered: "Is the female companion beside Mr. Yin the wife of Mr. Yin?"

"Of course not! She did the translation for President Yin, why did you say that?" Others said that Xixi was definitely not Yin Sichen's wife!

The man said doubtfully: "Why is it so coincident? I have always been a fan of President Yin, and I have always followed his Weibo, although he has now deleted all the photos of his ex-wife, but I have absolutely no memory Wrong, his ex-wife is really exactly the same as his female partner today!"

Others heard the words and looked at them.

Someone also said in a trance, "You say that, I really feel a bit like this! This shape, I remember where I have seen it before..."

As a result, people at the banquet set their eyes on Xi Xi.

Xixi was born in the Yun Family, and his impeccable etiquette was perfect.

Raise your hand and move forward and backward.

Although Yin Sichen's gas field is so powerful, she still let others notice her successfully.

Yin Sichen has always been light about these entertainments. Other people's compliments are just one ear in and one ear out, and his attention is all on Xi Xi.

In the past, I participated in social entertainment, and for the sake of children's health, I drink juices or beverages. At this time, I drink real champagne.

Under the influence of alcohol, the little face was reddish, and his eyes were blurred.

This is Gu Xi who has never seen Yin Sichen!

He never knew that after drinking his little mole, it was so... alluring.

The throat knot slides up and down, and the narrow corners of the eyes gently squint, and the eyes sweep across the audience.

When he saw other men, his eyes fell on Xi Xi, he was suddenly upset!

Such a good side, never let other men see!

Yin Sichen put down the wine glass in his hand and said in a nonchalant way: "You have drunk too much, I will take you to rest."

Hesitated, where did you drink too much?

Moreover, this champagne is not high in alcohol, you have just started, where will you drink too much?

However, he didn't wait for the protest, his fingers were already held by people, and he was dragged away if he couldn't help it.

"Mr. Yin, you are..."

"Mr. Yin, what's wrong?"

"Mr. Yin..." A group of people saw Yin Sichen's poor look and suddenly asked in a panic.

"I'm tired, find a rest room." Yin Sichen said coldly with cold eyes.

The organizer of the banquet hurried people to take Yin Sichen and Xixi to the next lounge.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Yin Sichen sat on the sofa with a pull, and immediately squatted down, taking out his high heels when reaching out.

The whole person was terrified!

what is the rhythm! !

Talking to others well, he was dragged into the lounge without saying a few words.

Where do I need to rest?

Are you not tired at all?

Now Yin Sichen has taken the initiative to squat down to take off his shoes, and he feels that his heart will be scared out!

Xi Xi reached out and stopped Yin Sichen's movement at once: "Mr. Yin, you are..."

"Since you don't like wearing high heels, don't wear them in the future." Yin Sichen's eyes fell on Xi Xiao's tiny feet, her eyes dimmed instantly.

Three years ago, Xixi always wore flat-heeled shoes for Yin Yuzhan.

Now I suddenly saw her wearing high-heeled shoes, inexplicably distressed.

Although he used to think that women wear high heels very elegant and seductive!

But that's another woman!

His woman does not need it!

His woman only needs to be comfortable and comfortable!

No matter what his woman wears, he likes it!

Why do you want to torture yourself to please other men?

When Yin Sichen thought about the look of the men at the banquet, his heart began to feel uncomfortable!

It's like being a treasure you have cherished and suddenly coveted by someone else!

Very uncomfortable!

Hearing Yin Sichen's words, she suddenly felt thunderous.

How many women in the workplace do not wear high heels?

This point, for her, is it a piece of cake?

Is it because of his ugly face that he dragged himself into the lounge just because he was wearing high heels, and he thought he would work hard?

God, what did he think?

Xixi reached out and stopped Yin Sichen's hand, saying, "I'm fine, Mr. Yin. This height is nothing to me. In addition, Mr. Yin, have you misunderstood something? Or.........wrong. ?"

Yin Sichen's long fingers flicked a little, his eyes flickered, and he still took off his shoes hard, but his breath was calmer: "Since it's here, let's take a break no matter you are tired or tired."

The sight fell on the white and tender toes, still as beautiful and delicate as ever.

Yin Sichen couldn't help swallowing.

He also clearly remembers when she just married Gu Xixi, that day she barely toes watered the flowers on the balcony, wearing a shirt and twirling happily...

Although it has been almost four years, this scene is clearer in my mind.

Xixi stood up a little embarrassedly, just made an excuse: "I...I'll pour a glass of water..."

Yin Sichen raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and slowly stood up straight, sitting on the sofa.

His eyes flicked back and forth with the delicate little feet.

Xixi felt that his heart was almost hairless.

What's going on with Yin Sichen?

Today is a weird day, weird words and weird things.

Isn't it that he has always been cold and arrogant, and there has never been a woman close to him?

Why is he so abnormal today?

Is he really fancy with himself?

Xixi was taken aback by his own idea!

how is this possible? !

Who is he? Who are you?

How can the two meet?

Xixi poured himself a glass of water, hesitated, and poured a glass to Yin Sichen, and slowly walked over.

The delicate white toes are trapped in the soft carpet, and the beautiful people are constantly revelling.

Yin Sichen saw Xi Xi poured water into him, and the corners of his mouth became larger and larger.

Xixi always remembers his task. When he placed the glass in front of Yin Sichen, he said uneasy: "Is President Yin not satisfied with today's banquet?"

"What do you say?" Yin Sichen's long fingers untied his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, and leaned back on the sofa.

Lazy expression and relaxed body. The corner of the eye is just a slight pick, it is already a variety of styles.

Xixi couldn't help swallowing.

Is this man... deliberately **owning himself?

"If President Yin is still satisfied, then our cooperation..." Xi Xi was suddenly interrupted by Yin Sichen.

"Come and sit." Yin Sichen's finger pointed to the position next to him, and he lifted his chin.

Xixi hesitated for a moment, secretly cursing herself for not having a good time, isn't it just a beautiful man, timid what!

Xixi walked over slowly, and sat submissively next to Yin Sichen, struggling with all his vocabulary in his mind, and wanted to ask Yin Sichen's decision clearly.

Well, although I don’t have a lot of money, I’m happy if I can make a lot of money.

"Mr. Yin..." Xixi just started and was interrupted again.

"Call me Yin Sichen, or Si Chen." Yin Sichen said domineeringly.

Xi Xi opened his mouth and glanced dullly at this evil and enchanted man.

From the time he met him to now, he has known each other for no more than twenty-four hours. Did he let him call his name?

Did you really think too much?

"We just leave the banquet, is that really good?" Xi Xi asked with a sigh.

This banquet was specially held to welcome him! !

"In your eyes, you only see the banquet, but not me?" Yin Sichen raised her eyebrows and looked at him.

"Ah?" Daxie looked dazed.

Yin Sichen's eyes brightened instantly.

Yes, this look.

The little mole with blank eyes hasn't seen it in three years...

Yin Sichen suddenly smiled and said, "Do you really want to promote this cooperation?"

Xi Xi nodded subconsciously.

Of course I want to contribute!

Otherwise, why did you follow me so hard as a female partner?

After completing this task, you can not only get a large salary bonus, but also have a sense of accomplishment?

Yin Sichen's body suddenly leaned towards him.

Xi Xi didn't expect Yin Sichen to come over suddenly, the handsome face appeared again in her eyes.

Xixi suddenly thought of the picture in Aston Martin's car yesterday. Subconsciously, Xixi's ears suddenly turned red.

He looked at Yin Sichen so helplessly, and even forgot to lean back.

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