The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 382: Hello, this is Yin Sichen

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

This is really not to blame the two children did not know Mu Ruona!

Sincerely, don't complain that the children didn't recognize it!

It's really because Mu Ruona broke up with Shang Ke shortly after her child was born, and she went straight to go abroad, and never went back!

Even during the holidays, Mu Ruona's parents went abroad to reunite with her, not Mu Ruona returned home to reunite with her family.

When Mu Ruona left, how big were the two buns!

Where can I remember what Mu Ruona looked like?

Now a goddamn, the two buns understand everything!

Gu Miao's voice shivered and looked at Mu Ruona anxiously: "So... is she really our mommy? Why doesn't mommy recognize us?"

Gu Miao is more anxious than Yin Yuzhan because he follows his mom's surname Gu.

Mu Ruona focused on her head: "Your mommy had something wrong when she was giving birth. She had a serious illness, so she couldn't remember what happened before. This thing can't be rashly told to her, otherwise it will aggravate her I’m sick, you know?"

Yin Yuzhan nodded with Gu Miao.

Tears flashed in the eyes of both small buns.

She is really a mummy! !

Finally found mommy!

God has eyes, they found mommy as soon as they arrived in France!

They never leave Mommy's side again, they finally have a mom too!

Mu Ruona said seriously: "So, this is our little secret, we have to slowly bring her back to our side, you know?"

The two little buns nodded hard again!

Mu Ruona hugged one by one on her lap, kiss this one, kiss that one, the heart is called a satisfaction!

Yeah, the face value of these two children is simply against the sky! Hey!

I really don't know how many little girls will be blamed when I grow up!

Yin Yuyan and Gu Miao were forced to kiss the face of the saliva, the two looked at each other, helpless! Since it's a godmother, huh, huh, let's kiss the godmother!

When he came out of the kitchen, he saw such a scene.

Mu Ruona was madly cuddly and holding two little dolls to kiss each other endlessly, the two little buns looked helpless!

Xixi quickly rescued the little buns and said, "Go to your handsome Frenchman, don't harm two children!"

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao suddenly plunged into Mummy's arms, woo woo, it's still Mummy's best!

Xixi picked up a paper towel and wiped the saliva on two small buns.

The eyes of the two little buns looked more eager.

Mommy is so gentle, mommy is so cute, mommy is great!

In short, mommy is the best mommy!

I wiped the saliva on my face, looked at the time, and immediately cried out: "Oh, it's too late to go to the supermarket! If Na, the child will leave it to you!! You can either call the courier or go to the supermarket. , Buy something for the children. I will be late for work!"

"I know, I know!" Mu Ruona smiled again and again: "You're busy with yours, don't worry at home!"

Xi Xi didn't even notice the eyes of the three people, packed things, and hurriedly left!

As soon as he walked away, Mu Ruona immediately asked, "Speak, how did you plan?"

Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao smiled at each other, and at the same time, hugged Mu Ruona's arm one by one, and at the same time coquettishly: "Gangma..."

Where could Mu Ruona endure such a cute two buns being coquettish at the same time? Suddenly blamed again and again: "Walk and go, I cooperate, can't I cooperate?"

Yin Yuyan smiled slyly and said, "We must try every opportunity to bring Daddy and Mommy back together! We have to find a way to bring Mommy back to us!"

Mu Ruona glanced at them appreciatively: "I am ambitious! I have spent two years as your godmother, and I have only mixed up with her and bought this house to live with. Can I bring her back to China? Yes!"

When I arrived at the company, I immediately felt that the atmosphere in the company had changed.

what is it today?

Why are all of them so excited?

Is it possible that the president is here?

A little beauty in the same translation group as Xixi shouted excitedly: "I took a look at him from afar, oh my god, it's really handsome! I think this is the most powerful and most I've ever seen in my life A man with aura! That kind of momentum is not only a sensory enjoyment, but also a spiritual shock! It is unimaginable that our company will cooperate with the Yin Family Consortium! God, our company and the Yin family In comparison, it really can’t even match the roots! The chairman and president of such a large consortium will actually come to our small company in person! I think I must be dreaming!"

Other colleagues also chirped and said, "Yeah, I have read a lot of magazines about him. God, it’s unbelievable that there will be such a perfect man in the world! Have you heard of it? He has been divorced for three years. So far I have never forgotten my ex-wife, and I have never been in a messy private life. God, there are so many rich people in the world, but a male **** like him who has a clean body and mind is simply unheard of!

"I'm curious why his ex-wife wanted to divorce him. So a perfect man, there is no reason to let go of someone else?"

"Yeah, I'm also curious! But the Yin family blocked the news three years ago, and no one dared to talk about his ex-wife's affairs. But I thought it was Mr. Yin who was deliberately protecting his ex-wife. He didn't want anyone to be malicious. Hurt her! Oh my god, I feel more and more that I’m going to be hooked on him! With deep affection, I just envy his ex-wife!"

Xixi came over and couldn't help saying: "What's wrong with you? It's time to go to work, and have a chat together. Isn't there an important real-time translator this afternoon?"

As soon as they saw it, the women came over and asked, "Hey, you are also Chinese, have you heard of Yin Sichen?"

Yin Sichen?

This name made Xi Xi's heart chuckle.

Inexplicable familiarity, inexplicable tension, but inexplicable peace of mind.

This emotion comes so fast and so strange.

He was stunned and said, "I... I haven't heard much about it! I was busy studying when I was a kid, and then I came to France! I don't know much about domestic affairs. How did you mention him?" "

"Come on! You are not! You don't even know such an important thing? The real-time translation this afternoon is to translate for the Yin Family Foundation! Because you are Chinese and you are also the chief translator of our company, so Just let you do the translation!” Judy exclaimed exaggeratedly, pulling it and said, “Oh, my God! It’s simply a jealous luck! You can see our male **** up close !"

What is the male god... Is it a bit exaggerated?

Xixi couldn't help smiling and said, "Since you are so envious, then I will give you this opportunity!"

"Don't joke, okay? Chinese is the hardest language! We can't take the job! If the translation is wrong, we can't afford the damage!" The several translators shook their heads at the same time: "Listen Say that the Yin consortium is named to let you do the translation! Come on, you can’t embarrass us! Such a handsome Chinese male god, you must win it!"

Xixi suddenly couldn't help but burst out laughing.

These colleagues are really interesting!

Xixi chose to work in France because she likes the working atmosphere here.

Although everyone can compete, they all know their bottom line.

And for things like the opposite sex, they are very open.

There will be no such thing as tormenting for men in the country.

Xi Xi said: "I came to work, not to play romantic!"

At this time, it is time to go to work.

Xixi said goodbye to others, quickly entered the working state, with the tools needed for translation, and soon went to the door of the meeting room, ready to translate.

Inexplicably, I felt a sudden glance behind me. This glance didn't make her like a man in the back, but there was an illusion of being loved by the police.

**Love? Why did you suddenly think of this word?

I really had too many illusions today.

Could it be that I have been working too hard recently?

Xixi couldn't help turning gently.

The moment she turned around, the sight fell softly on her face.

Xi Xi looked at the past, and suddenly he was stunned.

What kind of man is that?

Noble, elegant and calm.

The beautiful face, the flawless temperament, and the unmatched powerful aura.

He only needs to go there for one stop, without saying a word, only needs one look, which is enough for the audience to notice him and willingly surrender to him.

Xixi suddenly found his colleagues, still too few to describe!

This man is more than a male god, he is a divine mansion!

His existence is to explain what is called an emperor.

He smiled and could not be copied.

Xixi asked herself that he had seen all kinds of beautiful men, let alone say, Mo Zixin is also a top beautiful man!

But no one can have such a powerful and deadly attraction.

It is not only the attraction of hormones, but also the attraction of soul.

Yes, the attraction on the soul.

Xixi feels that his soul is shaking!

Because he actually has a sense of familiarity that can't tell the truth.

Why is there such a sense of familiarity?

Very weird, isn't it?

Yin Sichen's eyes were always on her. At the moment when she turned suddenly, there was a trace of tears faintly under the narrow eyes.

She is still the same.

No, she is more beautiful.

Without the burden of pregnancy, she is now radiant, fascinated by all her mind.

Come on, I'm here.

I finally came.

After walking a few steps to the front, looking at her with her eyes, her perfect voice softly sounded: "I heard that you are the chief translator for our translation this time? Hello, introduce yourself, my name is Yin Sichen . Please meet me for the first time."

Xi Xi's heart was shocked.

God, his voice is too good!

The whole person was stunned for a long time before reacting, looking down at the other person’s outstretched hand, and panicking his right hand to shake with the other party: "Hello, my name is Yunxi, your real-time translator today ."

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