The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 380: Airport encounter

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

"Okay, I won't give up." Mo Zixin shook his head helplessly. He had waited for three years. Does he care to wait a few more years?

"When will you go?" Xi Xi looked up at Mo Zixin: "I'll go to see you."

Mo Zixin reached out his hand and stroked the top of his head, and said indefinitely: "Tomorrow morning, I may take a long time to go this way. Call me if you have anything."

"Huh." Nodded, his eyes were smiling, not love.

Farewell to Mo Zixin, Xi Xi finally returned home.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Mu Ruona lying on the sofa with a mask and reading fashion magazines.

This apartment was bought by two people. The layout of two rooms and two halls is just enough for two people to live.

Two years ago, while traveling in the UK, I accidentally helped a beautiful woman with a g-cup to be a little helper. ——The other party forgot to bring the change, and then he helped him pay for a cup of coffee.

Then the self-proclaimed Mu Ruona fell in love with herself, not only to invite herself to dinner but also to travel by herself, and finally developed to the point where she would bow to the head with her own blood.

If you are not sure that the other party has no bad thoughts about yourself, you must think that the other party is looking at yourself!

Although this familiar friend has a proud figure and a strong aura, privately it is a funny attribute.

No, she’s staying dead now, just to hear that there are more cosmetic brands on the French side, and she wants to create her own brand!

Mu Ruona, who has such a great ambition, is it that you are creating a brand by applying facial masks at home every day?

"You're back, I'm going to starve to death." Mu Ruona shouted as soon as she saw Xi Xi come back: "Hey, hello, Gu Xixi, did you hear what I said?"

Xixi threw the fruit in his hand: "How many times have I told you, my name is Yunxi, not Guxixi!"

"But it's better to call Gu Xixi." Mu Ruona reached out and took the fruit, and took a bite and said vaguely: "Why care about this, it's called Xi Xi anyway."

Xixi shook his head helplessly and said, "Tomorrow I am going to the airport to send Zi Xin, do you want to go together?"

"Don't go." Mu Ruona resolutely replied.

"Do you have an opinion on him?" Xixi leaned on the door frame and ignited Mu Ruona to cook some noodles.

"I don't have an opinion on him, but he is too ink. Forget it, I don't care about your business. I'm going to class tomorrow. You go early and go back early." Mu Ruona waved her hands and said, chewing on the fruit, "I But people who are inspiring to start their own cosmetics brand!"

He shook his head helplessly and cooked the noodles. The two of them each had a bowl and ate a clean meal happily.

The next morning, Xixi took a leave with the company and sent Mo Zixin to the airport.

"Sorry, I'm late." Xi Xi came hurriedly: "Just a traffic jam on the road."

Mo Zixin glanced reluctantly, his blue eyes softer and softer: "It's okay, you can just come."

There was a soft urging sound on the radio, Mo Zixin hesitated, and stepped forward to hug gently: "Xi Xi, if I can make you satisfied this time, will you come home with me?"

Xixi didn't answer this question, just reached out and patted Mo Zixin's back and said, "I haven't seen Uncle Mo and the aunt for a long time. I will visit them when I have the chance!"

Mo Zixin sighed.

Come on, what should I do to make you focus on me?

When there was Yin Sichen before, you couldn't see me.

Why don't you see me now without him...

"Come back early." Xixi loosened Mo Zixin's waist and smiled and sent him away.

Feeling the emptyness in his arms, Mo Zixin smiled helplessly.

Mo Zixin's appearance is undoubtedly very good, even in Paris, France, his romantic capital, his face value is enough to crush many white people around him.

Although Gu Xixi is small and exquisite, she is not taller and stronger than the white man, but the grace and exquisiteness of her body exclusively for Oriental women has also caused many men to stop.

Both people are the focus of everyone's eyes. Just staying in the waiting hall for a while, many people picked up their phones and secretly photographed them.

Mo Zixin didn't want Xixi to be coveted by other men, so he didn't do much nonsense, reached out and stroked Xixi's head and turned away.

Xi Xi watched Mo Zixin get on the plane before turning around and leaving.

Xixi just turned around, but one accidentally hit a soft and cute unknown object.

"Sorry." Xixi said in French immediately: "Are you all right?"

"It's okay... Huh? Mommy!" A soft and cute little bun suddenly opened his eyes and pointed at himself: "Mommy! Are you picking me up at the airport?"

Xixi looked down, and saw a beautiful, soft and cute little bun, looking at herself with excitement.

What a cute bun!

Xixi immediately squatted down and explained with a smile: "I'm not your mommy, kid, are you looking for your mommy?"

Where did you know that after saying this, Xiao Baozi suddenly cried and cried, holding herself: "Mommy, why don't you recognize me! Why don't you want me! Woooo... Yuhan missed Mummy! Mummy Don’t leave the enthalpy, OK?"

These words of Xiaobaozi speak Chinese.

A trace of softness flashed inexplicably in the bottom of my heart. When I saw the child's tears, I didn't know why, and my heart softened at once.

In fact, she is obviously not so easy-hearted.

At this time, a little bun came, and when the little bun saw it, it lit up, and suddenly hugged the other leg: "Mommy! Gu Miao missed Mommy! Is it Mommy?" Don't care about Miao? Ooo..."


What about these two children...

I looked at the people around and looked at myself.

Oh my god, I couldn’t explain it myself!

Others can't believe that they are abusing and abandoning children!

Xixi immediately squatted: "Children, what about your mother? Where did your parents go?"

Xixi also speaks Chinese.

As soon as Xixi said this, Yin Yuzhan and Gu Miao cried even more.

Mommy is in front of herself, but Mommy doesn't want to be herself!

Ooo... so sad!

It's really impossible, saying, "Otherwise I will call the police and let the uncle of the police take you to find your mother?"

Gu Miao was one year older than Yin Yuzhan, and his temperament was steady. He looked up and said: "But you are our mom! Look, mom, are you looking like Yu Yan?"

Um... something like this is actually a coincidence, right?

At this moment, an anxious voice came from behind: "Little Masters, where are you going! This is France, don't run around... Hey, grandma! You are here!"

A skinny man in his 50s or so was standing in front of Xi Xi with a surprised look, looking at Xi Xi with expectation.


Daxie's dazed face: "Did you admit the wrong person? I don't know you at all!"

When the housekeeper saw the moment, he almost burst into tears.

The grandmother has been away from home for three years. During the past three years, the young master has been sleeping with a photo of the younger brother every night.

The young masters have also grown up, why did the young grandma still not go home?

Xixi looked down at two exquisite Xiao Zhengtai holding his thighs and cries of snot bubbles came out, and immediately said to the two little buns: "You really admit the wrong person. I am not your mommy. "

Hearing this, the two little buns cried louder.

The crying heart softened, and he took the paper towels to wipe the tears and runny nose.

Seeing Mommy being so gentle, Yin Yuyan made a wink at Gu Miao. Gu Miao immediately understood the meaning of Yin Yuyan and immediately choked: "Mommy...ah no, beautiful aunt, we don't have mommy anymore, We came to France to find mommy. Daddy is gone! Only the housekeeper uncle is following us, and the housekeeper uncle doesn't know anyone in France, so beautiful aunt, will we go to your house for a few days? Let’s find Daddy and leave again, OK?"

The housekeeper choked, and the young master was clearly...

Yin Yuzhan blinked at the housekeeper, and the housekeeper instantly indoctrinated!

It seems that the young master is to help the young master chase the grandma back!

That's it!

The butler immediately made a gesture behind him to make the bodyguards back away, don't keep up!

The bodyguards froze, but still obeyed the butler's orders.

Yin Yuyan also hugged her thighs: "Pretty Auntie, Daddy has gone with us. Daddy can't find us if he can't find him! I heard that the police station will beat children, and Gu Miaochang and I are so beautiful, in case of being bad guys What should I do if I have been kidnapped? Beautiful aunt, I am very good with Gu Miao. Let's go to the aunt's house for a few days, OK?"


Are these two little guys afraid that they are bad guys?

There is also the housekeeper uncle. As a housekeeper, why not stop the mischief of your little master? What the **** is the expression that agrees?

However, these two little buns are really pretty unreasonable.

This ghost elf's twinkling eyes and sweet little mouth do not know how flattering it is.

That little guy with red eyes is a faithful little follower! ! A little calmer than ghost elves, but also a smart boy.

Such a good child has been lost, must be anxious and heartbroken as a parent?

"This lady, you see that it is really inconvenient for me to take an old man with two children. Why don't you give me your address and wait for me to find our owner before I can pick up the child again? The cost is easy to say, absolutely You won't lose money." The butler also joined in the fun.


Are they really okay?

For them, can they be a stranger?

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw the ghost elf's small mouth flattened, and crystal tears hung on his long lashes. That heart was soft and messy in an instant.

Hey, this is injustice!

How can I feel so soft when I see this child?

"Pretty Auntie, I eat very little. I won't be in trouble." Yin Yuzhan said wrongly, pulling the clothes corner: "Gu Miao is also very good, he eats too much, it doesn't matter, I take my food Save it for him, okay, pretty aunt?"

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