The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 372: Gu Xixi is critically ill!

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Hearing Mrs. Jiang's opening, Jiang Huiyin said to the steward immediately, "What are you still doing? Haven't you heard your mother's words?"

In an instant, Jiang Huiyin returned to the former Jiang Huiyin and issued an order instead of Mrs. Jiang: "Mom's time is very tight. Don't delay Mom's affairs!"

Mrs. Jiang, who was sitting on the side, did not say anything.

Although the housekeeper felt strange, he could not violate Mrs. Jiang’s orders, so he just gave Jiang Huiyin a meaningful look, and then went on to quickly prepare everything.

Mrs. Jiang always felt that she forgot something.

But she couldn't remember what she had forgotten.

Jiang Huiyin directed the housekeeper and the servant throughout the journey, with gifts, and followed Madam Jiang's majestic appearance in the hospital of the Yin Consortium.

At this time, Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Yin had not arrived, and only Gu Xixi and the medical team were in the hospital.

Yin Sichen was originally here together in the morning, and was called to the company again temporarily.

Gu Xixi had no awakening at this time and was still chatting with Xiao Wang and Aunt Zhang happily.

Lao Yuan saw that Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Huiyin were walking towards themselves. When Gu Xixi's eyes fell on Jiang Huiyin, it was obviously stunned!

Why is she here?

Hasn't she been removed from the Jiang family?

Why did aunt bring Jiang Huiyin over?

Gu Xixi pressed the doubts in her heart and walked in the direction of Mrs. Jiang, smiling and saying hello while walking: "Why did you come here so early? Aunt Chen is also true, I just started contracting, he just Can't help but inform you all."

Mrs. Jiang's eyes tranced and fell on Gu Xi's stomach: "Yeah, how did you get born so early? Isn't it only eight months?"

Gu Xixi gave a strange glance to Mrs. Jiang: "Aunt, you remembered wrong! It has been more than nine months. It is more than eight months when the New Year is over. Although there are still a few days before the expected date of delivery, the doctor said, It’s normal to postpone a few days or a few days’ adjournment. I’m sitting very well on this baby, so the days are ahead.”

Mrs. Jiang gave a slightly weird look at Gu Xi: "It's been nine months? Did I remember it wrong? Looking at my brain, I don't know what happened today, I always feel..."

"Mom, don't always worry about standing and chatting with your cousin. It's very hard for the cousin to stand for a long time." Jiang Huiyin interrupted the topic without any trace.

Gu Xixi's eyes sharply swept across Jiang Huiyin's face.

Her name is Mrs. Jiang's mother?

Hasn't she been expelled from the Jiang family?

Hasn't she been removed?

How can she call her mother?

Could it be that Mrs. Jiang regretted and re-recognized Jiang Huiyin?

But why are you so unaware of such an important matter?

"Cousin, my mom felt a little tired this morning. Let's go to the room to talk, OK?" Jiang Huiyin reached out and held Mrs. Jiang thoughtfully, just because Mom still has something to tell you.

Gu Xixi also knew that it was rude to let elders stand outside and speak, so he took Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Huiyin into the hospital ward without objection.

Gu Xixi just asked Mrs. Jiang to sit down, and Jiang Huiyin said immediately: "Mom brought you a lot of medicinal herbs this time, which are used for postpartum recovery."

When the housekeeper was about to hold up several boxes, Gu Xi smiled and let Xiao Wang accept it.

"Auntie is so polite, I'm not born yet, don't worry." Gu Xixi said with a smile.

Mrs. Jiang's expression tranced, as if to remember something.

Jiang Huiyin kept paying attention to Mrs. Jiang's expression, and when she saw what Mrs. Jiang seemed to think of, she quickly said: "Mom, didn't you say that she cooked the soup for the cousin, would you like to make up for the cousin?"

"Did I say that?" Mrs. Jiang looked at Jiang Huiyin doubtfully.

"Of course! You ordered me to stew it yourself." Jiang Huiyin said with a smile, quickly placed a heat preservation box in his hand on the table, opened Gu Xixi to a bowl of soup, and handed it to Gu Come on.

"Ah, is there such a thing?" Mrs. Jiang is still trying to think back, but the more she thinks, she feels that her brain is confused.

Gu Xixi glanced at the bowl of soup in front of him and did not pick it up.

Aunt Zhang said immediately: "Miss Jiang, I'm sorry. Shao*** diets are all in charge of special people."

Jiang Huiyin glared at Aunt Zhang immediately: "What do you mean? You mean my mother will poison the cousin?"

Aunt Zhang replied immediately: "Miss Jiang misunderstood."

"Since you also said that it was a misunderstanding, what soup can my mother make for my wife's stew?" Jiang Huiyin said in a rush: "If you don't believe me, I will drink it for you!"

Jiang Huiyin will drink it when he starts the bowl!

At this very moment, Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Yin were caught by others and could not reach the hospital in time.

This matter is big and big, and small and small, which just stumbled on the two mistresses of the Yin family.

This matter is nothing else, it is Ma Yingying's thing, and was stabbed in front of Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Yin!

At this time, Ma Yingying was kneeling in front of Mrs. Yin.

Mrs. Yin, who was about to leave for the hospital, was stopped at home by Ma Yingying.

At this moment, Mrs. Yin looked at Mrs. Yin with an angry face and said, "Mom, should you give me an explanation?"

Mrs. Yin sighed and said to Ma Yingying: "Who made you come?"

Ma Yingying looked at Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Yin blankly and said, "Don't you let me come? I know I'm wrong! I shouldn't come to N City, but I really can't get mixed in my hometown! Old lady, Madam, I really have no other ideas. I have never coveted the wealth of the Yin family, I have not! I beg you not to take back my brother’s house, I beg you!"

Ma Yingying kept shaking her head to Mrs. Yin and Mrs. Yin, every move was knocked to the ground.

Ma Yingying was shaking all over, and she was really terrified.

This morning, someone suddenly found her and told her that Mrs. Yin's family wanted to see her!

If she doesn't come, she will drive Yin Siyao out of Yin's family and take away Yin Siyao's full identity and wealth.

Ma Yingying is just a simple girl. Where did she get so terrified?

She almost climbed to the gate of the Yin family. She did not kneel directly at the gate like Jiang Huiyin, but when she saw someone, she begged the other party not to hurt Yin Siyao.

The people of the Yin family felt weird when they were about to return this situation.

Mrs. Yin was about to go out and got the news at once.

When she learned that Ma Yingying was the daughter of Ma Yan and another wild man, she was mad.

Ma Yan gave birth to Yin Siyao, which was already given to Mrs. Yin.

She did not expect that there was a Ma Yingying outside!

Ma Yingying's existence not only slapped Mrs Yin, but also slapped the Yin family!

When Mrs. Yin saw Ma Yingying, she immediately understood that this girl was counted!

Mrs. Yin's brain turned very quickly, and this Ma Yingying was obviously unaware and was taken over by others.

The reason why Ma Yingying came here is obviously to delay the time.

What to delay time for?

not good! Is the other party's goal is the care of the hospital?

Mrs. Yin's complexion changed suddenly, and immediately said quickly: "Okay, Ma Yingying, you should leave first. You can rest assured that no one will be embarrassed by Yin Siyao. Since he has already entered the genealogy, as long as he has not made a big mistake, he will not Being expelled from the Yin family. Now I ask you, who told you that I let you come? Do you remember what that person looked like?"

Ma Yingying was at a loss, shaking her head and said, "I didn't see the other person's face clearly. The other person kept his head down and left after he finished talking."

At this time, Mrs. Yin also reacted.

Both women are Yin's mother and mother, and the reaction speed is naturally very fast.

"No, come to the hospital!"

Mrs. Yin also reacted and immediately said, "Come here, go to the hospital quickly!"

Gu Xixi was in the hospital at this time, watching Jiang Huiyin drink the soup in person to verify the effect.

Gu Xixi certainly cannot allow such a thing to happen!

If Jiang Huiyin drank this bowl of soup in front of himself, it shows that he did not believe the Jiang family!

Gu Xixi stopped Jiang Huiyin's movements without any hesitation.

Jiang Huiyin saw Gu Xixi reaching out to stop himself, and handed the soup to Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi looked at the soup pushed over again, and there was a tangle in his heart.

Do you drink this soup or not?

Gu Xixi clearly knew that Jiang Huiyin's return was strange, and he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Jiang Huiyin sent the bowl in his hand forward: "Baosao, if you don't drink it, it means that you don't trust the Jiang family and don't trust my mother. I heard that the Yin family and the Jiang family are now cooperating Project. Cousin doesn't believe Jiang's words..."

"Nonsense, why can't I believe my aunt? I just took a tonic today, and many medicines will have a medicinal effect, so I won't drink it for now." Gu Xixi replied immediately.

She didn't say not to drink, just said that she would not drink for the time being.

Mrs. Jiang suddenly covered her head and whispered in a low voice: "Ah, my head hurts."

Jiang Huiyin looked awkward!

This is a sign of the end of the drug effect!

She can't delay any longer!

Jiang Huiyin replayed the bowl in his hand, and turned to Mrs. Jiang: "The wife was so careful that even her own family couldn't believe it, Mom, let's go back! Although the Jiang family is not as rich as the Yin family, our Jiang family is good. It’s also a nobleman! We can’t stand this humiliation! Let’s go!”

Hearing Jiang Huiyin saying this, Gu Xixi couldn't sit still.

Now that the interests of the Jiang family and the Yin family and the Mo family have been tied up, if Jiang Huiyin goes out and talks everywhere, I am afraid that it will destroy the friendship between the two and this cooperation.

Gu Xixi knew very well how much Yin Sichen cared about this project.

As long as the project is successfully completed, then the Yin Consortium will enter the sphere of influence of the Imperial Capital.

The Yin's consortium will no longer be blank in the domestic political field!

At such a critical juncture, how could he allow any factor that undermines this cooperation to happen?

Gu Xixi suddenly stopped Jiang Huiyin: "The cousin is really kidding. I just ate too much in the morning and didn't digest it. I didn't drink it. Why did my cousin not drink it?"

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