The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 369: Identify a son Gu Miao

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Yin Sichen has spoken, and Gu Xixi has no burden.

Gu Xixi reached out to tease the little guy: "Since you are so destined to be with our family, then leave me as a dry son. My surname is Gu, you have a surname with me. You are so clever, you will definitely be in the future It's a voluptuous handsome guy. I wonder if he will be more handsome than your brother?"

The little guy in Gu Xixi's stomach immediately kicked in displeasure.

Gu Xixi shouted while covering her belly: "Oh, your brother is not happy! Hahaha! Since you are so tender, I will call you Gu Miao, OK? Gu Miao, do you like this name?"

Mu Ruona agreed with her face: "Gu Miao, Xiao Miao Miao, the name is good!"

At this time, the two cheeky women probably wouldn't have imagined that the boy who was inadvertently adopted would bring enough achievements to the world in the years to come.

Gu Miao had his own name, waving his little hands happily, it seemed very happy.

Gu Miao's physical development was affected to a certain extent because he was nourished when he was a child. Now he is finally at ease, so he can eat and sleep.

Less when awake, more when sleeping.

Gu Xixi found two special maids for him to take care of his daily life.

Mo Zixuan heard that Mu Ruona had picked up a son for Gu Xixi, and immediately screamed that she would come to N City to see the bird.

Gu Miao was so tragic. It wasn't considered light, and he was remembered.

Mo Zixuan complained about his brother in a small group of three people.

Mo Zixin is now running the reclamation project in S City with Yin Sichen, so all the energy cases are pressed against Mo Zixuan, and she has no chance to come to N City.

The three people chatted in the group for a while, and Mo Zixuan went offline.

She is really too busy.

After Mu Ruona threw this hot potato into Gu Xixi, she patted her **** and left.

Gu Xixi has nothing to do now, so he teases this little thing at home.

Looking at Gu Miao's recovery of her baby's appearance every day, Gu Xixi likes this little meatball more and more.

Gu Xixi teased Gu Miao's fingers, stroked his belly, and taught the child prenatal education: "Good boy, this little brother will be your companion, OK? In the future, you will grow up together, go to school together, pick up girls together, fight together ..."

Aunt Zhang, who came in with Shencha, heard this sentence and couldn't help but cough awkwardly.

"Grandma, the children's things are depleting fast. I will ask someone to pick up some clothes for the younger Gu Miao for a while. The family only prepares the clothes of the newborn baby, and the clothes for the children of seven or eight months cannot be worn. Aunt Zhang whispered.

"Aunt Zhang, you tell the driver to wait for me at the door half an hour later. I'm fine with it anyway. I went to the mall to buy him something. Since I recognized him as my son, I can't ignore him." Gu Xi Xi said with a smile: "You follow a few more people, so you are not afraid of the situation."

Aunt Zhang responded and put down the ginseng tea, so she went to prepare.

Gu Xixi can't hold the child right now, so there is a special nanny holding the child and riding the RV to the local mall together.

Don't look at it now, but it's about to give birth, but during this period of pregnancy, I have been running around, never lying down at home for more than a month.

So despite being close to production, physical strength is still very good.

Gu Xixi walked in front, letting the salesperson directly pack the fancy clothes.

Anyway, this shopping mall is owned by Mo Zixin. Gu Xixi has a diamond membership card in his hand. No matter how much he buys, it is free!

Yes, free of charge!

Gu Xixi knows that Yin Sichen has given the Mo family a lot of face. This project appears to be a success of the Yin consortium. In fact, there are Mo Zixin's figure in the dark. stuck!

You know, the profit that the Yin family gave to the Mo family is enough to buy such thousands of shopping malls!

So what is this money?

Gu Xixi was happy to buy in the front, and Gu Miao was very happy to watch the lively at the back.

As long as Gu Xixi's figure is not visible, Gu Miao will wave his little arm and shout, "Mom, mom..."

Gu Xixi couldn't help but say: "This child is too early and intelligent. Although such a small child can also speak to others, most of them still don't recognize people."

Assistant Xiao Wang teased Gu Miao's little face with a smile, but unfortunately, except for Gu Xixi and Mu Ruona, when other people teased him, he basically ignored him.

"You can't be wrong if you want to dry your son." Aunt Zhang said with a smile: "Not smart enough, how to be the young master's chief assistant? When the young master was young, Xiao Heng followed this. Young Master and Xiao Heng grew up together since they were young. The master's intelligence is notorious, so Xiao Heng's glory was also covered up by the young master. Everyone thought Xiao Heng was stupid, but it wasn't. Xiao Heng was not stupid, he I know how to hide myself."

Upon hearing Aunt Zhang comment on Xiao Heng, Xiao Wang smiled at Aunt Zhang.

Gu Xixi said with a smile: "Yeah, Xiao Heng is not stupid. In my eyes, I am stupid."

At this time, someone came down quickly from the front with his head down toward Gu Xi.

When this man passed Gu Xixi, he deliberately bumped Gu Xiyi slightly.

Xiao Wang responded quickly and pushed away from the other party: "Don't you look at the road when you walk?"

The other party did not raise his head and kept his head apologizing: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

Gu Xixi was just touched lightly, and it didn’t hurt. She said, “Forget it, she didn’t mean it. Let’s go and buy some beautiful shoes for Gu Miao. How can I be a boy? No beautiful shoes?"

Gu Miao seemed to understand Gu Xixi's words and waved her little arms in a happier way.

Gu Xixi took the assistant, the nanny, and the bodyguard to continue to kill the next counter.

After they left, the man who had hit Gu Xi just raised his head slightly, and there was a hint of murder on the pale and haggard face.

This person is no one else, it is Jiang Huiyin who is deeply trapped in the Wolf Cave.

The former Jiang Huiyin was still a proud arrogant.

At this time, Jiang Huiyin's cold breath, his eyes like a snake, cold and bloodthirsty.

Her hands hidden in her sleeves clenched tightly.

"Gu Xixi, you really are restless! Unfortunately, my brother and cousin have been cheated by you! I have seen enough of your hypocritical face, you ruined me, how could I let you go?" Jiang Hui Yin's vicious smile slowly floated on the twisted face, and his face was extremely abominable: "Gu Xixi, we will wait and see. It won't take long, I will make you pay the price of blood!"

Gu Xixi walked in front, always feeling that he was staring at himself.

But Gu Xixi looked back several times and found nothing.

Use your right hand to touch your heart.

For some inexplicable palpitations, I always felt like something was going to happen.

Is it because you are about to produce, so you are panicking?

It must be like this!

How can you be palpitated suddenly when you are so good?

I must have thought too much!

Gu Xixi shook his head and went on.

At this time, the phone in Xiao Wang's hand rang, and Xiao Wang hurriedly handed it to Gu Xixi when he looked at the number: "It's the president's phone."

Gu Xixi suddenly threw that uneasy heart palpitation aside and connected the phone: "Hello, Si Chen..."

"My wife, I haven't seen me in the past few days, have you missed me?" Yin Sichen's low and soft voice came from the phone, although the two have been married for half a year, but after hearing this, Gu Xixi still Will blush.

"Don't make trouble, it's outside." Gu Xixi couldn't help but scornfully said: "I'm shopping for Gu Miao."

"This kind of thing can be done by the housekeeper and Aunt Zhang, and you still need to do it yourself?" Yin Sichen said with a raised eyebrow.

"After all, I am his adoptive mother, how can I not care about him! I was also adopted and raised, this heart will not change because of blood." Gu Xixi said with a smile: "You as a adoptive father, do you also want to Show me?"

There was a soft smirk suddenly on the phone: "Yes, yes, my wife taught me! Then I will go back today. I will give him a meeting gift, OK?"

"Okay!" Gu Xixi heard Yin Sichen coming back and said with a happy smile: "Then I will wait for you at home."

The two men spoke for a while, and then the phone hung up.

Gu Xixi smiled and said to Xiao Wang immediately, "Your president is finally busy, and you will be back today. I have been busy for half a month since the bidding. Seeing the first month is over, this Only then will I have time to go home. Let’s buy it soon and go back early."

Gu Xixi reached out to tease Gu Miao's little face: "Gu Miao, your dad is coming back, is he happy to see my dad?"

Gu Miao's tiny palm gently held Gu Xi's fingers and grinned happily.

The child's teeth grew late because of early nutrition.

After seven or eight months, the front teeth are not out.

Gu Xixi replaced Gu Miao with the best milk powder and added the best food supplements, hoping to let him grow up soon.

In the evening, Yin Sichen really came back in a dusty way.

The husband and wife haven't seen each other for a while, and naturally they can't say anything when they meet.

Yin Sichen is also good to Gu Miao because of Gu Xixi's relationship.

The first time Gu Miao saw such a handsome man, he was stunned for a while, and then he waved his hand happily.

The little things also know that they like to follow beautiful people!

Yin Sichen was also shocked. Although he was about to become a father, he was still holding such a soft baby for the first time.

"Master, you hug. It's time to practice. When the young master is born, it's smaller and tenderer than this." Aunt Zhang saw Yin Shichen's struggling eyes and couldn't help but say Gu Miao all at once. Crammed into Yin Sichen's arms.

Gu Miao looked at Yin Sichen up close and rolled happily towards Yin Sichen's arms, screaming vaguely: "Dad...Dad..."

Yin Sichen was shocked!

Immediately, a smile flitted across his eyes.

"Okay, just at your father, I recognized you as your adopted son." Yin Sichen raised Gu Miao: "This is our Yin family's child! His name is Gu Miao!"

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