The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 345: To see who is ashamed

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi didn't understand.

Jiang Huiyin and Yin Xuemo came and went in a hurry. If they came to trouble themselves, how could they leave so easily?

At this time, the door knocked outside, and a maid stood respectfully at the door and said, "Mrs. Yin Shao, charity donation is about to start. Madam invites you to the VIP room."

"Okay, go immediately." Gu Xixi replied immediately.

Gu Xixi took a deep breath and said to Xiao Wang: "Well, no matter what they are, let's go with something."

The highlight of this banquet is this charitable donation.

The gifts that everyone brings will be displayed in public.

This can be regarded as showing off wealth in disguise.

Everyone can’t wait to show the most valuable and valuable things in their own homes, but they can’t touch the foundation of their homes.

Therefore, the items sent to participate in charitable donations should be carefully selected.

What kind of gifts a family can come up with, proves the financial and strength background of the family.

Of course, the Yin consortium is not in this list.

The Yin family has already passed the stage of relying on wealth to prove themselves.

Therefore, Gu Xixi just picked up a painting by Zheng Banqiao. He was not too selective among all people, nor did he need to be compared. It was considered to save the face of the Yin family, but not the face of others.

Therefore, Gu Xixi let Xiao Wang guard the painting very carefully.

Once lost, it is difficult to quickly find the next good alternative.

At this time, Gu Xixi took Xiao Wang and walked slowly towards the VIP room.

The so-called VIP room is a living room with two small and large living rooms connected together.

Because there are so many guests here, we moved everyone here.

When Gu Xixi entered the door, Xiao Heng nodded at Xiao Wang without any trace.

Xiao Wang hesitated for a moment and said to Gu Xixi quickly, "Young grandma, you go first, I will go out first!"

After talking, Xiao Wang gave Gu Xi the box in his hand.

Gu Xixi reached over to take it, nodded, and under the guidance of the maid, slowly sat down in front of a luxurious sofa.

Looking around, there are not many sofas in the small living room, there are only a dozen, and those who can sit here are really top-notch families.

Those second- and third-rate ones can only be in the large living room outside. And it is not a luxury sofa, just some simple tables and chairs.

In spite of this, these ladies are proud to participate in such charitable donations.

Xiao Wang walked to Xiao Heng's side and looked at him suspiciously and said, "Cousin, what are you asking me to come over?"

"Well, I didn't know if I was dropped!" Xiao Heng snorted coldly, reaching for the head of Xiao Wang fiercely, and knocking Xiao Wang's teeth suddenly.

"Cousin, what do you mean?" Xiao Wang was still blank.

Xiao Heng did not talk nonsense, took out a brocade box from behind and handed it to Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang was a little dumbfounded: "What does this mean?"

"Go back with this box and don't take the wrong box when presenting the gift for a while. The box has already been dropped." Xiao Heng said with a bad look: "Miss Jiang Jia and Yin Xuemo are very determined. I made the grandma ugly here. If it wasn’t for me who had been staring outside, I was afraid they would really succeed this time, neither of you stared!"

Xiao Wang's face was shocked: "They dare!"

"What can't you dare? Idiots never know what stupid things they are doing." Xiao Heng glanced disgustingly at Gu Xixi in the VIP room, but he dare not say that Gu Xixi is a fool.

Gu Xixi was still holding the box without letting go. Seeing this in Xiao Heng's eyes, she suddenly didn't think she was stupid, but kind of... cute?

Xiao Heng was taken aback by the word jumping out of his mind.

Xiao Heng's eyes quickly turned away, and he lost a lot of tone to Xiao Wang: "Okay, don't ask. Hurry back and replace the box in the hands of the grandmother. Today, you can't lose the Yin family's face. If Master knows this matter, then it will be hilarious!"

Xiao Wang nodded silently.

Yeah, if the president knows...

It is estimated that the Shang family will be turned upside down.

Not afraid to delay, Xiao Wang quickly hugged the box and quickly returned to Gu Xi's side in a low-key manner.

Gu Xixi saw Xiao Wang holding a box tightly and asked curiously, "Why are you so nervous?"

Xiao Wang lowered his voice and said quickly, "Young grandma, look at the box in your hand! Is it already out of the box!"

Gu Xixi stunned, without much hesitation, and quickly opened the box carefully.

At the moment when the box was opened, Gu Xixi's complexion suddenly became ashen-blue!

The painting in the box is gone!

A pair of paintings that do not know whether they are elementary school students or kindergarten level, are quietly placed inside.

Gu Xixi's mind turned very quickly, and he immediately realized that Jiang Huiyin and Yin Xuemo entered the lounge to find their purpose.

They dare to play!

Destroyed their reputation, ruined the reputation of the Yin family, they thought they could be alone?

It's stupid!

Xiao Wang quickly opened the box in his hand, and Zheng Banqiao's painting lay there intact.

Gu Xixi's back immediately floated a layer of fine sweat beads, and he solemnly asked, "Xiao Heng gave you?"

Xiao Wang nodded silently.

"I understand, I inherited his favor." Gu Xixi swept across Jiang Huiyin and Yin Xuemo in the hall with deep eyes.

good, very good.

Such stupid things can be done, it seems that it is time to teach them a lesson.

Otherwise, they will think how weak and bully they are!


For their children, not to mention the thorny bushes, even if it is a sea of ​​swords and fire, even if you lie, you must lay down all these obstacles!

You must not leave any life stains on your children!

Your child must come to this world perfectly!

Gu Xixi quickly covered the box in Xiao Wang’s hand and said solemnly to Xiao Wang: “From now on, if you do nothing, just look at this box! I’d like to see it, Jiang Huiyin and What does Yin Xuemo think of my excitement!"

Gu Xixi thought for a while and said, "Where is Xiao Heng now?"

"He is guarding outside." Xiao Wang whispered.

Gu Xixi nodded, immediately picked up the phone, and sent a message to Xiao Heng: "Thank you just now. I have something to ask you. Don't waste this fake in my hand, it's better to give it to Yin Xuemo, Although everyone is surnamed Yin, but there are more surnames in the world, I think Si Chen does not mind missing a relative."

Xiao Hengkuiwei's body leaned against the wall, his thick fingers crossed the message sent by Gu Xi, and a cold smile suddenly appeared in the corner of his cold mouth.


Has she finally started to fight back?

Looking forward to...

Xiao Heng quietly took the sloppy painting from Gu Xixi's hands that didn't know that the pupils were still in kindergarten, and then quietly exchanged the gift in Yin Xuemo's hand.

After Xiao Heng succeeded, he quickly entered the crowd and disappeared instantly.

At this time, Yin Xuemo did not know what was happening. When she glanced at Gu Xixi, she saw Gu Xixi's assistant Xiao Wang still holding the box, and there was a smile of gloating and cheating in the eyes. .

Gu Xixi saw it, but pretended not to see it, and continued to chat easily with other ladies.

Soon, Mrs. Shang came with Shang Ke.

Jiang Huiyin also changed her dress and came over from behind.

Mrs. Shang officially announced that the charitable donation officially began. Shang Ke and Jiang Huiyin stood together at the same time and gave a brief thank you speech.

Gu Xixi looked at Shang Ke and Jiang Huiyin in the middle of the stage, his eyes narrowed slightly.

From the appearance of the two, they really match quite well.

The handsome men are beautiful and the women are beautiful and fashionable.

It's just a pity that they didn't have a glance from start to finish.

Shang Ke thought Mu Ruona, and Jiang Huiyin thought Jiang Yihai.

It's only a **** if they can see right.

After the two of them finished the polite words, the following are the VIPs presenting the charity gifts they brought.

According to seniority and status, Gu Xixi ranked third.

The first two are families whose generations are much higher than that of Gu Xixi and whose family background is outstanding.

The two people gave Gu Xixiqian a long time, Gu Xixi always smiled and asked each other to go up to show.

The two were polite and finally smiled on the display stand, showing the gifts they were about to donate this time.

One person showed a pair of sheep fat jade bottles.

The quality of the sheep fat jade bottle is very good, it is a thing of the Ming Dynasty.

Another person showed a three-carat ruby ​​necklace.

Both of these are of great value, and they are very consistent with their identity and status.

There was a sudden burst of applause.

After the two ladies showed off, they signed their names in the donation column.

When these two people showed it, Jiang Huiyin's eyes kept falling on Gu Xi's body.

She was anxiously eager for Gu Xixi to be ugly.

She has been tortured by the name Gu Xixi for a long time, and she wants to get rid of this nightmare more than anyone.

Today, she is going to be ashamed!

Like Jiang Huiyin, Yin Xuemo also showed a longing look.

Yin Xuemo stared at Gu Xixi from the beginning. She stared at it, fearing that Gu Xixi would find the paintings in the box dropped.

But Gu Xixi didn't seem to open it at all**. This makes Yin Xuemo very satisfied, very satisfied!

Yesterday at Mrs. Yin, Yin Xuemo was brutally slapped by Gu Xixi and Yin Sichen.

She didn't dare to treat Yin Sichen, but it didn't mean she couldn't treat Gu Xixi!

As long as Gu Xixi took the stage to show the box...

Ha ha ha ha...

Gu Xixi Gu Guxi, you probably don't think, you will have this day too?

Yin Xuemo's eyes became more and more poisonous and ruthless.

At this critical moment, there was a sudden riot outside the door.

Immediately afterwards, a figure of unrivaled beauty came with a glorious and noble spirit.

The slightly picked corners of the eyes, the eyes gleaming, almost instantly found Gu Xixi in the audience.

The moment the audience saw him, it was almost instantaneous: how did he come!

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