The CEO Wants To Marry Me

Chapter 343: Embarrassed

Biquge, the fastest update has a president who must marry me the latest chapter!

Gu Xixi immediately smiled and said: "Mrs. You are welcome, I always wanted to visit my wife, lest I disturb my wife, so I never dare to come. My wife has always been a celebrity dedicated to the cause of charity and education It is well-known, I am afraid that my wife will despise me and I can’t come up with a good thing to support my wife. Today came cheeky, don’t blame my young and impassive.”

Mrs. Shang made a few words with Gu Xixi's half-truth, and greeted her.

When Gu Xixi passed by, Shang Ke whispered eagerly and eagerly: "She, how are you?"

Gu Xixi immediately looked up and looked at Shang Ke with a smile.

Shang Ke's ears were red when Gu Xixi looked at him, his eyes dodged and he dared not look at Xixi.

"Enjoy today's banquet." Gu Xixi dropped this sentence and walked in with Xiao Wang and Xiao Heng.

As soon as Gu Xixi went in, he was unanimously welcomed by many famous ladies.

Since Yin Sichen deliberately raised Gu Xixi’s status, he hung Gu Xixi from time to time outside, which made the big businessmen really realize that Gu Xixi is no longer a simple symbol. It is the real mistress of the Yin family.

Especially after Gu Xixi held 10% of the stock in his hand, Gu Xixi's status in the circle of ladies was rising.

This year, whoever has the money bag has the right to speak!

Gu Xixi was surrounded by stars in the middle of the moon, and many people scrambled to say hello to Gu Xixi.

Gu Xixi responded calmly, raising his hand and throwing himself, already a proper noble fan.

Half a year ago, Gu Xixi never thought that he would have such a day that he could mediate between many ladies.

However, now I really did it!

Yin Xuemo came in with Jiang Huiyin, and as soon as they entered the door, the two people's eyes automatically glued to Gu Xixi's body.

The more Gu Xixi shines, the more jealous they are.

"As soon as she saw her smile, she wanted to tear her face." Jiang Huiyin couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

"Same feeling." Yin Xuemo glanced at Jiang Huiyin, seeming to be thoughtful.

Jiang Huiyin also glanced at Yin Xuemo, and the two women seemed to have quickly reached some kind of recognition and cooperation...

Compared to Yin Xuemo, Jiang Huiyin was forced by his family today, reluctantly.

If she does not come, she will continue to be under house arrest.

She really didn't want to be under house arrest, so she could only attend the charity fundraising banquet obediently.

When Mrs. Jiang sent Jiang Huiyin away in the morning, her expression seemed a bit strange, as if not as eager as before.

Jiang Huiyin was a little bit more attentive, and felt that Gu Xixi had complained behind his back!

Because, now only Gu Xixi will not deal with her!

It must have happened on New Year's Eve, and Gu Xixi turned around and complained to Mrs. Jiang, which led to Mrs. Jiang's indifference to her.

Jiang Huiyin bluntly pushed all responsibilities and causes all over Gu Xi's body.

In fact, the reason why Mrs. Jiang began to be indifferent to Jiang Huiyin was not because Jiang Huiyin sneered at Gu Xixi.

But... When Jiang Yihai came back with Jiang Huiyin yesterday, when Jiang Huiyin was put under house arrest, Jiang Huiyin yelled at Jiang Yihai, saying, "Brother, why do you have to face outsiders?" "We are the same family, aren't we? I won't marry anyone in this life, I will guard you all my life!"

What Jiang Huiyin did not know was that when she yelled out this sentence, Mrs. Jiang was on the stairs and was walking up.

When Mrs. Jiang heard that Jiang Huiyin was going to stay married for the rest of her life and wanted to guard Jiang Yihai, a very embarrassed expression flashed across Mrs. Jiang's face!

She seems to have guessed...

Although it is difficult for her to believe this, she has to admit that in her daily life, Jiang Huiyin really depends on Jiang Yihai.

From a young age to a large age, Jiang Huiyin had many suitors, but Jiang Huiyin had never seen a boy before.

She will always be behind Jiang Yihai.

At the thought of that possibility, Mrs. Jiang suddenly burst into her heart.

She really loves Jiang Huiyin very much.

She did treat Jiang Huiyin as her own daughter.

But the premise is that she is just a daughter and nothing else!

She absolutely does not allow what happens to her son and her daughter!

This family scandal is absolutely not allowed!

Mrs. Jiang did not intend to accept the blind date of the Shang family, but when she found out about it, she immediately called the Shang family and expressed her willingness to get married.

The Shang family got a reply from Mrs. Jiang, and this was a big invitation to invite more people to come and visit the house.

On the one hand, it is convenient for two people to meet, on the other hand, in order to find other suitable blind date objects.

After all, although Jiang Huiyin bears the name of Miss Jiang’s family, she does not have the blood of the Jiang family, so the Shang family still has to think about it.

Of course, Mrs. Shang doesn't think her son's market will be bad. She just needs a woman to stop Mu Ruona and Shang Ke.

Therefore, comprehensive consideration, Jiang Huiyin is a good choice.

To put it bluntly, as long as Mu Ruona is repelled, as for Jiang Huiyin, if the son really doesn't like it, the Shang family only needs to give the Jiang family enough benefits, and I believe that the Jiang family will know how to handle Jiang Huiyin.

In the upper class, blood is the crown.

Without pure blood, the most prominent identity is the paper tiger.

Just as Gu Xixi's status suddenly became so transcendent, it was because she was pregnant with the fourth generation heir of the Yin family.

Mother is expensive.

Because of the purity of this bloodline, Gu Xi's status also rose with the water.

Of course, this is also inseparable from Gu Xixi's true identity.

As a civilian, Gu Xixi and Gu Xixi of Miss Yun's Second Family are not the same.

Mrs. Yun once gave Gu Xixi special training for a while, and taught Gu Xixi how to treat people.

It must be said that the cultural soft power of the Yun family is really beyond the reach of other families.

Yunjia's etiquette, looking at the world, can't pick one that can surpass Yunjia.

Mrs. Yun herself is a model of etiquette and is respected by countless ladies.

Gu Xixi, who was personally taught by Mrs. Yun, naturally has no slight mistakes.

Treat people, all show their extremely good manners and manners.

The more popular Gu Xixi is, the more twisted Jiang Huiyin and Yin Xuemo there are.

They really can't accept it. Obviously they are just the care of a humble civilian. Why is the etiquette more decent and elegant than the Qianjin Shuyuan who is soaked in various banquets these days?

This is something they cannot admit!

"Miss Yin, since the people we hate are the same, then, do you want to cooperate?" Jiang Huiyin took a deep breath and said: "I may not be her opponent, but when the two of us join forces, she may not be Our opponent!"

Yin Xuemo gave Jiang Huiyin an unexplainable look: "Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!" Jiang Huiyin squeezed four words from his teeth.

After everyone was there, Mrs. Shang finally announced that today's charity fundraising banquet officially began.

The theme of today's banquet is to solicit items that can be photographed from the ladies and daughters who participated in the banquet today, to support the study and life of out-of-school children in remote areas and war zones.

So everyone came with valuables.

What Gu Xixi wanted to donate was a pair of Zheng Banqiao's paintings and calligraphy, which can be said to be of great value.

This picture is now in the arms of Assistant Xiao Wang.

As long as it is Gu Xi’s turn in order, Xiao Wang will take out the painting and display it in front of everyone, then formally complete the donation process.

However, there are too many people attending the banquet today. It is roughly estimated that there are more than 100 people.

It's no wonder that Mrs. Shang invited not only local ladies and ladies in n city this time, but many giants in s city also received invitation letters from the Shang family.

The ladies in the original s city did not intend to come, but I heard that Gu Xixi would come, and they came over in a hurry.

Without him, S City is the headquarters of the Yin's consortium.

A considerable number of these people are relying on the Yin consortium to discuss life!

They dare not give this face to the Yin consortium!

Even Gu Xixi is here. Do they dare to excuse themselves?

Because Gu Xixi is so heavy, she cannot stand for a long time, and she is strategizing with the group of ladies.

After speaking a few words, Gu Xixi took Xiao Wang to rest on the sofa on the side.

Xiao Heng protects Gu Xi from a distance. He is completely unsuitable for personal protection.

Xiao Wang, holding today's gift, looked at Gu Xixi with anxiety: "Young grandma, are you looking for a room to rest? There is definitely a lot of lounges in such a big house as Shangjia. It will be your turn, It’s not too late for you to come out again."

Gu Xixi saw that the other people were still strategizing, and he talked about the wine, and hesitated and nodded.

Her current situation is special after all.

The belly is getting bigger and bigger, and the burden on the body is getting heavier.

The maid of the Shang family heard that Gu Xixi was going to the lounge, and immediately took Gu Xixi to a small lounge not far away.

Gu Xixi thanked again and again and walked in.

A massage** was placed in this small lounge, which was obviously specially prepared for Gu Xixi.

The room was readily available, so just inform the maid anytime you want.

When Yin Xuemo and Jiang Huiyin saw Gu Xixi entering the lounge, the two looked at each other, knowing that the opportunity was coming!

They must be so shameless today on this occasion!

They must pull Gu Xixi off the altar!

They must take care of themselves on such an important day as New Year’s Day, they will be in disrepair!

Jiang Huiyin said to Yin Xuemo: "I'm going in now to pretend to apologize to Gu Xixi, then I will deliberately sprinkle a water, and let Gu Xixi's assistant help me to clean the water stains on my clothes. At that time, you will take the opportunity to wrap her hand The gift box inside! I’d like to see how Gu Xi will lose to us at the moment when the box is opened in public at a donation ceremony!"

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